package; import*; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import javax.sql.DataSource; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Function; import; import static; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.EnumSet.of; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static; import static; import static*; import static*; import static; import static*; import static*; import static*; import static*; public class PostgreSqlRepositoryCollection extends AbstractRepositoryCollection { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PostgreSqlRepositoryCollection.class); public static final String POSTGRESQL = "PostgreSQL"; private final PostgreSqlEntityFactory postgreSqlEntityFactory; private final DataSource dataSource; private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; private final DataService dataService; PostgreSqlRepositoryCollection(PostgreSqlEntityFactory postgreSqlEntityFactory, DataSource dataSource, JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, DataService dataService) { this.postgreSqlEntityFactory = requireNonNull(postgreSqlEntityFactory); this.dataSource = requireNonNull(dataSource); this.jdbcTemplate = requireNonNull(jdbcTemplate); this.dataService = requireNonNull(dataService); } @Override public String getName() { return POSTGRESQL; } @Override public Set<RepositoryCollectionCapability> getCapabilities() { return immutableEnumSet(of(WRITABLE, UPDATABLE, META_DATA_PERSISTABLE)); } @Override public boolean hasRepository(String name) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Repository<Entity> createRepository(EntityType entityType) { PostgreSqlRepository repository = createPostgreSqlRepository(); repository.setEntityType(entityType); if (!isTableExists(entityType)) { createTable(entityType); } return repository; } @Override public boolean hasRepository(EntityType entityType) { return isTableExists(entityType); } @Override public Iterable<String> getEntityNames() { return dataService.query(ENTITY_TYPE_META_DATA, EntityType.class).eq(BACKEND, POSTGRESQL) .fetch(getEntityTypeFetch()).findAll().map(EntityType::getName)::iterator; } @Override public Repository<Entity> getRepository(String name) { EntityType entityType = dataService.query(ENTITY_TYPE_META_DATA, EntityType.class).eq(BACKEND, POSTGRESQL).and() .eq(FULL_NAME, name).and().eq(IS_ABSTRACT, false).fetch(getEntityTypeFetch()).findOne(); return getRepository(entityType); } @Override public Repository<Entity> getRepository(EntityType entityType) { PostgreSqlRepository repository = createPostgreSqlRepository(); repository.setEntityType(entityType); return repository; } @Override public Iterator<Repository<Entity>> iterator() { return dataService.query(ENTITY_TYPE_META_DATA, EntityType.class).eq(BACKEND, POSTGRESQL).and() .eq(IS_ABSTRACT, false).fetch(getEntityTypeFetch()).findAll().map(this::getRepository).iterator(); } @Override public void deleteRepository(EntityType entityType) { if (entityType.isAbstract()) { throw new UnknownRepositoryException(entityType.getName()); } dropTables(entityType); } private void dropTables(EntityType entityType) { getJunctionTableAttributes(entityType).forEach(mrefAttr -> dropJunctionTable(entityType, mrefAttr)); String sqlDropTable = getSqlDropTable(entityType); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Dropping table for entity [{}]", entityType.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", sqlDropTable); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlDropTable); String sqlDropFunctionValidateUpdate = getSqlDropFunctionValidateUpdate(entityType); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Dropping trigger function for entity [{}]", entityType.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", sqlDropFunctionValidateUpdate); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlDropFunctionValidateUpdate); } @Override public void addAttribute(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { if (entityType.isAbstract()) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Cannot add attribute [%s] to abstract entity type [%s].", attr.getName(), entityType.getName())); } if (entityType.getAttribute(attr.getName()) != null) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Adding attribute operation failed. Attribute already exists [%s]", attr.getName())); } addAttributeInternal(entityType, attr); } @Override public void updateAttribute(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr, Attribute updatedAttr) { if (entityType.isAbstract()) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Cannot update attribute [%s] for abstract entity type [%s].", attr.getName(), entityType.getName())); } if (!isPersisted(attr) && !isPersisted(updatedAttr)) { return; } if (isPersisted(attr) && !isPersisted(updatedAttr)) { deleteAttribute(entityType, attr); } else if (!isPersisted(attr) && isPersisted(updatedAttr)) { addAttributeInternal(entityType, updatedAttr); } else { updateColumn(entityType, attr, updatedAttr); } } @Override public void deleteAttribute(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { if (entityType.isAbstract()) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Cannot delete attribute [%s] from abstract entity type [%s].", attr.getName(), entityType.getName())); } if (entityType.getAttribute(attr.getName()) == null) { throw new UnknownAttributeException(format("Unknown attribute [%s]", attr.getName())); } if (!isPersisted(attr)) { return; } if (!