package; import; import*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity; import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import java.util.Map; import static; import static java.util.Collections.singletonList; import static org.springframework.http.HttpMethod.*; import static org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.OK; /** * Java client for the REST api. */ public class MolgenisClient { private final RestTemplate template; private final String apiHref; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MolgenisClient.class); public MolgenisClient(RestTemplate template, String apiHref) { this.template = template; this.apiHref = apiHref; } /** * Creates a HTTP entity with the given body and a molgenis header * * @param token token to put in the molgenis header * @param body body to put in the {@link HttpEntity} * @return the {@link HttpEntity} */ private static <T> HttpEntity<T> createHttpEntity(String token, T body) { HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); if (token != null) { headers.set("x-molgenis-token", token); } return new HttpEntity<T>(body, headers); } /** * Creates a HTTP entity with an empty body and a molgenis header * * @param token token to put in the molgenis header * @return the {@link HttpEntity} */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private static HttpEntity createHttpEntity(String token) { HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); if (token != null) { headers.set("x-molgenis-token", token); } return new HttpEntity(headers); } /** * Logs in the user * * @param uid id of the user * @param pwd password of the user * @return molgenis session token */ public LoginResponse login(String uid, String pwd) { ResponseEntity<LoginResponse> result = template .postForEntity("{apiHref}/login", LoginRequest.create(uid, pwd), LoginResponse.class, apiHref); if (result.getStatusCode() == OK) { return result.getBody(); } throw new RestClientException("Not authenticated"); } public void logout(String token) {"{apiHref}/logout", POST, createHttpEntity(token), Map.class, apiHref); } /** * Retrieves an entity's metadata * * @param entityName fully qualified name of the entity * @param token molgenis session token * @return {@link ResponseEntity} with the {@link MetaDataResponse} */ public ResponseEntity<MetaDataResponse> getMeta(String token, String entityName) { return"{apiHref}/{entityName}/meta?_method=GET", POST, createHttpEntity(token, MetaDataRequest.create()), MetaDataResponse.class, apiHref, entityName); } /** * Queries an attribute for entities which have one specific attribute set to a specific value. * * @param entityName name of the entity * @param attributeName name of the attribute * @param value value of the attribute * @param token molgenis session token * @return {@link ResponseEntity} with a {@link QueryResponse} body containing the entities which have attributeName * set to value */ public QueryResponse queryEquals(String token, String entityName, String attributeName, Object value) { Map<String, Object> query = of("q", singletonList(of("field", attributeName, "operator", "EQUALS", "value", value))); ResponseEntity<QueryResponse> response = template .exchange("{apiHref}/{entityName}?_method=GET", POST, createHttpEntity(token, query), QueryResponse.class, apiHref, entityName); return response.getBody(); } /** * Updates an entity. * * @param token molgenis session token * @param entityName name of the entity * @param id id of the entity * @param newEntity new values for the entity */ public void update(String token, String entityName, String id, ImmutableMap<String, Object> newEntity) {"{apiHref}/{entityName}/{id}", PUT, createHttpEntity(token, newEntity), Object.class, apiHref, entityName, id); } /** * Updates an entity's attribute value. * * @param token molgenis session token * @param entityName name of the entity * @param id id of the entity * @param attributeName name of the attribute to update * @param value new value for the attribute */ public void update(String token, String entityName, String id, String attributeName, Object value) {"{apiHref}/{entityName}/{id}/{attributeName}", PUT, createHttpEntity(token, value), Object.class, apiHref, entityName, id, attributeName); } public Map<String, Object> get(String token, String entityName, Object id) { ResponseEntity<Map> responseEntity = template .exchange("{apiHref}/{entityName}/{id}", GET, createHttpEntity(token), Map.class, apiHref, entityName, id); return responseEntity.getBody(); } public QueryResponse get(String token, String entityName) { ResponseEntity<QueryResponse> responseEntity = template .exchange("{apiHref}/{entityName}", GET, createHttpEntity(token), QueryResponse.class, apiHref, entityName); return responseEntity.getBody(); } public void create(String token, String entityName, Map<String, Object> entity) {"{apiHref}/{entityName}/", POST, createHttpEntity(token, entity), Object.class, apiHref, entityName); } public void delete(String token, String entityName, Object id) {"{apiHref}/{entityName}/{id}", DELETE, createHttpEntity(token), Object.class, apiHref, entityName, id); } /** * Deletes an entity's metadata including all of its rows. * * @param entityName name of the entity */ public void deleteData(String token, String entityName) {"{apiHref}/{entityName}", DELETE, createHttpEntity(token), Object.class, apiHref, entityName); } /** * Deletes an entity's metadata including all of its rows. * * @param entityName name of the entity */ public void deleteMetadata(String token, String entityName) {"{apiHref}/{entityName}/meta", DELETE, createHttpEntity(token), Object.class, apiHref, entityName); } }