package org.molgenis.pathways.service; import; import org.molgenis.pathways.model.Impact; import org.molgenis.pathways.model.Pathway; import org.molgenis.wikipathways.client.WikiPathwaysPortType; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import; /** * Interacts with WikiPathways. Caches results. */ @Component public class WikiPathwaysService { private static final String[] HGNC_CODE = new String[] { "H" }; private final WikiPathwaysPortType wikiPathwaysProxy; private final LoadingCache<String, Set<Pathway>> allPathwaysCache; private final LoadingCache<PathwaysPerGeneParameters, Set<Pathway>> pathwaysPerGeneCache; private final LoadingCache<ColoredPathwayParameters, String> coloredPathwayImageCache; private final LoadingCache<String, String> uncoloredPathwayImageCache; /** * Creates a new WikiPathwaysService. creates all the caches with their proper loaders. * * @param wikiPathwaysProxy {@link WikiPathwaysPortType} proxy for the REST api that the caches use to load their data from */ @Autowired public WikiPathwaysService(WikiPathwaysPortType wikiPathwaysProxy) { this.wikiPathwaysProxy = wikiPathwaysProxy; this.allPathwaysCache = CacheFactory .loadingPathwayCache(wikiPathwaysProxy::listPathways, (organism, pathway) -> true, Pathway::create); this.pathwaysPerGeneCache = CacheFactory .loadingPathwayCache(params -> wikiPathwaysProxy.findPathwaysByXref(params.getGeneArray(), HGNC_CODE), (params, pathway) -> pathway.getSpecies().equals(params.getSpecies()), Pathway::create); this.uncoloredPathwayImageCache = CacheFactory .loadingCache(pathwayId -> toSingleLineString(wikiPathwaysProxy.getPathwayAs("svg", pathwayId, 0))); this.coloredPathwayImageCache = CacheFactory.loadingCache(params -> toSingleLineString(wikiPathwaysProxy .getColoredPathway(params.getPathwayId(), "0", params.getGraphIdArray(), params.getColorArray(), "svg"))); } /** * Turns byte array containing pathway svg into a String. Reads all content into a single line. * * @param source byte array with the svg * @return String containing the svg */ private static String toSingleLineString(byte[] source) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(source); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(bis, "UTF-8"); scanner.useDelimiter("\\n"); try { while (scanner.hasNext()) { result.append(; result.append(" "); } } finally { scanner.close(); } return result.toString(); } /** * Searches pathways. * * @param searchTerm string to search for * @return Map with all matching pathway ids mapped to pathway name * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection<Pathway> getFilteredPathways(String searchTerm, String species) throws RemoteException { return, species)).map(Pathway::create) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Retrieves the GPML of the current version of a pathway * * @param pathwayId ID of the pathway in WikiPathways * @return String containing the pathway GPML * @throws RemoteException */ public String getPathwayGPML(String pathwayId) throws RemoteException { return wikiPathwaysProxy.getPathway(pathwayId, 0).getGpml(); } /** * Retrieves a colored pathway image * * @param pathwayId ID of the pathway from WikiPathways * @param impactPerGraphId * @return String containing the pathway svg * @throws ExecutionException if loading of the cache fails */ public String getColoredPathwayImage(String pathwayId, Map<String, Impact> impactPerGraphId) throws ExecutionException { return coloredPathwayImageCache.get(ColoredPathwayParameters.create(pathwayId, impactPerGraphId)); } /** * Retrieves an uncolored pathway image * * @param pathwayId Id of the pathway from WikiPathways * @return String containing pathway svg * @throws ExecutionException if loading of the cache fails */ public String getUncoloredPathwayImage(String pathwayId) throws ExecutionException { return uncoloredPathwayImageCache.get(pathwayId); } /** * Retrieves pathways according to gene, filtered for a certain species. * * @param gene HGNC gene name * @param species String with species name, e.g. Homo sapiens * @return Collection of {@link Pathway}s * @throws ExecutionException if loading of the cache fails */ public Collection<Pathway> getPathwaysForGene(String gene, String species) throws ExecutionException { return pathwaysPerGeneCache.get(PathwaysPerGeneParameters.create(species, gene)); } /** * Retrieves all pathways for a species. * * @param species String with species name, e.g. Homo sapiens * @return Map mapping id to pathway name * @throws ExecutionException if loading of the cache fails */ public Collection<Pathway> getAllPathways(String species) throws ExecutionException { return allPathwaysCache.get(species); } }