package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Function; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.molgenis.util.EntityUtils.asStream; /** * Entity metadata validator */ @Component public class EntityTypeValidator { private final DataService dataService; private final SystemEntityTypeRegistry systemEntityTypeRegistry; @Autowired public EntityTypeValidator(DataService dataService, SystemEntityTypeRegistry systemEntityTypeRegistry) { this.dataService = requireNonNull(dataService); this.systemEntityTypeRegistry = requireNonNull(systemEntityTypeRegistry); } /** * Validates entity meta data * * @param entityType entity meta data * @throws MolgenisValidationException if entity meta data is not valid */ public void validate(EntityType entityType) { validateEntityName(entityType); validatePackage(entityType); validateExtends(entityType); validateOwnAttributes(entityType); Map<String, Attribute> ownAllAttrMap = stream(entityType.getOwnAllAttributes().spliterator(), false) .collect(toMap(Attribute::getIdentifier, Function.identity(), (u, v) -> { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Duplicate key %s", u)); }, LinkedHashMap::new)); validateOwnIdAttribute(entityType, ownAllAttrMap); validateOwnLabelAttribute(entityType, ownAllAttrMap); validateOwnLookupAttributes(entityType, ownAllAttrMap); validateBackend(entityType); } /** * Validate that the entity meta data backend exists * * @param entityType entity meta data * @throws MolgenisValidationException if the entity meta data backend does not exist */ private void validateBackend(EntityType entityType) { // Validate backend exists String backendName = entityType.getBackend(); RepositoryCollection repoCollection = dataService.getMeta().getBackend(backendName); if (repoCollection == null) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation(format("Unknown backend [%s]", backendName))); } } /** * Validate that the lookup attributes owned by this entity are part of the owned attributes. * * @param entityType entity meta data * @param ownAllAttrMap attribute identifier to attribute map * @throws MolgenisValidationException if one or more lookup attributes are not entity attributes */ private static void validateOwnLookupAttributes(EntityType entityType, Map<String, Attribute> ownAllAttrMap) { // Validate lookup attributes entityType.getOwnLookupAttributes().forEach(ownLookupAttr -> { // Validate that lookup attribute is in the attributes list Attribute ownAttr = ownAllAttrMap.get(ownLookupAttr.getIdentifier()); if (ownAttr == null) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("Lookup attribute [%s] is not part of the entity attributes", ownLookupAttr.getName()))); } }); } /** * Validate that the label attribute owned by this entity is part of the owned attributes. * * @param entityType entity meta data * @param ownAllAttrMap attribute identifier to attribute map * @throws MolgenisValidationException if the label attribute is not an entity attribute */ private static void validateOwnLabelAttribute(EntityType entityType, Map<String, Attribute> ownAllAttrMap) { // Validate label attribute Attribute ownLabelAttr = entityType.getOwnLabelAttribute(); if (ownLabelAttr != null) { // Validate that label attribute is in the attributes list Attribute ownAttr = ownAllAttrMap.get(ownLabelAttr.getIdentifier()); if (ownAttr == null) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("Label attribute [%s] is not part of the entity attributes", ownLabelAttr.getName()))); } } } /** * Validate that the ID attribute owned by this entity is part of the owned attributes. * * @param entityType entity meta data * @param ownAllAttrMap attribute identifier to attribute map * @throws MolgenisValidationException if the ID attribute is not an entity attribute */ private static void validateOwnIdAttribute(EntityType entityType, Map<String, Attribute> ownAllAttrMap) { // Validate ID attribute Attribute ownIdAttr = entityType.getOwnIdAttribute(); if (ownIdAttr != null) { // Validate that ID attribute is in the attributes list Attribute ownAttr = ownAllAttrMap.get(ownIdAttr.getIdentifier()); if (ownAttr == null) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("Entity [%s] ID attribute [%s] is not part of the entity attributes", entityType.getName(), ownIdAttr.getName()))); } // Validate that ID attribute data type is allowed if (!AttributeUtils.isIdAttributeTypeAllowed(ownIdAttr)) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("Entity [%s] ID attribute [%s] type [%s] is not allowed", entityType.getName(), ownIdAttr.getName(), ownIdAttr.getDataType().toString()))); } // Validate that ID attribute is unique if (!ownIdAttr.isUnique()) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("Entity [%s] ID attribute [%s] is not a unique attribute", entityType.getName(), ownIdAttr.getName()))); } // Validate that ID attribute is not nillable if (ownIdAttr.isNillable()) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("Entity [%s] ID attribute [%s] is not a non-nillable attribute", entityType.getName(), ownIdAttr.getName()))); } } else { if (!entityType.isAbstract() && entityType.getIdAttribute() == null) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("Entity [%s] is missing required ID attribute", entityType.getName()))); } } } /** * Validates the attributes owned by this entity: * 1) validates that the parent entity doesn't have attributes with the same name * 2) validates that this entity doesn't have attributes with the same name * * @param entityType entity meta data * @throws MolgenisValidationException if an attribute is owned by another entity or a parent attribute has the same name */ private static void validateOwnAttributes(EntityType entityType) { // Validate that entity does not contain multiple attributes with the same name Multimap<String, Attribute> attrMultiMap = asStream(entityType.getAllAttributes()) .collect(MultimapCollectors.toArrayListMultimap(Attribute::getName, Function.identity())); attrMultiMap.keySet().forEach(attrName -> { if (attrMultiMap.get(attrName).size() > 1) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("Entity [%s] contains multiple attributes with name [%s]", entityType.getName(), attrName))); } }); // Validate that entity attributes with same name do no exist in parent entity EntityType extendsEntityType = entityType.getExtends(); if (extendsEntityType != null) { Map<String, Attribute> extendsAllAttrMap = stream(extendsEntityType.getAllAttributes().spliterator(), false) .collect(toMap(Attribute::getName, Function.identity(), (u, v) -> { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Duplicate key %s", u)); }, LinkedHashMap::new)); entityType.getOwnAllAttributes().forEach(attr -> { if (extendsAllAttrMap.containsKey(attr.getName())) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("An attribute with name [%s] already exists in entity [%s] or one of its parents", attr.getName(), extendsEntityType.getName()))); } }); } } /** * Validates if this entityType extends another entityType. If so, checks whether that parent entityType is abstract. * * @param entityType entity meta data * @throws MolgenisValidationException if the entity extends from a non-abstract entity */ private static void validateExtends(EntityType entityType) { if (entityType.getExtends() != null) { EntityType extendedEntityType = entityType.getExtends(); if (!extendedEntityType.isAbstract()) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("EntityType [%s] is not abstract; EntityType [%s] can't extend it", entityType.getExtends().getName(), entityType.getName()))); } } } /** * Validates the entity fully qualified name and simple name: * - Validates that the entity simple name does not contain illegal characters and validates the name length * - Validates that the fully qualified name, simple name and package name are consistent with each other * * @param entityType entity meta data * @throws MolgenisValidationException if the entity simple name content is invalid or the fully qualified name, simple name and package name are not consistent */ private static void validateEntityName(EntityType entityType) { // validate entity name (e.g. illegal characters, length) String name = entityType.getName(); if (!name.equals(ATTRIBUTE_META_DATA) && !name.equals(ENTITY_TYPE_META_DATA) && !name.equals(PACKAGE)) { try { validateName(entityType.getSimpleName()); } catch (MolgenisDataException e) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation(e.getMessage())); } } // Validate that entity name equals entity package name + package separator + entity simple name Package package_ = entityType.getPackage(); if (package_ != null) { if (!(package_.getName() + Package.PACKAGE_SEPARATOR + entityType.getSimpleName()).equals(entityType.getName())) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("Qualified entity name [%s] not equal to entity package name [%s] underscore entity name [%s]", entityType.getName(), package_.getName(), entityType.getSimpleName()))); } } else { if (!entityType.getSimpleName().equals(entityType.getName())) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("Qualified entity name [%s] not equal to entity name [%s]", entityType.getName(), entityType.getSimpleName()))); } } } /** * Validate that non-system entities are not assigned to a system package * * @param entityType entity type */ private void validatePackage(EntityType entityType) { Package package_ = entityType.getPackage(); if (package_ != null) { if (MetaUtils.isSystemPackage(package_) && !systemEntityTypeRegistry .hasSystemEntityType(entityType.getName())) { throw new MolgenisValidationException(new ConstraintViolation( format("Adding entity [%s] to system package [%s] is not allowed", entityType.getName(), entityType.getPackage().getName()))); } } } }