package; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.impl.EmailValidator; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static*; /** * Attribute data type validator. * <p> * Does not check if xref,mref, categorical values are present. That happens in the EntityValidator. */ @Component public class EntityAttributesValidator { private final ExpressionValidator expressionValidator; private EmailValidator emailValidator; @Autowired public EntityAttributesValidator(ExpressionValidator expressionValidator) { this.expressionValidator = requireNonNull(expressionValidator); } public Set<ConstraintViolation> validate(Entity entity, EntityType meta) { Set<ConstraintViolation> violations = checkValidationExpressions(entity, meta); for (Attribute attr : meta.getAtomicAttributes()) { ConstraintViolation violation = null; AttributeType attrType = attr.getDataType(); switch (attrType) { case EMAIL: violation = checkEmail(entity, attr, meta); break; case BOOL: violation = checkBoolean(entity, attr, meta); break; case DATE: violation = checkDate(entity, attr, meta); break; case DATE_TIME: violation = checkDateTime(entity, attr, meta); break; case DECIMAL: violation = checkDecimal(entity, attr, meta); break; case HYPERLINK: violation = checkHyperlink(entity, attr, meta); break; case INT: violation = checkInt(entity, attr, meta); if ((violation == null) && (attr.getRange() != null)) { violation = checkRange(entity, attr, meta); } break; case LONG: violation = checkLong(entity, attr, meta); if ((violation == null) && (attr.getRange() != null)) { violation = checkRange(entity, attr, meta); } break; case ENUM: violation = checkEnum(entity, attr, meta); break; case HTML: violation = checkText(entity, attr, meta, HTML); break; case SCRIPT: violation = checkText(entity, attr, meta, SCRIPT); break; case TEXT: violation = checkText(entity, attr, meta, TEXT); break; case STRING: violation = checkText(entity, attr, meta, STRING); break; case CATEGORICAL: case FILE: case XREF: violation = checkXref(entity, attr, meta); break; case CATEGORICAL_MREF: case MREF: case ONE_TO_MANY: violation = checkMref(entity, attr, meta); break; case COMPOUND: // no op break; default: throw new RuntimeException(format("Unknown attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString())); } if (violation != null) { violations.add(violation); } } return violations; } private ConstraintViolation checkMref(Entity entity, Attribute attr, EntityType entityType) { Iterable<Entity> refEntities; try { refEntities = entity.getEntities(attr.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attr, entityType, "Not a valid entity, expected an entity list."); } if (refEntities == null) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attr, entityType, "Not a valid entity, expected an entity list."); } for (Entity refEntity : refEntities) { if (refEntity == null) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attr, entityType, "Not a valid entity, null is not allowed"); } if (!refEntity.getEntityType().getName().equals(attr.getRefEntity().getName())) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attr, entityType, "Not a valid entity type."); } } return null; } private ConstraintViolation checkXref(Entity entity, Attribute attr, EntityType entityType) { Entity refEntity; try { refEntity = entity.getEntity(attr.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attr, entityType, "Not a valid entity."); } if (refEntity == null) { return null; } if (!refEntity.getEntityType().getName().equals(attr.getRefEntity().getName())) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attr, entityType, "Not a valid entity type."); } return null; } private Set<ConstraintViolation> checkValidationExpressions(Entity entity, EntityType meta) { List<String> validationExpressions = new ArrayList<>(); List<Attribute> expressionAttributes = new ArrayList<>(); for (Attribute attribute : meta.getAtomicAttributes()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attribute.getValidationExpression())) { expressionAttributes.add(attribute); validationExpressions.add(attribute.getValidationExpression()); } } Set<ConstraintViolation> violations = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (!validationExpressions.isEmpty()) { List<Boolean> results = expressionValidator.resolveBooleanExpressions(validationExpressions, entity); for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { if (!results.get(i)) { violations.add(createConstraintViolation(entity, expressionAttributes.get(i), meta, format("Offended expression: %s", validationExpressions.get(i)))); } } } return violations; } private ConstraintViolation checkEmail(Entity entity, Attribute attribute, EntityType entityType) { String email = entity.getString(attribute.getName()); if (email == null) { return null; } if (emailValidator == null) { emailValidator = new EmailValidator(); } if (!emailValidator.isValid(email, null)) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attribute, entityType, "Not a valid e-mail address."); } if (email.length() > EMAIL.getMaxLength()) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attribute, entityType); } return null; } private static ConstraintViolation checkBoolean(Entity entity, Attribute attribute, EntityType entityType) { try { entity.getBoolean(attribute.getName()); return null; } catch (Exception e) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attribute, entityType); } } private static