package; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import static java.lang.String.format; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static*; import static*; import static*; /** * Utility class that generates the SQL used by {@link PostgreSqlRepository} and {@link PostgreSqlRepositoryCollection} */ class PostgreSqlQueryGenerator { final static String ERR_CODE_READONLY_VIOLATION = "23506"; private PostgreSqlQueryGenerator() { } private static String getSqlConstraintPrimaryKey(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return "CONSTRAINT " + getPrimaryKeyName(entityType, attr) + " PRIMARY KEY (" + getColumnName(attr) + ')'; } private static String getSqlForeignKey(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder("CONSTRAINT ").append(getForeignKeyName(entityType, attr)) .append(" FOREIGN KEY (").append(getColumnName(attr)).append(") REFERENCES ") .append(getTableName(attr.getRefEntity())).append('(') .append(getColumnName(attr.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute())).append(')'); // for self-referencing data or inversed attributes defer checking constraints until the end of the transaction if (attr.getRefEntity().getName().equals(entityType.getName())) { strBuilder.append(" DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED"); } return strBuilder.toString(); } private static String getSqlUniqueKey(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return "CONSTRAINT " + getUniqueKeyName(entityType, attr) + " UNIQUE (" + getColumnName(attr) + ')'; } private static String getSqlCheckConstraint(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { if (attr.getDataType() != ENUM) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Check constraint only allowed for attribute type [%s]", ENUM.toString())); } return "CONSTRAINT " + getCheckConstraintName(entityType, attr) + " CHECK (" + getColumnName(attr) + " IN (" + attr.getEnumOptions().stream().map(enumOption -> '\'' + enumOption + '\'').collect(joining(",")) + "))"; } static String getSqlCreateForeignKey(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(entityType) + " ADD " + getSqlForeignKey(entityType, attr); } static String getSqlDropForeignKey(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(entityType) + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + getForeignKeyName(entityType, attr); } static String getSqlCreateUniqueKey(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(entityType) + " ADD " + getSqlUniqueKey(entityType, attr); } static String getSqlDropUniqueKey(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(entityType) + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + getUniqueKeyName(entityType, attr); } static String getSqlCreateCheckConstraint(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(entityType) + " ADD " + getSqlCheckConstraint(entityType, attr); } static String getSqlDropCheckConstraint(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { if (attr.getDataType() != ENUM) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Check constraint only allowed for attribute type [%s]", ENUM.toString())); } return "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(entityType) + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + getCheckConstraintName(entityType, attr); } static String getSqlSetNotNull(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(entityType) + " ALTER COLUMN " + getColumnName(attr) + " SET NOT NULL"; } static String getSqlDropNotNull(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(entityType) + " ALTER COLUMN " + getColumnName(attr) + " DROP NOT NULL"; } static String getSqlSetDataType(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(entityType) + " ALTER COLUMN " + getColumnName(attr) + " SET DATA TYPE " + getPostgreSqlType(attr) + " USING " + getColumnName(attr) + "::" + getPostgreSqlType(attr); } /** * Returns SQL string to add a column to an existing table. * * @param entityType entity meta data * @param attr attribute * @return SQL string */ static String getSqlAddColumn(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("ALTER TABLE "); String columnSql = getSqlColumn(entityType, attr); sql.append(getTableName(entityType)).append(" ADD ").append(columnSql); List<String> sqlTableConstraints = getSqlTableConstraints(entityType, attr); if (!sqlTableConstraints.isEmpty()) { sqlTableConstraints.forEach(sqlTableConstraint -> sql.append(",ADD ").append(sqlTableConstraint)); } return sql.toString(); } static String getSqlCreateTable(EntityType entityType) { List<Attribute> persistedTableAttrs = getTableAttributes(entityType).collect(toList()); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE ").append(getTableName(entityType)).append('('); // add columns for (Iterator<Attribute> it = persistedTableAttrs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Attribute attr =; sql.append(getSqlColumn(entityType, attr)); if (it.hasNext()) { sql.append(','); } } // add table constraints for (Attribute persistedTableAttr : persistedTableAttrs) { List<String> sqlTableConstraints = getSqlTableConstraints(entityType, persistedTableAttr); if (!sqlTableConstraints.isEmpty()) { sqlTableConstraints.forEach(sqlTableConstraint -> sql.append(',').append(sqlTableConstraint)); } } sql.append(')'); return sql.toString(); } private static String getSqlFunctionValidateUpdateName(EntityType entityType) { return '"' + "validate_update_" + getTableName(entityType, false) + '"'; } static String getSqlCreateFunctionValidateUpdate(EntityType entityType, Collection<Attribute> readonlyTableAttrs) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(512).append("CREATE FUNCTION ") .append(getSqlFunctionValidateUpdateName(entityType)).append("() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$\nBEGIN\n"); String tableName = getTableName(entityType); String idColName = getColumnName(entityType.getIdAttribute()); readonlyTableAttrs.forEach(attr -> { String colName = getColumnName(attr); strBuilder.append(" IF OLD.").append(colName).append(" <> NEW.").append(colName).append(" THEN\n"); strBuilder.append(" RAISE EXCEPTION 'Updating read-only column ").append(colName).append(" of table ") .append(tableName).append(" with id [%] is not allowed', OLD.").append(idColName) .append(" USING ERRCODE = '").append(ERR_CODE_READONLY_VIOLATION).append("';\n"); strBuilder.append(" END IF;\n"); }); strBuilder.append(" RETURN NEW;\nEND;\n$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;"); return strBuilder.toString(); } static String getSqlDropFunctionValidateUpdate(EntityType entityType) { return "DROP FUNCTION " + getSqlFunctionValidateUpdateName(entityType) + "();"; } private static String getSqlUpdateTriggerName(EntityType entityType) { return '"' + "update_trigger_" + getTableName(entityType, false) + '"'; } static String getSqlCreateUpdateTrigger(EntityType entityType, Collection<Attribute> readonlyTableAttrs) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(512).append("CREATE TRIGGER ") .append(getSqlUpdateTriggerName(entityType)).append(" AFTER UPDATE ON ") .append(getTableName(entityType)).append(" FOR EACH ROW WHEN ("); strBuilder.append( .map(attr -> "OLD." + getColumnName(attr) + " IS DISTINCT FROM NEW." + getColumnName(attr)) .collect(joining(" OR "))); strBuilder.append(") EXECUTE PROCEDURE ").append(getSqlFunctionValidateUpdateName(entityType)).append("();"); return strBuilder.toString(); } static String getSqlDropUpdateTrigger(EntityType entityType) { return "DROP TRIGGER " + getSqlUpdateTriggerName(entityType) + " ON " + getTableName(entityType); } static String getSqlCreateJunctionTable(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { Attribute idAttr = entityType.getIdAttribute(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE ").append(getJunctionTableName(entityType, attr)) .append(" (").append(getColumnName(JUNCTION_TABLE_ORDER_ATTR_NAME)).append(" INT,") .append(getColumnName(idAttr)).append(' ').append(getPostgreSqlType(idAttr)).append(" NOT NULL, ") .append(getColumnName(attr)).append(' ').append(getPostgreSqlType(attr.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute())) .append(" NOT NULL").append(", FOREIGN KEY (").append(getColumnName(idAttr)).append(") REFERENCES ") .append(getTableName(entityType)).append('(').append(getColumnName(idAttr)) .append(") ON DELETE CASCADE"); // for self-referencing data defer checking constraints until the end of the transaction if (attr.getRefEntity().getName().equals(entityType.getName())) { sql.append(" DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED"); } if (isPersistedInPostgreSql(attr.getRefEntity())) { sql.append(", FOREIGN KEY (").append(getColumnName(attr)).append(") REFERENCES ") .append(getTableName(attr.getRefEntity())).append('(') .append(getColumnName(attr.