package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; import static; import static*; import static; @Configuration public class GoNLAnnotator implements AnnotatorConfig { public static final String NAME = "gonl"; public static final String GONL_GENOME_AF = "GoNL_AF"; public static final String GONL_GENOME_GTC = "GoNL_GTC"; public static final String GONL_AF_LABEL = "Genome of the netherlands allele frequency"; public static final String GONL_GTC_LABEL = "Genome of the netherlands Genotype counts frequency"; public static final String INFO_GTC = "GTC"; public static final String INFO_AN = "AN"; public static final String INFO_AC = "AC"; public static final String GONL_MULTI_FILE_RESOURCE = "gonlresources"; @Autowired private Entity goNLAnnotatorSettings; @Autowired private DataService dataService; @Autowired private Resources resources; @Autowired private VcfAttributes vcfAttributes; @Autowired private AttributeFactory attributeFactory; @Autowired private EntityTypeFactory entityTypeFactory; private RepositoryAnnotatorImpl annotator; @Bean public RepositoryAnnotator gonl() { annotator = new RepositoryAnnotatorImpl(NAME); return annotator; } @Override public void init() { List<Attribute> attributes = createGoNlOutputAttributes(); AnnotatorInfo thousandGenomeInfo = AnnotatorInfo .create(AnnotatorInfo.Status.READY, AnnotatorInfo.Type.POPULATION_REFERENCE, NAME, "What genetic variation is to be found in the Dutch indigenous population? " + "Detailed knowledge about this is not only interesting in itself, " + "it also helps to extract useful biomedical information from Dutch biobanks. " + "The Dutch biobank collaboration BBMRI-NL has initiated the extensive Rainbow Project “Genome of the Netherlands” (GoNL) " + "because it offers unique opportunities for science and for the development of new treatments and diagnostic techniques. " + "A close-up look at the DNA of 750 Dutch people-250 trio’s of two parents and an adult child-plus a " + "global genetic profile of large numbers of Dutch will disclose a wealth of new information, new insights, " + "and possible applications.", attributes); LocusQueryCreator locusQueryCreator = new LocusQueryCreator(vcfAttributes); EntityAnnotator entityAnnotator = new QueryAnnotatorImpl(GONL_MULTI_FILE_RESOURCE, thousandGenomeInfo, locusQueryCreator, dataService, resources, (annotationSourceFileName) -> { goNLAnnotatorSettings.set(ROOT_DIRECTORY, annotationSourceFileName); goNLAnnotatorSettings.set(FILEPATTERN, "gonl.chr%s.snps_indels.r5.vcf.gz"); goNLAnnotatorSettings.set(OVERRIDE_CHROMOSOME_FILES, "X:gonl.chrX.release4.gtc.vcf.gz"); goNLAnnotatorSettings.set(CHROMOSOMES, "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,X"); }) { @Override public List<Attribute> createAnnotatorAttributes(AttributeFactory attributeFactory) { return createGoNlOutputAttributes(); } public String postFixResource = ""; @Override protected void processQueryResults(Entity entity, Iterable<Entity> annotationSourceEntities, boolean updateMode) { if (updateMode) { throw new MolgenisDataException("This annotator/filter does not support updating of values"); } String afs = null; String gtcs = null; List<Entity> refMatches = newArrayList(); for (Entity resourceEntity : annotationSourceEntities) { //situation example: input A, GoNL A if (resourceEntity.get(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName()) .equals(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName())) { refMatches.add(resourceEntity); } //situation example: input ATC/TTC, GoNL A/T //we then match on A (leaving TC), lengthen the GoNL ref to A+TC, and alt to T+TC //now it has a match to ATC/TTC (as it should, but was not obvious due to notation) else if (vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName() .indexOf(resourceEntity.getString(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName())) == 0) { postFixResource = entity.getString(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName()).substring( resourceEntity.getString(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName()).length()); resourceEntity.set(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName(), resourceEntity.getString(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName()) + postFixResource); String