package; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Lists; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; public class ExplainServiceHelper { public final static Pattern REGEXR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^weight\\(\\w*:(\\w*)(.*|)\\s.*"); private final Splitter termSplitter = Splitter.onPattern("[^\\p{IsAlphabetic}]+"); public enum Options { /** * elasticsearch description that is product of: */ PRODUCT_OF("product of:"), /** * elasticsearch description that is max of: */ MAX_OF("max of:"), /** * elasticsearch description that is sum of: */ SUM_OF("sum of:"), /** * elasticsearch description that starts with weight: */ WEIGHT("weight"); private String label; Options(String label) { this.label = label; } public String toString() { return label; } } /** * This method is able to recursively collect all the matched words from ElastisSearch Explanation document * * @param explanation * @return a set of matched words that are matched to different ontology terms */ public Set<String> findMatchedWords(Explanation explanation) { Set<String> words = new HashSet<String>(); String description = explanation.getDescription(); if (description.startsWith(Options.SUM_OF.toString()) || description.startsWith(Options.PRODUCT_OF.toString())) { if (Lists.newArrayList(explanation.getDetails()).stream().allMatch(this::reachLastLevel)) { words.add(extractMatchedWords(explanation.getDetails())); } else { for (Explanation subExplanation : explanation.getDetails()) { words.addAll(findMatchedWords(subExplanation)); } } } else if (description.startsWith(Options.MAX_OF.toString())) { Explanation maxExplanation = Lists.newArrayList(explanation.getDetails()).stream() .max(new Comparator<Explanation>() { public int compare(Explanation explanation1, Explanation explanation2) { return, explanation2.getValue()); } }).get(); words.addAll(findMatchedWords(maxExplanation)); } else if (description.startsWith(Options.WEIGHT.toString())) { words.add(getMatchedWord(description)); } return words; } public String extractMatchedWords(Explanation[] explanations) { List<String> collect = Lists.newArrayList(explanations).stream() .map(explanation -> getMatchedWord(explanation.getDescription())).collect(Collectors.toList()); return StringUtils.join(collect, ' '); } public boolean reachLastLevel(Explanation explanation) { return explanation.getDescription().startsWith(Options.WEIGHT.toString()); } /** * This method is able to find the queries that are used in the matching. Only queries that contain all matched * words are potential queries. * * @param matchedWordsString * @param collectExpandedQueryMap * @return a map of potentail queries and their matching scores */ public Map<String, Double> findMatchQueries(String matchedWordsString, Map<String, String> collectExpandedQueryMap) { Map<String, Double> qualifiedQueries = new HashMap<String, Double>(); Set<String> matchedWords = splitIntoTerms(matchedWordsString); for (Entry<String, String> entry : collectExpandedQueryMap.entrySet()) { Set<String> wordsInQuery = splitIntoTerms(entry.getKey()); if (wordsInQuery.containsAll(matchedWords)) { qualifiedQueries .put(entry.getKey(), NGramDistanceAlgorithm.stringMatching(matchedWordsString, entry.getKey())); } } return qualifiedQueries; } public String removeBoostFromQuery(String description) { return description.replaceAll("\\^\\d*\\.{0,1}\\d+", ""); } public String getMatchedWord(String description) { Matcher matcher = REGEXR_PATTERN.matcher(description); if (matcher.find()) { return; } throw new MolgenisDataAccessException("Failed to find matched word in : " + description); } Set<String> splitIntoTerms(String description) { return FluentIterable.from(termSplitter.split(description)).transform(String::toLowerCase) .filter(w -> !StringUtils.isEmpty(w)).toSet(); } }