package org.molgenis.pathways; import; import; import; import; import; import org.molgenis.pathways.model.Impact; import org.molgenis.pathways.model.Pathway; import org.molgenis.pathways.service.WikiPathwaysService; import org.molgenis.ui.MolgenisPluginController; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.validation.Valid; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import static java.util.function.BinaryOperator.maxBy; import static*; import static; import static; import static org.molgenis.pathways.WikiPathwaysController.URI; import static; import static org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod.GET; import static org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod.POST; @Controller @RequestMapping(URI) public class WikiPathwaysController extends MolgenisPluginController { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WikiPathwaysController.class); private static final String ID = "pathways"; public static final String URI = MolgenisPluginController.PLUGIN_URI_PREFIX + ID; private static final Pattern EFFECT_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("([A-Z]*\\|)(\\|*[0-9]+\\||\\|+)+([0-9A-Z]+)(\\|*)(.*)"); private static final String HOMO_SAPIENS = "Homo sapiens"; public static final String EFFECT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "EFF"; private final WikiPathwaysService wikiPathwaysService; @Autowired private DataService dataService; private static final Pattern GENE_SYMBOL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^[0-9A-Za-z\\-]*"); private static final DocumentBuilderFactory DB_FACTORY = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); @Autowired public WikiPathwaysController(WikiPathwaysService wikiPathwaysService) { super(URI); this.wikiPathwaysService = wikiPathwaysService; } /** * Shows the start screen. * * @param model the {@link Model} to fill * @return the view name */ @RequestMapping(method = GET) public String init(Model model) { model.addAttribute("entitiesMeta", getVCFEntities()); return "view-pathways"; } /** * Retrieves the list of VCF entities. They are recognized by the fact that they have an effect attribute. * * @return {@link List} of {@link EntityType} for the VCF entities */ private List<EntityType> getVCFEntities() { return stream(dataService.getEntityNames().spliterator(), false).map(dataService::getEntityType) .filter(this::hasEffectAttribute).collect(toList()); } /** * Determines if an entity has an effect attribute. * * @param emd {@link EntityType} of the entity * @return boolean indicating if the entity has an effect column */ private boolean hasEffectAttribute(EntityType emd) { return emd.getAttribute(EFFECT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) != null; } /** * Retrieves all pathways. * * @return {@link Collection} of all {@link Pathway}s. * @throws ExecutionException if load from cache fails */ @RequestMapping(value = "/allPathways", method = POST) @ResponseBody public Collection<Pathway> getAllPathways() throws ExecutionException { return wikiPathwaysService.getAllPathways(HOMO_SAPIENS); } /** * Searches pathways. * * @param searchTerm string to search for * @return {@link Collection} of all {@link Pathway}s found for searchTerm * @throws RemoteException * @throws ExecutionException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/filteredPathways", method = POST) @ResponseBody public Collection<Pathway> getFilteredPathways(@RequestBody String searchTerm) throws RemoteException, ExecutionException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(searchTerm)) { return getAllPathways(); } return wikiPathwaysService.getFilteredPathways(searchTerm, HOMO_SAPIENS); } /** * Retrieves uncolored pathway image. * * @param pathwayId the id of the pathway * @return single-line svg string of the pathway image * @throws ExecutionException if load from cache fails */ @RequestMapping(value = "/pathwayViewer/{pathwayId}", method = GET) @ResponseBody public String getPathway(@PathVariable String pathwayId) throws ExecutionException { return wikiPathwaysService.getUncoloredPathwayImage(pathwayId); } /** * Retrieves gene symbols plus impact from the EFF attributes of all {@link Entity}s in a VCF repository that have * an EFF attribute containing a gene symbol. * * @param selectedVcf name of the VCF {@link Repository} * @return Map mapping Gene name to highest {@link Impact} for that gene */ private Map<String, Impact> getGenesForVcf(String selectedVcf) { return stream(dataService.getRepository(selectedVcf).spliterator(), false) .map(entity -> entity.getString(EFFECT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)) .filter(eff -> !StringUtils.isEmpty(getGeneFromEffect(eff))).collect( groupingBy(WikiPathwaysController::getGeneFromEffect, reducing(Impact.NONE, WikiPathwaysController::getImpactFromEffect, maxBy((i1, i2) -> i1.compareTo(i2))))); } /** * Parses the impact from an effect attribute. Recognizes the strings HIGH, MODERATE, and LOW. * * @param eff String value of the effect attribute * @return the highest {@link Impact} found in the effect attribute, or {@link Impact#NONE} if none found */ private static Impact getImpactFromEffect(String eff) { return