package; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static; import static; public enum AttributeType { BOOL, CATEGORICAL, CATEGORICAL_MREF, COMPOUND, DATE, DATE_TIME, DECIMAL, EMAIL(255L), ENUM(255L), FILE, HTML( 65535L), HYPERLINK(255L), INT, LONG, MREF, ONE_TO_MANY, SCRIPT(65535L), STRING(255L), TEXT(65535L), XREF; private static final Map<String, AttributeType> strValMap; static { AttributeType[] dataTypes = AttributeType.values(); strValMap = newHashMapWithExpectedSize(dataTypes.length); for (AttributeType dataType : dataTypes) { strValMap.put(getValueString(dataType), dataType); } } private final Long maxLength; AttributeType() { this.maxLength = null; } AttributeType(long maxLength) { this.maxLength = maxLength; } public Long getMaxLength() { return maxLength; } /** * Returns the enum value for the given value string * * @param valueString value string * @return enum value */ public static AttributeType toEnum(String valueString) { return strValMap.get(normalize(valueString)); } /** * Returns the value string for the given enum value * * @param value enum value * @return value string */ public static String getValueString(AttributeType value) { return normalize(value.toString()); } /** * Returns the value strings for all enum types in the defined enum order * * @return value strings */ public static List<String> getOptionsLowercase() { return; } private static String normalize(String valueString) { return StringUtils.remove(valueString, '_').toLowerCase(); } }