package; import; import static*; import static*; import static; import static; import static*; public class GavinAlgorithm { public static final String NAME = "GavinAnnotator"; public static final double GENOMEWIDE_MAF_THRESHOLD = 0.003456145; public static final int GENOMEWIDE_CADD_THRESHOLD = 15; /** * Sensitivity is more important than specificity, so we can adjust this parameter to globally adjust the thresholds. * <ul> * <li>At a setting of 1, ie. default behaviour, GAVIN is 89% sensitive and 83% specific</li> * <li>at a setting of 5, a more sensitive setting, GAVIN is 92% sensitive and 78% specific</li> * </ul> * Technically we lose more than we gain, but having >90% sensitivity is really important. * Better to have a few more false positives than to miss a true positive. */ public static final int EXTRA_SENSITIVITY_FACTOR = 5; /** * Classifies a variant using the given GavinThresholds. * * @param impact putative impact of the variant, determined by snpEff * @param caddScaled scaled cadd score for the variant * @param exacMAF maf of the variant, determined by exac * @param gene gene of the variant * @param gavinThresholds the {@link GavinThresholds} for this gene * @return the {@link Judgment} of the gavin algorithm */ public Judgment classifyVariant(Impact impact, Double caddScaled, Double exacMAF, String gene, GavinThresholds gavinThresholds) { if (gavinThresholds == null) { //if we have no data for this gene, immediately fall back to the genomewide method return genomewideClassifyVariant(impact, caddScaled, exacMAF, gene); } gavinThresholds = gavinThresholds.withExtraSensitivity(EXTRA_SENSITIVITY_FACTOR); // CADD score based classification, calibrated if (caddScaled != null) { switch (gavinThresholds.getCategory()) { case C1: case C2: if (gavinThresholds.isAboveMeanPathogenicCADDScore(caddScaled)) { return Judgment.create(Pathogenic, calibrated, gene, "Variant CADD score of " + caddScaled + " is greater than " + gavinThresholds .getMeanPathogenicCADDScore() + " in a gene for which CADD scores are informative."); } if (gavinThresholds.isBelowMeanPopulationCADDScore(caddScaled)) { return Judgment.create(Benign, calibrated, gene, "Variant CADD score of " + caddScaled + " is less than " + gavinThresholds .getMeanPopulationCADDScore() + " in a gene for which CADD scores are informative."); } //this rule does not classify apparently, just continue onto the next rules break; case C3: case C4: case C5: if (gavinThresholds.isAboveSpec95thPerCADDThreshold(caddScaled)) { return Judgment.create(Pathogenic, calibrated, gene, "Variant CADD score of " + caddScaled + " is greater than " + gavinThresholds .getSpec95thPerCADDThreshold() + " for this gene."); } if (gavinThresholds.isBelowSens95PerCADDThreshold(caddScaled)) { return Judgment.create(Benign, calibrated, gene, "Variant CADD score of " + caddScaled + " is less than " + gavinThresholds .getSens95thPerCADDThreshold() + " for this gene."); } //this rule does not classify apparently, just continue onto the next rules break; } } // MAF-based classification, calibrated if (gavinThresholds.isAbovePathoMAFThreshold(exacMAF)) { return Judgment.create(Benign, calibrated, gene, "Variant MAF of " + exacMAF + " is greater than " + gavinThresholds.getPathoMAFThreshold() + "."); } String mafReason = "the variant MAF of " + exacMAF + " is less than a MAF of " + gavinThresholds.getPathoMAFThreshold() + "."; // Impact based classification, calibrated if (impact != null) { if (gavinThresholds.getCategory() == I1 && impact == HIGH) { return Judgment.create(Pathogenic, calibrated, gene, "Variant is of high impact, while there are no known high impact variants in the population. Also, " + mafReason); } if (gavinThresholds.getCategory() == I2 && (impact == MODERATE || impact == HIGH)) { return Judgment.create(Pathogenic, calibrated, gene, "Variant is of high/moderate impact, while there are no known high/moderate impact variants in the population. Also, " + mafReason); } if (gavinThresholds.getCategory() == I3 && (impact == LOW || impact == MODERATE || impact == HIGH)) { return Judgment.create(Pathogenic, calibrated, gene, "Variant is of high/moderate/low impact, while there are no known high/moderate/low impact variants in the population. Also, " + mafReason); } if (impact == MODIFIER) { return Judgment.create(Benign, calibrated, gene, "Variant is of 'modifier' impact, and therefore unlikely to be pathogenic. However, " + mafReason); } } //if everything so far has failed, we can still fall back to the genome-wide method return genomewideClassifyVariant(impact, caddScaled, exacMAF, gene); } /** * Classifies a variant based on genome-wide thresholds * * @param impact putative impact of the variant, determined by snpEff * @param caddScaled scaled cadd score for the variant * @param exacMAF maf of the variant, determined by exac * @param gene gene of the variant * @return the {@link Judgment} of the gavin algorithm */ public Judgment genomewideClassifyVariant(Impact impact, Double caddScaled, Double exacMAF, String gene) { exacMAF = exacMAF != null ? exacMAF : 0; if (exacMAF > GENOMEWIDE_MAF_THRESHOLD) { return Judgment.create(Benign, genomewide, gene, "Variant MAF of " + exacMAF + " is not rare enough to generally be considered pathogenic."); } if (impact == MODIFIER) { return Judgment.create(Benign, genomewide, gene, "Variant is of 'modifier' impact, and therefore unlikely to be pathogenic."); } if (caddScaled != null && caddScaled > GENOMEWIDE_CADD_THRESHOLD) { return Judgment.create(Pathogenic, genomewide, gene, "Variant MAF of " + exacMAF + " is rare enough to be potentially pathogenic and its CADD score of " + caddScaled + " is greater than a global threshold of " + GENOMEWIDE_CADD_THRESHOLD + "."); } if (caddScaled != null && caddScaled <= GENOMEWIDE_CADD_THRESHOLD) { return Judgment.create(Benign, genomewide, gene, "Variant CADD score of " + caddScaled + " is less than a global threshold of " + GENOMEWIDE_CADD_THRESHOLD + ", although the variant MAF of " + exacMAF + " is rare enough to be potentially pathogenic."); } return Judgment.create(VOUS, genomewide, gene, "Unable to classify variant as benign or pathogenic. The combination of " + impact + " impact, a CADD score of " + caddScaled + " and MAF of " + exacMAF + " in " + gene + " is inconclusive."); } }