package com.limegroup.gnutella.bootstrap; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import; import; import; import; import junit.framework.Test; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ExtendedEndpoint; import com.limegroup.gnutella.UDPService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.UDPPinger; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RouterService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.StandardMessageRouter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.UniqueHostPinger; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PingRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PingReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.BaseTestCase; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.PrivilegedAccessor; import com.limegroup.gnutella.stubs.ActivityCallbackStub; /** * Unit tests for UDPHostCache. */ public class UDPHostCacheTest extends BaseTestCase { private StubCache cache; public UDPHostCacheTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(UDPHostCacheTest.class); } public static void globalSetUp() throws Exception { RouterService rs = new RouterService(new ActivityCallbackStub(), new StandardMessageRouter()); RouterService.getAcceptor().setAddress(InetAddress.getByName("")); DatagramSocket ds = (DatagramSocket)PrivilegedAccessor.invokeMethod( UDPService.instance(), "newListeningSocket", new Object[] { new Integer(7000) }, new Class[] { Integer.TYPE } ); PrivilegedAccessor.invokeMethod( UDPService.instance(), "setListeningSocket", new Object[] { ds } , new Class[] { DatagramSocket.class }); RouterService.getMessageRouter().initialize(); } public void setUp() { // use a really tiny expiry time cache = new StubCache(); } public void testMaximumStored() { assertEquals(0, cache.getSize()); for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { cache.add(create("1.2.3." + i)); assertEquals(Math.min(i+1, 100), cache.getSize()); } } public void testAddAndRemove() { assertEquals(0, cache.getSize()); for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { cache.add(create("1.2.3." + i)); assertEquals(i+1, cache.getSize()); } for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { cache.remove(create("1.2.3." + i)); assertEquals(50 - (i+1), cache.getSize()); } // make sure we can remove stuff that doesn't exist // with no harm done. for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { assertEquals(0, cache.getSize()); cache.remove(create("" + i)); } } public void testUsesFiveAtATime() { assertEquals(0, cache.getSize()); for(int i = 0; i < 23; i++) cache.add(create("1.2.3." + i)); assertEquals(23, cache.getSize()); assertEquals(-1, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(5, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(5, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(5, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(5, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(3, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(0, cache.amountFetched); // add newer hosts, should use them. for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) cache.add(create("2.3.4." + i)); assertEquals(28, cache.getSize()); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(5, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(0, cache.amountFetched); // add hosts we already added, shouldn't do nothin' with them for(int i = 0; i < 23; i++) cache.add(create("1.2.3." + i)); for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) cache.add(create("2.3.4." + i)); assertEquals(28, cache.getSize()); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(0, cache.amountFetched); } public void testUsesFiveBestAtATime() { assertEquals(0, cache.getSize()); List endpoints = new LinkedList(); // add 8 hosts with 0 failures, 3 with 1 failure, // 5 with 2 failures, 4 with 3 failures, // and 7 with 4 failures -- we should get'm in the right order // regardless of how they were added. int i = 0; for(; i < 8; i++) endpoints.add(create("1.2.3." + i, 0)); for(; i < 8+3; i++) endpoints.add(create("1.2.3." + i, 1)); for(; i < 8+3+5; i++) endpoints.add(create("1.2.3." + i, 2)); for(; i < 8+3+5+4; i++) endpoints.add(create("1.2.3." + i, 3)); for(; i < 8+3+5+4+7; i++) endpoints.add(create("1.2.3." + i, 4)); // make sure they're in random order, then add them to the cache. Collections.shuffle(endpoints); for(Iterator iter = endpoints.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) cache.add((ExtendedEndpoint); assertEquals(-1, cache.amountFetched); assertEquals(8+3+5+4+7, cache.getSize()); // Fetch until we run out, adding them all to a list // in order we fetched'm. (Note that we already have // a test that makes sure we only do 5 at a time -- // this test just ensures we do them in the right order.) List fetchedHosts = new ArrayList(); while(true) { cache.fetchHosts(); if(cache.amountFetched == 0) break; fetchedHosts.addAll(cache.lastFetched); } int max = 8+3+5+4+7; assertEquals(max, fetchedHosts.size()); for(i = 0; i < 8+3+5+4+7; i++) { ExtendedEndpoint ep = (ExtendedEndpoint)fetchedHosts.get(i); if(i < 8) assertEquals(0, ep.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); else if(i < 8+3) assertEquals(1, ep.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); else if(i < 8+3+5) assertEquals(2, ep.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); else if(i < 8+3+5+4) assertEquals(3, ep.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); else if(i < 8+3+5+4+7) assertEquals(4, ep.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); else fail("wrong i: " + i); } } public void testAttemptedExpiresAfterTime() throws Exception { assertEquals(0, cache.getSize()); for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++) cache.add(create("1.2.3." + i)); assertEquals(13, cache.getSize()); assertEquals(-1, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(5, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(5, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(3, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(0, cache.amountFetched); // Wait the attempted expiry time. Thread.sleep(StubCache.EXPIRY_TIME + 1000); // +1000 for fudging time. cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(5, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(5, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(3, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(0, cache.amountFetched); } public void testResetDataStartsFresh() { assertEquals(0, cache.getSize()); for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) cache.add(create("1.2.3." + i)); assertEquals(8, cache.getSize()); assertEquals(-1, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(5, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(3, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(0, cache.amountFetched); cache.resetData(); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(5, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(3, cache.amountFetched); cache.fetchHosts(); assertEquals(0, cache.amountFetched); } public void testWriting() throws Exception { assertEquals(0, cache.getSize()); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); cache.write(writer); assertEquals("", writer.toString()); for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) cache.add(create("1.2.3." + i)); assertEquals(20, cache.getSize()); cache.write(writer); String written = writer.toString(); Set readEPs = new HashSet(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(written)); for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { String read = reader.readLine(); assertNotNull(read); assertNotEquals("", read); ExtendedEndpoint ep =; assertTrue(ep.isUDPHostCache()); readEPs.add(ep); } for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { assertEquals(20-i, readEPs.size()); ExtendedEndpoint ep = create("1.2.3." + i); assertContains(readEPs, ep); readEPs.remove(ep); } } public void testWritingPreservesDNSNames() throws Exception { assertEquals(0, cache.getSize()); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); cache.add(create("")); cache.add(create("")); cache.add(create("")); cache.write(writer); String written = writer.toString(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(written)); List readLines = new LinkedList(); readLines.add(reader.readLine()); readLines.add(reader.readLine()); readLines.add(reader.readLine()); assertStartsWithInList("", readLines); assertStartsWithInList("", readLines); assertStartsWithInList("", readLines); assertEquals(readLines.toString(), 0, readLines.size()); assertEquals(null, reader.readLine()); } public void testRecordingFailuresAndSuccesses() throws Exception { assertEquals(0, cache.getSize()); UDPPinger.LISTEN_EXPIRE_TIME = 3 * 1000; cache.doRealFetch = true; ExtendedEndpoint e1 = create(""); ExtendedEndpoint e2 = create(""); ExtendedEndpoint e3 = create(""); ExtendedEndpoint e4 = create(""); ExtendedEndpoint e5 = create(""); cache.add(e1); cache.add(e2); cache.add(e3); cache.add(e4); cache.add(e5); assertEquals(5, cache.getSize()); // this will cause UDPHostRanker to send out Pings. cache.fetchHosts(); Thread.sleep(100); // Have MessageRouter try and route some replies from some hosts... routeFor("", cache.guid); routeFor("", cache.guid); routeFor("", cache.guid); // sleep until the MessageListener is unregistered, // recording the successes & failures. Thread.sleep(4 * 1000); assertEquals(0, e1.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(1, e2.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(0, e3.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(1, e4.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(0, e5.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(5, cache.getSize()); // reset data, try again. cache.resetData(); cache.fetchHosts(); Thread.sleep(100); routeFor("", cache.guid); routeFor("", cache.guid); routeFor("", cache.guid); Thread.sleep(4 * 1000); assertEquals(0, e1.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(0, e2.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(1, e3.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(2, e4.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(0, e5.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(5, cache.getSize()); // reset data, try again. cache.resetData(); cache.fetchHosts(); Thread.sleep(100); routeFor("", cache.guid); Thread.sleep(4 * 1000); assertEquals(1, e1.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(1, e2.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(0, e3.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(3, e4.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(1, e5.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(5, cache.getSize()); // reset data, try again. cache.resetData(); cache.fetchHosts(); Thread.sleep(100); routeFor("", cache.guid); routeFor("", cache.guid); Thread.sleep(4 * 1000); assertEquals(0, e1.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(0, e2.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(1, e3.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(4, e4.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(2, e5.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(5, cache.getSize()); // reset data, try again. cache.resetData(); cache.fetchHosts(); Thread.sleep(100); routeFor("", cache.guid); routeFor("", cache.guid); Thread.sleep(4 * 1000); assertEquals(0, e1.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(0, e2.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(2, e3.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(5, e4.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(3, e5.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(5, cache.getSize()); // reset data, try again. // e4 should be ejected because it failed over 5 times. cache.resetData(); cache.fetchHosts(); Thread.sleep(100); routeFor("", cache.guid); routeFor("", cache.guid); Thread.sleep(4 * 1000); assertEquals(0, e1.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(0, e2.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(3, e3.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(6, e4.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(4, e5.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(4, cache.getSize()); // now try a real reset data that decrements failures, // ensure the caches failures went down // this includes e4, because we did attempt it. cache.doRealDecrement = true; cache.resetData(); assertEquals(0, e1.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(0, e2.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(2, e3.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(5, e4.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(3, e5.getUDPHostCacheFailures()); assertEquals(5, cache.getSize()); // e4 was readded. } private void assertStartsWithInList(String find, List list) throws Exception { boolean found = false; for(Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String read = (String); if(read.startsWith(find)) { found = true; i.remove(); break; } } assertTrue("missing: " + find + ", had: " + list, found); } private void routeFor(String host, byte[] guid) throws Exception { PingReply pr = PingReply.create(guid, (byte)1); InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName(host), 6346); RouterService.getMessageRouter().handleUDPMessage(pr, addr); } private ExtendedEndpoint create(String host) { return (new ExtendedEndpoint(host, 6346)).setUDPHostCache(true); } private ExtendedEndpoint create(String host, int failures) { ExtendedEndpoint ep = create(host); for(int i = 0; i < failures; i++) ep.recordUDPHostCacheFailure(); return ep; } private static class StubCache extends UDPHostCache { private static final int EXPIRY_TIME = 10 * 1000; private int amountFetched = -1; private Collection lastFetched; private boolean doRealFetch = false; private byte[] guid = null; private boolean doRealDecrement = false; public StubCache() { super(EXPIRY_TIME,new UniqueHostPinger()); } protected boolean fetch(Collection hosts) { if(doRealFetch) { return super.fetch(hosts); } else { amountFetched = hosts.size(); lastFetched = hosts; if(amountFetched == 0) return false; else return true; } } protected PingRequest getPing() { PingRequest pr = super.getPing(); guid = pr.getGUID(); return pr; } protected void decrementFailures() { if(doRealDecrement) { super.decrementFailures(); } else { ; } } } }