package; import; import; import static; import static; import static java.util.Collections.singletonList; import static; import static; import static; import static; /** * Package defines the structure and attributes of a Package. Attributes are unique. Other software components can use * this to interact with Packages and/or to configure backends and frontends, including Repository instances. */ @SuppressWarnings("SpringJavaAutowiringInspection") public class Package extends StaticEntity { public static final String PACKAGE_SEPARATOR = "_"; public Package(Entity entity) { super(entity); } /** * Constructs a package with the given meta data * * @param entityType package meta data */ public Package(EntityType entityType) { super(entityType); } /** * Constructs a package with the given type code and meta data * * @param packageId package identifier (fully qualified package name) * @param entityType language meta data */ public Package(String packageId, EntityType entityType) { super(entityType); setSimpleName(packageId); } /** * Copy-factory (instead of copy-constructor to avoid accidental method overloading to {@link #Package(EntityType)}) * * @param package_ package * @return deep copy of package */ public static Package newInstance(Package package_) { Package packageCopy = new Package(package_.getEntityType()); packageCopy.setName(package_.getName()); packageCopy.setSimpleName(package_.getSimpleName()); packageCopy.setLabel(package_.getLabel()); packageCopy.setDescription(package_.getDescription()); Package parent = package_.getParent(); packageCopy.setParent(parent != null ? Package.newInstance(parent) : null); Iterable<Tag> tags = package_.getTags(); packageCopy.setTags(stream(tags.spliterator(), false).map(Tag::newInstance).collect(toList())); return packageCopy; } /** * Gets the name of the package without the trailing parent packages * * @return package name */ public String getSimpleName() { return getString(PackageMetadata.SIMPLE_NAME); } public Package setSimpleName(String simpleName) { set(PackageMetadata.SIMPLE_NAME, simpleName); updateFullName(); return this; } /** * Gets the parent package or null if this package does not have a parent package * * @return parent package or <tt>null</tt> */ public Package getParent() { return getEntity(PackageMetadata.PARENT, Package.class); } public Package setParent(Package parentPackage) { set(PackageMetadata.PARENT, parentPackage); updateFullName(); return this; } /** * Gets the subpackages of this package or an empty list if this package doesn't have any subpackages. * * @return sub-packages */ public Iterable<Package> getChildren() { return getEntities(CHILDREN, Package.class); } /** * Gets the fully qualified name of this package * * @return fully qualified package name */ public String getName() { return getString(PackageMetadata.FULL_NAME); } public Package setName(String fullName) { set(PackageMetadata.FULL_NAME, fullName); return this; } /** * The label of this package * * @return package label or <tt>null</tt> */ public String getLabel() { return getString(PackageMetadata.LABEL); } public Package setLabel(String label) { set(PackageMetadata.LABEL, label); return this; } /** * The description of this package * * @return package description or <tt>null</tt> */ public String getDescription() { return getString(PackageMetadata.DESCRIPTION); } public Package setDescription(String description) { set(PackageMetadata.DESCRIPTION, description); return this; } /** * Get all tags for this package * * @return package tags */ public Iterable<Tag> getTags() { return getEntities(PackageMetadata.TAGS, Tag.class); } /** * Set tags for this package * * @param tags package tags * @return this package */ public Package setTags(Iterable<Tag> tags) { set(PackageMetadata.TAGS, tags); return this; } /** * Add a {@link Tag} to this {@link Package} * * @param tag */ public void addTag(Tag tag) { set(PackageMetadata.TAGS, concat(getTags(), singletonList(tag))); } /** * Remove a {@link Tag} from this {@link Package} * * @param tag */ public void removeTag(Tag tag) { Iterable<Tag> tags = getTags(); removeAll(tags, singletonList(tag)); set(PackageMetadata.TAGS, tag); } /** * Gets the entities in this package. Does not return entities referred to by sub-packages * * @return package entities */ public Iterable<EntityType> getEntityTypes() { return getEntities(ENTITY_TYPES, EntityType.class); } /** * Get the root of this package, or itself if this is a root package * * @return root package of this package or <tt>null</tt> */ public Package getRootPackage() { Package package_ = this; while (package_.getParent() != null) { package_ = package_.getParent(); } return package_; } private void updateFullName() { String simpleName = getSimpleName(); if (simpleName != null) { String fullName; Package parentPackage = getParent(); if (parentPackage != null) { fullName = parentPackage.getName() + PACKAGE_SEPARATOR + simpleName; } else { fullName = simpleName; } set(PackageMetadata.FULL_NAME, fullName); } } @Override public String toString() { return "Package{" + "name=" + getName() + '}'; } }