package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class CsvWriter extends AbstractWritable { public static final Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); public static final char DEFAULT_SEPARATOR = ','; private final csvWriter; /** * process cells before writing */ private List<CellProcessor> cellProcessors; private List<String> cachedAttributeNames; public CsvWriter(Writer writer) { this(writer, ','); } public CsvWriter(Writer writer, List<String> attributeNames) throws IOException { this(writer); writeAttributeNames(attributeNames); } public CsvWriter(Writer writer, char separator) { this(writer, separator, false); } public CsvWriter(Writer writer, char separator, boolean noQuotes) { if (writer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("writer is null"); if (noQuotes) { this.csvWriter = new, separator,; } else { this.csvWriter = new, separator); } } public CsvWriter(OutputStream os) { this(new OutputStreamWriter(os, DEFAULT_CHARSET)); } public CsvWriter(OutputStream os, char separator) { this(new OutputStreamWriter(os, DEFAULT_CHARSET), separator); } public CsvWriter(OutputStream os, char separator, boolean noQuotes) { this(new OutputStreamWriter(os, DEFAULT_CHARSET), separator, noQuotes); } public CsvWriter(File file) throws FileNotFoundException { this(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), DEFAULT_CHARSET), DEFAULT_SEPARATOR); } public CsvWriter(File file, char separator) throws FileNotFoundException { this(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), DEFAULT_CHARSET), separator); } public void addCellProcessor(CellProcessor cellProcessor) { if (cellProcessors == null) cellProcessors = new ArrayList<CellProcessor>(); cellProcessors.add(cellProcessor); } @Override public void add(Entity entity) { if (cachedAttributeNames == null) throw new MolgenisDataException("No attribute names defined call writeAttributeNames first"); int i = 0; String[] values = new String[cachedAttributeNames.size()]; for (String colName : cachedAttributeNames) { values[i++] = toValue(entity.get(colName)); } csvWriter.writeNext(values); if (csvWriter.checkError()) throw new MolgenisDataException("An exception occured writing the csv file"); } public void writeAttributeNames(Iterable<String> attributeNames) throws IOException { writeAttributes(attributeNames, attributeNames); } /** * Use attribute labels as column names * * @param attributes * @throws IOException */ public void writeAttributes(Iterable<Attribute> attributes) throws IOException { List<String> attributeNames = Lists.newArrayList(); List<String> attributeLabels = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Attribute attr : attributes) { attributeNames.add(attr.getName()); if (attr.getLabel() != null) { attributeLabels.add(attr.getLabel()); } else { attributeLabels.add(attr.getName()); } } writeAttributes(attributeNames, attributeLabels); } public void writeAttributes(Iterable<String> attributeNames, Iterable<String> attributeLabels) throws IOException { if (cachedAttributeNames == null) { List<String> processedAttributeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String colName : attributeNames) { // process column name String processedColName = AbstractCellProcessor.processCell(colName, true, this.cellProcessors); processedAttributeNames.add(processedColName); } // store filtered column names cachedAttributeNames = processedAttributeNames; // write column labels this.csvWriter.writeNext(Iterables.toArray(attributeLabels, String.class)); if (this.csvWriter.checkError()) throw new IOException(); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { csvWriter.close(); } private String toValue(Object obj) { String value; if (obj == null) { value = null; } else if (obj instanceof java.util.Date) { value = new DateToStringConverter().convert((java.util.Date) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Entity) { if (getEntityWriteMode() != null) { switch (getEntityWriteMode()) { case ENTITY_IDS: value = ((Entity) obj).getIdValue().toString(); break; case ENTITY_LABELS: Object labelValue = ((Entity) obj).getLabelValue(); value = labelValue != null ? labelValue.toString() : null; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown write mode [" + getEntityWriteMode() + "]"); } } else { Object labelValue = ((Entity) obj).getLabelValue(); value = labelValue != null ? labelValue.toString() : null; } } else if (obj instanceof Iterable<?>) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (Object listItem : (Iterable<?>) obj) { if (strBuilder.length() > 0) strBuilder.append(','); strBuilder.append(toValue(listItem)); } // TODO apply cell processors to list elements? value = strBuilder.toString(); } else { value = obj.toString(); } return AbstractCellProcessor.processCell(value, false, this.cellProcessors); } @Override public void flush() { try { csvWriter.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MolgenisDataException("Error flushing csvwriter", e); } } @Override public void clearCache() { // Nothing } }