package org.molgenis.annotation.test.cmd.integration; import; import org.molgenis.annotation.cmd.CmdLineAnnotator; import org.molgenis.util.ResourceUtils; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import; import java.util.List; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; /** * Annotator integration tests * <p> * Tip: if you only want to run the integration tests in maven use: mvn failsafe:integration-test */ public class EdgeCaseExacCmdLineAnnotatorIT { @Test public void exac() throws Exception { testAnnotator("exac", ResourceUtils.getFile(getClass(), "/exac/exacIT_set.vcf.gz").getPath(), "test-edgecases.vcf", "test-edgecases-out-expected.vcf"); } private void testAnnotator(String name, String resourceLocation, String inputFileName, String expectedOutputFileName) throws Exception { String resourceDir = ResourceUtils.getFile(getClass(), "/").getPath() + File.separator + name; String inputFile = resourceDir + "/" + inputFileName; String outputFile = resourceDir + "/out-" + name + "-" + inputFileName; String expectedOutputFile = resourceDir + "/" + expectedOutputFileName; CmdLineAnnotator .main(new String[] { "-a", name, "-s", resourceLocation, "-i", inputFile, "-o", outputFile, "-r" }); assertEquals(readLines(outputFile), readLines(expectedOutputFile)); } private List<String> readLines(String file) throws IOException { return FileUtils.readLines(new File(file)); } }