package; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.molgenis.genotype.Allele; import org.molgenis.genotype.GenotypeDataException; import org.molgenis.vcf.VcfInfo; import org.molgenis.vcf.VcfRecord; import org.molgenis.vcf.VcfSample; import org.molgenis.vcf.meta.VcfMeta; import org.molgenis.vcf.meta.VcfMetaFormat; import org.molgenis.vcf.meta.VcfMetaInfo; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.*; import static; import static; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static; import static; import static*; import static*; import static; import static; import static*; import static org.molgenis.util.EntityUtils.getTypedValue; public class VcfToEntity { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VcfToEntity.class); private static final String[] EMPTY_FORMAT = { "." }; private final VcfMeta vcfMeta; private final VcfAttributes vcfAttributes; private final EntityTypeFactory entityTypeFactory; private final AttributeFactory attrMetaFactory; private final EntityType sampleEntityType; private final EntityType entityType; /** * Performance: VCF record info column keys of for info columns of type 'Flag' */ private final Set<String> vcfInfoFlagFieldKeys; /** * Performance: VCF record info column ID to attribute name map */ private final Map<String, String> infoFieldKeyToAttrNameMap; public VcfToEntity(String entityName, VcfMeta vcfMeta, VcfAttributes vcfAttributes, EntityTypeFactory entityTypeFactory, AttributeFactory attrMetaFactory) { requireNonNull(entityName); this.vcfMeta = requireNonNull(vcfMeta); requireNonNull(vcfMeta.getFormatMeta()); this.vcfAttributes = requireNonNull(vcfAttributes); this.entityTypeFactory = requireNonNull(entityTypeFactory); this.attrMetaFactory = requireNonNull(attrMetaFactory); this.vcfInfoFlagFieldKeys = determineVcfInfoFlagFields(vcfMeta); this.infoFieldKeyToAttrNameMap = createInfoFieldKeyToAttrNameMap(vcfMeta, entityName); this.sampleEntityType = createSampleEntityType(entityName, vcfMeta.getFormatMeta()); this.entityType = createEntityType(entityName, vcfMeta); } private EntityType createEntityType(String entityName, VcfMeta vcfMeta) { Attribute idAttribute = attrMetaFactory.create().setName(INTERNAL_ID).setDataType(STRING); idAttribute.setVisible(false); EntityType entityType = entityTypeFactory.create().setSimpleName(entityName); entityType.addAttribute(vcfAttributes.getChromAttribute()); entityType.addAttribute(vcfAttributes.getAltAttribute()); entityType.addAttribute(vcfAttributes.getPosAttribute()); entityType.addAttribute(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute()); entityType.addAttribute(vcfAttributes.getFilterAttribute()); entityType.addAttribute(vcfAttributes.getQualAttribute()); entityType.addAttribute(vcfAttributes.getIdAttribute()); entityType.addAttribute(idAttribute, ROLE_ID); Attribute infoMetaData = attrMetaFactory.create().setName(INFO).setDataType(COMPOUND).setNillable(true); for (VcfMetaInfo info : vcfMeta.getInfoMeta()) { String attrName = toAttributeName(info.getId()); AttributeType attrType = vcfReaderFormatToMolgenisType(info); String attrDescription = StringUtils .isBlank(info.getDescription()) ? VcfRepository.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION : info .getDescription(); Attribute attribute = attrMetaFactory.create().setName(attrName).setDataType(attrType) .setDescription(attrDescription).setAggregatable(true).setParent(infoMetaData); entityType.addAttribute(attribute); } entityType.addAttribute(infoMetaData); if (sampleEntityType != null) { Attribute samplesAttributeMeta = attrMetaFactory.create().setName(SAMPLES).setDataType(MREF) .setRefEntity(sampleEntityType).setLabel("SAMPLES"); entityType.addAttribute(samplesAttributeMeta); } return entityType; } private EntityType createSampleEntityType(String entityName, Iterable<VcfMetaFormat> formatMetaData) { EntityType result = null; if (formatMetaData.iterator().hasNext()) { result = entityTypeFactory.create().setSimpleName(entityName + "_Sample"); Attribute idAttr = attrMetaFactory.create().setName(ID).setAggregatable(true).setVisible(false); Attribute nameAttr = attrMetaFactory.create().setName(NAME).setDataType(TEXT).setAggregatable(true) .setNillable(false); Attribute originalNameAttr = attrMetaFactory.create().setName(ORIGINAL_NAME).setDataType(TEXT); result.addAttribute(idAttr, ROLE_ID); result.addAttribute(nameAttr, ROLE_LABEL, ROLE_LOOKUP); for (VcfMetaFormat meta : formatMetaData) { String name = meta.getId(); if (NameValidator.KEYWORDS.contains(name) || NameValidator.KEYWORDS .contains(name.toUpperCase())) { name = name + "_"; } Attribute attr = attrMetaFactory.create().setName(name.replaceAll("[-.