package org.molgenis.das.impl; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.molgenis.das.RangeHandlingDataSource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import java.util.*; import; import static org.molgenis.util.ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext; public class RepositoryRangeHandlingDataSource extends RangeHandlingDataSource implements RangeHandlingAnnotationDataSource { private final DataService dataService; private final GenomicDataSettings config; private DasType mutationType; private DasMethod method; private String type; @Override public void init(ServletContext servletContext, Map<String, PropertyType> globalParameters, DataSourceConfiguration dataSourceConfig) throws DataSourceException { this.type = dataSourceConfig.getDataSourceProperties().get("type").getValue(); this.mutationType = new DasType(type, null, "?", type); this.method = new DasMethod("not_recorded", "not_recorded", "ECO:0000037"); } public RepositoryRangeHandlingDataSource() throws DataSourceException { dataService = getApplicationContext().getBean(DataService.class); config = getApplicationContext().getBean(GenomicDataSettings.class); } @Override public DasAnnotatedSegment getFeatures(String segmentParamString, int start, int stop, Integer maxbins) throws BadReferenceObjectException, DataSourceException { String[] segmentParts = segmentParamString.split(","); String dataSet = null; String customParam; String segmentId = null; String posAttribute = null; String chromosomeAttribute = null; String stopAttribute = null; String refAttribute = null; String altAttribute = null; String descriptionAttribute = null; String linkAttribute = null; String patientAttribute = null; if (segmentParts.length > 1) { segmentId = segmentParts[0]; customParam = segmentParts[1]; if (customParam.indexOf(DasURLFilter.DATASET_PREFIX) != -1) { dataSet = customParam.substring(11); } } if (maxbins == null || maxbins < 0) { maxbins = 1000; } Stream<Entity> entityIterable = queryDataSet(segmentId, dataSet, maxbins); List<DasFeature> features = new ArrayList<DasFeature>(); Integer score = 0; Map<String, DasType> patients = new HashMap<String, DasType>(); for (Iterator<Entity> it = entityIterable.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Entity entity =; DasFeature feature; Integer valueStart = null; Integer valueStop = null; String valueDescription = null; String valueLink = null; String valuePatient = null; String valueRef = null; String valueAlt = null; posAttribute = getAttributeName(posAttribute, GenomicDataSettings.Meta.ATTRS_POS, entity); chromosomeAttribute = getAttributeName(chromosomeAttribute, GenomicDataSettings.Meta.ATTRS_CHROM, entity); stopAttribute = getAttributeName(stopAttribute, GenomicDataSettings.Meta.ATTRS_STOP, entity); descriptionAttribute = getAttributeName(descriptionAttribute, GenomicDataSettings.Meta.ATTRS_DESCRIPTION, entity); refAttribute = getAttributeName(refAttribute, GenomicDataSettings.Meta.ATTRS_REF, entity); altAttribute = getAttributeName(altAttribute, GenomicDataSettings.Meta.ATTRS_ALT, entity); linkAttribute = getAttributeName(linkAttribute, GenomicDataSettings.Meta.ATTRS_LINKOUT, entity); patientAttribute = getAttributeName(patientAttribute, GenomicDataSettings.Meta.ATTRS_PATIENT_ID, entity); try { valueStart = entity.getInt(posAttribute); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // start of identifier not correctly specified? exclude this mutation fore it can not be plotted break; } // no end position? assume mutation of 1 position, so stop == start List<String> attributes = Lists.newArrayList(entity.getAttributeNames().iterator()); valueStop = Iterables.contains(attributes, stopAttribute) ? entity.getInt(stopAttribute) : valueStart; valueDescription = Iterables.contains(attributes, descriptionAttribute) ? entity .getString(descriptionAttribute) : ""; valueLink = Iterables.contains(attributes, linkAttribute) ? entity.getString(linkAttribute) : ""; valuePatient = Iterables.contains(attributes, patientAttribute) ? entity.getString(patientAttribute) : ""; valueRef = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(refAttribute) && StringUtils .isNotEmpty(entity.getString(refAttribute)) ? entity.getString(refAttribute) : ""; valueAlt = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(altAttribute) && StringUtils .isNotEmpty(entity.getString(altAttribute)) ? entity.getString(altAttribute) : ""; List<String> notes = new ArrayList<String>(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(valueRef)) notes.add(refAttribute + "~" + valueRef); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(valueAlt)) notes.add(altAttribute + "~" + valueAlt); if (valueStart != null && ((valueStart >= start && valueStart <= stop) || (valueStop >= start && valueStop <= stop))) { DasType type;// used for label colours in Dalliance if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(valueRef) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(valueAlt)) { if (valueRef.length() == 1 && valueAlt.length() == 1) type = new DasType(valueAlt, "", "", ""); else if (valueRef.length() == 1 && valueAlt.length() > 1) { type = new DasType("insert", "", "", ""); } else if (valueRef.length() > 1 && valueAlt.length() == 1) { type = new DasType("delete", "", "", ""); } else { type = new DasType("delete", "", "", ""); } } else if (patients.containsKey(valuePatient)) { type = patients.get(valuePatient); } else { type = new DasType(score.toString(), "", "", ""); patients.put(valuePatient, type); ++score; } Object labelValue = entity.getLabelValue(); feature = createDasFeature(valueStart, valueStop, entity.getIdValue().toString(), labelValue != null ? labelValue.toString() : null, valueDescription, valueLink, type, method, dataSet, valuePatient, notes); features.add(feature); } } DasAnnotatedSegment segment = new DasAnnotatedSegment(segmentId, start, stop, "1.00", segmentId, features); return segment; } public String getAttributeName(String attribute, String fieldName, Entity entity) { if (attribute == null) { attribute = config.getAttributeNameForAttributeNameArray(fieldName, entity.getEntityType()); } return attribute; } protected Stream<Entity> queryDataSet(String segmentId, String dataSet, int maxbins) { String chromosomeAttribute = config.getAttributeNameForAttributeNameArray(GenomicDataSettings.Meta.ATTRS_CHROM, dataService.getEntityType(dataSet)); Query<Entity> q = new QueryImpl<Entity>().eq(chromosomeAttribute, segmentId); q.pageSize(maxbins); return dataService.findAll(dataSet, q); } @Override public Integer getTotalCountForType(DasType type) throws DataSourceException { return 1000; } @Override public Collection<DasType> getTypes() throws DataSourceException { return Collections.singleton(mutationType); } }