package com.limegroup.gnutella.updates; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import junit.framework.Test; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Connection; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RouterService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ConnectionSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.FilterSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.UltrapeerSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.stubs.ActivityCallbackStub; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.BaseTestCase; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.CommonUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.PrivilegedAccessor; /** * Unit tests for UpdateMessageVerifier */ public class UpdateManagerTest extends BaseTestCase { static final int OLD = 0; static final int MIDDLE = 1; static final int NEW = 2; static final int DEF_SIGNATURE = 3; static final int DEF_MESSAGE = 4; static final int BAD_XML = 5; static final int RANDOM_BYTES = 6; private static File OLD_VERSION_FILE; private static File MIDDLE_VERSION_FILE; private static File NEW_VERSION_FILE; private static File DEF_SIG_FILE; private static File DEF_MESSAGE_FILE; private static File BAD_XML_FILE; private static File RANDOM_BYTES_FILE; private static File updateXMLFile; private static int updateVersion; static final int PORT = 6347; private static boolean testCallback = false; private static final Object lock = new Object(); private static final long DELAY = 60l*1000;//1 min private static final String defaultVersion = "0.0.0"; public UpdateManagerTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(UpdateManagerTest.class);//, "testUpdateMessageDelayed"); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } public static void globalSetUp() throws Exception { setSettings(); RouterService rs = new RouterService(new MyActivityCallbackStub()); rs.start(); RouterService.clearHostCatcher(); RouterService.connect(); } private static void setSettings() throws Exception { //Get access to all the test files we need. String updateDir = "com/limegroup/gnutella/updates/"; OLD_VERSION_FILE = CommonUtils.getResourceFile(updateDir + "old_verFile.xml"); MIDDLE_VERSION_FILE = CommonUtils.getResourceFile(updateDir + "middle_verFile.xml"); NEW_VERSION_FILE = CommonUtils.getResourceFile(updateDir + "new_verFile.xml"); DEF_SIG_FILE = CommonUtils.getResourceFile(updateDir + "def_verFile.xml"); DEF_MESSAGE_FILE = CommonUtils.getResourceFile(updateDir + "def_messageFile.xml"); BAD_XML_FILE = CommonUtils.getResourceFile(updateDir + "bad_xmlFile.xml"); RANDOM_BYTES_FILE = CommonUtils.getResourceFile(updateDir + "random_bytesFile.xml"); assertTrue(OLD_VERSION_FILE.exists()); assertTrue(MIDDLE_VERSION_FILE.exists()); assertTrue(NEW_VERSION_FILE.exists()); assertTrue(DEF_SIG_FILE.exists()); assertTrue(DEF_MESSAGE_FILE.exists()); File pub = CommonUtils.getResourceFile(updateDir+"public.key"); File pub2 = new File(_settingsDir, "public.key"); CommonUtils.copy(pub, pub2); assertTrue("test could not be set up", pub2.exists()); updateXMLFile = new File(_settingsDir,"update.xml"); //set the version file to be the old one. changeUpdateFile(OLD_VERSION_FILE); updateXMLFile = new File(_settingsDir,"update.xml"); FilterSettings.BLACK_LISTED_IP_ADDRESSES.setValue( new String[] {"*.*.*.*"} ); FilterSettings.WHITE_LISTED_IP_ADDRESSES.setValue( new String[] {"127.*.*.*"}); ConnectionSettings.PORT.setValue(PORT); ConnectionSettings.CONNECT_ON_STARTUP.setValue(false); UltrapeerSettings.EVER_ULTRAPEER_CAPABLE.setValue(true); UltrapeerSettings.DISABLE_ULTRAPEER_MODE.setValue(false); UltrapeerSettings.FORCE_ULTRAPEER_MODE.setValue(true); UltrapeerSettings.MAX_LEAVES.setValue(5); ConnectionSettings.NUM_CONNECTIONS.setValue(5); ConnectionSettings.LOCAL_IS_PRIVATE.setValue(false); ConnectionSettings.USE_GWEBCACHE.setValue(false); ConnectionSettings.WATCHDOG_ACTIVE.setValue(false); UltrapeerSettings.NEED_MIN_CONNECT_TIME.setValue(false); //Set the version to a lower version PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(CommonUtils.class, "testVersion", "3.2.2"); } public void setUp() throws Exception { /* // Sleep for 3.0 seconds, regardless of exceptions long stopTime = 3*1000 + System.currentTimeMillis(); long sleepLength = 3*1000; while (sleepLength > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(sleepLength); } catch (Exception ignoreMe){ //Minimize busy waiting in the face of exceptions. Thread.yield(); } sleepLength = stopTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); } */ // Sleep for 3.0 seconds, unless interrupted Thread.sleep(3*1000); setSettings(); } /** * Tests that UpdateManager thinks the version it knows about is the one on * disk so long as it is verified correctly */ public void testSimpleVersionCheck() throws Exception { UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Problem with old update file", "2.9.3", man.getVersion()); } public void testNewerVersionAccepted() throws Exception { updateVersion = NEW; changeUpdateFile(); UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Problem with new update file", "3.6.3", man.getVersion()); } public void testBadSignatureFails() throws Exception { //Attempt to change the version to 