package; import; import; import; import; import org.postgresql.util.PSQLException; import org.postgresql.util.ServerErrorMessage; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException; import javax.sql.DataSource; import java.sql.BatchUpdateException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.Collections.singleton; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static; import static*; /** * Translates PostgreSQL exceptions to MOLGENIS data exceptions */ @Component class PostgreSqlExceptionTranslator extends SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator implements TransactionExceptionTranslator { @Autowired PostgreSqlExceptionTranslator(DataSource dataSource) { super(requireNonNull(dataSource)); } @Override protected DataAccessException doTranslate(String task, String sql, SQLException ex) { DataAccessException dataAccessException = super.doTranslate(task, sql, ex); if (dataAccessException == null) { return doTranslate(ex); } return doTranslate(dataAccessException); } private static MolgenisDataException doTranslate(DataAccessException dataAccessException) { Throwable cause = dataAccessException.getCause(); if (!(cause instanceof PSQLException)) { throw new RuntimeException(format("Unexpected exception class [%s]", cause.getClass().getSimpleName())); } PSQLException pSqlException = (PSQLException) cause; MolgenisDataException molgenisDataException = doTranslate(pSqlException); if (molgenisDataException == null) { molgenisDataException = new MolgenisDataException(dataAccessException); } return molgenisDataException; } private static MolgenisDataException doTranslate(SQLException sqlException) { if (sqlException instanceof BatchUpdateException) { sqlException = sqlException.getNextException(); } if (!(sqlException instanceof PSQLException)) { throw new RuntimeException( format("Unexpected exception class [%s]", sqlException.getClass().getSimpleName())); } PSQLException pSqlException = (PSQLException) sqlException; MolgenisDataException molgenisDataException = doTranslate(pSqlException); if (molgenisDataException == null) { molgenisDataException = new MolgenisDataException(sqlException); } return molgenisDataException; } private static MolgenisDataException doTranslate(PSQLException pSqlException) { switch (pSqlException.getSQLState()) { case "22007": // invalid_datetime_format case "22P02": // not an integer exception return translateInvalidIntegerException(pSqlException); case "23502": // not_null_violation return translateNotNullViolation(pSqlException); case "23503": // foreign_key_violation return translateForeignKeyViolation(pSqlException); case "23505": // unique_violation return translateUniqueKeyViolation(pSqlException); case "23514": // check_violation return translateCheckConstraintViolation(pSqlException); case "2BP01": return translateDependentObjectsStillExist(pSqlException); case "42703": return translateUndefinedColumnException(pSqlException); case PostgreSqlQueryGenerator.ERR_CODE_READONLY_VIOLATION: return translateReadonlyViolation(pSqlException); default: return null; } } /** * Package private for testability * * @param pSqlException PostgreSQL exception * @return translated validation exception */ static MolgenisValidationException translateReadonlyViolation(PSQLException pSqlException) { Matcher matcher = Pattern .compile("Updating read-only column \"?(.*?)\"? of table \"?(.*?)\"? with id \\[(.*?)] is not allowed") .matcher(pSqlException.getServerErrorMessage().getMessage()); boolean matches = matcher.matches(); if (!matches) { throw new RuntimeException("Error translating exception", pSqlException); } String colName =; String tableName =; String id =; ConstraintViolation constraintViolation = new ConstraintViolation( format("Updating read-only attribute '%s' of entity '%s' with id '%s' is not allowed.", colName, tableName, id)); return new MolgenisValidationException(singleton(constraintViolation)); } /** * Package private for testability * * @param pSqlException PostgreSQL exception * @return translated validation exception */ static MolgenisValidationException translateDependentObjectsStillExist(PSQLException pSqlException) { ServerErrorMessage serverErrorMessage = pSqlException.getServerErrorMessage(); String detail = serverErrorMessage.getDetail(); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("constraint (.+) on table \"?([^\"]+)\"? depends on table \"?([^\"]+)\"?\n?") .matcher(detail); String table = null; Set<String> dependentTables = new LinkedHashSet<>(); while (matcher.find()) { table =; dependentTables.add(; } if (table == null) // no matches { throw new RuntimeException("Error translating exception", pSqlException); } String message; if (dependentTables.size() == 1) { message = format("Cannot delete entity '%s' because entity '%s' depends on it.", table, dependentTables.iterator().next()); } else { message = format("Cannot delete entity '%s' because entities '%s' depend on it.", table,", "))); } ConstraintViolation constraintViolation = new ConstraintViolation(message, null); return new MolgenisValidationException(singleton(constraintViolation)); } /** * Package private for testability * * @param pSqlException PostgreSQL exception * @return translated validation exception */ static MolgenisValidationException translateInvalidIntegerException(PSQLException pSqlException) { ServerErrorMessage serverErrorMessage = pSqlException.getServerErrorMessage(); String message = serverErrorMessage.getMessage(); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("invalid input syntax for \\b(?:type )?\\b(.+?): \"(.*?)\"").matcher(message); boolean matches = matcher.matches(); if (!matches) { throw new RuntimeException("Error translating exception", pSqlException); } String postgreSqlType =; // convert PostgreSQL data type to attribute type: String type; switch (postgreSqlType) { case "boolean": type = BOOL.toString(); break; case "date": type = DATE.toString(); break; case "timestamp": type = DATE_TIME.toString(); break; case "double precision": type = DECIMAL.toString(); break; case "integer": type = INT.toString() + " or " + LONG.toString(); break; default: type = postgreSqlType; break; } String value =; ConstraintViolation constraintViolation = new ConstraintViolation( format("Value [%s] of this entity attribute is not of type [%s].", value, type), null); return new MolgenisValidationException(singleton(constraintViolation)); } /** * Package private for testability * * @param pSqlException PostgreSQL exception * @return translated validation exception */ static MolgenisValidationException translateNotNullViolation(PSQLException pSqlException) { ServerErrorMessage serverErrorMessage = pSqlException.getServerErrorMessage(); String tableName = serverErrorMessage.getTable(); String message = serverErrorMessage.getMessage(); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("null value in column \"?