package com.limegroup.gnutella; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Test; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message; import com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.QueryRouteTable; import com.limegroup.gnutella.stubs.*; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.PrivilegedAccessor; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.BaseTestCase; public class BusyLeafQRTUpdateTest extends BaseTestCase { private ManagedConnectionCountQRT peer; private ManagedConnectionCountQRT leaf; private ConnectionManagerCountQRT cm; private MessageRouter mr; public static void globalSetUp() throws Exception { new RouterService( new ActivityCallbackStub() ); } public void setUp() throws Exception { cm=new ConnectionManagerCountQRT(); peer=new ManagedConnectionCountQRT(); leaf=new ManagedConnectionCountQRT(); peer.setLeafConnection(false); leaf.setLeafConnection(true); cm.addStubOvrConnection(peer); cm.addStubOvrConnection(leaf); mr=RouterService.getMessageRouter(); PrivilegedAccessor.setValue( MessageRouter.class, "_manager", cm); PrivilegedAccessor.setValue( MessageRouter.class, "_fileManager", new FileManagerStub() ); PrivilegedAccessor.setValue( RouterService.class, "manager", cm); } /** * Start of BusyLeafQRTUpdateTest suite of tests * * @throws Exception */ public void testBusyLeafNoticed() throws Exception { leaf.setBusyEnoughToTriggerQRTRemoval(true); // Should't work for >TEST_MIN_BUSY_LEAF_TIME seconds assertFalse( isAnyBusyLeafTriggeringQRTUpdate() ); waitForSeconds(); // Should work, since >TEST_MIN_BUSY_LEAF_TIME seconds have elapsed assertTrue( isAnyBusyLeafTriggeringQRTUpdate() ); // UPDATE: Should still work, prior one should NOT have cleared the busy flag. assertTrue( isAnyBusyLeafTriggeringQRTUpdate() ); } public void testBusyPeerNotNoticed() throws Exception { peer.setBusyEnoughToTriggerQRTRemoval(true); // Should't work at all... assertFalse( isAnyBusyLeafTriggeringQRTUpdate() ); waitForSeconds(); // Shouldn't work still assertFalse( isAnyBusyLeafTriggeringQRTUpdate() ); } public void testNonBusyLastHop() throws Exception { // No busy leaves forwardQueryRouteTablesCaller(); assertEquals( 1, getTotalNumberOfLeavesQRTsIncluded() ); cm.clearConnectionQRTStatus(); waitForSeconds(); // Still no busy leaves forwardQueryRouteTablesCaller(); assertEquals( 1, getTotalNumberOfLeavesQRTsIncluded() ); } public void testBusyLastHop() throws Exception { // No busy leaves forwardQueryRouteTablesCaller(); assertEquals( 1, getTotalNumberOfLeavesQRTsIncluded() ); cm.clearConnectionQRTStatus(); leaf.setBusyEnoughToTriggerQRTRemoval(true); waitForSeconds(); // A busy leaf should have been noticed forwardQueryRouteTablesCaller(); assertEquals( 0, getTotalNumberOfLeavesQRTsIncluded() ); } public void forwardQueryRouteTablesCaller() throws Exception { PrivilegedAccessor.invokeMethod(mr, "forwardQueryRouteTables", null ); } /** * Shortcut to waiting for awhile * */ public void waitForSeconds() throws Exception { Thread.sleep(5000 + (ManagedConnectionCountQRT.TEST_MIN_BUSY_LEAF_TIME+5)); } /** * Check to see how many leaves' tables would be included in the LastHop QRT * @return number of leaf tables which would be included in a LastHop QRT */ private int getTotalNumberOfLeavesQRTsIncluded() { int leaves=0; Iterator it=cm.getInitializedClientConnections().iterator(); while( it.hasNext() ){ ManagedConnectionCountQRT mc=((ManagedConnectionCountQRT); if( mc._qrtIncluded ) leaves++; } return leaves; } /** * Loops through all managed connections and checks them for whether they have * been a busy leaf long enough to trigger a last-hop QRT update. * * @return true iff the last-hop QRT tables should be updated early. */ public boolean isAnyBusyLeafTriggeringQRTUpdate(){ boolean busyLeaf=false; List list=cm.getInitializedClientConnections(); Iterator it=list.iterator(); while( !busyLeaf && it.hasNext() ) // NOTE: don't remove the leaf's BUSY flag, since some peers may not have // been updated yet due to timing quirks. if( ((ManagedConnection) ) busyLeaf=true; return busyLeaf; } /** * The local stub for testing busy leaf QRT updating functionality * * Attaches ManagedConnectionStubs to this, and performs superclass related * functionality on them * * Also, adds method clearConnectionQRTStatus(), which loops through connections * and clears the per-connection flag which is used to indicate whether or not a * connection's QRT table was included in the LastHop QRT. */ static class ConnectionManagerCountQRT extends ConnectionManagerStub { public void addStubOvrConnection( ManagedConnectionCountQRT mcso ) throws Exception { PrivilegedAccessor.invokeMethod( this, "connectionInitializing", new Object[] { mcso }, new Class[] { Connection.class } ); PrivilegedAccessor.invokeMethod( this, "connectionInitialized", new Object[] { mcso }, new Class[] { ManagedConnection.class } ); } /** * Loop through connections and clear each one's "QRT Included" flag */ public void clearConnectionQRTStatus() { Iterator it=getConnections().iterator(); while( it.hasNext() ) { ManagedConnectionCountQRT mc=((ManagedConnectionCountQRT); if( mc._qrtIncluded ) { mc._qrtIncluded=false; } } } } /** * The local stub for testing busy leaf connections */ static class ManagedConnectionCountQRT extends ManagedConnectionStub { private static final long TEST_MIN_BUSY_LEAF_TIME=1000*5; public ManagedConnectionCountQRT() { try { PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(ManagedConnection.class, "MIN_BUSY_LEAF_TIME", new Long(TEST_MIN_BUSY_LEAF_TIME)); PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(this, "hopsFlowMax", new Integer(-1)); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorService.error( e ); } } private boolean isLeaf = false; public long getNextQRPForwardTime() { return 0l; } public void incrementNextQRPForwardTime(long curTime) { } public boolean isUltrapeerQueryRoutingConnection() { return !isLeaf; } /** * If I'm not a leaf then I'm an Ultrapeer! See also * isClientSupernodeConnection() */ public boolean isSupernodeClientConnection() { return isLeaf; } /** * If I'm not a leaf then I'm an Ultrapeer! See also * isSupernodeClientConnection() */ public boolean isClientSupernodeConnection() { return isLeaf; } public boolean isQueryRoutingEnabled() { return !isLeaf; } public void send(Message m) {} public void setBusyEnoughToTriggerQRTRemoval( boolean busy ) throws Exception{ PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(this, "hopsFlowMax", new Integer( ((busy)?(0):(-1)) ) ); setBusy(busy); } public void setLeafConnection( boolean isLeaf ){ this.isLeaf = isLeaf; } public boolean _qrtIncluded=false; public QueryRouteTable getQueryRouteTableReceived() { _qrtIncluded = true; return super.getQueryRouteTableReceived(); } } /** * JUnit crap... */ public BusyLeafQRTUpdateTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(BusyLeafQRTUpdateTest.class); } }