package org.molgenis.charts.requests; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; public class XYDataChartRequest extends ChartRequest { @NotNull private String x; @NotNull private String xAxisLabel; @NotNull private String y; @NotNull private String yAxisLabel; private String split; /** * @return the x */ public String getX() { return x; } /** * @param x the x to set */ public void setX(String x) { this.x = x; } /** * @return the xAxisLabel */ public String getxAxisLabel() { return xAxisLabel; } /** * @param xAxisLabel the xAxisLabel to set */ public void setxAxisLabel(String xAxisLabel) { this.xAxisLabel = xAxisLabel; } /** * @return the y */ public String getY() { return y; } /** * @param y the y to set */ public void setY(String y) { this.y = y; } /** * @return the yAxisLabel */ public String getyAxisLabel() { return yAxisLabel; } /** * @param yAxisLabel the yAxisLabel to set */ public void setyAxisLabel(String yAxisLabel) { this.yAxisLabel = yAxisLabel; } /** * @return the split */ public String getSplit() { return this.split; } /** * @param split the split to set */ public void setSplit(String split) { this.split = split; } }