package; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import static java.lang.String.format; /** * Builds mappings for a documentType. For each column a multi_field is created, one analyzed for searching and one * not_analyzed for sorting * * @author erwin */ public class MappingsBuilder { public static final String FIELD_NOT_ANALYZED = "raw"; public static final String FIELD_NGRAM_ANALYZED = "ngram"; private MappingsBuilder() { } /** * Creates a Elasticsearch mapping for the given entity meta data * * @param jsonBuilder {@link XContentBuilder} to write the mapping to * @param entityType {@link EntityType} for the entity to map * @throws IOException writing to JSON builder */ public static void buildMapping(XContentBuilder jsonBuilder, EntityType entityType, boolean enableNorms, boolean createAllIndex) throws IOException { String documentType = MapperTypeSanitizer.sanitizeMapperType(entityType.getName()); jsonBuilder.startObject().startObject(documentType); jsonBuilder.startObject("_source").field("enabled", false).endObject(); jsonBuilder.startObject("properties"); for (Attribute attr : entityType.getAtomicAttributes()) { createAttributeMapping(attr, enableNorms, createAllIndex, true, true, jsonBuilder); } jsonBuilder.endObject(); jsonBuilder.endObject().endObject(); } // TODO discuss: use null_value for nillable attributes? private static void createAttributeMapping(Attribute attr, boolean enableNorms, boolean createAllIndex, boolean nestRefs, boolean enableNgramAnalyzer, XContentBuilder jsonBuilder) throws IOException { String attrName = attr.getName(); jsonBuilder.startObject(attrName); createAttributeMappingContents(attr, enableNorms, createAllIndex, nestRefs, enableNgramAnalyzer, jsonBuilder); jsonBuilder.endObject(); } private static void createAttributeMappingContents(Attribute attr, boolean enableNorms, boolean createAllIndex, boolean nestRefs, boolean enableNgramAnalyzer, XContentBuilder jsonBuilder) throws IOException { AttributeType dataType = attr.getDataType(); switch (dataType) { case BOOL: jsonBuilder.field("type", "boolean"); // disable norms for numeric fields // note: jsonBuilder.field("norms").startObject().field("enabled", false).endObject(); break; case CATEGORICAL: case CATEGORICAL_MREF: case FILE: case MREF: case ONE_TO_MANY: case XREF: EntityType refEntity = attr.getRefEntity(); if (nestRefs) { jsonBuilder.field("type", "nested"); jsonBuilder.field("norms").startObject().field("enabled", enableNorms).endObject(); jsonBuilder.startObject("properties"); for (Attribute refAttr : refEntity.getAtomicAttributes()) { createAttributeMapping(refAttr, enableNorms, createAllIndex, false, true, jsonBuilder); } jsonBuilder.endObject(); } else { createAttributeMappingContents(refEntity.getLabelAttribute(), enableNorms, createAllIndex, false, enableNgramAnalyzer, jsonBuilder); } break; case COMPOUND: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); case DATE: jsonBuilder.field("type", "date").field("format", "date"); // disable norms for numeric fields jsonBuilder.field("norms").startObject().field("enabled", false).endObject(); // not-analyzed field for aggregation // note: the include_in_all setting is ignored on any field that is defined in the fields options // note: the norms settings defaults to false for not_analyzed fields jsonBuilder.startObject("fields").startObject(FIELD_NOT_ANALYZED).field("type", "string") .field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject().endObject(); break; case DATE_TIME: jsonBuilder.field("type", "date").field("format", "date_time_no_millis"); // disable norms for numeric fields jsonBuilder.field("norms").startObject().field("enabled", false).endObject(); // not-analyzed field for aggregation // note: the include_in_all setting is ignored on any field that is defined in the fields options // note: the norms settings defaults to false for not_analyzed fields jsonBuilder.startObject("fields").startObject(FIELD_NOT_ANALYZED).field("type", "string") .field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject().endObject(); break; case DECIMAL: jsonBuilder.field("type", "double"); // disable norms for numeric fields jsonBuilder.field("norms").startObject().field("enabled", false).endObject(); break; case INT: jsonBuilder.field("type", "integer"); // Fix sorting by using disk-based "fielddata" instead of in-memory "fielddata" jsonBuilder.field("doc_values", true); // disable norms for numeric fields jsonBuilder.field("norms").startObject().field("enabled", false).endObject(); break; case LONG: jsonBuilder.field("type", "long"); // disable norms for numeric fields jsonBuilder.field("norms").startObject().field("enabled", false).endObject(); break; case EMAIL: case ENUM: case HYPERLINK: case STRING: case TEXT: // enable/disable norms based on given value jsonBuilder.field("type", "string"); jsonBuilder.field("norms").startObject().field("enabled", enableNorms).endObject(); // not-analyzed field for sorting and wildcard queries // note: the include_in_all setting is ignored on any field that is defined in the fields options // note: the norms settings defaults to false for not_analyzed fields XContentBuilder fieldsObject = jsonBuilder.startObject("fields").startObject(FIELD_NOT_ANALYZED) .field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject(); if (enableNgramAnalyzer) { // add ngram analyzer (not applied to nested documents) fieldsObject.startObject(FIELD_NGRAM_ANALYZED).field("type", "string") .field("analyzer", ElasticsearchIndexCreator.NGRAM_ANALYZER).endObject(); } fieldsObject.endObject(); break; case HTML: case SCRIPT: // enable/disable norms based on given value jsonBuilder.field("type", "string"); jsonBuilder.field("norms").startObject().field("enabled", enableNorms).endObject(); // not-analyzed field for sorting and wildcard queries // note: the include_in_all setting is ignored on any field that is defined in the fields options // note: the norms settings defaults to false for not_analyzed fields jsonBuilder.startObject("fields").startObject(FIELD_NOT_ANALYZED).field("type", "string") .field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject().endObject(); break; default: throw new RuntimeException(format("Unknown data type [%s]", dataType.toString())); } jsonBuilder.field("include_in_all", createAllIndex && attr.isVisible()); } }