package; import; import; import; import org.molgenis.util.MolgenisDateFormat; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Date; import static java.lang.String.format; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isEmpty; import static org.molgenis.util.MolgenisDateFormat.getDateFormat; import static org.molgenis.util.MolgenisDateFormat.getDateTimeFormat; /** * Converts RSQL value symbols to the relevant data type. */ @Service public class RSQLValueParser { public Object parse(String valueString, Attribute attribute) { if (isEmpty(valueString)) { return null; } AttributeType attrType = attribute.getDataType(); switch (attrType) { case BOOL: return Boolean.valueOf(valueString); case EMAIL: case ENUM: case HTML: case HYPERLINK: case SCRIPT: case STRING: case TEXT: return valueString; case CATEGORICAL: case XREF: case FILE: case CATEGORICAL_MREF: case MREF: case ONE_TO_MANY: return parse(valueString, attribute.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute()); case DATE: return convertDate(attribute, valueString); case DATE_TIME: return convertDateTime(attribute, valueString); case DECIMAL: return Double.valueOf(valueString); case INT: return Integer.valueOf(valueString); case LONG: return Long.valueOf(valueString); case COMPOUND: throw new RuntimeException(format("Illegal attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString())); default: throw new RuntimeException(format("Unknown attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString())); } } private static Date convertDateTime(Attribute attr, String paramValue) { try { return getDateTimeFormat().parse(paramValue); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Attribute [%s] value [%s] does not match date format [%s]", attr.getName(), paramValue, MolgenisDateFormat.getDateTimeFormat().toPattern())); } } private static Date convertDate(Attribute attr, String paramValue) { try { return getDateFormat().parse(paramValue); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Attribute [%s] value [%s] does not match date format [%s].", attr.getName(), paramValue, MolgenisDateFormat.getDateFormat().toPattern())); } } }