package; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.molgenis.util.EntityUtils; import java.util.*; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static java.lang.Boolean.FALSE; import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static*; import static*; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.molgenis.file.model.FileMetaMetaData.FILE_META; /** * Parser for the EMX metadata. This class is stateless, but it passes state between methods using * {@link IntermediateParseResults}. */ public class EmxMetaDataParser implements MetaDataParser { // Table names in the emx file static final String EMX_PACKAGES = "packages"; static final String EMX_ENTITIES = "entities"; static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES = "attributes"; static final String EMX_TAGS = "tags"; static final String EMX_LANGUAGES = "languages"; static final String EMX_I18NSTRINGS = "i18nstrings"; // Column names in the package sheet private static final String EMX_PACKAGE_NAME = "name"; private static final String EMX_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static final String EMX_PACKAGE_PARENT = "parent"; private static final String EMX_PACKAGE_TAGS = "tags"; private static final String EMX_PACKAGE_LABEL = "label"; // Column names in the entities sheet private static final String EMX_ENTITIES_NAME = "name"; private static final String EMX_ENTITIES_PACKAGE = "package"; private static final String EMX_ENTITIES_LABEL = "label"; private static final String EMX_ENTITIES_DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static final String EMX_ENTITIES_ABSTRACT = "abstract"; private static final String EMX_ENTITIES_EXTENDS = "extends"; private static final String EMX_ENTITIES_BACKEND = "backend"; private static final String EMX_ENTITIES_TAGS = "tags"; // Column names in the attributes sheet private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_NAME = "name"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ENTITY = "entity"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_REF_ENTITY = "refEntity"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_MAPPED_BY = "mappedBy"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT_VALUE = "defaultValue"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ID_ATTRIBUTE = "idAttribute"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE = "lookupAttribute"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LABEL_ATTRIBUTE = "labelAttribute"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_PART_OF_ATTRIBUTE = "partOfAttribute"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_AGGREGATEABLE = "aggregateable"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_DATA_TYPE = "dataType"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_EXPRESSION = "expression"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_NILLABLE = "nillable"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_VISIBLE = "visible"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LABEL = "label"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ENUM_OPTIONS = "enumOptions"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_RANGE_MIN = "rangeMin"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_RANGE_MAX = "rangeMax"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_READ_ONLY = "readOnly"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_UNIQUE = "unique"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_VALIDATION_EXPRESSION = "validationExpression"; private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_TAGS = "tags"; // NOT YET SUPPORTED // private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_AUTO = "auto"; // private static final String EMX_ATTRIBUTES_VISIBLE_EXPRESSION = "visibleExpression"; // Column names in the tag sheet static final String EMX_TAG_IDENTIFIER = "identifier"; static final String EMX_TAG_OBJECT_IRI = "objectIRI"; static final String EMX_TAG_LABEL = "label"; static final String EMX_TAG_RELATION_LABEL = "relationLabel"; static final String EMX_TAG_CODE_SYSTEM = "codeSystem"; static final String EMX_TAG_RELATION_IRI = "relationIRI"; // Column names in the language sheet private static final String EMX_LANGUAGE_CODE = "code"; private static final String EMX_LANGUAGE_NAME = "name"; // Column names in the i18nstring sheet private static final String EMX_I18N_STRING_MSGID = "msgid"; private static final String EMX_I18N_STRING_DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static final Map<String, String> EMX_NAME_TO_REPO_NAME_MAP = newHashMap(); static { EMX_NAME_TO_REPO_NAME_MAP.put(EMX_ENTITIES, ENTITY_TYPE_META_DATA); EMX_NAME_TO_REPO_NAME_MAP.put(EMX_PACKAGES, PackageMetadata.PACKAGE); EMX_NAME_TO_REPO_NAME_MAP.put(EMX_TAGS, TAG); EMX_NAME_TO_REPO_NAME_MAP.put(EMX_ATTRIBUTES, ATTRIBUTE_META_DATA); EMX_NAME_TO_REPO_NAME_MAP.put(EMX_LANGUAGES, LANGUAGE); EMX_NAME_TO_REPO_NAME_MAP.put(EMX_I18NSTRINGS, I18N_STRING); } private static final List<String> EMX_ENTITIES_ALLOWED_ATTRS = Arrays .asList(EMX_ENTITIES_NAME.toLowerCase(), EMX_ENTITIES_PACKAGE.toLowerCase(), EMX_ENTITIES_LABEL.toLowerCase(), EMX_ENTITIES_DESCRIPTION, EMX_ENTITIES_ABSTRACT.toLowerCase(), EMX_ENTITIES_EXTENDS.toLowerCase(), EMX_ENTITIES_BACKEND.toLowerCase(), EMX_ENTITIES_TAGS.toLowerCase()); private static final List<String> SUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTES = Arrays .asList(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_AGGREGATEABLE, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_DATA_TYPE, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_DESCRIPTION, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ENTITY, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ENUM_OPTIONS, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ID_ATTRIBUTE, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LABEL, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LABEL_ATTRIBUTE, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_NAME, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_NILLABLE, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_PART_OF_ATTRIBUTE, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_RANGE_MAX, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_RANGE_MIN, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_READ_ONLY, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_REF_ENTITY, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_MAPPED_BY, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_VISIBLE, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_UNIQUE, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_EXPRESSION, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_VALIDATION_EXPRESSION, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT_VALUE, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_TAGS); private static final String AUTO = "auto"; private final DataService dataService; private final PackageFactory packageFactory; private final AttributeFactory attrMetaFactory; private final EntityTypeFactory entityTypeFactory; private final TagFactory tagFactory; private final LanguageFactory languageFactory; private final I18nStringFactory i18nStringFactory; private final EntityTypeValidator entityTypeValidator; private final AttributeValidator attributeValidator; private final TagValidator tagValidator; private final EntityTypeDependencyResolver entityTypeDependencyResolver; public EmxMetaDataParser(PackageFactory packageFactory, AttributeFactory attrMetaFactory, EntityTypeFactory entityTypeFactory, EntityTypeDependencyResolver entityTypeDependencyResolver) { this.dataService = null; this.packageFactory = requireNonNull(packageFactory); this.attrMetaFactory = requireNonNull(attrMetaFactory); this.entityTypeFactory = requireNonNull(entityTypeFactory); this.tagFactory = null; this.languageFactory = null; this.i18nStringFactory = null; this.entityTypeValidator = null; this.attributeValidator = null; this.tagValidator = null; this.entityTypeDependencyResolver = requireNonNull(entityTypeDependencyResolver); } public EmxMetaDataParser(DataService dataService, PackageFactory packageFactory, AttributeFactory attrMetaFactory, EntityTypeFactory entityTypeFactory, TagFactory tagFactory, LanguageFactory languageFactory, I18nStringFactory i18nStringFactory, EntityTypeValidator entityTypeValidator, AttributeValidator attributeValidator, TagValidator tagValidator, EntityTypeDependencyResolver entityTypeDependencyResolver) { this.dataService = requireNonNull(dataService); this.packageFactory = requireNonNull(packageFactory); this.attrMetaFactory = requireNonNull(attrMetaFactory); this.entityTypeFactory = requireNonNull(entityTypeFactory); this.tagFactory = requireNonNull(tagFactory); this.languageFactory = requireNonNull(languageFactory); this.i18nStringFactory = requireNonNull(i18nStringFactory); this.entityTypeValidator = requireNonNull(entityTypeValidator); this.attributeValidator = requireNonNull(attributeValidator); this.tagValidator = requireNonNull(tagValidator); this.entityTypeDependencyResolver = requireNonNull(entityTypeDependencyResolver); } @Override //FIXME The source is parsed twice!!! Once by dermineImportableEntities and once by doImport public ParsedMetaData parse(final RepositoryCollection source, String defaultPackageName) { if (source.getRepository(EMX_ATTRIBUTES) != null) { IntermediateParseResults intermediateResults = getEntityTypeFromSource(source); List<EntityType> entities; if (defaultPackageName == null) { entities = intermediateResults.getEntities(); } else { entities = putEntitiesInDefaultPackage(intermediateResults, defaultPackageName); } return new ParsedMetaData(entityTypeDependencyResolver.resolve(entities), intermediateResults.getPackages(), intermediateResults.getTags(), intermediateResults.getLanguages(), intermediateResults.getI18nStrings()); } else { if (dataService != null) { List<EntityType> metadataList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String emxName : source.getEntityNames()) { String repoName = EMX_NAME_TO_REPO_NAME_MAP.get(emxName); if (repoName == null) repoName = emxName; metadataList.add(dataService.getRepository(repoName).getEntityType()); } IntermediateParseResults intermediateResults = parseTagsSheet(source.getRepository(EMX_TAGS)); parsePackagesSheet(source.getRepository(EMX_PACKAGES), intermediateResults); if (source.hasRepository(EMX_LANGUAGES)) { parseLanguages(source.getRepository(EMX_LANGUAGES), intermediateResults); } if (source.hasRepository(EMX_I18NSTRINGS)) { parseI18nStrings(source.getRepository(EMX_I18NSTRINGS), intermediateResults); } return new ParsedMetaData(entityTypeDependencyResolver.resolve(metadataList), intermediateResults.getPackages(), intermediateResults.getTags(), intermediateResults.getLanguages(), intermediateResults.getI18nStrings()); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } } @Override public EntitiesValidationReport validate(RepositoryCollection source) { MyEntitiesValidationReport report = new MyEntitiesValidationReport(); Map<String, EntityType> metaDataMap = getEntityTypeMap(dataService, source); return buildValidationReport(source, report, metaDataMap); } private ImmutableMap<String, EntityType> getEntityTypeMap(DataService dataService, RepositoryCollection source) { // FIXME: So if there is no attribute sheet, we assume it is already in the dataservice? Repository attributeSourceRepository = source.getRepository(EMX_ATTRIBUTES); if (attributeSourceRepository != null) return getEntityTypeFromSource(source).getEntityMap(); else return getEntityTypeFromDataService(dataService, source.getEntityNames()); } private EntitiesValidationReport