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute())).append(") ON DELETE CASCADE"); // for self-referencing data defer checking constraints until the end of the transaction if (attr.getRefEntity().getName().equals(entityType.getName())) { sql.append(" DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED"); } } AttributeType attrType = attr.getDataType(); switch (attrType) { case CATEGORICAL_MREF: case MREF: sql.append(", UNIQUE (").append(getColumnName(idAttr)).append(',').append(getColumnName(attr)) .append(')'); break; default: throw new RuntimeException(format("Illegal attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString())); } sql.append(", UNIQUE (").append(getColumnName(JUNCTION_TABLE_ORDER_ATTR_NAME)).append(',') .append(getColumnName(idAttr)).append(')'); sql.append(')'); return sql.toString(); } static String getSqlCreateJunctionTableIndex(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { Attribute idAttr = entityType.getIdAttribute(); String junctionTableName = getJunctionTableName(entityType, attr); String junctionTableIndexName = getJunctionTableIndexName(entityType, attr, idAttr); String idxColumnName = getColumnName(idAttr); return "CREATE INDEX " + junctionTableIndexName + " ON " + junctionTableName + " (" + idxColumnName + ')'; } static String getSqlDropJunctionTable(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return getSqlDropTable(getJunctionTableName(entityType, attr)); } static String getSqlDropTable(EntityType entityType) { return getSqlDropTable(getTableName(entityType)); } static String getSqlDropColumn(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return "ALTER TABLE " + getTableName(entityType) + " DROP COLUMN " + getColumnName(attr); } static String getSqlInsert(EntityType entityType) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO ").append(getTableName(entityType)).append(" ("); StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder(); getTableAttributes(entityType).forEach(attr -> { sql.append(getColumnName(attr)).append(", "); params.append("?, "); }); if (sql.charAt(sql.length() - 1) == ' ' && sql.charAt(sql.length() - 2) == ',') { sql.setLength(sql.length() - 2); params.setLength(params.length() - 2); } sql.append(") VALUES (").append(params).append(')'); return sql.toString(); } static String getSqlInsertJunction(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { String junctionTableName = getJunctionTableName(entityType, attr); return "INSERT INTO " + junctionTableName + " (" + getColumnName(JUNCTION_TABLE_ORDER_ATTR_NAME) + ',' + getColumnName(entityType.getIdAttribute()) + ',' + getColumnName(attr) + ") VALUES (?,?,?)"; } static String getSqlDeleteAll(EntityType entityType) { return "DELETE FROM " + getTableName(entityType); } static String getSqlDelete(EntityType entityType) { return getSqlDelete(getTableName(entityType), entityType.getIdAttribute()); } static String getSqlDelete(String tableName, Attribute attr) { return "DELETE FROM " + tableName + " WHERE " + getColumnName(attr) + " = ?"; } /** * Returns whether this attribute is stored in the entity table or another table such as a junction table or * referenced entity table. * * @param attr attribute * @return whether this attribute is stored in another table than the entity table */ private static boolean isPersistedInOtherTable(Attribute attr) { boolean bidirectionalOneToMany = attr.getDataType() == ONE_TO_MANY && attr.isMappedBy(); return isMultipleReferenceType(attr) || bidirectionalOneToMany; } static String getSqlJunctionTableSelect(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr, int numOfIds) { String idColName = getColumnName(entityType.getIdAttribute()); String refIdColName = getColumnName(attr); return "SELECT " + idColName + ", \"" + JUNCTION_TABLE_ORDER_ATTR_NAME + "\"," + refIdColName + " FROM " + getJunctionTableName(entityType, attr) + " WHERE " + idColName + " in (" + range(0, numOfIds) .mapToObj((x) -> "?").collect(joining(", ")) + ") ORDER BY " + idColName + ", \"" + JUNCTION_TABLE_ORDER_ATTR_NAME + '"'; } /** * Determines whether a distinct select is required based on a given query. * * @param entityType entity meta data * @param q query * @param <E> entity type * @return <code>true</code> if a distinct select is required for SQL queries based on the given query * @throws UnknownAttributeException if query field refers to an attribute that does not exist in entity meta */ private static <E extends Entity> boolean isDistinctSelectRequired(EntityType entityType, Query<E> q) { return isDistinctSelectRequiredRec(entityType, q.getRules()); } private static boolean isDistinctSelectRequiredRec(EntityType entityType, List<QueryRule> queryRules) { if (queryRules.