package; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateUtils; import; import; import; import; import org.molgenis.file.model.FileMeta; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.util.Date; import static java.lang.String.format; import static; import static; /** * PostgreSQL utilities such as entity value to PostgreSQL value conversion. */ class PostgreSqlUtils { private PostgreSqlUtils() { } /** * Returns the PostgreSQL value for the given entity attribute * * @param entity entity * @param attr attribute * @return PostgreSQL value */ static Object getPostgreSqlValue(Entity entity, Attribute attr) { String attrName = attr.getName(); AttributeType attrType = attr.getDataType(); switch (attrType) { case BOOL: return entity.getBoolean(attrName); case CATEGORICAL: case XREF: Entity xrefEntity = entity.getEntity(attrName); return xrefEntity != null ? getPostgreSqlValue(xrefEntity, xrefEntity.getEntityType().getIdAttribute()) : null; case CATEGORICAL_MREF: case MREF: case ONE_TO_MANY: Iterable<Entity> entities = entity.getEntities(attrName); return stream(entities.spliterator(), false).map(mrefEntity -> getPostgreSqlValue(mrefEntity, mrefEntity.getEntityType().getIdAttribute())).collect(toList()); case DATE: Date date = entity.getUtilDate(attrName); // return date != null ? date.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.of("UTC")).toLocalDate() : null; case DATE_TIME: Date dateTime = entity.getUtilDate(attrName); return dateTime != null ? new java.sql.Timestamp( (dateTime.getTime() / DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_SECOND) * DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_SECOND) : null; case DECIMAL: return entity.getDouble(attrName); case EMAIL: case ENUM: case HTML: case HYPERLINK: case SCRIPT: case STRING: case TEXT: return entity.getString(attrName); case FILE: FileMeta fileEntity = entity.getEntity(attrName, FileMeta.class); return fileEntity != null ? getPostgreSqlValue(fileEntity, fileEntity.getEntityType().getIdAttribute()) : null; case INT: return entity.getInt(attrName); case LONG: return entity.getLong(attrName); case COMPOUND: throw new RuntimeException(format("Illegal attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString())); default: throw new RuntimeException(format("Unknown attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString())); } } /** * Returns the PostgreSQL query value for the given entity attribute. For query operators requiring a list of * values (e.g. IN or RANGE) this method must be called for each individual query value. * * @param queryValue value of the type that matches the attribute type * @param attr attribute * @return PostgreSQL value */ static Object getPostgreSqlQueryValue(Object queryValue, Attribute attr) { while (true) { String attrName = attr.getName(); AttributeType attrType = attr.getDataType(); switch (attrType) { case BOOL: if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof Boolean)) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), Boolean.class.getSimpleName())); } return queryValue; case CATEGORICAL: case CATEGORICAL_MREF: // one query value case FILE: case MREF: // one query value case XREF: case ONE_TO_MANY: // queries values referencing an entity can either be the entity itself or the entity id if (queryValue != null) { if (queryValue instanceof Entity) { queryValue = ((Entity) queryValue).getIdValue(); } attr = attr.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute(); continue; } else { return null; } case DATE: if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof Date)) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), Date.class.getSimpleName())); } Date date = (Date) queryValue; return date != null ? new java.sql.Date(date.getTime()) : null; case DATE_TIME: if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof Date)) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), Date.class.getSimpleName())); } Date dateTime = (Date) queryValue; return dateTime != null ? new java.sql.Timestamp(dateTime.getTime()) : null; case DECIMAL: if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof Double)) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), Double.class.getSimpleName())); } return queryValue; case ENUM: // enum query values can be an enum or enum string if (queryValue != null) { if (queryValue instanceof String) { return queryValue; } else if (queryValue instanceof Enum<?>) { return queryValue.toString(); } else { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s] or [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), String.class.getSimpleName(), Enum.class.getSimpleName())); } } else { return null; } case EMAIL: case HTML: case HYPERLINK: case SCRIPT: case STRING: case TEXT: if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof String)) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), String.class.getSimpleName())); } return queryValue; case INT: if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof Integer)) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), Integer.class.getSimpleName())); } return queryValue; case LONG: if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof Long)) { throw new MolgenisDataException( format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), Long.class.getSimpleName())); } return queryValue; case COMPOUND: throw new RuntimeException(format("Illegal attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString())); default: throw new RuntimeException(format("Unknown attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString())); } } } }