buildValidationReport(RepositoryCollection source, MyEntitiesValidationReport report, Map<String, EntityType> metaDataMap) { metaDataMap.values().forEach(entityTypeValidator::validate); metaDataMap.values().stream().map(EntityType::getAllAttributes).forEach(attributes -> attributes.forEach(attr -> { attributeValidator.validate(attr, ValidationMode.ADD); })); // validate package/entity/attribute tags metaDataMap.values().stream().map(EntityType::getPackage).filter(Objects::nonNull) .forEach(package_ -> package_.getTags().forEach(tagValidator::validate)); metaDataMap.values().forEach(entityType -> entityType.getTags().forEach(tagValidator::validate)); metaDataMap.values().stream().map(EntityType::getAllAttributes).forEach(attributes -> attributes.forEach(attr -> { attr.getTags().forEach(tagValidator::validate); })); report = generateEntityValidationReport(source, report, metaDataMap); // Add entities without data for (String entityName : metaDataMap.keySet()) { if (!report.getSheetsImportable().containsKey(entityName)) report.addEntity(entityName, true); } return report; } /** * Parses metadata from a collection of repositories. * * @param source the {@link RepositoryCollection} containing the metadata to parse * @return {@link IntermediateParseResults} containing the parsed metadata */ private IntermediateParseResults getEntityTypeFromSource(RepositoryCollection source) { // TODO: this task is actually a 'merge' instead of 'import' // so we need to consider both new metadata and existing ... IntermediateParseResults intermediateResults = parseTagsSheet(source.getRepository(EMX_TAGS)); parsePackagesSheet(source.getRepository(EMX_PACKAGES), intermediateResults); parseEntitiesSheet(source.getRepository(EMX_ENTITIES), intermediateResults); parseAttributesSheet(source.getRepository(EMX_ATTRIBUTES), intermediateResults); reiterateToMapRefEntity(source.getRepository(EMX_ATTRIBUTES), intermediateResults); // languages tab if (source.hasRepository(EMX_LANGUAGES)) parseLanguages(source.getRepository(EMX_LANGUAGES), intermediateResults); // i18nstrings tab if (source.hasRepository(EMX_I18NSTRINGS)) parseI18nStrings(source.getRepository(EMX_I18NSTRINGS), intermediateResults); postProcessMetadata(intermediateResults); return intermediateResults; } /** * Post process metadata: * - Select label attributes that are not defined in EMX * - Select lookup attributes that are not defined in EMX * * @param intermediateResults intermediate parse results */ private static void postProcessMetadata(IntermediateParseResults intermediateResults) { intermediateResults.getEntities().forEach(entityType -> { // in case no label attribute was defined: // try to set own id attribute or another own attribute as label attribute if (entityType.getLabelAttribute() == null) { Attribute ownIdAttr = entityType.getOwnIdAttribute(); if (ownIdAttr != null && ownIdAttr.isVisible()) { ownIdAttr.setLabelAttribute(true); } else { // select the first required visible owned attribute as label attribute for (Attribute ownAttr : entityType.getOwnAtomicAttributes()) { if (!ownAttr.isNillable() && ownAttr.isVisible() && !EntityTypeUtils.isReferenceType(ownAttr)) { ownAttr.setLabelAttribute(true); break; } } } } // in case no lookup attributes were defined: // try to set own id attribute and own label attribute as lookup attributes if (Iterables.size(entityType.getLookupAttributes()) == 0) { int lookupAttrIdx = 0; Attribute ownIdAttr = entityType.getOwnIdAttribute(); if (ownIdAttr != null && ownIdAttr.isVisible()) { ownIdAttr.setLookupAttributeIndex(lookupAttrIdx++); } Attribute ownLabelAttr = entityType.getOwnLabelAttribute(); if (ownLabelAttr != null) { if (ownIdAttr == null || !ownIdAttr.getName().equals(ownLabelAttr.getName())) { ownLabelAttr.setLookupAttributeIndex(lookupAttrIdx); } } } }); } /** * Parses all tags defined in the tags repository. * * @param tagRepository the {@link Repository} that contains the tags entity * @return Map mapping tag Identifier to tag {@link Entity}, will be empty if no tags repository was found */ private IntermediateParseResults parseTagsSheet(Repository<Entity> tagRepository) { IntermediateParseResults intermediateParseResults = new IntermediateParseResults(entityTypeFactory); if (tagRepository != null) { for (Entity tagEntity : tagRepository) { String id = tagEntity.getString(EMX_TAG_IDENTIFIER); if (id != null) { intermediateParseResults.addTag(id, entityToTag(id, tagEntity)); } } } return intermediateParseResults; } /** * Parses the packages sheet * * @param repo {@link Repository} for the packages * @param intermediateResults {@link IntermediateParseResults} containing the parsed tag entities */ private void parsePackagesSheet(Repository<Entity> repo, IntermediateParseResults intermediateResults) { if (repo == null) return; // Collect packages int rowIndex = 1; for (Entity packageEntity : resolvePackages(repo)) { rowIndex++; // Package name is required String name = packageEntity.getString(EMX_PACKAGE_NAME); if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(" is missing on line " + rowIndex); Package package_ = packageFactory.create(); package_.setName(name); package_.setDescription(packageEntity.getString(EMX_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION)); package_.setLabel(packageEntity.getString(EMX_PACKAGE_LABEL)); // Set parent package String parentName = packageEntity.getString(EMX_PACKAGE_PARENT); if (parentName != null) { if (!name.toLowerCase().startsWith(parentName.toLowerCase())) throw new MolgenisDataException( "Inconsistent package structure. Package: '" + name + "', parent: '" + parentName + '\''); String simpleName = name.substring(parentName.length() + 1); // subpackage_package package_.setSimpleName(simpleName); package_.setParent(intermediateResults.getPackage(parentName)); } else { package_.setSimpleName(name); } // Set package tags List<String> tagIdentifiers = toList(packageEntity.getString(EMX_PACKAGE_TAGS)); if (tagIdentifiers != null && !tagIdentifiers.isEmpty()) { List<Tag> tags = toTags(intermediateResults, tagIdentifiers); package_.setTags(tags); } // Add the complete package to the parse results intermediateResults.addPackage(name, package_); } } /** * Convert tag identifiers to tags * * @param intermediateResults * @param tagIdentifiers * @return */ private static List<Tag> toTags(IntermediateParseResults intermediateResults, List<String> tagIdentifiers) { if (tagIdentifiers.isEmpty()) { return emptyList(); } List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<>(tagIdentifiers.size()); for (String tagIdentifier : tagIdentifiers) { Tag tag = intermediateResults.getTag(tagIdentifier); if (tag == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown tag '" + tagIdentifier + '\''); } tags.add(tag); } return tags; } /** * Transforms an {@link Entity} to a {@link Tag} * * @param id * @param tagEntity * @return */ private Tag entityToTag(String id, Entity tagEntity) { Tag tag = tagFactory.create(id); tag.setObjectIri(tagEntity.getString(EMX_TAG_OBJECT_IRI)); tag.setLabel(tagEntity.getString(EMX_TAG_LABEL)); tag.setRelationLabel(tagEntity.getString(EMX_TAG_RELATION_LABEL)); tag.setCodeSystem(tagEntity.getString(EMX_TAG_CODE_SYSTEM)); tag.setRelationIri(tagEntity.getString(EMX_TAG_RELATION_IRI)); return tag; } /** * Load all entities (optional) * * @param entitiesRepo the Repository for the entities * @param intermediateResults {@link IntermediateParseResults} containing the attributes already parsed */ private void parseEntitiesSheet(Repository<Entity> entitiesRepo, IntermediateParseResults intermediateResults) { if (entitiesRepo != null) { for (Attribute attr : entitiesRepo.getEntityType().getAtomicAttributes()) { if (!EMX_ENTITIES_ALLOWED_ATTRS.contains(attr.getName().toLowerCase()) && !(isI18n(attr.getName()) && ( attr.getName().startsWith(EMX_ENTITIES_DESCRIPTION) || attr.getName() .startsWith(EMX_ENTITIES_LABEL)))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported entity metadata: entities." + attr.getName()); } } int i = 1; for (Entity entity : entitiesRepo) { i++; String emxEntityName = entity.getString(EMX_ENTITIES_NAME); String emxEntityPackage = entity.getString(EMX_ENTITIES_PACKAGE); String emxEntityLabel = entity.getString(EMX_ENTITIES_LABEL); String emxEntityDescription = entity.getString(EMX_ENTITIES_DESCRIPTION); String emxEntityAbstract = entity.getString(EMX_ENTITIES_ABSTRACT); String emxEntityExtends = entity.getString(EMX_ENTITIES_EXTENDS); String emxEntityBackend = entity.getString(EMX_ENTITIES_BACKEND); String emxEntityTags = entity.getString(EMX_ENTITIES_TAGS); // required if (emxEntityName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(" is missing on line " + i); } String entityName; if (emxEntityPackage != null) { entityName = emxEntityPackage + PACKAGE_SEPARATOR + emxEntityName; } else { entityName = emxEntityName; } EntityType entityType = intermediateResults.getEntityType(entityName); if (entityType == null) { entityType = intermediateResults.addEntityType(entityName); } if (dataService != null) { if (emxEntityBackend != null) { if (dataService.getMeta().getBackend(emxEntityBackend) == null) { throw new MolgenisDataException("Unknown backend '" + emxEntityBackend + '\''); } } else { emxEntityBackend = dataService.getMeta().getDefaultBackend().getName(); } entityType.setBackend(emxEntityBackend); } if (emxEntityPackage != null) { Package p = intermediateResults.getPackage(emxEntityPackage); if (p == null) { throw new MolgenisDataException( "Unknown package: '" + emxEntityPackage + "' for entity '" + emxEntityName + "'. Please specify the package on the " + EMX_PACKAGES + " sheet and use the fully qualified package and entity names."); } entityType.setPackage(p); } entityType.setLabel(emxEntityLabel); entityType.setDescription(emxEntityDescription); for (String attributeName : entity.getAttributeNames()) { if (isI18n(attributeName)) { if (attributeName.startsWith(EMX_ENTITIES_DESCRIPTION)) { String description = entity.getString(attributeName); if (description != null) { String languageCode = getLanguageCode(attributeName); entityType.setDescription(languageCode, description); } } else if (attributeName.startsWith(EMX_ENTITIES_LABEL)) { String label = entity.getString(attributeName); if (label != null) { String languageCode = getLanguageCode(attributeName); entityType.setLabel(languageCode, label); } } } } if (emxEntityAbstract != null) { entityType.setAbstract(parseBoolean(emxEntityAbstract, i, EMX_ENTITIES_ABSTRACT)); } if (emxEntityExtends != null) { EntityType extendsEntityType = null; if (intermediateResults.knowsEntity(emxEntityExtends)) { extendsEntityType = intermediateResults.getEntityType(emxEntityExtends); } else { if (dataService != null) { extendsEntityType = dataService.getMeta().getEntityType(emxEntityExtends); } } if (extendsEntityType == null) { throw new MolgenisDataException( "Missing super entity " + emxEntityExtends + " for entity " + emxEntityName + " on line " + i); } entityType.setExtends(extendsEntityType); } List<String> tagIdentifiers = toList(emxEntityTags); if (tagIdentifiers != null && !tagIdentifiers.isEmpty()) { entityType.setTags(toTags(intermediateResults, tagIdentifiers)); } } } } /** * Resolves package fullNames by looping through all the packages and their parents * * @param packageRepo * @return */ private static List<Entity> resolvePackages(Repository<Entity> packageRepo) { List<Entity> resolved = new ArrayList<>(); if ((packageRepo == null) || Iterables.isEmpty(packageRepo)) return resolved; List<Entity> unresolved = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, Entity> resolvedByName = new HashMap<>(); for (Entity pack : packageRepo) { String name = pack.getString(PackageMetadata.SIMPLE_NAME); String parentName = pack.getString(PackageMetadata.PARENT); if (parentName == null) { resolved.add(pack); resolvedByName.put(name, pack); } else { unresolved.add(pack); } } if (resolved.