package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; public class ClinvarMultiAllelicResultFilter implements ResultFilter { private final VcfAttributes vcfAttributes; public ClinvarMultiAllelicResultFilter(VcfAttributes vcfAttributes) { this.vcfAttributes = requireNonNull(vcfAttributes); } @Override public Collection<Attribute> getRequiredAttributes() { return Arrays.asList(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute(), vcfAttributes.getAltAttribute()); } @Override public Optional<Entity> filterResults(Iterable<Entity> results, Entity annotatedEntity, boolean updateMode) { if (updateMode == true) { throw new MolgenisDataException("This annotator/filter does not support updating of values"); } Map<String, String> clnallValueMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Map<String, String> clnsigValueMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); List<Entity> processedResults = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entity entity : results) { if (entity.get(VcfAttributes.REF).equals(annotatedEntity.get(VcfAttributes.REF))) { String[] alts = entity.getString(VcfAttributes.ALT).split(","); String[] clnSigs = entity.getString("CLNSIG").split(","); String[] clnAll = entity.getString("CLNALLE").split(","); StringBuilder newClnlallAttributeValue = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder newClnlsigAttributeValue = new StringBuilder(); String[] annotatedEntityAltAlleles = annotatedEntity.getString(VcfAttributes.ALT).split(","); // sometimes the clnsig is not defined for all alternative alleles // so we need to check this and just add what we have for (int i = 0; i < clnSigs.length; i++) { int significantAlleleIndex = Integer.parseInt(clnAll[i]); // this means the no allele is associated with the gene of interest if (significantAlleleIndex == -1) continue; // this means the allele is based on the reference else if (significantAlleleIndex == 0) { String resultRefAllele = entity.getString(VcfAttributes.REF); String refAllele = annotatedEntity.getString(VcfAttributes.REF); // if annotated entity allele equals the clinvar significant allele we want it! if (refAllele.equals(resultRefAllele)) { // if more than one clinsigs are available pair the right one with each allele clnallValueMap.put(refAllele, "0"); clnsigValueMap.put(refAllele, clnSigs[i]); } } // 1 based so we need subtract 1 from the clnAll value else { significantAlleleIndex = significantAlleleIndex - 1; for (int j = 0; j < annotatedEntityAltAlleles.length; j++) { if (annotatedEntityAltAlleles[j].equals(alts[significantAlleleIndex])) { String newSignificantAlleleIndex = Integer.toString(j + 1); clnallValueMap.put(alts[significantAlleleIndex], newSignificantAlleleIndex); // 1,2 clnsigValueMap.put(alts[significantAlleleIndex], clnSigs[i]); // "5,4" } } } } for (int i = 0; i < annotatedEntityAltAlleles.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { newClnlallAttributeValue.append(","); newClnlsigAttributeValue.append(","); } if (clnallValueMap.get(annotatedEntityAltAlleles[i]) != null) { newClnlallAttributeValue.append(clnallValueMap.get(annotatedEntityAltAlleles[i])); } else { // missing allele in source, add a dot newClnlallAttributeValue.append("."); } if (clnsigValueMap.get(annotatedEntityAltAlleles[i]) != null) { newClnlsigAttributeValue.append(clnsigValueMap.get(annotatedEntityAltAlleles[i])); } else { // missing allele in source, add a dot newClnlsigAttributeValue.append("."); } } // nothing found at all? result is empty if (newClnlallAttributeValue.toString().equals(".")) { entity.set("CLNSIG", ""); entity.set("CLNALLE", ""); } else { entity.set("CLNALLE", newClnlallAttributeValue.toString()); entity.set("CLNSIG", newClnlsigAttributeValue.toString()); } processedResults.add(entity); } } return FluentIterable.from(processedResults).first(); } }