package; import; import; import; import; import; import static; import static; import static org.molgenis.util.ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext; /** * Utility class used by other PostgreSQL classes */ class PostgreSqlQueryUtils { static final String JUNCTION_TABLE_ORDER_ATTR_NAME = "order"; private PostgreSqlQueryUtils() { } /** * Returns the double-quoted table name based on entity name * * @param entityType entity meta data * @return table name for this entity */ static String getTableName(EntityType entityType) { return getTableName(entityType, true); } /** * Returns the table name based on entity name * * @param entityType entity meta data * @return PostgreSQL table name */ static String getTableName(EntityType entityType, boolean quoteSystemIdentifiers) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(32); if (quoteSystemIdentifiers) { strBuilder.append('"'); } strBuilder.append(entityType.getName()); if (quoteSystemIdentifiers) { strBuilder.append('"'); } return strBuilder.toString(); } /** * Returns the junction table name for the given attribute of the given entity * * @param entityType entity meta data that owns the attribute * @param attr attribute * @return PostgreSQL junction table name */ static String getJunctionTableName(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr) { return '"' + entityType.getName() + '_' + attr.getName() + '"'; } /** * Returns the junction table index name for the given indexed attribute in a junction table * * @param entityType entity meta data * @param attr attribute * @param idxAttr indexed attribute * @return PostgreSQL junction table index name */ static String getJunctionTableIndexName(EntityType entityType, Attribute attr, Attribute idxAttr) { return '"' + entityType.getName() + '_' + attr.getName() + '_' + idxAttr.getName() + "_idx\""; } /** * Returns attributes persisted by PostgreSQL (e.g. no compound attributes and attributes with an expression) * * @return stream of persisted attributes */ static Stream<Attribute> getPersistedAttributes(EntityType entityType) { return, false) .filter(atomicAttr -> atomicAttr.getExpression() == null); } /** * Returns all non-bidirectional attributes persisted by PostgreSQL in junction tables (e.g. no compound attributes and attributes * with an expression) * * @return stream of attributes persisted by PostgreSQL in junction tables */ static Stream<Attribute> getJunctionTableAttributes(EntityType entityType) { // return all attributes referencing multiple entities except for one-to-many attributes that are mapped by // another attribute return getPersistedAttributes(entityType) .filter(attr -> isMultipleReferenceType(attr) && !(attr.getDataType() == ONE_TO_MANY && attr .isMappedBy())); } /** * Returns all attributes persisted by PostgreSQL in entity table (e.g. no compound attributes and attributes * with an expression) * * @return stream of persisted non-MREF attributes */ static Stream<Attribute> getTableAttributes(EntityType entityType) { return getPersistedAttributes(entityType).filter(PostgreSqlQueryUtils::isTableAttribute); } static boolean isTableAttribute(Attribute attr) { return !isMultipleReferenceType(attr) && !(attr.getDataType() == ONE_TO_MANY && attr.isMappedBy()); } static Stream<Attribute> getTableAttributesReadonly(EntityType entityType) { return getTableAttributes(entityType).filter(Attribute::isReadOnly); } /** * Returns whether the given entity is persisted in PostgreSQL * * @param entityType entity meta data * @return true is the entity is persisted in PostgreSQL */ static boolean isPersistedInPostgreSql(EntityType entityType) { String backend = entityType.getBackend(); if (backend == null) { // TODO remove this check after getBackend always returns the backend if (null != getApplicationContext()) { DataService dataService = getApplicationContext().getBean(DataService.class); backend = dataService.getMeta().getDefaultBackend().getName(); } else { // A workaround for the integration tests. getApplicationContext() should not be null return true; } } return backend.equals(PostgreSqlRepositoryCollection.POSTGRESQL); } }