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (QueryRule queryRule : queryRules) { if (queryRule.getOperator() == NESTED) { if (isDistinctSelectRequiredRec(entityType, queryRule.getNestedRules())) { return true; } } else { String attrName = queryRule.getField(); if (attrName != null) { Attribute attr = entityType.getAttribute(attrName); if (attr == null) { throw new UnknownAttributeException( format("Unknown attribute [%s] in entity [%s]", attrName, entityType.getName())); } if (isPersistedInOtherTable(attr)) { return true; } } } } return false; } static <E extends Entity> String getSqlSelect(EntityType entityType, Query<E> q, List<Object> parameters, boolean includeMrefs) { final StringBuilder select = new StringBuilder("SELECT "); if (isDistinctSelectRequired(entityType, q)) { select.append("DISTINCT "); } final StringBuilder group = new StringBuilder(); final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); final Attribute idAttribute = entityType.getIdAttribute(); getPersistedAttributes(entityType).forEach(attr -> { if (q.getFetch() == null || q.getFetch().hasField(attr.getName()) || (q.getSort() != null && q.getSort() .hasField(attr.getName()))) { if (count.get() > 0) { select.append(", "); } if (isPersistedInOtherTable(attr)) { if (includeMrefs || (attr.getDataType() == ONE_TO_MANY && attr.isMappedBy())) { if (attr.getDataType() == ONE_TO_MANY && attr.isMappedBy()) { Attribute refIdAttr = attr.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute(); String mrefSelect = "(SELECT array_agg(" + getColumnName(refIdAttr); Sort orderBy = attr.getOrderBy(); if (orderBy == null) { orderBy = new Sort(refIdAttr.getName()); } mrefSelect += ' ' + getSqlSort(attr.getRefEntity(), new QueryImpl<>().sort(orderBy)) + ") FROM " + getTableName(attr.getRefEntity()) + " WHERE this." + getColumnName( idAttribute) + " = " + getTableName(attr.getRefEntity()) + '.' + getColumnName(attr.getMappedBy()) + ") AS " + getColumnName(attr); select.append(mrefSelect); } else { // TODO retrieve mref values in separate queries to allow specifying limit and offset after nested MOLGENIS queries are implemented as sub-queries instead of query rules String mrefSelect = MessageFormat .format("(SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT ARRAY[{0}.{1}::TEXT,{0}.{0}::TEXT]) " + "FROM {2} AS {0} WHERE this.{3} = {0}.{3}) AS {0}", getColumnName(attr), getColumnName(JUNCTION_TABLE_ORDER_ATTR_NAME), getJunctionTableName(entityType, attr), getColumnName(idAttribute)); select.append(mrefSelect); } } else { select.append("NULL AS ").append(getColumnName(attr)); } } else { select.append("this.").append(getColumnName(attr)); if (group.length() > 0) { group.append(", this.").append(getColumnName(attr)); } else { group.append("this.").append(getColumnName(attr)); } } count.incrementAndGet(); } }); // from StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder().append(select).append(getSqlFrom(entityType, q)); // where String where = getSqlWhere(entityType, q, parameters, 0); if (where.length() > 0) { result.append(" WHERE ").append(where); } // order by result.append(' ').append(getSqlSort(entityType, q)); // limit if (q.getPageSize() > 0) { result.append(" LIMIT ").append(q.getPageSize()); } if (q.getOffset() > 0) { result.append(" OFFSET ").append(q.getOffset()); } return result.toString().trim(); } static String getSqlUpdate(EntityType entityType) { // use (readonly) identifier Attribute idAttribute = entityType.getIdAttribute(); // create sql StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("UPDATE ").append(getTableName(entityType)).append(" SET "); getTableAttributes(entityType).forEach(attr -> sql.append(getColumnName(attr)).append(" = ?, ")); if (sql.charAt(sql.length() - 1) == ' ' && sql.charAt(sql.length() - 2) == ',') { sql.setLength(sql.length() - 2); } sql.append(" WHERE ").append(getColumnName(idAttribute)).append("= ?"); return sql.toString(); } /** * Produces SQL to count the number of entities that match the given query. Ignores query offset and pagesize. * * @param q query * @param parameters prepared statement parameters * @return SQL string */ static <E extends Entity> String getSqlCount(EntityType entityType, Query<E> q, List<Object> parameters) { StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder("SELECT