package org.molgenis.integrationtest.platform.datatypeediting; import; import; import; import org.molgenis.integrationtest.platform.PlatformITConfig; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import org.testng.annotations.*; import static*; import static org.testng.Assert.*; @ContextConfiguration(classes = { PlatformITConfig.class }) public class CategoricalAttributeTypeUpdateTest extends AbstractAttributeTypeUpdateTest { @BeforeClass public void setup() { super.setup(CATEGORICAL, STRING); } @AfterMethod public void afterMethod() { super.afterMethod(CATEGORICAL); } @AfterClass public void afterClass() { super.afterClass(); } @DataProvider(name = "validConversionData") public Object[][] validConversionData() { Entity entity = dataService.findOneById("REFERENCE_ENTITY", "1"); return new Object[][] { { entity, STRING, "1" }, { entity, INT, 1 }, { entity, LONG, 1L }, { entity, XREF, "label1" } }; } /** * Valid conversion cases for CATEGORICAL to: * STRING, INT, LONG, XREF * * @param valueToConvert The value that will be converted * @param typeToConvertTo The type to convert to * @param convertedValue The expected value after converting the type */ @Test(dataProvider = "validConversionData") public void testValidConversion(Entity valueToConvert, AttributeType typeToConvertTo, Object convertedValue) { testTypeConversion(valueToConvert, typeToConvertTo); // Assert if conversion was successful assertEquals(getActualDataType(), typeToConvertTo); assertEquals(getActualValue(), convertedValue); } @DataProvider(name = "invalidConversionTestCases") public Object[][] invalidConversionTestCases() { Entity entity1 = dataService.findOneById("REFERENCE_ENTITY", "1"); Entity entity2 = dataService.findOneById("REFERENCE_ENTITY", ""); return new Object[][] { { entity1, BOOL, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [BOOL] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, TEXT, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [TEXT] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, SCRIPT, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [SCRIPT] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity2, INT, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Value [] of this entity attribute is not of type [INT or LONG]." }, { entity2, LONG, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Value [] of this entity attribute is not of type [INT or LONG]." }, { entity1, DECIMAL, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [DECIMAL] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, EMAIL, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [EMAIL] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, HYPERLINK, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [HYPERLINK] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, HTML, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [HTML] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, ENUM, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [ENUM] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, DATE, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [DATE] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, DATE_TIME, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [DATE_TIME] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, MREF, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [MREF] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, CATEGORICAL_MREF, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [CATEGORICAL_MREF] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, FILE, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [FILE] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, COMPOUND, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Attribute data type update from [CATEGORICAL] to [COMPOUND] not allowed, allowed types are [INT, LONG, STRING, XREF]" }, { entity1, ONE_TO_MANY, MolgenisValidationException.class, "Invalid [xref] value [] for attribute [Referenced entity] of entity [mainAttribute] with type [sys_md_Attribute]. Offended expression: $('refEntityType').isNull().and($('type').matches(/^(categorical|categoricalmref|file|mref|onetomany|xref)$/).not()).or($('refEntityType').isNull().not().and($('type').matches(/^(categorical|categoricalmref|file|mref|onetomany|xref)$/))).value().Invalid [xref] value [] for attribute [Mapped by] of entity [mainAttribute] with type [sys_md_Attribute]. Offended expression: $('mappedBy').isNull().and($('type').eq('onetomany').not()).or($('mappedBy').isNull().not().and($('type').eq('onetomany'))).value()" } }; } /** * Invalid conversion cases for CATEGORICAL to: * BOOL, TEXT, SCRIPT INT, LONG, DECIMAL, EMAIL, HYPERLINK, HTML, ENUM, DATE, DATE_TIME, MREF, CATEGORICAL_MREF, FILE, COMPOUND, ONE_TO_MANY * * @param valueToConvert The value that will be converted * @param typeToConvertTo The type to convert to * @param exceptionClass The expected class of the exception that will be thrown * @param exceptionMessage The expected exception message */ @Test(dataProvider = "invalidConversionTestCases") public void testInvalidConversion(Entity valueToConvert, AttributeType typeToConvertTo, Class exceptionClass, String exceptionMessage) { try { testTypeConversion(valueToConvert, typeToConvertTo); fail("Conversion should have failed"); } catch (Exception exception) { assertTrue(exception.getClass().isAssignableFrom(exceptionClass)); assertEquals(exception.getMessage(), exceptionMessage); } } }