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Missing root package. There must be at least one package without a parent."); List<Entity> ready = new ArrayList<>(); while (!unresolved.isEmpty()) { for (Entity pack : unresolved) { Entity parent = resolvedByName.get(pack.getString(PackageMetadata.PARENT)); if (parent != null) { String name = pack.getString(PackageMetadata.SIMPLE_NAME); ready.add(pack); resolvedByName.put(name, pack); } } if (ready.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not resolve packages. Is there a circular reference?"); resolved.addAll(ready); unresolved.removeAll(ready); ready.clear(); } return resolved; } /** * Load all attributes from the source repository and add it to the {@link IntermediateParseResults}. * * @param attributesRepo Repository for the attributes * @param intermediateResults {@link IntermediateParseResults} with the tags already parsed */ private void parseAttributesSheet(Repository<Entity> attributesRepo, IntermediateParseResults intermediateResults) { for (Attribute attr : attributesRepo.getEntityType().getAtomicAttributes()) { if (!SUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTES.contains(attr.getName()) && !((isI18n(attr.getName()) && ( attr.getName().startsWith(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LABEL) || attr.getName() .startsWith(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_DESCRIPTION))))) { // check if casing mismatch SUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTES.forEach(emxAttrMetaAttr -> { if (emxAttrMetaAttr.equalsIgnoreCase(attr.getName())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Unsupported attribute metadata: attributes.%s, did you mean attributes.%s?", attr.getName(), emxAttrMetaAttr)); } }); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported attribute metadata: attributes." + attr.getName()); } } Map<String, Map<String, EmxAttribute>> attributesMap = newLinkedHashMap(); // 1st pass: create attribute stubs int rowIndex = 1;// Header for (Entity attributeEntity : attributesRepo) { rowIndex++; String attributeName = attributeEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_NAME); if (attributeName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(format(" is missing on line [%d]", rowIndex)); String entityName = attributeEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ENTITY); if (entityName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( format("attributes.entity is missing for attribute named: %s on line [%d]", attributeName, rowIndex)); // create attribute Attribute attribute = attrMetaFactory.create().setName(attributeName); Map<String, EmxAttribute> entitiesMap = attributesMap.get(entityName); if (entitiesMap == null) { entitiesMap = newLinkedHashMap(); attributesMap.put(entityName, entitiesMap); } entitiesMap.put(attributeName, new EmxAttribute(attribute)); } // 2nd pass: set all properties on attribute stubs except for attribute relations rowIndex = 1;// Header for (Entity emxAttrEntity : attributesRepo) { rowIndex++; String emxEntityName = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ENTITY); Map<String, EmxAttribute> entityMap = attributesMap.get(emxEntityName); // If an entity is defined in the attribute sheet only, // make sure to create EntityType and set the backend EntityType md = intermediateResults.getEntityType(emxEntityName); if (md == null) { md = intermediateResults.addEntityType(emxEntityName); if (dataService != null) md.setBackend(dataService.getMeta().getDefaultBackend().getName()); } String emxName = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_NAME); EmxAttribute emxAttr = entityMap.get(emxName); Attribute attr = emxAttr.getAttr(); String emxDataType = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_DATA_TYPE); String emxRefEntity = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_REF_ENTITY); if (emxDataType != null) { AttributeType type = toEnum(emxDataType); if (type == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attributes.dataType error on line " + rowIndex + ": " + emxDataType + " unknown data type"); } attr.setDataType(type); } else { attr.setDataType(STRING); } String emxAttrNillable = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_NILLABLE); String emxIdAttrValue = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ID_ATTRIBUTE); String emxAttrVisible = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_VISIBLE); String emxAggregatable = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_AGGREGATEABLE); String emxIsLookupAttr = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE); String emxIsLabelAttr = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LABEL_ATTRIBUTE); String emxReadOnly = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_READ_ONLY); String emxUnique = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_UNIQUE); String expression = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_EXPRESSION); String validationExpression = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_VALIDATION_EXPRESSION); String defaultValue = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT_VALUE); Object emxAttrTags = emxAttrEntity.get(EMX_ENTITIES_TAGS); List<String> tagIdentifiers = toList(emxAttrTags); if (tagIdentifiers != null && !tagIdentifiers.isEmpty()) { attr.setTags(toTags(intermediateResults, tagIdentifiers)); } if (emxAttrNillable != null) attr.setNillable(parseBoolean(emxAttrNillable, rowIndex, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_NILLABLE)); if (emxIdAttrValue != null) { if (!emxIdAttrValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true") && !emxIdAttrValue.equalsIgnoreCase("false") && !emxIdAttrValue.equalsIgnoreCase(AUTO)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( format("Attributes error on line [%d]. Illegal idAttribute value. Allowed values are 'TRUE', 'FALSE' or 'AUTO'", rowIndex)); } if (emxIdAttrValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { if (!isIdAttributeTypeAllowed(attr)) { throw new MolgenisDataException("Identifier is of type [" + attr.getDataType() + "]. Id attributes can only be of type 'STRING', 'INT' or 'LONG'"); } } attr.setAuto(emxIdAttrValue.equalsIgnoreCase(AUTO)); if (!attr.isAuto()) emxAttr.setIdAttr(parseBoolean(emxIdAttrValue, rowIndex, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ID_ATTRIBUTE)); else emxAttr.setIdAttr(true); // If it is auto, set idAttr to true } if (attr.isAuto() && !isStringType(attr)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( format("Attributes error on line [%d]. Auto attributes can only be of data type 'string'", rowIndex)); } if (emxAttrVisible != null) { if (emxAttrVisible.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || emxAttrVisible.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { attr.setVisible(parseBoolean(emxAttrVisible, rowIndex, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_VISIBLE)); } else { attr.setVisibleExpression(emxAttrVisible); } } if (emxAggregatable != null) attr.setAggregatable(parseBoolean(emxAggregatable, rowIndex, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_AGGREGATEABLE)); if (emxReadOnly != null) attr.setReadOnly(parseBoolean(emxReadOnly, rowIndex, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_READ_ONLY)); if (emxUnique != null) attr.setUnique(parseBoolean(emxUnique, rowIndex, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_UNIQUE)); if (expression != null) attr.setExpression(expression); if (validationExpression != null) attr.setValidationExpression(validationExpression); if (defaultValue != null) attr.setDefaultValue(defaultValue); if (emxIsLookupAttr != null) { boolean isLookAttr = parseBoolean(emxIsLookupAttr, rowIndex, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE); if (isLookAttr && isReferenceType(attr)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( format("attributes.lookupAttribute error on line [%d] (%s.%s) lookupAttribute cannot be of type %s", rowIndex, emxEntityName, emxName, attr.getDataType().toString())); } emxAttr.setLookupAttr(isLookAttr); } if (emxIsLabelAttr != null) { boolean isLabelAttr = parseBoolean(emxIsLabelAttr, rowIndex, EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LABEL_ATTRIBUTE); if (isLabelAttr && isReferenceType(attr)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( format("attributes.labelAttribute error on line [%d] (%s.%s): labelAttribute cannot be of type %s", rowIndex, emxEntityName, emxName, attr.getDataType().toString())); } emxAttr.setLabelAttr(isLabelAttr); } attr.setLabel(emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LABEL)); for (String attrName : emxAttrEntity.getAttributeNames()) { if (isI18n(attrName)) { if (attrName.startsWith(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_LABEL)) { String label = emxAttrEntity.getString(attrName); if (label != null) { String languageCode = getLanguageCode(attrName); attr.setLabel(languageCode, label); } } else if (attrName.startsWith(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_DESCRIPTION)) { String description = emxAttrEntity.getString(attrName); if (description != null) { String languageCode = getLanguageCode(attrName); attr.setDescription(languageCode, description); } } } } attr.setDescription(emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_DESCRIPTION)); if (attr.getDataType() == ENUM) { List<String> enumOptions = DataConverter.toList(emxAttrEntity.get(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ENUM_OPTIONS)); if (enumOptions == null || enumOptions.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( format("Missing enum options for attribute [%s] of entity [%s]", attr.getName(), emxEntityName)); } attr.setEnumOptions(enumOptions); } if (attr.getDataType() != FILE) { // Only if an attribute is not of type file we apply the normal reference rules if (isReferenceType(attr) && StringUtils.isEmpty(emxRefEntity)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( format("Missing refEntity on line [%d] (%s.%s)", rowIndex, emxEntityName, emxName)); } } if (isReferenceType(attr) && attr.isNillable() && attr.isAggregatable()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( format("attributes.isAggregatable error on line [%d] (%s.%s): isAggregatable nillable attribute cannot be of type %s", rowIndex, emxEntityName, emxName, attr.getDataType().toString())); } String emxRangeMin = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_RANGE_MIN); Long rangeMin; if (emxRangeMin != null) { try { rangeMin = Long.valueOf(emxRangeMin); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Invalid range rangeMin [%s] value for attribute [%s] of entity [%s], should be a long", emxRangeMin, emxName, emxEntityName)); } } else { rangeMin = null; } String emxRangeMax = emxAttrEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_RANGE_MAX); Long rangeMax; if (emxRangeMax != null) { try { rangeMax = Long.valueOf(emxRangeMax); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Invalid range rangeMax [%s] value for attribute [%s] of entity [%s], should be a long", emxRangeMax, emxName, emxEntityName)); } } else { rangeMax = null; } if (rangeMin != null || rangeMax != null) { attr.setRange(new Range(rangeMin, rangeMax)); } } // 3rd pass: validate and create attribute relationships Map<String, Set<String>> rootAttributes = newLinkedHashMap(); rowIndex = 1;// Header for (Entity attributeEntity : attributesRepo) { rowIndex++; String entityName = attributeEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ENTITY); Map<String, EmxAttribute> entityMap = attributesMap.get(entityName); String attributeName = attributeEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_NAME); Attribute attribute = entityMap.get(attributeName).getAttr(); // bootstrap attribute parent-children relations for compound attributes String partOfAttribute = attributeEntity.