*$&%^()#!@?]", "_")) .setDataType(vcfFieldTypeToMolgenisFieldType(meta)).setAggregatable(true) .setLabel(meta.getId()); result.addAttribute(attr); } result.addAttribute(originalNameAttr); } return result; } private static AttributeType vcfReaderFormatToMolgenisType(VcfMetaInfo vcfMetaInfo) { String number = vcfMetaInfo.getNumber(); boolean isListValue; try { isListValue = number.equals("A") || number.equals("R") || number.equals("G") || number.equals(".") || Integer.parseInt(number) > 1; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new GenotypeDataException("Error parsing length of vcf info field. " + number + " is not a valid int or expected preset (A, R, G, .)", ex); } switch (vcfMetaInfo.getType()) { case CHARACTER: if (isListValue) { // TODO support list of primitives datatype return STRING; } return STRING; case FLAG: return BOOL; case FLOAT: if (isListValue) { // TODO support list of primitives datatype return STRING; } return DECIMAL; case INTEGER: if (isListValue) { // TODO support list of primitives datatype return STRING; } return INT; case STRING: if (isListValue) { // TODO support list of primitives datatype return TEXT; } return TEXT; default: throw new MolgenisDataException(format("Unknown vcf info type [%s]", vcfMetaInfo.getType())); } } private static AttributeType vcfFieldTypeToMolgenisFieldType(VcfMetaFormat format) { String number = format.getNumber(); boolean isListValue; try { isListValue = number.equals("A") || number.equals("R") || number.equals("G") || number.equals(".") || Integer.parseInt(number) > 1; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new GenotypeDataException("Error parsing length of vcf info field. " + number + " is not a valid int or expected preset (A, R, G, .)", ex); } switch (format.getType()) { case CHARACTER: if (isListValue) { // TODO support list of primitives datatype return STRING; } return STRING; case FLOAT: if (isListValue) { // TODO support list of primitives datatype return STRING; } return DECIMAL; case INTEGER: if (isListValue) { // TODO support list of primitives datatype return STRING; } return INT; case STRING: if (isListValue) { // TODO support list of primitives datatype return STRING; } return STRING; default: throw new MolgenisDataException(format("Unknown vcf field type [%s]", format.getType())); } } public Entity toEntity(String[] tokens) { return toEntity(new VcfRecord(vcfMeta, tokens)); } public Entity toEntity(VcfRecord vcfRecord) { Entity entity = new DynamicEntity(entityType); entity.set(CHROM, vcfRecord.getChromosome()); entity.set(ALT, StringUtils.join(Lists.transform(vcfRecord.getAlternateAlleles(), Allele::toString), ',')); entity.set(POS, vcfRecord.getPosition()); entity.set(REF, vcfRecord.getReferenceAllele().toString()); entity.set(FILTER, vcfRecord.getFilterStatus()); entity.set(QUAL, vcfRecord.getQuality()); entity.set(ID, StringUtils.join(vcfRecord.getIdentifiers(), ',')); String id = VcfUtils.createId(entity); entity.set(INTERNAL_ID, id); writeInfoFieldsToEntity(vcfRecord, entity); if (sampleEntityType != null) { List<Entity> samples = createSampleEntities(vcfRecord, entity.get(POS) + "_" + entity.get(ALT), id); entity.set(SAMPLES, samples); } return entity; } private List<Entity> createSampleEntities(VcfRecord vcfRecord, String entityPosAlt, String entityId) { List<Entity> samples = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<VcfSample> sampleIterator = vcfRecord.getSamples().iterator(); if (vcfRecord.getNrSamples() > 0) { Iterator<String> sampleNameIterator = vcfMeta.getSampleNames().iterator(); for (int j = 0; sampleIterator.hasNext(); ++j) { String[] format = vcfRecord.getFormat(); VcfSample sample =; Entity sampleEntity = new DynamicEntity(sampleEntityType); for (int i = 0; i < format.length; i = i + 1) { String