ConstraintViolation checkDateTime(Entity entity, Attribute attribute, EntityType entityType) { try { entity.getUtilDate(attribute.getName()); return null; } catch (Exception e) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attribute, entityType); } } private static ConstraintViolation checkDate(Entity entity, Attribute attribute, EntityType entityType) { try { entity.getDate(attribute.getName()); return null; } catch (Exception e) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attribute, entityType); } } private static ConstraintViolation checkDecimal(Entity entity, Attribute attribute, EntityType entityType) { try { entity.getDouble(attribute.getName()); return null; } catch (Exception e) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attribute, entityType); } } private ConstraintViolation checkHyperlink(Entity entity, Attribute attribute, EntityType entityType) { String link = entity.getString(attribute.getName()); if (link == null) { return null; } try { new URI(link); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attribute, entityType, "Not a valid hyperlink."); } if (link.length() > HYPERLINK.getMaxLength()) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attribute, entityType); } return null; } private static ConstraintViolation checkInt(Entity entity, Attribute attribute, EntityType entityType) { try { entity.getInt(attribute.getName()); return null; } catch (Exception e) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attribute, entityType); } } private static ConstraintViolation checkLong(Entity entity, Attribute attribute, EntityType entityType) { try { entity.getLong(attribute.getName()); return null; } catch (Exception e) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attribute, entityType); } } private static ConstraintViolation checkRange(Entity entity, Attribute attr, EntityType entityType) { Range range = attr.getRange(); Long value; switch (attr.getDataType()) { case INT: Integer intValue = entity.getInt(attr.getName()); value = intValue != null ? intValue.longValue() : null; break; case LONG: value = entity.getLong(attr.getName()); break; default: throw new RuntimeException( format("Range not allowed for data type [%s]", attr.getDataType().toString())); } if ((value != null) && ((range.getMin() != null && value < range.getMin()) || (range.getMax() != null && value > range.getMax()))) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attr, entityType); } return null; } private static ConstraintViolation checkText(Entity entity, Attribute attribute, EntityType meta, AttributeType fieldType) { String text = entity.getString(attribute.getName()); if (text == null) { return null; } if (text.length() > fieldType.getMaxLength()) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attribute, meta); } return null; } private ConstraintViolation checkEnum(Entity entity, Attribute attribute, EntityType entityType) { String value = entity.getString(attribute.getName()); if (value != null) { List<String> enumOptions = attribute.getEnumOptions(); if (!enumOptions.contains(value)) { return createConstraintViolation(entity, attribute, entityType, "Value must be one of " + enumOptions.toString()); } } return null; } private static ConstraintViolation createConstraintViolation(Entity entity, Attribute attribute, EntityType entityType) { String message = format("Invalid %s value '%s' for attribute '%s' of entity '%s'.", attribute.getDataType().toString().toLowerCase(), entity.get(attribute.getName()), attribute.getLabel(), entityType.getName()); Range range = attribute.getRange(); if (range != null) { message += format("Value must be between %d and %d", range.getMin(), range.getMax()); } Long maxLength = attribute.getDataType().getMaxLength(); if (maxLength != null) { message += format("Value must be less than or equal to %d characters", maxLength); } return new ConstraintViolation(message, entity.get(attribute.getName()), entity, attribute, entityType, null); } private ConstraintViolation createConstraintViolation(Entity entity, Attribute attribute, EntityType entityType, String message) { String dataValue = getDataValuesForType(entity, attribute).toString(); String fullMessage = format("Invalid [%s] value [%s] for attribute [%s] of entity [%s] with type [%s].", attribute.getDataType().toString().toLowerCase(), dataValue, attribute.getLabel(), entity.getLabelValue(), entityType.getName()); fullMessage += " " + message; return new ConstraintViolation(fullMessage, dataValue, entity, attribute, entityType, null); } private Object getDataValuesForType(Entity entity, Attribute attribute) { String attributeName = attribute.getName(); switch (attribute.getDataType()) { case DATE: case DATE_TIME: return entity.getUtilDate(attributeName); case BOOL: return entity.getBoolean(attributeName); case DECIMAL: case LONG: case INT: return entity.getInt(attributeName); case HYPERLINK: case ENUM: case HTML: case TEXT: case SCRIPT: case EMAIL: case STRING: return entity.getString(attributeName); case CATEGORICAL: case XREF: case FILE: Entity refEntity = entity.getEntity(attributeName); if (refEntity != null) return refEntity.getIdValue(); else return ""; case CATEGORICAL_MREF: case MREF: List<String> mrefValues = newArrayList(); for (Entity mrefEntity : entity.getEntities(attributeName)) { if (mrefEntity != null) { mrefValues.add(mrefEntity.getIdValue().toString()); } } return mrefValues; case COMPOUND: return ""; default: return ""; } } }