(attr.getDataType() == ONE_TO_MANY && attr.isMappedBy())) { if (isMultipleReferenceType(attr)) { dropJunctionTable(entityType, attr); } else { dropColumn(entityType, attr); } } } /** * Add attribute to entityType. * * @param entityType the {@link EntityType} to add attribute to * @param attr attribute to add */ private void addAttributeInternal(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { if (!isPersisted(attr)) { return; } if (!(attr.getDataType() == ONE_TO_MANY && attr.isMappedBy())) { if (isMultipleReferenceType(attr)) { createJunctionTable(entityType, attr); } else { createColumn(entityType, attr); } } } /** * Indicates if the attribute is persisted in the database. * Compound attributes and computed attributes with an expression are not persisted. * * @param attr the attribute to check * @return boolean indicating if the entity is persisted in the database. */ private static boolean isPersisted(Attribute attr) { return !attr.hasExpression() && attr.getDataType() != COMPOUND; } /** * Updates database column based on attribute changes. * * @param entityType entity meta data * @param attr current attribute * @param updatedAttr updated attribute */ private void updateColumn(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr, Attribute updatedAttr) { // nullable changes if (!Objects.equals(attr.isNillable(), updatedAttr.isNillable())) { updateNillable(entityType, attr, updatedAttr); } // unique changes if (!Objects.equals(attr.isUnique(), updatedAttr.isUnique())) { updateUnique(entityType, attr, updatedAttr); } // readonly changes if (!Objects.equals(attr.isReadOnly(), updatedAttr.isReadOnly())) { updateReadonly(entityType, attr, updatedAttr); } // data type changes if (!Objects.equals(attr.getDataType(), updatedAttr.getDataType())) { updateDataType(entityType, attr, updatedAttr); } // ref entity changes if (attr.getRefEntity() != null && updatedAttr.getRefEntity() != null && !attr.getRefEntity().getName() .equals(updatedAttr.getRefEntity().getName())) { updateRefEntity(entityType, attr, updatedAttr); } // enum option changes if (!Objects.equals(attr.getEnumOptions(), updatedAttr.getEnumOptions())) { updateEnumOptions(entityType, attr, updatedAttr); } } /** * Updates foreign keys based on referenced entity changes. * * @param entityType entity meta data * @param attr current attribute * @param updatedAttr updated attribute */ private void updateRefEntity(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr, Attribute updatedAttr) { if (isSingleReferenceType(attr) && isSingleReferenceType(updatedAttr)) { dropForeignKey(entityType, attr); if (attr.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute().getDataType() != updatedAttr.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute() .getDataType()) { updateColumnDataType(entityType, updatedAttr); } createForeignKey(entityType, updatedAttr); } else if (isMultipleReferenceType(attr) && isMultipleReferenceType(updatedAttr)) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Updating entity [%s] attribute [%s] referenced entity from [%s] to [%s] not allowed for type [%s]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName(), attr.getRefEntity().getName(), updatedAttr.getRefEntity().getName(), updatedAttr.getDataType().toString())); } } /** * Updates check constraint based on enum value changes. * * @param entityType entity meta data * @param attr current attribute * @param updatedAttr updated attribute */ private void updateEnumOptions(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr, Attribute updatedAttr) { if (attr.getDataType() == ENUM) { if (updatedAttr.getDataType() == ENUM) { // update check constraint dropCheckConstraint(entityType, attr); createCheckConstraint(entityType, updatedAttr); } else { // drop check constraint dropCheckConstraint(entityType, attr); } } else { if (updatedAttr.getDataType() == ENUM) { createCheckConstraint(entityType, updatedAttr); } } } /** * Updates column data type and foreign key constraints based on data type update. * * @param entityType entity meta data * @param attr current attribute * @param updatedAttr updated attribute */ private void updateDataType(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr, Attribute updatedAttr) { Attribute idAttr = entityType.getIdAttribute(); if (idAttr != null && idAttr.getName().equals(attr.getName())) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Data type of entity [%s] attribute [%s] cannot be modified, because [%s] is an ID attribute.", entityType.getName(), attr.getName(), attr.getName())); } // do nothing on representation changes XREF --> CATEGORICAL if (isSingleReferenceType(attr) && isSingleReferenceType(updatedAttr)) { return; } // do nothing on representation changes MREF --> CATEGORICAL_MREF if (isMultipleReferenceType(attr) && isMultipleReferenceType(updatedAttr)) { return; } // remove foreign key on data type updates such as XREF --> STRING if (isSingleReferenceType(attr) && !isReferenceType(updatedAttr)) { dropForeignKey(entityType, attr); } updateColumnDataType(entityType, updatedAttr); // add foreign key on data type updates such as STRING --> XREF if (!isReferenceType(attr) && isSingleReferenceType(updatedAttr)) { createForeignKey(entityType, updatedAttr); } } /** * Updates unique constraint based on attribute unique changes. * * @param entityType entity meta data * @param attr current attribute * @param updatedAttr updated attribute */ private void updateUnique(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr, Attribute updatedAttr) { if (attr.isUnique() && !updatedAttr.isUnique()) { Attribute idAttr = entityType.getIdAttribute(); if (idAttr != null && idAttr.getName().equals(attr.getName())) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("ID attribute [%s] of entity [%s] must be