package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.border.Border; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.GUIMediator; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.themes.ThemeMediator; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.themes.ThemeObserver; /** * This class handles rendering the "Quality" column in the search results. * It uses different labels depending on how many stars should be displayed. */ //2345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678| final class QualityRenderer implements TableCellRenderer, ThemeObserver { /** * The default border to use -- used when the label does not have focus. */ private static Border _noFocusBorder = new EmptyBorder(1, 1, 1, 1); /** * Holder for the foreground color to use when a label is not selected. */ private Color _unselectedForeground; /** * Holder for the background color to use when a label is not selected. */ private Color _unselectedBackground; /** * <tt>JLabel</tt> instance for rendering one star. */ private final JLabel STAR_ONE = new JLabel(); /** * <tt>JLabel</tt> instance for rendering two stars. */ private final JLabel STAR_TWO = new JLabel(); /** * <tt>JLabel</tt> instance for rendering three stars. */ private final JLabel STAR_THREE = new JLabel(); /** * <tt>JLabel</tt> instance for rendering four stars. */ private final JLabel STAR_FOUR = new JLabel(); /** * <tt>JLabel</tt> instance for rendering five stars. */ private final JLabel STAR_FIVE = new JLabel(); /** * <tt>JLabel</tt> instance for rendering a saved file. */ private final JLabel SAVED_FILE = new JLabel(); /** * <tt>JLabel</tt> instance for rendering a downloading file. */ private final JLabel DOWNLOADING_FILE = new JLabel(); /** * <tt>JLabel</tt> instance for rendering an incomplete file. */ private final JLabel INCOMPLETE_FILE = new JLabel(); /** * <tt>JLabel</tt> instance for rendering a spam file. */ private final JLabel SPAM_FILE = new JLabel(); /** JLabel for rendering a secure result. */ private final JLabel SECURE_FILE = new JLabel(); /** * 'Quality' for spam file results. */ static final int SPAM_FILE_QUALITY = 1003; /** * 'Quality' for saved file results. */ static final int SAVED_FILE_QUALITY = 1002; /** * 'Quality' for downloading file results. */ static final int DOWNLOADING_FILE_QUALITY = 1001; /** * 'Quality' for files that are incomplete (but not downloading) */ static final int INCOMPLETE_FILE_QUALITY = 1000; /** 'Quality' for files that are considered secure results. */ static final int SECURE_QUALITY = 999; /** * Number of stars ("quality") for multicast results. */ static final int MULTICAST_QUALITY = 4; /** * Number of stars ("quality") for results from non-firewalled hosts with * free upload slots. */ static final int EXCELLENT_QUALITY = 3; /** * Number of stars ("quality") for results that have a good chance of * success. */ static final int GOOD_QUALITY = 2; /** * Number of stars ("quality") for results that have a fair chance of * success. */ static final int FAIR_QUALITY = 1; /** * Number of stars ("quality") for results that have a poor chance of * success. */ static final int POOR_QUALITY = 0; /** * Makes all of the star labels opaque and sets their borders. */ QualityRenderer() { fix(STAR_ONE); fix(STAR_TWO); fix(STAR_THREE); fix(STAR_FOUR); fix(STAR_FIVE); fix(SAVED_FILE); fix(DOWNLOADING_FILE); fix(INCOMPLETE_FILE); fix(SPAM_FILE); fix(SECURE_FILE); updateTheme(); ThemeMediator.addThemeObserver(this); } private void fix(JLabel label) { label.setBorder(_noFocusBorder); label.setOpaque(true); label.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); } // inherit doc comment public void updateTheme() { STAR_ONE.setIcon(GUIMediator.getThemeImage("01_star")); STAR_TWO.setIcon(GUIMediator.getThemeImage("02_star")); STAR_THREE.setIcon(GUIMediator.getThemeImage("03_star")); STAR_FOUR.setIcon(GUIMediator.getThemeImage("04_star")); STAR_FIVE.setIcon(GUIMediator.getThemeImage("05_star")); SAVED_FILE.setIcon(GUIMediator.getThemeImage("complete")); DOWNLOADING_FILE.setIcon(GUIMediator.getThemeImage("downloading")); INCOMPLETE_FILE.setIcon(GUIMediator.getThemeImage("incomplete")); SPAM_FILE.setIcon(GUIMediator.getThemeImage("spam_mini")); SECURE_FILE.setIcon(GUIMediator.getThemeImage("lock")); } /** * Returns the <tt>Component</tt> that displays the stars based * on the number of stars in the <tt>QualityHolder</tt> object. */ public Component getTableCellRendererComponent (JTable table,Object value,boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,int row,int column) { // Since "value" can be null, make sure we handle that case by simply // setting the quality to poor. int numStars = value == null ? POOR_QUALITY : ((Integer)value).intValue(); JLabel curLabel; switch(numStars) { case SECURE_QUALITY: curLabel = SECURE_FILE; break; case SPAM_FILE_QUALITY: curLabel = SPAM_FILE; break; case SAVED_FILE_QUALITY: curLabel = SAVED_FILE; break; case DOWNLOADING_FILE_QUALITY: curLabel = DOWNLOADING_FILE; break; case INCOMPLETE_FILE_QUALITY: curLabel = INCOMPLETE_FILE; break; case MULTICAST_QUALITY: curLabel = STAR_FIVE; break; case EXCELLENT_QUALITY: curLabel = STAR_FOUR; break; case GOOD_QUALITY: curLabel = STAR_THREE; break; case FAIR_QUALITY: curLabel = STAR_TWO; break; default: curLabel = STAR_ONE; } if (isSelected) { curLabel.setForeground(table.getSelectionForeground()); curLabel.setBackground(table.getSelectionBackground()); } else { curLabel.setForeground((_unselectedForeground != null) ? _unselectedForeground : table.getForeground()); curLabel.setBackground((_unselectedBackground != null) ? _unselectedBackground : table.getBackground()); } return curLabel; } }