package; import; import; import*; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import; import static; import static; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static java.util.Spliterator.ORDERED; import static java.util.Spliterator.SORTED; import static java.util.Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; /** * Adds, removes and retrieves entities from the {@link L1Cache} when a {@link Repository} is {@link RepositoryCapability#CACHEABLE}. * Delegates to the underlying repository when an action is not supported by the cache or when the cache doesn't contain * the needed entity. */ public class L1CacheRepositoryDecorator extends AbstractRepositoryDecorator<Entity> { private static final int ID_BATCH_SIZE = 1000; private final Repository<Entity> decoratedRepository; private final L1Cache l1Cache; private final boolean cacheable; public L1CacheRepositoryDecorator(Repository<Entity> decoratedRepository, L1Cache l1Cache) { this.decoratedRepository = requireNonNull(decoratedRepository); this.l1Cache = requireNonNull(l1Cache); this.cacheable = decoratedRepository.getCapabilities().containsAll(newArrayList(CACHEABLE, WRITABLE)); } @Override public Repository<Entity> delegate() { return decoratedRepository; } @Override public Integer add(Stream<Entity> entities) { evictBiDiReferencedEntityTypes(); if (cacheable) { String entityName = getName(); entities = entities.peek(entity -> l1Cache.put(entityName, entity)); } return delegate().add(entities); } @Override public void add(Entity entity) { evictBiDiReferencedEntities(entity); if (cacheable) l1Cache.put(getName(), entity); delegate().add(entity); } @Override public Entity findOneById(Object id) { if (cacheable) { Optional<Entity> entity = l1Cache.get(getName(), id, getEntityType()); if (entity != null) { return entity.orElse(null); } } return delegate().findOneById(id); } @Override public Stream<Entity> findAll(Stream<Object> ids) { if (cacheable) { Iterator<List<Object>> idBatches = partition(ids.iterator(), ID_BATCH_SIZE); Iterator<List<Entity>> entityBatches = Iterators.transform(idBatches, this::findAllBatch); return stream(spliteratorUnknownSize(entityBatches, SORTED | ORDERED), false).flatMap(List::stream) .filter(e -> e != null); } return delegate().findAll(ids); } /** * Looks up the Entities for a List of entity IDs. * Those present in the cache are returned from cache. The missing ones are retrieved from the decoratedRepository. * * @param batch list of entity IDs to look up * @return List of {@link Entity}s */ private List<Entity> findAllBatch(List<Object> batch) { String entityName = getName(); EntityType entityType = getEntityType(); List<Object> missingIds = -> l1Cache.get(entityName, id, entityType) == null) .collect(toList()); Map<Object, Entity> missingEntities = delegate().findAll( .collect(toMap(Entity::getIdValue, e -> e)); return Lists.transform(batch, id -> { Optional<Entity> result = l1Cache.get(entityName, id, getEntityType()); if (result == null) { return missingEntities.get(id); } return result.orElse(null); }); } @Override public void update(Entity entity) { evictBiDiReferencedEntityTypes(); if (cacheable) l1Cache.put(getName(), entity); delegate().update(entity); } @Override public void update(Stream<Entity> entities) { evictBiDiReferencedEntityTypes(); if (cacheable) { entities = entities.filter(entity -> { l1Cache.put(getName(), entity); return true; }); } delegate().update(entities); } @Override public void delete(Entity entity) { evictBiDiReferencedEntities(entity); if (cacheable) l1Cache.putDeletion(EntityKey.create(entity)); delegate().delete(entity); } @Override public void delete(Stream<Entity> entities) { evictBiDiReferencedEntityTypes(); if (cacheable) entities = entities.peek(entity -> l1Cache.putDeletion(EntityKey.create(entity))); delegate().delete(entities); } @Override public void deleteById(Object id) { evictBiDiReferencedEntityTypes(); if (cacheable) l1Cache.putDeletion(EntityKey.create(getName(), id)); delegate().deleteById(id); } @Override public void deleteAll(Stream<Object> ids) { evictBiDiReferencedEntityTypes(); if (cacheable) { String entityName = getName(); ids = ids.peek(id -> l1Cache.putDeletion(EntityKey.create(entityName, id))); } delegate().deleteAll(ids); } @Override public void deleteAll() { evictBiDiReferencedEntityTypes(); if (cacheable) l1Cache.evictAll(getName()); delegate().deleteAll(); } /** * Evict all entries for entity types referred to by this entity type through a bidirectional relation. */ private void evictBiDiReferencedEntityTypes() { getEntityType().getMappedByAttributes().map(Attribute::getRefEntity).map(EntityType::getName) .forEach(l1Cache::evictAll); getEntityType().getInversedByAttributes().map(Attribute::getRefEntity).map(EntityType::getName) .forEach(l1Cache::evictAll); } /** * Evict all entity instances referenced by this entity instance through a bidirectional relation. * * @param entity the entity whose references need to be evicted */ private void evictBiDiReferencedEntities(Entity entity) { Stream<EntityKey> backreffingEntities = getEntityType().getMappedByAttributes() .flatMap(mappedByAttr -> stream(entity.getEntities(mappedByAttr.getName()).spliterator(), false)) .map(EntityKey::create); Stream<EntityKey> manyToOneEntities = getEntityType().getInversedByAttributes() .map(inversedByAttr -> entity.getEntity(inversedByAttr.getName())) .filter(refEntity -> refEntity != null).map(EntityKey::create); l1Cache.evict(Stream.concat(backreffingEntities, manyToOneEntities)); } }