strValue = sample.getData(i); Object value = null; EntityType sampleEntityType = sampleEntity.getEntityType(); Attribute attr = sampleEntityType.getAttribute(format[i]); if (attr != null) { if (strValue != null) { value = getTypedValue(strValue, attr); } } else { if (Arrays.equals(EMPTY_FORMAT, format)) { LOG.debug("Found a dot as format, assuming no samples present"); } else { throw new MolgenisDataException("Sample entity contains an attribute [" + format[i] + "] which is not specified in vcf headers"); } } sampleEntity.set(format[i], value); } sampleEntity.set(ID, entityId + j); // FIXME remove entity ID from Sample label after #1400 is fixed, see also: // jquery.molgenis.table.js line 152 String original_name =; sampleEntity.set(NAME, entityPosAlt + "_" + original_name); sampleEntity.set(ORIGINAL_NAME, original_name); samples.add(sampleEntity); } } return samples; } private void writeInfoFieldsToEntity(VcfRecord vcfRecord, Entity entity) { // Set default values for VCF info fields of type 'flag' to false. Note that VcfInfo of a VcfRecord do not // have to contain all flag fields. for (String vcfInfoFlagFieldKey : vcfInfoFlagFieldKeys) { entity.set(toAttributeName(vcfInfoFlagFieldKey), false); } for (VcfInfo vcfInfo : vcfRecord.getInformation()) { if (vcfInfo.getKey().equals(".")) // value not available { continue; } Object val; if (vcfInfoFlagFieldKeys.contains(vcfInfo.getKey())) { val = true; } else { Object vcfInfoVal = vcfInfo.getVal(); if (vcfInfoVal == null) { val = null; } else if (vcfInfoVal instanceof List<?>) { // TODO Use list data type once available (see val = StringUtils.join((List<?>) vcfInfoVal, ','); } else if (vcfInfoVal instanceof Float) { if (Float.isNaN((Float) vcfInfoVal)) { val = null; } else { val = new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(vcfInfoVal)) .doubleValue(); // TODO why not Double.valueOf(string)? } } else if (vcfInfoVal instanceof Character) { val = vcfInfoVal.toString(); } else { val = vcfInfoVal; // VCF value type matches type expected for this MOLGENIS attribute type } } entity.set(toAttributeName(vcfInfo.getKey()), val); } } public EntityType getEntityType() { return entityType; } /** * Returns the corresponding attribute name for a VCF info field key * * @param vcfInfoFieldKey VCF info field key * @return MOLGENIS attribute name * @throws RuntimeException if no attribute could be found for a VCF info field key */ private String toAttributeName(String vcfInfoFieldKey) { String attrName = infoFieldKeyToAttrNameMap.get(vcfInfoFieldKey); if (attrName == null) { throw new RuntimeException(format("Missing attribute for VCF info field [%s]", vcfInfoFieldKey)); } return attrName; } /** * Returns a set of all possible VCF info fields of type 'Flag' * * @param vcfMeta VCF metadata * @return Set of VCF info fields of type 'Flag' */ private static Set<String> determineVcfInfoFlagFields(VcfMeta vcfMeta) { return stream(vcfMeta.getInfoMeta().spliterator(), false) .filter(vcfInfoMeta -> vcfInfoMeta.getType().equals(VcfMetaInfo.Type.FLAG)).map(VcfMetaInfo::getId) .collect(toSet()); } /** * Returns a mapping of VCF info field keys to MOLGENIS attribute names * * @param vcfMeta VCF metadata * @param entityName entity name (that could be used to create a MOLGENIS attribute name) * @return map of VCF info field keys to MOLGENIS attribute names */ private static Map<String, String> createInfoFieldKeyToAttrNameMap(VcfMeta vcfMeta, String entityName) { Map<String, String> infoFieldIdToAttrNameMap = newHashMapWithExpectedSize(size(vcfMeta.getInfoMeta())); for (VcfMetaInfo info : vcfMeta.getInfoMeta()) { // according to the VCF standard it is allowed to have info columns with names that equal default VCF cols. // rename these info columns in the meta data to prevent collisions. String postFix = ""; switch (info.getId()) { case INTERNAL_ID: case CHROM: case ALT: case POS: case REF: case FILTER: case QUAL: case ID: postFix = '_' + entityName; break; default: break; } String name = info.getId(); if (NameValidator.KEYWORDS.contains(name) || NameValidator.KEYWORDS .contains(name.toUpperCase())) { name = name + '_'; } infoFieldIdToAttrNameMap.put(info.getId(), name + postFix); } return infoFieldIdToAttrNameMap; } }