package; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.List; import static java.text.MessageFormat.format; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static; import static; import static; import static*; import static org.molgenis.util.EntityUtils.getTypedValue; /** * {@link Job} that executes a bunch of {@link IndexActionMetaData} stored in a {@link IndexActionGroupMetaData}. */ class IndexJob extends Job { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IndexJob.class); private final String transactionId; private final DataService dataService; private final SearchService searchService; IndexJob(Progress progress, Authentication authentication, String transactionId, DataService dataService, SearchService searchService) { super(progress, null, authentication); this.transactionId = requireNonNull(transactionId); this.dataService = requireNonNull(dataService); this.searchService = requireNonNull(searchService); } @Override public Void call(Progress progress) { requireNonNull(progress); IndexActionGroup indexActionGroup = dataService .findOneById(INDEX_ACTION_GROUP, transactionId, IndexActionGroup.class); if (indexActionGroup != null && indexActionGroup.getCount() > 0) { progress.setProgressMax(indexActionGroup.getCount()); progress.status(format("Start indexing for transaction id: [{0}]", transactionId)); performIndexActions(progress); progress.status(format("Finished indexing for transaction id: [{0}]", transactionId)); } else { progress.status(format("No index actions found for transaction id: [{0}]", transactionId)); } return null; } /** * Performs the IndexActions. * * @param progress {@link Progress} instance to log progress information to */ private void performIndexActions(Progress progress) { List<IndexAction> indexActions = dataService .findAll(INDEX_ACTION, createQueryGetAllIndexActions(transactionId), IndexAction.class) .collect(toList()); try { boolean success = true; int count = 0; for (IndexAction indexAction : indexActions) { success &= performAction(progress, count++, indexAction); } if (success) { progress.progress(count, "Executed all index actions, cleaning up the actions..."); dataService.delete(INDEX_ACTION,; dataService.deleteById(INDEX_ACTION_GROUP, transactionId); progress.progress(count, "Cleaned up the actions."); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error performing index actions", ex); throw ex; } finally { progress.status("Refresh index start"); searchService.refreshIndex(); progress.status("Refresh index done"); } } /** * Performs a single IndexAction * * @param progress {@link Progress} to report progress to * @param progressCount the progress count for this IndexAction * @param indexAction Entity of type IndexActionMetaData * @return boolean indicating success or failure */ private boolean performAction(Progress progress, int progressCount, IndexAction indexAction) { requireNonNull(indexAction); String fullName = indexAction.getEntityFullName(); updateIndexActionStatus(indexAction, IndexActionMetaData.IndexStatus.STARTED); try { if (dataService.hasRepository(fullName)) { if (indexAction.getEntityId() != null) { progress.progress(progressCount, format("Indexing {0}.{1}", fullName, indexAction.getEntityId())); rebuildIndexOneEntity(fullName, indexAction.getEntityId()); } else { progress.progress(progressCount, format("Indexing {0}", fullName)); final Repository<Entity> repository = dataService.getRepository(fullName); searchService.rebuildIndex(repository); } } else { if (searchService.hasMapping(fullName)) { progress.progress(progressCount, format("Dropping {0}", fullName)); searchService.delete(fullName); } else { // Index Job is finished, here we concluded that we don't have enough info to continue the index job progress.progress(progressCount, format("Skip index entity {0}.{1}", fullName, indexAction.getEntityId())); } } updateIndexActionStatus(indexAction, IndexActionMetaData.IndexStatus.FINISHED); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Index job failed", ex); updateIndexActionStatus(indexAction, IndexActionMetaData.IndexStatus.FAILED); return false; } } /** * Updates the {@link IndexStatus} of a IndexAction and stores the change. * * @param indexAction the IndexAction of which the status is updated * @param status the new {@link IndexStatus} */ private void updateIndexActionStatus(IndexAction indexAction, IndexActionMetaData.IndexStatus status) { indexAction.setIndexStatus(status); dataService.update(INDEX_ACTION, indexAction); } /** * Indexes one single entity instance. * * @param entityFullName the fully qualified name of the entity's repository * @param untypedEntityId the identifier of the entity to update */ private void rebuildIndexOneEntity(String entityFullName, String untypedEntityId) { LOG.trace("Indexing [{}].[{}]... ", entityFullName, untypedEntityId); // convert entity id string to typed entity id EntityType entityType = dataService.getEntityType(entityFullName); Object entityId = entityType != null ? getTypedValue(untypedEntityId, entityType.getIdAttribute()) : untypedEntityId; Entity actualEntity = dataService.findOneById(entityFullName, entityId); if (null == actualEntity) { // Delete LOG.debug("Index delete [{}].[{}].", entityFullName, entityId); searchService.deleteById(entityId.toString(), entityType); return; } boolean indexEntityExists = searchService.hasMapping(entityType); if (!indexEntityExists) { LOG.debug("Create mapping of repository [{}] because it was not exist yet", entityFullName); searchService.createMappings(entityType); } Query<Entity> q = new QueryImpl<>(); q.eq(entityType.getIdAttribute().getName(), entityId); Entity indexEntity = searchService.findOne(q, entityType); if (null != indexEntity) { // update LOG.debug("Index update [{}].[{}].", entityFullName, entityId); searchService.index(actualEntity, actualEntity.getEntityType(), IndexingMode.UPDATE); } else { // Add LOG.debug("Index add [{}].[{}].", entityFullName, entityId); searchService.index(actualEntity, actualEntity.getEntityType(), IndexingMode.ADD); } } /** * Retrieves the query to get all index actions sorted */ static Query<IndexAction> createQueryGetAllIndexActions(String transactionId) { QueryRule rule = new QueryRule(INDEX_ACTION_GROUP_ATTR, EQUALS, transactionId); QueryImpl<IndexAction> q = new QueryImpl<>(rule); q.setSort(new Sort(ACTION_ORDER)); return q; } }