eff.contains("HIGH") ? Impact.HIGH : eff.contains("MODERATE") ? Impact.MODERATE : eff .contains("LOW") ? Impact.LOW : Impact.NONE; } /** * Parses the Gene symbol from an effect attribute. * * @param eff String value of the effect attribute * @return the gene symbol or null if none found */ private static String getGeneFromEffect(String eff) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(eff)) { Matcher effectMatcher = EFFECT_PATTERN.matcher(eff); if (effectMatcher.find()) { return; } } return null; } /** * Retrieves all pathways for the genes in a vcf. * * @param selectedVcf the name of the vcf {@link Repository} * @return {@link Collection} of {@link Pathway}s found for genes in the VCF * @throws ExecutionException if the loading from cache fails */ @RequestMapping(value = "/pathwaysByGenes", method = POST) @ResponseBody public Collection<Pathway> getListOfPathwayNamesByGenes(@Valid @RequestBody String selectedVcf) throws ExecutionException { return getGenesForVcf(selectedVcf).keySet().stream().map(this::getPathwaysForGene).flatMap(Collection::stream) .collect(toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } /** * Retrieves all pathways for a gene * * @param gene the HGNC name of the gene * @return Collection of {@link Pathway}s */ private Collection<Pathway> getPathwaysForGene(String gene) { try { return wikiPathwaysService.getPathwaysForGene(gene, HOMO_SAPIENS); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Retrieves a colored pathway. * * @param selectedVcf name of the VCF {@link Repository} * @param pathwayId ID of the pathway * @return svg for the pathway, with the genes in the VCF colored according to their {@link Impact} * @throws ParserConfigurationException if the creation of the {@link DocumentBuilder} fails * @throws IOException If any IO errors occur when parsing the GPML * @throws SAXException If any parse errors occur when parsing the GPML * @throws ExecutionException if the loading of the colored pathway from cache fails */ @RequestMapping(value = "/getColoredPathway/{selectedVcf}/{pathwayId}", method = GET) @ResponseBody public String getColoredPathway(@PathVariable String selectedVcf, @PathVariable String pathwayId) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, ExecutionException { return getColoredPathway(selectedVcf, pathwayId, analyzeGPML(wikiPathwaysService.getPathwayGPML(pathwayId))); } /** * Analyses pathway GPML. Determines for each gene in which graphIds it is displayed. * * @param gpml String containing the pathway GPML * @return {@link Multimap} mapping gene symbol to graphIDs * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the gpml is invalid */ Multimap<String, String> analyzeGPML(String gpml) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException { return streamDataNodes(gpml).filter(node -> !node.getAttribute("GraphId").isEmpty()).collect( toArrayListMultimap(node -> getGeneSymbol(node.getAttribute("TextLabel")), node -> node.getAttribute("GraphId"))); } /** * Finds the DataNode elements in a gpml string. * * @param gpml String containing the gpml document * @return {@link Stream} of DataNode {@link Element}s * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the gpml is invalid */ private Stream<Element> streamDataNodes(String gpml) { Document document; try { document = DB_FACTORY.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(gpml))); NodeList dataNodes = document.getElementsByTagName("DataNode"); return range(0, dataNodes.getLength()).mapToObj(dataNodes::item).map(Element.class::cast); } catch (SAXException | IOException | ParserConfigurationException e) { LOG.error("Invalid GPML " + gpml); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid GPML"); } } /** * Finds the gene symbol in a text label. * * @param textLabel the text label to look in * @return Gene symbol if found, otherwise "" */ String getGeneSymbol(String textLabel) { String geneSymbol = ""; if (textLabel.contains(""")) { LOG.warn("Textlabel(" + textLabel + ") contains quotes, which is inconsistent with the gene names. Removing the quotes."); textLabel = textLabel.replace(""", ""); } Matcher geneSymbolMatcher = GENE_SYMBOL_PATTERN.matcher(textLabel); if (geneSymbolMatcher.find()) { geneSymbol =; } return geneSymbol; } /** * Retrieves a colored pathway. Sometimes WikiPathways returns no graphIds for a pathway, then the pathway is * returned uncolored. * * @param selectedVcf the name of the vcf entity * @param pathwayId the id of the pathway in WikiPathways * @param graphIdsPerGene {@link Multimap} mapping gene symbol to graphId * @return String svg from for the pathway * @throws ExecutionException if the loading from cache fails */ private String getColoredPathway(String selectedVcf, String pathwayId, Multimap<String, String> graphIdsPerGene) throws ExecutionException { Map<String, Impact> impactPerGraphId = new HashMap<String, Impact>(); getGenesForVcf(selectedVcf).forEach( (gene, impact) -> graphIdsPerGene.get(gene).forEach(graphId -> impactPerGraphId.put(graphId, impact))); if (!impactPerGraphId.isEmpty()) { return wikiPathwaysService.getColoredPathwayImage(pathwayId, impactPerGraphId); } else { return wikiPathwaysService.getUncoloredPathwayImage(pathwayId); } } }