package org.molgenis.das; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.molgenis.das.impl.MolgenisDasTarget; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import java.util.*; @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = "DMI_COLLECTION_OF_URLS", justification = "Third party class requires a map of URLs") public abstract class RangeHandlingDataSource implements RangeHandlingAnnotationDataSource { protected DasFeature createDasFeature(Integer start, Integer stop, String identifier, String name, String description, String link, DasType type, DasMethod method, String dataSet, String patient, List<String> notes) throws DataSourceException { if (stop == null) stop = start;// no stop? assume length of 1; // create description based on available information String featureDescription = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(description)) { featureDescription = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(name) ? name + "," + description : description; } else { featureDescription = identifier; } notes.add("track:" + dataSet); notes.add("source:MOLGENIS"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(patient)) { notes.add("patient:" + patient); } Map<URL, String> linkout = new HashMap<URL, String>(); try { linkout.put(new URL(link), "Link"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } List<DasTarget> dasTargets = new ArrayList<DasTarget>(); dasTargets.add(new MolgenisDasTarget(identifier, start, stop, featureDescription)); List<String> parents = new ArrayList<String>(); DasFeature feature = new DasFeature(identifier, featureDescription, type, method, start, stop, new Double(0), DasFeatureOrientation.ORIENTATION_NOT_APPLICABLE, DasPhase.PHASE_NOT_APPLICABLE, notes, linkout, dasTargets, parents, null); return feature; } // unimplemented functions @Override public void destroy() { // Mandatory to override this function, but no destroy needed. } @Override public DasAnnotatedSegment getFeatures(String arg0, Integer arg1) throws BadReferenceObjectException, DataSourceException { throw new BadReferenceObjectException(arg0, "The handling of this request is not supported"); } @Override public Collection<DasAnnotatedSegment> getFeatures(Collection<String> arg0, Integer arg1, Range arg2) throws UnimplementedFeatureException, DataSourceException { throw new UnimplementedFeatureException("Not implemented"); } @Override public URL getLinkURL(String arg0, String arg1) throws UnimplementedFeatureException, DataSourceException { throw new UnimplementedFeatureException("Not implemented"); } @Override public int getTotalEntryPoints() throws UnimplementedFeatureException, DataSourceException { throw new UnimplementedFeatureException("Not implemented"); } @Override public DasAnnotatedSegment getFeatures(String arg0, int arg1, int arg2, Integer arg3, Range arg4) throws BadReferenceObjectException, CoordinateErrorException, DataSourceException, UnimplementedFeatureException { throw new UnimplementedFeatureException("Not implemented"); } @Override public DasAnnotatedSegment getFeatures(String arg0, Integer arg1, Range arg2) throws BadReferenceObjectException, DataSourceException, UnimplementedFeatureException { throw new UnimplementedFeatureException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Collection<DasAnnotatedSegment> getFeatures(Collection<String> arg0, Integer arg1) throws UnimplementedFeatureException, DataSourceException { throw new UnimplementedFeatureException("Not implemented"); } @Override public String getEntryPointVersion() throws UnimplementedFeatureException, DataSourceException { throw new UnimplementedFeatureException("Not implemented"); } @Override public Collection<DasEntryPoint> getEntryPoints(Integer segmentId, Integer notUsed) throws UnimplementedFeatureException, DataSourceException { throw new UnimplementedFeatureException("Not implemented"); } }