package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import; import; import; import vafusion.gui.KeyComponent; public class Piano { private vafusion.gui.KeyComponent[] blackKeys, whiteKeys; private static vafusion.gui.KeyComponent[] allKeys = new vafusion.gui.KeyComponent[88]; private int x, y, height, width, offset, numKeys; private boolean recording; private HashSet<Note> currentChord = new HashSet<Note>(); private double currentRhythm; Score recordedScore = new Score(); Phrase recordedPhrase = new Phrase(); public Piano(int x, int y, int width, int height, int offset){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.height = height; this.width = width; this.offset = offset; this.numKeys = 8; //number of white keys -- eight fits comfortably on the screen. this.recording = false; ArrayList<vafusion.gui.KeyComponent> blackTemp = new ArrayList<vafusion.gui.KeyComponent>(); ArrayList<vafusion.gui.KeyComponent> whiteTemp = new ArrayList<vafusion.gui.KeyComponent>(); if(allKeys[0] == null) generateAllKeys(); int whiteKeys = 0, count = 0; while(whiteKeys < 8){ Key key = allKeys[offset+count].getKey(); if(key.isWhite()){ whiteTemp.add(new vafusion.gui.KeyComponent(x + whiteKeys*width/numKeys, y, key.getHeight(), key.getWidth(), key.getNote(), true)); whiteKeys++; }else{ blackTemp.add(new vafusion.gui.KeyComponent(x + whiteKeys*(width/numKeys), y, key.getHeight(), key.getWidth(), key.getNote(), false)); } count ++; } this.blackKeys = blackTemp.toArray(new KeyComponent[0]); this.whiteKeys = whiteTemp.toArray(new KeyComponent[0]); } public void generateAllKeys(){ //offset for pitch value is 21 (a0 = 21) boolean isWhite; // int pitchOffset = 21; int pitchOffset = 1; int keyWidth = this.width / this.numKeys; for(int i = 0; i<88; i++){ switch (i%12){ case 1: case 3: case 6: case 8: case 10: isWhite = false; break; default: isWhite = true; } if(isWhite) allKeys[i] = new vafusion.gui.KeyComponent(0, 0, this.height, keyWidth, i+ pitchOffset, isWhite); else allKeys[i] = new vafusion.gui.KeyComponent(0, 0, this.height / 2, (keyWidth * 2)/3, i+ pitchOffset, isWhite); } } public vafusion.gui.KeyComponent[] getBlackKeys() { return blackKeys; } public void setBlackKeys(vafusion.gui.KeyComponent[] blackKeys) { this.blackKeys = blackKeys; } public vafusion.gui.KeyComponent[] getWhiteKeys() { return whiteKeys; } public void setWhiteKeys(vafusion.gui.KeyComponent[] whiteKeys) { this.whiteKeys = whiteKeys; } public int getX() { return x; } public void setX(int x) { this.x = x; } public int getY() { return y; } public void setY(int y) { this.y = y; } public int getHeight() { return height; } public void setHeight(int height) { this.height = height; } public int getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width; } public int getOffset() { return offset; } public void setOffset(int offset) { this.offset = offset; } public void setRecording(boolean recording){ this.recording = recording; if(recording){ System.out.println("Started recording"); }else{ System.out.println("Stopped recording"); } } public boolean isRecording(){ return recording; } public vafusion.gui.KeyComponent getKeyComponentAt(int x, int y){ for(vafusion.gui.KeyComponent k: blackKeys){ if(k.getKey().getClickableArea().contains(x, y)){ return k; } } for(vafusion.gui.KeyComponent k: whiteKeys){ if(k.getKey().getClickableArea().contains(x, y)){ return k; } } return null; } public HashSet<Note> getCurrentChord() { return currentChord; } public void setCurrentChord(HashSet<Note> currentChord) { this.currentChord = currentChord; } public double getCurrentRhythm() { return currentRhythm; } public void setCurrentRhythm(double currentRhythm) { this.currentRhythm = currentRhythm; } public Score getRecordedScore() { return recordedScore; } public void setRecordedScore(Score recordedScore) { this.recordedScore = recordedScore; } public Phrase getRecordedPhrase() { return recordedPhrase; } public void setRecordedPhrase(Phrase recordedPhrase) { this.recordedPhrase = recordedPhrase; } }