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_PART_OF_ATTRIBUTE); if (partOfAttribute != null && !partOfAttribute.isEmpty()) { Attribute compoundAttribute = entityMap.get(partOfAttribute).getAttr(); if (compoundAttribute == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "partOfAttribute [" + partOfAttribute + "] of attribute [" + attributeName + "] of entity [" + entityName + "] must refer to an existing compound attribute on line " + rowIndex); } if (compoundAttribute.getDataType() != COMPOUND) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "partOfAttribute [" + partOfAttribute + "] of attribute [" + attributeName + "] of entity [" + entityName + "] must refer to a attribute of type [" + COMPOUND + "] on line " + rowIndex); } attribute.setParent(compoundAttribute); } Set<String> entityRootAttributes = rootAttributes.get(entityName); if (entityRootAttributes == null) { entityRootAttributes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); rootAttributes.put(entityName, entityRootAttributes); } entityRootAttributes.add(attributeName); } // store attributes with entities for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, EmxAttribute>> entry : attributesMap.entrySet()) { String entityName = entry.getKey(); Map<String, EmxAttribute> attributes = entry.getValue(); List<EmxAttribute> editableEntityType = newArrayList(); // add root attributes to entity Set<String> entityAttributeNames = rootAttributes.get(entityName); if (entityAttributeNames != null) { for (EmxAttribute attribute : attributes.values()) { if (entityAttributeNames.contains(attribute.getAttr().getName())) { editableEntityType.add(attribute); } } } intermediateResults.addAttributes(entityName, editableEntityType); } } /** * re-iterate to map the mrefs/xref refEntity (or give error if not found) * TODO consider also those in existing db * * @param attributeRepo the attributes {@link Repository} * @param intermediateResults {@link ParsedMetaData} to add the ref entities to */ private void reiterateToMapRefEntity(Repository<Entity> attributeRepo, IntermediateParseResults intermediateResults) { int rowIndex = 1; for (Entity attribute : attributeRepo) { final String entityName = attribute.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_ENTITY); final String attributeName = attribute.getString(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_NAME); final String refEntityName = (String) attribute.get(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_REF_ENTITY); final String mappedByAttrName = (String) attribute.get(EMX_ATTRIBUTES_MAPPED_BY); EntityType EntityType = intermediateResults.getEntityType(entityName); Attribute Attribute = EntityType.getAttribute(attributeName); if (Attribute.getDataType().equals(FILE)) { // If attribute is of type file, set refEntity to file meta and continue to the next attribute Attribute.setRefEntity(dataService.getEntityType(FILE_META)); continue; } rowIndex++; if (refEntityName != null) { if (dataService != null) { EntityType refEntityType; if (intermediateResults.knowsEntity(refEntityName)) { refEntityType = intermediateResults.getEntityType(refEntityName); } else { refEntityType = dataService.getEntityType(refEntityName); if (refEntityType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attributes.refEntity error on line " + rowIndex + ": " + refEntityName + " unknown"); } } Attribute.setRefEntity(refEntityType); if (mappedByAttrName != null) { Attribute mappedByAttr = refEntityType.getAttribute(mappedByAttrName); if (mappedByAttr == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attributes.mappedBy error on line " + rowIndex + ": " + mappedByAttrName + " unknown"); } Attribute.setMappedBy(mappedByAttr); } } else { Attribute.setRefEntity(intermediateResults.getEntityType(refEntityName)); } } } } /** * Put the entities that are not in a package in the selected package * * @param intermediateResults * @param defaultPackageName * @return */ private List<EntityType> putEntitiesInDefaultPackage(IntermediateParseResults intermediateResults, String defaultPackageName) { Package p = getPackage(intermediateResults, defaultPackageName); if (p == null && dataService != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(format("Unknown package [%s]", defaultPackageName)); } List<EntityType> entities = newArrayList(); for (EntityType entityType : intermediateResults.getEntities()) { if (entityType.getPackage() == null) { entityType.setPackage(p); } entities.add(entityType); } return entities; } /** * Retrieves a {@link Package} by name from parsed data or existing data. * * @param intermediateResults parsed data * @param packageName package name * @return package or <code>null</code> if no package with the given name exists in parsed or existing data */ private Package getPackage(IntermediateParseResults intermediateResults, String packageName) { Package package_ = intermediateResults.getPackage(packageName); if (package_ == null && dataService != null) { package_ = dataService.findOneById(PackageMetadata.PACKAGE, packageName, Package.class); } return package_; } private static ImmutableMap<String, EntityType> getEntityTypeFromDataService(DataService dataService, Iterable<String> emxEntityNames) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, EntityType> builder = builder(); emxEntityNames.forEach(emxName -> { String repoName = EMX_NAME_TO_REPO_NAME_MAP.get(emxName); if (repoName == null) repoName = emxName; builder.put(emxName, dataService.getRepository(repoName).getEntityType()); }); return; } /** * Throws Exception if an import is trying to update metadata of a system entity * * @param allEntityTypeMap * @param existingMetaData */ public static void scanMetaDataForSystemEntityType(Map<String, EntityType> allEntityTypeMap, Iterable<EntityType> existingMetaData) { existingMetaData.forEach(emd -> { if (!allEntityTypeMap.containsKey(emd.getName())) allEntityTypeMap.put(emd.getName(), emd); else if ((!EntityUtils.equals(emd, allEntityTypeMap.get(emd.getName()))) && emd instanceof SystemEntityType) { throw new MolgenisDataException( "SystemEntityType in the database conflicts with the metadata for this import"); } }); } /** * Validates whether an EMX value for a boolean attribute is valid and returns the parsed boolean value. * * @param booleanString boolean string * @param rowIndex row index * @param columnName column name * @return true or false * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given boolean string value is not one of [true, false] (case insensitive) */ private static boolean parseBoolean(String booleanString, int rowIndex, String columnName) { if (booleanString.equalsIgnoreCase(TRUE.toString())) return true; else if (booleanString.equalsIgnoreCase(FALSE.toString())) return false; else throw new IllegalArgumentException( format("attributes.[%s] error on line [%d]: Invalid value [%s] (expected true or false)", columnName, rowIndex, booleanString)); } private void parseLanguages(Repository<Entity> emxLanguageRepo, IntermediateParseResults intermediateParseResults) { emxLanguageRepo.forEach(emxLanguageEntity -> { Language language = toLanguage(emxLanguageEntity); intermediateParseResults.addLanguage(language); }); } /** * Creates a language entity from a EMX entity describing a language * * @param emxLanguageEntity EMX language entity * @return language entity */ private Language toLanguage(Entity emxLanguageEntity) { Language language = languageFactory.create(); language.setCode(emxLanguageEntity.getString(EMX_LANGUAGE_CODE)); language.setName(emxLanguageEntity.getString(EMX_LANGUAGE_NAME)); return language; } private void parseI18nStrings(Repository<Entity> emxI18nStringRepo, IntermediateParseResults intermediateParseResults) { emxI18nStringRepo.forEach(emxI18nStringEntity -> { I18nString i18nString = toI18nString(emxI18nStringEntity); intermediateParseResults.addI18nString(i18nString); }); } private I18nString toI18nString(Entity emxI18nStringEntity) { I18nString i18nString = i18nStringFactory.create(); i18nString.setMessageId(emxI18nStringEntity.getString(EMX_I18N_STRING_MSGID)); i18nString.setDescription(emxI18nStringEntity.getString(EMX_I18N_STRING_DESCRIPTION)); LanguageService.getLanguageCodes().forEach(lang -> i18nString.set(lang, emxI18nStringEntity.getString(lang))); return i18nString; } /** * Goes through all the sheets in the source EMX and creates an {@link MyEntitiesValidationReport} * * @param source * @param report * @param metaDataMap * @return */ private MyEntitiesValidationReport generateEntityValidationReport(RepositoryCollection source, MyEntitiesValidationReport report, Map<String, EntityType> metaDataMap) { for (String sheet : source.getEntityNames()) { if (EMX_PACKAGES.equals(sheet)) { IntermediateParseResults parseResult = parseTagsSheet(source.getRepository(EMX_TAGS)); parsePackagesSheet(source.getRepository(sheet), parseResult); parseResult.getPackages().keySet().forEach(report::addPackage); } else if (!EMX_ENTITIES.equals(sheet) && !EMX_ATTRIBUTES.equals(sheet) && !EMX_TAGS.equals(sheet) && !EMX_LANGUAGES.equals(sheet) && !EMX_I18NSTRINGS.equals(sheet)) { // check if sheet is known report = report.addEntity(sheet, metaDataMap.containsKey(sheet)); // check the fields Repository<Entity> sourceRepository = source.getRepository(sheet); EntityType target = metaDataMap.get(sheet); if (target != null) { for (Attribute att : sourceRepository.getEntityType().getAttributes()) { Attribute attribute = target.getAttribute(att.getName()); // Bi-directional one-to-many attributes mapped by another attribute can only be imported // through the owning side: one-to-many attribute 'books' of entity 'author' mapped by attribute // 'author' of entity 'book' cannot be imported, only the owning attribute 'book' can be // imported. boolean known = attribute != null && attribute.getExpression() == null && !( attribute.getDataType() == ONE_TO_MANY && attribute.isMappedBy()); report = report.addAttribute(att.getName(), known ? IMPORTABLE : UNKNOWN); } for (Attribute att : target.getAttributes()) { // See comment above regarding import of bi-directional one-to-many data if (att.getDataType() != COMPOUND && !(att.getDataType() == ONE_TO_MANY && att.isMappedBy())) { if (!att.isAuto() && att.getExpression() == null && !report.getFieldsImportable().get(sheet) .contains(att.getName())) { boolean required = !att.isNillable() && !att.isAuto(); report = report.addAttribute(att.getName(), required ? REQUIRED : AVAILABLE); } } } } } } return report; } static class EmxAttribute { private final Attribute attr; private boolean idAttr; private boolean labelAttr; private boolean lookupAttr; public EmxAttribute(Attribute attr) { this.attr = requireNonNull(attr); } public Attribute getAttr() { return attr; } public boolean isIdAttr() { return idAttr; } public void setIdAttr(boolean idAttr) { this.idAttr = idAttr; } public boolean isLabelAttr() { return labelAttr; } public void setLabelAttr(boolean labelAttr) { this.labelAttr = labelAttr; } public boolean isLookupAttr() { return lookupAttr; } public void setLookupAttr(boolean lookupAttr) { this.lookupAttr = lookupAttr; } } }