3.6.3 using a bad signature changeUpdateFile(DEF_SIG_FILE); UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Accepted defective signature", defaultVersion, man.getVersion()); } public void testBadMessageFails() throws Exception { //Attempt to change the version to 3.6.3 using a defective message changeUpdateFile(DEF_MESSAGE_FILE); UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Problem with new update file", defaultVersion, man.getVersion()); } public void testBadXMLFileFails() throws Exception { //Attempt to change verision to 2.9.3 using a bad XML file changeUpdateFile(BAD_XML_FILE); UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Problem with new update file", defaultVersion, man.getVersion()); } public void testGarbageFileFails() throws Exception { updateVersion = RANDOM_BYTES; changeUpdateFile(); UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Problem with new update file", defaultVersion, man.getVersion()); } public void testOldVersionNotAcceptedFromNetwork() throws Exception { updateVersion = MIDDLE; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { conn = new TestConnection(6666,"3.6.3",OLD); } catch(IOException iox) { fail("could not set up test"); } conn.start(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch(InterruptedException ix) { fail("unable to set up test"); } UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Update manager accepted lower version", "3.2.2",man.getVersion()); conn.killThread(); } public void testIOXLeavesVersionIntact() throws Exception { updateVersion = OLD; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { conn = new TestConnection(6667,"3.6.3",NEW); } catch(IOException iox) { fail("could not set up test"); } conn.setSendUpdateData(false); conn.start(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch(InterruptedException ix) { fail("unable to set up test"); } UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Update manager accepted lower version", "2.9.3",man.getVersion()); conn.killThread(); } public void testBadSignatureFailsOnNetwork() throws Exception { updateVersion = OLD; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { conn = new TestConnection(6668,"3.6.3", DEF_SIGNATURE); } catch(IOException iox) { fail("could not set test up"); } conn.start(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch(InterruptedException ix) { fail("unable to set up test"); } UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Update manager accepted lower version", "2.9.3", man.getVersion()); conn.killThread(); } public void testEqualVersionNotRequested() throws Exception { updateVersion = OLD; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { conn = new TestConnection(6669, "2.9.3", NEW); } catch(IOException iox) { fail("could not set test up"); } conn.setTestUpdateNotRequested(true); conn.start(); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch(InterruptedException ix) { fail("unable to set up test"); } UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Update manager accepted lower version", "2.9.3", man.getVersion()); //conn.killThread(); } public void testLowerMajorVersionNotRequested() throws Exception { updateVersion = OLD; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { conn = new TestConnection(6670, "2.3.3", NEW); } catch(IOException iox) { fail("could not set test up"); } conn.setTestUpdateNotRequested(true); conn.start(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch(InterruptedException ix) { fail("unable to set up test"); } UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Update manager accepted lower version", "2.9.3", man.getVersion()); //conn.killThread(); } public void testDifferentMinorVersionNotRequested() throws Exception { updateVersion = OLD; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { conn = new TestConnection(6671, "2.9.5", NEW); } catch(IOException iox) { fail("could not set test up"); } conn.setTestUpdateNotRequested(true); conn.start(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch(InterruptedException ix) { fail("unable to set up test"); } UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Update manager accepted lower version", "2.9.3", man.getVersion()); //conn.killThread(); } public void testNewerVersionAcceptedOnNetwork() throws Exception { updateVersion = OLD; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { //header says same as me, but my version file is older, conn = new TestConnection(6672, "3.6.3", NEW); } catch(IOException iox) { fail("could not set test up"); } conn.setTestUpdateNotRequested(false); conn.start(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch(InterruptedException ix) { fail("unable to set up test"); } UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Update should have got new version", "3.6.3", man.getVersion()); } /** * Tests that we will request the update file even our version is the same * as the version advertised, but our version file is older than the version * file advertised by the other guy */ public void testNewerVersionFileWithSameVersionRequested() throws Exception { updateVersion = OLD; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { //header says same as me, but my version file is older, conn = new TestConnection(6673, "3.2.2", NEW); } catch(IOException