package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by charbonb on 15/06/15. */ public class MultiResourceConfigImpl implements MultiResourceConfig { private final Entity molgenisSettings; private final String chromosomesProperty; private final String filePatternProperty; private final String rootDirectoryProperty; private final String overrideChromosomeFilesProperty; public static final String DEFAULT_CHROMOSOMES = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,Y,X"; public static final String DEFAULT_PATTERN = "chr%s.vcf"; public static final String DEFAULT_ROOT_DIRECTORY = File.separatorChar + "data" + File.separatorChar + "resources"; /** * overrideChromosomeFiles contains the chromosome that do not comply with the pattern. those chromosomes and * corresponding filenames should be stated comma separated per chromosome, and the chromosome and filename itself * should be colon separated. e.g. 1:file1.vcf,2:file2.txt,X:XYZ.vcf */ public MultiResourceConfigImpl(String chromosomesProperty, String filePatternProperty, String rootDirectoryProperty, String overrideChromosomeFilesProperty, Entity molgenisSettings) { this.chromosomesProperty = chromosomesProperty; this.filePatternProperty = filePatternProperty; this.rootDirectoryProperty = rootDirectoryProperty; this.overrideChromosomeFilesProperty = overrideChromosomeFilesProperty; this.molgenisSettings = molgenisSettings; } public MultiResourceConfigImpl(String chromosomesProperty, String filePatternProperty, String folderProperty, Entity molgenisSettings) { this(chromosomesProperty, filePatternProperty, folderProperty, null, molgenisSettings); } @Override public Map<String, ResourceConfig> getConfigs() { String[] chromosomes = getSetting(this.chromosomesProperty, DEFAULT_CHROMOSOMES).split(","); String pattern = getSetting(this.filePatternProperty, DEFAULT_PATTERN); String folder = getSetting(this.rootDirectoryProperty, DEFAULT_ROOT_DIRECTORY); Map<String, String> overrideChromosomeFilesMap = this.getOverrideChromosomeFiles(); Map<String, ResourceConfig> configs = new HashMap<>(); for (String chrom : chromosomes) { configs.put(chrom, new ResourceConfig() { private File file = null; @Override public File getFile() { final String filename; if (overrideChromosomeFilesMap.containsKey(chrom)) { filename = overrideChromosomeFilesMap.get(chrom); } else { filename = String.format(pattern, chrom); } final String pathname = folder + File.separatorChar + filename; if (null == file || pathname.equals(file.getPath())) { this.file = new File(folder + File.separatorChar + filename); } return this.file; } }); } return configs; } private String getSetting(String name, String defaultValue) { String value = RunAsSystemProxy.runAsSystem(() -> molgenisSettings.getString(name)); return value != null ? value : defaultValue; } private Map<String, String> getOverrideChromosomeFiles() { Map<String, String> overrideChromosomeFilesMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (null != this.overrideChromosomeFilesProperty && molgenisSettings.getString(this.overrideChromosomeFilesProperty) != null) { String overrideChromosomeFiles = getSetting(this.overrideChromosomeFilesProperty, "").trim(); for (String keyValue : overrideChromosomeFiles.split(",")) { String[] pairs = keyValue.split(":", 2); overrideChromosomeFilesMap.put(pairs[0], pairs.length == 1 ? "" : pairs[1]); } } return overrideChromosomeFilesMap; } }