package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import; import static*; public class AggregateResponseParser { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public AggregateResult parseAggregateResponse(Attribute aggAttr1, Attribute aggAttr2, Attribute aggAttrDistinct, Aggregations aggs, DataService dataService) { Map<String, Object> aggsMap = parseAggregations(aggAttr1, aggAttr2, aggAttrDistinct, aggs); // create labels Map<Object, Integer> xLabelsIdx = new HashMap<>(); Map<Object, Integer> yLabelsIdx = aggAttr2 != null ? new HashMap<>() : null; for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : aggsMap.entrySet()) { String xLabel = entry.getKey(); xLabelsIdx.put(xLabel, null); if (aggAttr2 != null) { Map<String, Object> subAggsMap = (Map<String, Object>) entry.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> subEntry : subAggsMap.entrySet()) yLabelsIdx.put(subEntry.getKey(), null); } } List<Object> xLabels = new ArrayList<>(xLabelsIdx.keySet()); Collections.sort(xLabels, new AggregateLabelComparable()); int nrXLabels = xLabels.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nrXLabels; ++i) xLabelsIdx.put(xLabels.get(i), i); List<Object> yLabels; if (aggAttr2 != null) { yLabels = new ArrayList<>(yLabelsIdx.keySet()); Collections.sort(yLabels, new AggregateLabelComparable()); int nrYLabels = yLabels.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nrYLabels; ++i) yLabelsIdx.put(yLabels.get(i), i); } else yLabels = Collections.emptyList(); // create value matrix List<List<Long>> matrix = new ArrayList<List<Long>>(nrXLabels); int nrYLabels = aggAttr2 != null ? yLabels.size() : 1; for (int i = 0; i < nrXLabels; ++i) { List<Long> yValues = new ArrayList<Long>(nrYLabels); for (int j = 0; j < nrYLabels; ++j) yValues.add(0L); matrix.add(yValues); } for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : aggsMap.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Integer idx = xLabelsIdx.get(key); List<Long> yValues = matrix.get(idx); if (aggAttr2 != null) { Map<String, Long> subValues = (Map<String, Long>) entry.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> subEntry : subValues.entrySet()) { String subKey = subEntry.getKey(); Integer subIdx = yLabelsIdx.get(subKey); yValues.set(subIdx, subEntry.getValue()); } } else { Long count = (Long) entry.getValue(); yValues.set(0, count); } } if (AggregateQueryGenerator.isNestedType(aggAttr1)) { convertIdtoLabelLabels(xLabels, aggAttr1.getRefEntity(), dataService); } if (aggAttr2 != null && AggregateQueryGenerator.isNestedType(aggAttr2)) { convertIdtoLabelLabels(yLabels, aggAttr2.getRefEntity(), dataService); } return new AggregateResult(matrix, xLabels, yLabels); } private Map<String, Object> parseAggregations(Attribute aggAttr1, Attribute aggAttr2, Attribute aggAttrDistinct, Aggregations aggs) { Map<String, Object> counts = new HashMap<String, Object>(); boolean isAttr1Nested = AggregateQueryGenerator.isNestedType(aggAttr1); boolean isAttr1Nillable = aggAttr1.isNillable(); if (isAttr1Nested) aggs = removeNesting(aggs); Terms terms = getTermsAggregation(aggs, aggAttr1); for (Bucket bucket : terms.getBuckets()) { String key = bucket.getKey(); Object value; if (aggAttr2 != null) { Map<String, Long> subCounts = new HashMap<String, Long>(); boolean isAttr2Nested = AggregateQueryGenerator.isNestedType(aggAttr2); boolean isAttr2Nillable = aggAttr2.isNillable(); Aggregations subAggs = bucket.getAggregations(); if (isAttr1Nested) subAggs = removeReverseNesting(subAggs); if (isAttr2Nested) subAggs = removeNesting(subAggs); Terms subTerms = getTermsAggregation(subAggs, aggAttr2); for (Bucket subBucket : subTerms.getBuckets()) { String subKey = subBucket.getKey(); Long subValue; if (aggAttrDistinct != null) { boolean isAttrDistinctNested = AggregateQueryGenerator.isNestedType(aggAttrDistinct); Aggregations distinctAggs = subBucket.getAggregations(); if (isAttr2Nested) distinctAggs = removeReverseNesting(distinctAggs); if (isAttrDistinctNested) distinctAggs = removeNesting(distinctAggs); Cardinality distinctAgg = getDistinctAggregation(distinctAggs, aggAttrDistinct); subValue = distinctAgg.getValue(); } else { subValue = subBucket.getDocCount(); } subCounts.put(subKey, subValue); } if (isAttr2Nillable) { Missing subMissing = getMissingAggregation(subAggs, aggAttr2); String subKey = null; Long subValue; if (aggAttrDistinct != null) { boolean isAttrDistinctNested = AggregateQueryGenerator.isNestedType(aggAttrDistinct); Aggregations subDistinctAggs = subMissing.getAggregations(); if (isAttr2Nested) subDistinctAggs = removeReverseNesting(subDistinctAggs); if (isAttrDistinctNested) subDistinctAggs = removeNesting(subDistinctAggs); Cardinality distinctAgg = getDistinctAggregation(subDistinctAggs, aggAttrDistinct); subValue = distinctAgg.getValue(); } else { subValue = subMissing.getDocCount(); } subCounts.put(subKey, subValue); } value = subCounts; } else { if (aggAttrDistinct != null) { boolean isAttrDistinctNested = AggregateQueryGenerator.isNestedType(aggAttrDistinct); Aggregations distinctAggs = bucket.getAggregations(); if (isAttr1Nested) distinctAggs = removeReverseNesting(distinctAggs); if (isAttrDistinctNested) distinctAggs = removeNesting(distinctAggs); Cardinality distinctAgg = getDistinctAggregation(distinctAggs, aggAttrDistinct); value = distinctAgg.getValue(); } else { value = bucket.getDocCount(); } } counts.put(key, value); } if (isAttr1Nillable) { Missing missing = getMissingAggregation(aggs, aggAttr1); String key = null; Object value; if (aggAttr2 != null) { Map<String, Long> subCounts = new HashMap<String, Long>(); boolean isAttr2Nested = AggregateQueryGenerator.isNestedType(aggAttr2); boolean isAttr2Nillable = aggAttr2.isNillable(); Aggregations subAggs = missing.getAggregations(); if (isAttr1Nested) subAggs = removeReverseNesting(subAggs); if (isAttr2Nested) subAggs = removeNesting(subAggs); Terms subTerms = getTermsAggregation(subAggs, aggAttr2); for (Bucket subBucket : subTerms.getBuckets()) { String subKey = subBucket.getKey(); Long subValue; if (aggAttrDistinct != null) { boolean isAttrDistinctNested = AggregateQueryGenerator.isNestedType(aggAttrDistinct); Aggregations distinctAggs = subBucket.getAggregations(); if (isAttr2Nested) distinctAggs = removeReverseNesting(distinctAggs); if (isAttrDistinctNested) distinctAggs = removeNesting(distinctAggs); Cardinality distinctAgg = getDistinctAggregation(distinctAggs, aggAttrDistinct); subValue = distinctAgg.getValue(); } else { subValue = subBucket.getDocCount(); } subCounts.put(subKey, subValue); } if (isAttr2Nillable) { Missing subMissing = getMissingAggregation(subAggs, aggAttr2); String subKey = null; Long subValue; if (aggAttrDistinct != null) { boolean isAttrDistinctNested = AggregateQueryGenerator.isNestedType(aggAttrDistinct); Aggregations subDistinctAggs = subMissing.getAggregations(); if (isAttr2Nested) subDistinctAggs = removeReverseNesting(subDistinctAggs); if (isAttrDistinctNested) subDistinctAggs = removeNesting(subDistinctAggs); Cardinality distinctAgg = getDistinctAggregation(subDistinctAggs, aggAttrDistinct); subValue = distinctAgg.getValue(); } else { subValue = subMissing.getDocCount(); } subCounts.put(subKey, subValue); } value = subCounts; } else { if (aggAttrDistinct != null) { boolean isAttrDistinctNested = AggregateQueryGenerator.isNestedType(aggAttrDistinct); Aggregations distinctAggs = missing.getAggregations(); if (isAttr1Nested) distinctAggs = removeReverseNesting(distinctAggs); if (isAttrDistinctNested) distinctAggs = removeNesting(distinctAggs); Cardinality distinctAgg = getDistinctAggregation(distinctAggs, aggAttrDistinct); value = distinctAgg.getValue(); } else { value = missing.getDocCount(); } } counts.put(key, value); } return counts; } private Aggregations removeNesting(Aggregations aggs) { if (Iterables.size(aggs) != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid number of aggregations"); } Aggregation agg = aggs.iterator().next(); if (!(agg instanceof Nested)) { throw new RuntimeException("Aggregation is not a nested aggregation"); } return ((Nested) agg).getAggregations(); } private Aggregations removeReverseNesting(Aggregations aggs) { if (Iterables.size(aggs) != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid number of aggregations"); } Aggregation agg = aggs.iterator().next(); if (!(agg instanceof ReverseNested)) { throw new RuntimeException("Aggregation is not a reverse nested aggregation"); } return ((ReverseNested) agg).getAggregations(); } private Terms getTermsAggregation(Aggregations aggs, Attribute attr) { Aggregation agg = aggs.get(attr.getName() + AGGREGATION_TERMS_POSTFIX); if (agg == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing terms aggregation"); } if (!(agg instanceof Terms)) { throw new RuntimeException("Aggregation is not a terms aggregation"); } return (Terms) agg; } private Missing getMissingAggregation(Aggregations aggs, Attribute attr) { Aggregation agg = aggs.get(attr.getName() + AGGREGATION_MISSING_POSTFIX); if (agg == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing missing aggregation"); } if (!(agg instanceof Missing)) { throw new RuntimeException("Aggregation is not a missing aggregation"); } return (Missing) agg; } private Cardinality getDistinctAggregation(Aggregations aggs, Attribute attr) { Aggregation agg = aggs.get(attr.getName() + AGGREGATION_DISTINCT_POSTFIX); if (agg == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing cardinality aggregation"); } if (!(agg instanceof Cardinality)) { throw new RuntimeException("Aggregation is not a cardinality aggregation"); } return (Cardinality) agg; } /** * Convert matrix labels that contain ids to label attribute values. Keeps in mind that the last label on a axis is * "Total". * * @param idLabels * @param entityType * @param dataService */ private void convertIdtoLabelLabels(List<Object> idLabels, EntityType entityType, DataService dataService) { final int nrLabels = idLabels.size(); if (nrLabels > 0) { // Get entities for ids // Use Iterables.transform to work around List<String> to Iterable<Object> cast error Stream<Object> idLabelsWithoutNull = -> idLabel != null); // Map entity ids to labels Map<String, Entity> idToLabelMap = new HashMap<>(); dataService.findAll(entityType.getName(), idLabelsWithoutNull).forEach(entity -> { idToLabelMap.put(entity.getIdValue().toString(), entity); }); for (int i = 0; i < nrLabels; ++i) { Object id = idLabels.get(i); if (id != null) // missing value label { idLabels.set(i, idToLabelMap.get(id)); } } } } private static class AggregateLabelComparable implements Comparator<Object> { @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return o1 == null ? 1 : ( o2 == null ? -1 : o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString())); // FIXME check if this is allowed? } } }