package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import static; class AttributeResponseV2 { private final String href; private final AttributeType fieldType; private final String name; private final String label; private final String description; private final List<?> attributes; private final List<String> enumOptions; private final Long maxLength; private final Object refEntity; private final String mappedBy; private final Boolean auto; private final Boolean nillable; private final Boolean readOnly; private final Object defaultValue; private final Boolean labelAttribute; private final Boolean unique; private final Boolean visible; private Boolean lookupAttribute; private Boolean isAggregatable; private Range range; private String expression; private String visibleExpression; private String validationExpression; /** * @param entityParentName * @param entityType * @param attr * @param fetch set of lowercase attribute names to include in response * @param permissionService */ public AttributeResponseV2(final String entityParentName, EntityType entityType, Attribute attr, Fetch fetch, MolgenisPermissionService permissionService, DataService dataService, LanguageService languageService) { String attrName = attr.getName(); this.href = Href.concatMetaAttributeHref(RestControllerV2.BASE_URI, entityParentName, attrName); this.fieldType = attr.getDataType(); = attrName; this.label = attr.getLabel(languageService.getCurrentUserLanguageCode()); this.description = attr.getDescription(languageService.getCurrentUserLanguageCode()); this.enumOptions = attr.getDataType() == AttributeType.ENUM ? attr.getEnumOptions() : null; this.maxLength = attr.getDataType().getMaxLength(); this.expression = attr.getExpression(); EntityType refEntity = attr.getRefEntity(); if (refEntity != null) { this.refEntity = new EntityTypeResponseV2(refEntity, fetch, permissionService, dataService, languageService); } else { this.refEntity = null; } Attribute mappedByAttr = attr.getMappedBy(); this.mappedBy = mappedByAttr != null ? mappedByAttr.getName() : null; Iterable<Attribute> attrParts = attr.getChildren(); if (attrParts != null) { // filter attribute parts attrParts = filterAttributes(fetch, attrParts); // create attribute response this.attributes = Lists .newArrayList(Iterables.transform(attrParts, new Function<Attribute, AttributeResponseV2>() { @Override public AttributeResponseV2 apply(Attribute attr) { Fetch subAttrFetch; if (fetch != null) { if (attr.getDataType() == AttributeType.COMPOUND) { subAttrFetch = fetch; } else { subAttrFetch = fetch.getFetch(attr); } } else if (EntityTypeUtils.isReferenceType(attr)) { subAttrFetch = AttributeFilterToFetchConverter.createDefaultAttributeFetch(attr, languageService.getCurrentUserLanguageCode()); } else { subAttrFetch = null; } return new AttributeResponseV2(entityParentName, entityType, attr, subAttrFetch, permissionService, dataService, languageService); } })); } else { this.attributes = null; } = attr.isAuto(); this.nillable = attr.isNillable(); this.readOnly = attr.isReadOnly(); this.defaultValue = attr.getDefaultValue(); this.labelAttribute = attr.equals(entityType.getLabelAttribute()); this.unique = attr.isUnique(); this.lookupAttribute = entityType.getLookupAttribute(attr.getName()) != null; this.isAggregatable = attr.isAggregatable(); this.range = attr.getRange(); this.visible = attr.isVisible(); this.visibleExpression = attr.getVisibleExpression(); this.validationExpression = attr.getValidationExpression(); } public static Iterable<Attribute> filterAttributes(Fetch fetch, Iterable<Attribute> attrs) { if (fetch != null) { return Iterables.filter(attrs, new Predicate<Attribute>() { @Override public boolean apply(Attribute attr) { return filterAttributeRec(fetch, attr); } }); } else { return attrs; } } public static boolean filterAttributeRec(Fetch fetch, Attribute attr) { if (attr.getDataType() == COMPOUND) { for (Attribute attrPart : attr.getChildren()) { if (filterAttributeRec(fetch, attrPart)) { return true; } } return false; } else { return fetch.hasField(attr); } } public String getHref() { return href; } public AttributeType getFieldType() { return fieldType; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getLabel() { return label; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public List<?> getAttributes() { return attributes; } public List<String> getEnumOptions() { return enumOptions; } public Long getMaxLength() { return maxLength; } public Object getRefEntity() { return refEntity; } public boolean isAuto() { return auto; } public boolean isNillable() { return nillable; } public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } public Object getDefaultValue() { return defaultValue; } public boolean isLabelAttribute() { return labelAttribute; } public boolean isUnique() { return unique; } public boolean isVisible() { return visible; } public Boolean getLookupAttribute() { return lookupAttribute; } public Boolean isAggregatable() { return isAggregatable; } public Boolean getNillable() { return nillable; } public Boolean getReadOnly() { return readOnly; } public Boolean getLabelAttribute() { return labelAttribute; } public Boolean getUnique() { return unique; } public Boolean getAggregatable() { return isAggregatable; } public Range getRange() { return range; } public String getExpression() { return expression; } public String getVisibleExpression() { return visibleExpression; } public String getValidationExpression() { return validationExpression; } }