package org.molgenis.charts.calculations; import org.molgenis.charts.MolgenisChartException; import java.util.List; public class BoxPlotCalcUtil { /** * calculates the 5 values needed to create a box plot and returns them in an 5 item sized array. * <p> * Double[0] = minimum; * Double[1] = firstQuantile; * Double[2] = median; * Double[3] = thirdQuantile; * Double[4] = maximum; * * @param sortedDataAscendingOrder * @return Double[] */ public static Double[] calcBoxPlotValues(List<Double> sortedDataAscendingOrder) { if (null == sortedDataAscendingOrder) { throw new MolgenisChartException("The sortedDataAscendingOrder list is null"); } if (sortedDataAscendingOrder.isEmpty()) { return new Double[] { 0d, 0d, 0d, 0d, 0d }; } Double[] plotBoxValues = new Double[5]; plotBoxValues[0] = minimum(sortedDataAscendingOrder); plotBoxValues[1] = firstQuantile(sortedDataAscendingOrder); plotBoxValues[2] = median(sortedDataAscendingOrder); plotBoxValues[3] = thirdQuantile(sortedDataAscendingOrder); plotBoxValues[4] = maximum(sortedDataAscendingOrder); return plotBoxValues; } /** * IQR inner quartile range * * @param thirdQuantile * @param firstQuantile * @return */ public static double iqr(double thirdQuantile, double firstQuantile) { return thirdQuantile - firstQuantile; } /** * Get the minimum value thru linear interpolations * * @param sortedDataAscendingOrder * @return Double */ public static Double minimum(List<Double> sortedDataAscendingOrder) { return interpolateLinearlyQuantile(sortedDataAscendingOrder, (double) 0); } /** * Get the maximum value thru linear interpolations * * @param sortedDataAscendingOrder * @return Double */ public static Double maximum(List<Double> sortedDataAscendingOrder) { return interpolateLinearlyQuantile(sortedDataAscendingOrder, (double) 1); } /** * Get the median value thru linear interpolations * * @param sortedDataAscendingOrder * @return Double */ public static Double median(List<Double> sortedDataAscendingOrder) { return interpolateLinearlyQuantile(sortedDataAscendingOrder, 0.50); } /** * Get the firstQuantile value thru linear interpolations * * @param sortedDataAscendingOrder * @return Double */ public static Double firstQuantile(List<Double> sortedDataAscendingOrder) { return interpolateLinearlyQuantile(sortedDataAscendingOrder, 0.25); } /** * Get the thirdQuantile value thru linear interpolations * * @param sortedDataAscendingOrder * @return Double */ public static Double thirdQuantile(List<Double> sortedDataAscendingOrder) { return interpolateLinearlyQuantile(sortedDataAscendingOrder, 0.75); } /** * Interpolate linearly an quantile * <p> * Inspired on: * * @param sortedDataAscendingOrder sorted data in ascending order (NOT NULL) * @param p percentage * @return Double interpolated linearly quantile */ private static Double interpolateLinearlyQuantile(List<Double> sortedDataAscendingOrder, Double p) { int n = sortedDataAscendingOrder.size(); double position = (1 + (p * (n - 1))); int leftIndex = (int) Math.floor(position) - 1; int rightIndex = (int) Math.ceil(position) - 1; Double quantile; if (leftIndex == rightIndex) { quantile = sortedDataAscendingOrder.get(leftIndex); } else { Double leftIndexValue = sortedDataAscendingOrder.get(leftIndex); Double rightIndexValue = sortedDataAscendingOrder.get(rightIndex); quantile = leftIndexValue + 0.5 * (rightIndexValue - leftIndexValue); } return quantile; } }