COUNT"); String idAttribute = getColumnName(entityType.getIdAttribute()); List<QueryRule> queryRules = q.getRules(); if (queryRules == null || queryRules.isEmpty()) { sqlBuilder.append("(*) FROM ").append(getTableName(entityType)); } else { boolean distinctSelectRequired = isDistinctSelectRequired(entityType, q); if (distinctSelectRequired) { // distinct count in case query contains one or more rules referring to MREF attributes. sqlBuilder.append("(DISTINCT this.").append(idAttribute).append(')'); } else { sqlBuilder.append("(*)"); } String from = getSqlFrom(entityType, q); String where = getSqlWhere(entityType, q, parameters, 0); sqlBuilder.append(from).append(" WHERE ").append(where); } return sqlBuilder.toString(); } private static String getSqlColumn(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(getColumnName(attr)).append(' '); AttributeType attrType = attr.getDataType(); switch (attrType) { case BOOL: case DATE: case DATE_TIME: case DECIMAL: case EMAIL: case ENUM: case HTML: case HYPERLINK: case INT: case LONG: case SCRIPT: case STRING: case TEXT: sqlBuilder.append(getPostgreSqlType(attr)); break; case CATEGORICAL: case FILE: case XREF: sqlBuilder.append(getPostgreSqlType(attr.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute())); break; case ONE_TO_MANY: case COMPOUND: case CATEGORICAL_MREF: case MREF: throw new RuntimeException(format("Illegal attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString())); default: throw new RuntimeException(format("Unknown attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString())); } String sqlColumnConstraints = getSqlColumnConstraints(entityType, attr); if (!sqlColumnConstraints.isEmpty()) { sqlBuilder.append(' ').append(sqlColumnConstraints); } return sqlBuilder.toString(); } private static String getSqlColumnConstraints(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (!attr.getName().equals(entityType.getIdAttribute().getName())) { if (!attr.isNillable()) { sqlBuilder.append("NOT NULL"); } } return sqlBuilder.toString(); } private static List<String> getSqlTableConstraints(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { List<String> tableConstraints = Lists.newArrayList(); if (attr.getName().equals(entityType.getIdAttribute().getName())) { tableConstraints.add(getSqlConstraintPrimaryKey(entityType, attr)); } else { if (isSingleReferenceType(attr) && isPersistedInPostgreSql(attr.getRefEntity())) { tableConstraints.add(getSqlForeignKey(entityType, attr)); } if (attr.isUnique()) { tableConstraints.add(getSqlUniqueKey(entityType, attr)); } if (attr.getDataType() == ENUM) { tableConstraints.add(getSqlCheckConstraint(entityType, attr)); } } return tableConstraints; } private static String getSqlDropTable(String tableName) { return "DROP TABLE " + tableName; } private static <E extends Entity> String getSqlWhere(EntityType entityType, Query<E> q, List<Object> parameters, int mrefFilterIndex) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (QueryRule r : q.getRules()) { Attribute attr = null; if (r.getField() != null) { attr = entityType.getAttribute(r.getField()); if (attr == null) { throw new MolgenisDataException(format("Unknown attribute [%s]", r.getField())); } if (isPersistedInOtherTable(attr)) { mrefFilterIndex++; } } StringBuilder predicate = new StringBuilder(); Operator operator = r.getOperator(); switch (operator) { case AND: result.append(" AND "); break; case NESTED: QueryImpl<Entity> nestedQ = new QueryImpl<>(r.getNestedRules()); result.append('(').append(getSqlWhere(entityType, nestedQ, parameters, mrefFilterIndex)) .append(')'); break; case OR: result.append(" OR "); break; case LIKE: String columnName; if (isPersistedInOtherTable(attr)) { columnName = getFilterColumnName(attr, mrefFilterIndex); } else { columnName = "this." + getColumnName(attr); } if (isStringType(attr) || isTextType(attr)) { result.append(' ').append(columnName); } else { result.append(" CAST(").append(columnName).append(" as TEXT)"); } result.append(" LIKE ?"); parameters.add("%" + PostgreSqlUtils.getPostgreSqlQueryValue(r.getValue(), attr) + '%'); break; case IN: Object inValue = r.getValue(); if (inValue == null) { throw new MolgenisDataException("Missing value for IN query"); } if (!(inValue instanceof Iterable<?>)) { throw new MolgenisDataException(format("IN value is of type [%s] instead of [Iterable]", inValue.getClass().getSimpleName())); } StringBuilder in = new StringBuilder(); Attribute inAttr = attr; Stream<Object> postgreSqlIds = stream(((Iterable<?