iox) { fail("could not set test up"); } conn.start(); try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch(Exception e) {} UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Update should have got new version", "3.6.3", man.getVersion()); } public void testBadMessageFailsOnNetwork() throws Exception { removeConnections(); updateVersion = OLD; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { //header says same as me, but my version file is older, conn = new TestConnection(6674, "3.6.3", DEF_MESSAGE); } catch(IOException iox) { fail("could not set test up"); } conn.start(); try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch(Exception e) {} UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Update should have got new version", "2.9.3", man.getVersion()); } public void testBadXMLFailsOnNetwork() throws Exception { removeConnections(); updateVersion = OLD; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { //header says same as me, but my version file is older, conn = new TestConnection(6675, "3.6.3", BAD_XML); } catch(IOException iox) { fail("could not set test up"); } conn.start(); try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch(Exception e) {} UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Update should have got new version", "2.9.3", man.getVersion()); } public void testGarbageDataFailsOnNetwork() throws Exception { removeConnections(); updateVersion = OLD; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { //header says same as me, but my version file is older, conn = new TestConnection(6676, "3.6.3", RANDOM_BYTES); } catch(IOException iox) { fail("could not set test up"); } conn.start(); try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch(Exception e) {} UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("Update should have got new version", "2.9.3", man.getVersion()); } public void testUpdateNotRequesteFromSpecial() throws Exception { removeConnections(); updateVersion = OLD; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { conn = new TestConnection(6681, "@version@", NEW); } catch (IOException e) { fail("could not setup test"); } conn.setTestUpdateNotRequested(true); conn.start(); try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException ix) { } UpdateManager man = UpdateManager.instance(); assertEquals("should not have requested new file", "2.9.3", man.getVersion()); } public void testUpdateMessageDelayed() throws Exception { removeConnections(); //Note:If the update file does not contain the timestamp attibute, the //UpdateManager assumes it is the current time. We can use this to test //that there is a delay in our displaying the message testCallback = true; updateVersion = OLD; changeUpdateFile(); TestConnection conn = null; try { conn = new TestConnection(6682, "3.6.3", NEW);//no timestamp } catch (IOException e) { fail("could not setup test"); } conn.start(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized(lock) { try { lock.wait(DELAY); } catch (InterruptedException ix) {} if(System.currentTimeMillis() == startTime) fail("GUI notified too soon"); else if(System.currentTimeMillis() > startTime+DELAY) fail("GUI notified too late"); } testCallback = false; } /** * puts an update file in the user pref dir based on updateVersion and set * the UpdateManager.INSTANCE to null so the new file is parsed everytime we * call UpdateManager.instance() * * @param updateFile the File that is to be coppied over the update XML file */ private static void changeUpdateFile(File updateFile) throws Exception { CommonUtils.copy(updateFile, updateXMLFile); //Set UpdateManager.INSTANCE to null PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(UpdateManager.class, "INSTANCE", null); } /** * puts an update file in the user pref dir based on updateVersion and set * the UpdateManager.INSTANCE to null so the new file is parsed everytime we * call UpdateManager.instance() */ private static void changeUpdateFile() throws Exception { if(updateVersion == OLD) CommonUtils.copy(OLD_VERSION_FILE, updateXMLFile); else if(updateVersion == MIDDLE) CommonUtils.copy(MIDDLE_VERSION_FILE, updateXMLFile); else if(updateVersion == NEW) CommonUtils.copy(NEW_VERSION_FILE, updateXMLFile); else if(updateVersion == DEF_MESSAGE) CommonUtils.copy(DEF_MESSAGE_FILE, updateXMLFile); else if(updateVersion == DEF_SIGNATURE) CommonUtils.copy(DEF_SIG_FILE, updateXMLFile); else if(updateVersion == BAD_XML) CommonUtils.copy(BAD_XML_FILE, updateXMLFile); else if(updateVersion == RANDOM_BYTES) CommonUtils.copy(RANDOM_BYTES_FILE, updateXMLFile); else fail("updateVersion set to wrong value"); //Set UpdateManager.INSTANCE to null PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(UpdateManager.class, "INSTANCE", null); } private static class MyActivityCallbackStub extends ActivityCallbackStub { public void indicateNewVersion() { if(!testCallback) return; synchronized(lock) { lock.notifyAll(); } } } /** * removes all existing connections to the node because previous tests * may influence outcome * @throws Exception */ private void removeConnections() { ConnectionManager cman = RouterService.getConnectionManager(); for (Iterator iter = cman.getConnections().iterator();iter.hasNext();) { Connection c = (Connection); c.close(); } } }