(.*?)\"? violates not-null constraint") .matcher(message); boolean matches = matcher.matches(); if (matches) { // exception message when adding data that does not match constraint String columnName =; ConstraintViolation constraintViolation = new ConstraintViolation( format("The attribute '%s' of entity '%s' can not be null.", columnName, tableName), null); return new MolgenisValidationException(singleton(constraintViolation)); } else { // exception message when applying constraint on existing data matcher = Pattern.compile("column \"(.*?)\" contains null values").matcher(message); matches = matcher.matches(); if (!matches) { throw new RuntimeException("Error translating exception", pSqlException); } String columnName =; ConstraintViolation constraintViolation = new ConstraintViolation( format("The attribute '%s' of entity '%s' contains null values.", columnName, tableName), null); return new MolgenisValidationException(singleton(constraintViolation)); } } /** * Package private for testability * * @param pSqlException PostgreSQL exception * @return translated validation exception */ static MolgenisValidationException translateForeignKeyViolation(PSQLException pSqlException) { ServerErrorMessage serverErrorMessage = pSqlException.getServerErrorMessage(); String tableName = serverErrorMessage.getTable(); String detailMessage = serverErrorMessage.getDetail(); Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\((.*?)\\)").matcher(detailMessage); if (!m.find()) { throw new RuntimeException("Error translating exception", pSqlException); } String colName =; if (!m.find()) { throw new RuntimeException("Error translating exception", pSqlException); } String value =; String constraintViolationMessageTemplate; if (detailMessage.contains("still referenced from")) { // ERROR: update or delete on table "x" violates foreign key constraint "y" on table "z" // Detail: Key (k)=(v) is still referenced from table "x". constraintViolationMessageTemplate = "Value '%s' for attribute '%s' is referenced by entity '%s'."; } else { // ERROR: insert or update on table "x" violates foreign key constraint "y" // Detail: Key (k)=(v) is not present in table "z". constraintViolationMessageTemplate = "Unknown xref value '%s' for attribute '%s' of entity '%s'."; } ConstraintViolation constraintViolation = new ConstraintViolation( format(constraintViolationMessageTemplate, value, colName, tableName), null); return new MolgenisValidationException(singleton(constraintViolation)); } /** * Package private for testability * * @param pSqlException PostgreSQL exception * @return translated validation exception */ static MolgenisValidationException translateUniqueKeyViolation(PSQLException pSqlException) { ServerErrorMessage serverErrorMessage = pSqlException.getServerErrorMessage(); String tableName = serverErrorMessage.getTable(); String detailMessage = serverErrorMessage.getDetail(); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("Key \\((.*?)\\)=\\((.*?)\\) already exists.").matcher(detailMessage); boolean matches = matcher.matches(); if (matches) { // exception message when adding data that does not match constraint String columnName =; String value =; ConstraintViolation constraintViolation = new ConstraintViolation( format("Duplicate value '%s' for unique attribute '%s' from entity '%s'.", value, columnName, tableName), null); return new MolgenisValidationException(singleton(constraintViolation)); } else { // exception message when applying constraint on existing data matcher = Pattern.compile("Key \\((.*?)\\)=\\((.*?)\\) is duplicated.").matcher(detailMessage); matches = matcher.matches(); if (matches) { String columnName =; String value =; ConstraintViolation constraintViolation = new ConstraintViolation( format("The attribute '%s' of entity '%s' contains duplicate value '%s'.", columnName, tableName, value), null); return new MolgenisValidationException(singleton(constraintViolation)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Error translating exception", pSqlException); } } } /** * Package private for testability * * @param pSqlException PostgreSQL exception * @return translated validation exception */ static MolgenisValidationException translateCheckConstraintViolation(PSQLException pSqlException) { ServerErrorMessage serverErrorMessage = pSqlException.getServerErrorMessage(); String tableName = serverErrorMessage.getTable(); String constraintName = serverErrorMessage.getConstraint(); // constraint name: <tableName>_<columnName>_chk String columnName = constraintName.substring(tableName.length() + 1, constraintName.length() - 4); ConstraintViolation constraintViolation = new ConstraintViolation( format("Unknown enum value for attribute '%s' of entity '%s'.", columnName, tableName), null); return new MolgenisValidationException(singleton(constraintViolation)); } /** * Package private for testability * * @param pSqlException PostgreSQL exception * @return translated validation exception */ static MolgenisValidationException translateUndefinedColumnException(PSQLException pSqlException) { ServerErrorMessage serverErrorMessage = pSqlException.getServerErrorMessage(); String message = serverErrorMessage.getMessage(); ConstraintViolation constraintViolation = new ConstraintViolation(message); return new MolgenisValidationException(singleton(constraintViolation)); } @Override public MolgenisDataException doTranslate(TransactionException transactionException) { Throwable cause = transactionException.getCause(); if (!(cause instanceof PSQLException)) { return null; } PSQLException pSqlException = (PSQLException) cause; return doTranslate(pSqlException); } }