>) inValue).spliterator(), false) .map(idValue -> PostgreSqlUtils.getPostgreSqlQueryValue(idValue, inAttr)); for (Iterator<Object> it = postgreSqlIds.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object postgreSqlId =; in.append('?'); if (it.hasNext()) { in.append(','); } parameters.add(postgreSqlId); } if (isPersistedInOtherTable(attr)) { result.append(getFilterColumnName(attr, mrefFilterIndex)); } else { result.append("this"); } result.append('.').append(getColumnName(r.getField())).append(" IN (").append(in).append(')'); break; case NOT: result.append(" NOT "); break; case RANGE: Object range = r.getValue(); if (range == null) { throw new MolgenisDataException("Missing value for RANGE query"); } if (!(range instanceof Iterable<?>)) { throw new MolgenisDataException(format("RANGE value is of type [%s] instead of [Iterable]", range.getClass().getSimpleName())); } Iterator<?> rangeValues = ((Iterable<?>) range).iterator(); parameters.add(; // from parameters.add(; // to StringBuilder column = new StringBuilder(); if (isPersistedInOtherTable(attr)) { column.append(getFilterColumnName(attr, mrefFilterIndex)); } else { column.append("this"); } column.append('.').append(getColumnName(r.getField())); predicate.append(column).append(" >= ? AND ").append(column).append(" <= ?"); result.append(predicate); break; case EQUALS: if (attr == null) { throw new MolgenisDataException("Missing attribute field in EQUALS query rule"); } if (isPersistedInOtherTable(attr)) { predicate.append(getFilterColumnName(attr, mrefFilterIndex)); } else { predicate.append("this"); } String attrName; if (attr.isMappedBy()) { attrName = attr.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute().getName(); } else { attrName = r.getField(); } predicate.append('.').append(getColumnName(attrName)); if (r.getValue() == null) { // expression = null is not valid, use IS NULL predicate.append(" IS NULL "); } else { Object postgreSqlVal = PostgreSqlUtils.getPostgreSqlQueryValue(r.getValue(), attr); //Postgres does not return the rows with an empty value in a boolean field when queried with for example "... NOT abstract = TRUE" //It does however return those rows when queried with "... NOT abstract IS TRUE" if (attr.getDataType() == BOOL) { Boolean bool = (Boolean) postgreSqlVal; //noinspection ConstantConditions (getPostgreSqlQueryValue() != null if r.getValue() != null) if (bool) predicate.append(" IS TRUE"); else predicate.append(" IS FALSE"); } else { predicate.append(" ="); predicate.append(" ? "); parameters.add(postgreSqlVal); } } if (result.length() > 0 && !result.toString().endsWith(" OR ") && !result.toString() .endsWith(" AND ") && !result.toString().endsWith(" NOT ")) { result.append(" AND "); } result.append(predicate); break; case GREATER: case GREATER_EQUAL: case LESS: case LESS_EQUAL: if (isPersistedInOtherTable(attr)) { predicate.append(getFilterColumnName(attr, mrefFilterIndex)); } else { predicate.append("this"); } predicate.append('.').append(getColumnName(r.getField())); switch (operator) { case GREATER: predicate.append(" >"); break; case GREATER_EQUAL: predicate.append(" >="); break; case LESS: predicate.append(" <"); break; case LESS_EQUAL: predicate.append(" <="); break; // $CASES-OMITTED$ default: throw new RuntimeException(format("Unexpected query operator [%s]", operator)); } predicate.append(" ? "); parameters.add(PostgreSqlUtils.getPostgreSqlQueryValue(r.getValue(), attr)); if (result.length() > 0 && !result.toString().endsWith(" OR ") && !result.toString() .endsWith(" AND ") && !result.toString().endsWith(" NOT ")) { result.append(" AND "); } result.append(predicate); break; case DIS_MAX: case FUZZY_MATCH: case FUZZY_MATCH_NGRAM: case SEARCH: case SHOULD: // PostgreSQL does not support semantic searching and sorting matching rows on relevance. throw new UnsupportedOperationException( format("Query operator [%s] not supported by PostgreSQL repository", operator.toString())); default: throw new RuntimeException(format("Unknown query operator [%s]", operator.toString())); } } return result.toString().trim(); } private static <E extends Entity> String getSqlSort(EntityType entityType, Query<E> q) { StringBuilder sortSql = new StringBuilder(); if (q.getSort() != null) { for (Sort.Order o : q.getSort()) { Attribute attr = entityType.getAttribute(o.getAttr()); if (isPersistedInOtherTable(attr)) { sortSql.append(", ").append(getColumnName(attr)); } else { sortSql.append(", ").append(getColumnName(attr)); } if (o.getDirection().equals(Sort.Direction.DESC)) { sortSql.append(" DESC"); } else { sortSql.append(" ASC"); } } if (sortSql.length() > 0) { sortSql = new StringBuilder("ORDER BY ").append(sortSql.substring(2)); } } return sortSql.toString(); } private static <E extends Entity> String getSqlFrom(EntityType entityType, Query<E> q) { List<Attribute> mrefAttrsInQuery = getJoinQueryAttrs(entityType, q); StringBuilder from = new StringBuilder(" FROM ").append(getTableName(entityType)).append(" AS this"); Attribute idAttribute = entityType.getIdAttribute(); for (int i = 0; i < mrefAttrsInQuery.size(); i++) { // extra join so we can filter on the mrefs Attribute mrefAttr = mrefAttrsInQuery.get(i); if (mrefAttr.getDataType() == ONE_TO_MANY && mrefAttr.isMappedBy()) { // query table of referenced entity from.append(" LEFT JOIN ").append(getTableName(mrefAttr.getRefEntity())).append(" AS ") .append(getFilterColumnName(mrefAttr, i + 1)).append(" ON (this.") .append(getColumnName(idAttribute)).append(" = ").append(getFilterColumnName(mrefAttr, i + 1)) .append('.').append(getColumnName(mrefAttr.getMappedBy())).append(')'); } else { // query junction table from.append(" LEFT JOIN ").append(getJunctionTableName(entityType, mrefAttr)).append(" AS ") .append(getFilterColumnName(mrefAttr, i + 1)).append(" ON (this.") .append(getColumnName(idAttribute)).append(" = ").append(getFilterColumnName(mrefAttr, i + 1)) .append('.').append(getColumnName(idAttribute)).append(')'); } } return from.toString(); } private static String getColumnName(Attribute attr) { return getColumnName(attr.getName()); } private static String getColumnName(String attrName) { return '"' + attrName + '"'; } private static String getFilterColumnName(Attribute attr, int filterIndex) { return '"' + attr.getName() + "_filter" + filterIndex + '"'; } private static String getPrimaryKeyName(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return getConstraintName(entityType, attr, "pkey"); } private static String getForeignKeyName(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return getConstraintName(entityType, attr, "fkey"); } private static String getUniqueKeyName(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return getConstraintName(entityType, attr, "key"); } private static String getCheckConstraintName(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return getConstraintName(entityType, attr, "chk"); } private static String getConstraintName(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr, String constraintPostfix) { return '"' + entityType.getName() + '_' + attr.getName() + '_' + constraintPostfix + '"'; } private static <E extends Entity> List<Attribute> getJoinQueryAttrs(EntityType entityType, Query<E> q) { List<Attribute> joinAttrs = Lists.newArrayList(); getJoinQueryAttrsRec(entityType, q.getRules(), joinAttrs); return joinAttrs; } private static void getJoinQueryAttrsRec(EntityType entityType, List<QueryRule> rules, List<Attribute> joinAttrs) { for (QueryRule rule : rules) { if (rule.getField() != null) { Attribute attr = entityType.getAttribute(rule.getField()); if (attr != null && isPersistedInOtherTable(attr)) { joinAttrs.add(attr); } } if (rule.getNestedRules() != null && !rule.getNestedRules().isEmpty()) { getJoinQueryAttrsRec(entityType, rule.getNestedRules(), joinAttrs); } } } private static String getPostgreSqlType(Attribute attr) { while (true) { AttributeType attrType = attr.getDataType(); switch (attrType) { case BOOL: return "boolean"; case CATEGORICAL: case XREF: case FILE: attr = attr.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute(); continue; case DATE: return "date"; case DATE_TIME: return "timestamp"; case DECIMAL: return "double precision"; // alias: float8 case EMAIL: case ENUM: case HYPERLINK: case STRING: return "character varying(255)"; // alias: varchar(255) case HTML: case SCRIPT: case TEXT: return "text"; case INT: return "integer"; // alias: int, int4 case LONG: return "bigint"; // alias: int8 case CATEGORICAL_MREF: case MREF: case ONE_TO_MANY: case COMPOUND: throw new RuntimeException(format("Illegal attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString())); default: throw new RuntimeException(format("Unknown attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString())); } } } }