unique", attr.getName(), entityType.getName())); } dropUniqueKey(entityType, updatedAttr); } else if (!attr.isUnique() && updatedAttr.isUnique()) { createUniqueKey(entityType, updatedAttr); } } /** * Updates triggers and functions based on attribute readonly changes. * * @param entityType entity meta data * @param attr current attribute * @param updatedAttr updated attribute */ private void updateReadonly(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr, Attribute updatedAttr) { LinkedHashMap<String, Attribute> readonlyTableAttrs = getTableAttributesReadonly(entityType) .collect(toMap(Attribute::getName, Function.identity(), (u, v) -> { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Duplicate key %s", u)); }, LinkedHashMap::new)); if (!readonlyTableAttrs.isEmpty()) { dropTableTriggers(entityType); } if (attr.isReadOnly() && !updatedAttr.isReadOnly()) { readonlyTableAttrs.remove(attr.getName()); } else if (!attr.isReadOnly() && updatedAttr.isReadOnly()) { readonlyTableAttrs.put(updatedAttr.getName(), updatedAttr); } if (!readonlyTableAttrs.isEmpty()) { createTableTriggers(entityType, readonlyTableAttrs.values()); } } /** * Return a new PostgreSQL repository */ private PostgreSqlRepository createPostgreSqlRepository() { return new PostgreSqlRepository(postgreSqlEntityFactory, jdbcTemplate, dataSource); } private boolean isTableExists(EntityType entityType) { return isTableExists(getTableName(entityType, false)); } private boolean isTableExists(String tableName) { Connection conn = null; try { conn = dataSource.getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData dbm = conn.getMetaData(); // DatabaseMetaData.getTables() requires table name without double quotes, only search TABLE table type to // avoid matches with system tables ResultSet tables = dbm.getTables(null, null, tableName, new String[] { "TABLE" }); return; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { //noinspection ThrowFromFinallyBlock throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } private void updateNillable(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr, Attribute updatedAttr) { if (attr.isNillable() && !updatedAttr.isNillable()) { String sqlSetNotNull = getSqlSetNotNull(entityType, updatedAttr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating not null constraint for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", sqlSetNotNull); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlSetNotNull); } else if (!attr.isNillable() && updatedAttr.isNillable()) { Attribute idAttr = entityType.getIdAttribute(); if (idAttr != null && idAttr.getName().equals(attr.getName())) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("ID attribute [%s] of entity [%s] cannot be nullable", attr.getName(), entityType.getName())); } String sqlDropNotNull = getSqlDropNotNull(entityType, updatedAttr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Removing not null constraint for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", sqlDropNotNull); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlDropNotNull); } } private void createTable(EntityType entityType) { // create table String createTableSql = getSqlCreateTable(entityType); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating table for entity [{}]", entityType.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", createTableSql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(createTableSql); createTableTriggers(entityType); // create junction tables for attributes referencing multiple entities createJunctionTables(entityType); } private void createTableTriggers(EntityType entityType) { List<Attribute> readonlyTableAttrs = getTableAttributesReadonly(entityType).collect(toList()); if (!readonlyTableAttrs.isEmpty()) { createTableTriggers(entityType, readonlyTableAttrs); } } private void createTableTriggers(EntityType entityType, Collection<Attribute> readonlyTableAttrs) { String createFunctionSql = getSqlCreateFunctionValidateUpdate(entityType, readonlyTableAttrs); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating update trigger function for entity [{}]", entityType.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", createFunctionSql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(createFunctionSql); String createUpdateTriggerSql = getSqlCreateUpdateTrigger(entityType, readonlyTableAttrs); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating update trigger for entity [{}]", entityType.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", createUpdateTriggerSql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(createUpdateTriggerSql); } private void updateTableTriggers(EntityType entityType, Collection<Attribute> readonlyTableAttrs) { dropTableTriggers(entityType); createTableTriggers(entityType, readonlyTableAttrs); } private void dropTableTriggers(EntityType entityType) { String dropUpdateTriggerSql = getSqlDropUpdateTrigger(entityType); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Deleting update trigger for entity [{}]", entityType.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", dropUpdateTriggerSql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(dropUpdateTriggerSql); String dropFunctionValidateUpdateSql = getSqlDropFunctionValidateUpdate(entityType); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Deleting update trigger function for entity [{}]", entityType.