newAltString = Arrays .stream(resourceEntity.getString(vcfAttributes.getAltAttribute().getName()).split(",")) .map(alt -> alt + postFixResource).collect(Collectors.joining(",")); resourceEntity.set(vcfAttributes.getAltAttribute().getName(), newAltString); refMatches.add(resourceEntity); } //situation example: input T/G, GoNL TCT/GCT //we then match on T (leaving CT), and shorten the GoNL ref to T (-CT), and alt to G (-CT) //now it has a match to T/G (as it should, but was not obvious due to notation) else if (resourceEntity.getString(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName()) .indexOf(entity.getString(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName())) == 0) { int postFixInputLength = resourceEntity.getString(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName()) .substring(entity.getString(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName()).length()) .length(); //bugfix: matching A/G to ACT/A results in postFixInputLength=2, correctly updating ref from ACT to A, //but then tries to substring the alt allele A to length -1 (1 minus 2) which is not allowed. //added a check to prevent this: alt.length() > postFixInputLength ? trim the alt : change to 'n/a' because we cannot use this alt. resourceEntity.set(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName(), resourceEntity.getString(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName()).substring(0, (resourceEntity.getString(vcfAttributes.getRefAttribute().getName()).length() - postFixInputLength))); String newAltString = Arrays .stream(resourceEntity.getString(vcfAttributes.getAltAttribute().getName()).split(",")) .map(alt -> alt.length() > postFixInputLength ? alt .substring(0, (alt.length() - postFixInputLength)) : "n/a") .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); resourceEntity.set(vcfAttributes.getAltAttribute().getName(), newAltString); refMatches.add(resourceEntity); } } if (entity.getString(vcfAttributes.getAltAttribute().getName()) != null) { List<Entity> alleleMatches = newArrayList(); for (String alt : entity.getString(vcfAttributes.getAltAttribute().getName()).split(",")) { alleleMatches.add( -> (alt) .equals((gonl.getString(vcfAttributes.getAltAttribute().getName())))).findFirst() .orElseGet(() -> null)); } if (! { afs = -> gonl == null ? "." : Double .toString(Double.valueOf(gonl.getString(INFO_AC)) / gonl.getInt(INFO_AN))) .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); //update GTC field to separate allele combinations by pipe instead of comma, since we use comma to separate alt allele info gtcs = .map(gonl -> gonl == null ? "." : gonl.getString(INFO_GTC).replace(",", "|")) .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); } } entity.set(GONL_GENOME_AF, afs); entity.set(GONL_GENOME_GTC, gtcs); } }; annotator.init(entityAnnotator); } private List<Attribute> createGoNlOutputAttributes() { List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>(); Attribute goNlAfAttribute = attributeFactory.create().setName(GONL_GENOME_AF).setDataType(STRING) .setDescription("The allele frequency for variants seen in the population used for the GoNL project") .setLabel(GONL_AF_LABEL); Attribute goNlGtcAttribute = attributeFactory.create().setName(GONL_GENOME_GTC).setDataType(STRING) .setDescription( "GenoType Counts. For each ALT allele in the same order as listed = 0/0,0/1,1/1,0/2,1/2,2/2,0/3,1/3,2/3,3/3,etc. Phasing is ignored; hence 1/0, 0|1 and 1|0 are all counted as 0/1. When one or more alleles is not called for a genotype in a specific sample (./., ./0, ./1, ./2, etc.), that sample's genotype is completely discarded for calculating GTC.") .setLabel(GONL_GTC_LABEL); attributes.add(goNlGtcAttribute); attributes.add(goNlAfAttribute); return attributes; } @Bean Resource gonlresources() { MultiResourceConfig goNLConfig = new MultiResourceConfigImpl(CHROMOSOMES, FILEPATTERN, ROOT_DIRECTORY, OVERRIDE_CHROMOSOME_FILES, goNLAnnotatorSettings); return new MultiFileResource(GONL_MULTI_FILE_RESOURCE, goNLConfig) { @Override public RepositoryFactory getRepositoryFactory() { return new TabixVcfRepositoryFactory(GONL_MULTI_FILE_RESOURCE, vcfAttributes, entityTypeFactory, attributeFactory); } }; } }