package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Writable implementation for an excel sheet */ public class ExcelSheetWriter extends AbstractWritable { private final Sheet sheet; private int row; /** * process cells before writing */ private List<CellProcessor> cellProcessors; private Iterable<Attribute> cachedAttributes; ExcelSheetWriter(Sheet sheet, Iterable<Attribute> attributes, AttributeWriteMode attributeWriteMode, List<CellProcessor> cellProcessors) { if (sheet == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("sheet is null"); this.sheet = sheet; this.cellProcessors = cellProcessors; this.row = 0; if (attributes != null) { writeAttributeHeaders(attributes, attributeWriteMode); } } /** * Add a new row to the sheet */ @Override public void add(Entity entity) { if (entity == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity cannot be null"); if (cachedAttributes == null) throw new MolgenisDataException("The attribute names are not defined, call writeAttributeNames first"); int i = 0; Row poiRow = sheet.createRow(row++); for (Attribute attribute : cachedAttributes) { Cell cell = poiRow.createCell(i++, Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); cell.setCellValue(toValue(entity.get(attribute.getName()))); } entity.getIdValue(); } /** * Write sheet column headers */ public void writeAttributeHeaders(Iterable<Attribute> attributes, AttributeWriteMode attributeWriteMode) { if (attributes == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attributes cannot be null"); if (attributeWriteMode == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("AttributeWriteMode cannot be null"); if (cachedAttributes == null) { Row poiRow = sheet.createRow(row++); // write header int i = 0; for (Attribute attribute : attributes) { Cell cell = poiRow.createCell(i++, Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); switch (attributeWriteMode) { case ATTRIBUTE_LABELS: cell.setCellValue( AbstractCellProcessor.processCell(attribute.getLabel(), true, cellProcessors)); break; case ATTRIBUTE_NAMES: cell.setCellValue(AbstractCellProcessor.processCell(attribute.getName(), true, cellProcessors)); break; } } // store header this.cachedAttributes = attributes; } } public void addCellProcessor(CellProcessor cellProcessor) { if (cellProcessors == null) cellProcessors = new ArrayList<CellProcessor>(); cellProcessors.add(cellProcessor); } private String toValue(Object obj) { String value; if (obj == null) { value = null; } else if (obj instanceof java.util.Date) { value = new DateToStringConverter().convert((java.util.Date) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Entity) { if (getEntityWriteMode() != null) { switch (getEntityWriteMode()) { case ENTITY_IDS: value = ((Entity) obj).getIdValue().toString(); break; case ENTITY_LABELS: Object labelValue = ((Entity) obj).getLabelValue(); value = labelValue != null ? labelValue.toString() : null; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown write mode [" + getEntityWriteMode() + "]"); } } else { Object labelValue = ((Entity) obj).getLabelValue(); value = labelValue != null ? labelValue.toString() : null; } } else if (obj instanceof Iterable<?>) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (Object listItem : (Iterable<?>) obj) { if (strBuilder.length() > 0) strBuilder.append(','); strBuilder.append(toValue(listItem)); } // TODO apply cell processors to list elements? value = strBuilder.toString(); } else { value = obj.toString(); } return AbstractCellProcessor.processCell(value, false, cellProcessors); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { // Nothing } @Override public void flush() { // Nothing } @Override public void clearCache() { // Nothing } }