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", dropFunctionValidateUpdateSql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(dropFunctionValidateUpdateSql); } private void createJunctionTables(EntityType entityType) { getJunctionTableAttributes(entityType).forEach(attr -> createJunctionTable(entityType, attr)); } private void createForeignKey(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { String createForeignKeySql = getSqlCreateForeignKey(entityType, attr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating foreign key for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", createForeignKeySql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(createForeignKeySql); } private void dropForeignKey(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { String dropForeignKeySql = getSqlDropForeignKey(entityType, attr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Dropping foreign key for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", dropForeignKeySql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(dropForeignKeySql); } private void createUniqueKey(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { String createUniqueKeySql = getSqlCreateUniqueKey(entityType, attr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating unique key for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", createUniqueKeySql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(createUniqueKeySql); } private void dropUniqueKey(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { String dropUniqueKeySql = getSqlDropUniqueKey(entityType, attr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Dropping unique key for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", dropUniqueKeySql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(dropUniqueKeySql); } private void createCheckConstraint(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { String sqlCreateCheckConstraint = getSqlCreateCheckConstraint(entityType, attr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating check constraint for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", sqlCreateCheckConstraint); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlCreateCheckConstraint); } private void dropCheckConstraint(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { String sqlDropCheckConstraint = getSqlDropCheckConstraint(entityType, attr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Dropping check constraint for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", sqlDropCheckConstraint); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlDropCheckConstraint); } private void createColumn(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { String addColumnSql = getSqlAddColumn(entityType, attr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating column for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", addColumnSql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(addColumnSql); if (attr.isReadOnly()) { Stream<Attribute> updatedTableAttrsReadonly; Stream<Attribute> tableAttrsReadonly = getTableAttributesReadonly(entityType); if (isTableAttribute(attr)) { updatedTableAttrsReadonly = Stream.concat(tableAttrsReadonly, Stream.of(attr)); } else { updatedTableAttrsReadonly = tableAttrsReadonly; } updateTableTriggers(entityType, updatedTableAttrsReadonly.collect(toList())); } } private void dropColumn(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { if (attr.isReadOnly()) { LinkedHashMap<String, Attribute> updatedReadonlyTableAttrs = getTableAttributesReadonly(entityType) .collect(toMap(Attribute::getName, Function.identity(), (u, v) -> { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Duplicate key %s", u)); }, LinkedHashMap::new)); updatedReadonlyTableAttrs.remove(attr.getName()); updateTableTriggers(entityType, updatedReadonlyTableAttrs.values()); } String dropColumnSql = getSqlDropColumn(entityType, attr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Dropping column for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", dropColumnSql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(dropColumnSql); } private void updateColumnDataType(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { String sqlSetDataType = getSqlSetDataType(entityType, attr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Changing data type of entity [{}] attribute [{}] to [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName(), attr.getDataType().toString()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", sqlSetDataType); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlSetDataType); } private void createJunctionTable(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { String createJunctionTableSql = getSqlCreateJunctionTable(entityType, attr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating junction table for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", createJunctionTableSql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(createJunctionTableSql); String createJunctionTableIndexSql = getSqlCreateJunctionTableIndex(entityType, attr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating junction table index for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), attr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", createJunctionTableIndexSql); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(createJunctionTableIndexSql); } private void dropJunctionTable(EntityType entityType, Attribute mrefAttr) { String sqlDropJunctionTable = getSqlDropJunctionTable(entityType, mrefAttr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Dropping junction table for entity [{}] attribute [{}]", entityType.getName(), mrefAttr.getName()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SQL: {}", sqlDropJunctionTable); } } jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlDropJunctionTable); } }