package net.geforcemods.securitycraft.tileentity; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.geforcemods.securitycraft.api.CustomizableSCTE; import net.geforcemods.securitycraft.api.Option; import net.geforcemods.securitycraft.blocks.mines.BlockIMS; import net.geforcemods.securitycraft.entity.EntityIMSBomb; import net.geforcemods.securitycraft.main.mod_SecurityCraft; import net.geforcemods.securitycraft.misc.EnumCustomModules; import; import net.geforcemods.securitycraft.util.BlockUtils; import net.geforcemods.securitycraft.util.ModuleUtils; import net.geforcemods.securitycraft.util.WorldUtils; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB; public class TileEntityIMS extends CustomizableSCTE { /** Number of bombs remaining in storage. **/ private int bombsRemaining = 4; /** The targeting option currently selected for this IMS. PLAYERS = players, PLAYERS_AND_MOBS = hostile mobs & players.**/ private EnumIMSTargetingMode targetingOption = EnumIMSTargetingMode.PLAYERS_AND_MOBS; private boolean updateBombCount = false; @Override public void update(){ super.update(); if(!worldObj.isRemote && updateBombCount){ BlockUtils.setBlockProperty(worldObj, pos, BlockIMS.MINES, BlockUtils.getBlockPropertyAsInteger(worldObj, pos, BlockIMS.MINES) - 1); updateBombCount = false; } if(this.worldObj.getTotalWorldTime() % 80L == 0L){ this.launchMine(); } } /** * Create a bounding box around the IMS, and fire a mine if a mob or player is found. */ private void launchMine() { boolean launchedMine = false; if(bombsRemaining > 0){ double d0 = mod_SecurityCraft.configHandler.imsRange; AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = BlockUtils.fromBounds(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 1).expand(d0, d0, d0); List<?> list1 = this.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityPlayer.class, axisalignedbb); List<?> list2 = this.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityMob.class, axisalignedbb); Iterator<?> iterator1 = list1.iterator(); Iterator<?> iterator2 = list2.iterator(); while(targetingOption == EnumIMSTargetingMode.PLAYERS_AND_MOBS && iterator2.hasNext()){ EntityLivingBase entity = (EntityLivingBase); int launchHeight = this.getLaunchHeight(); if(WorldUtils.isPathObstructed(worldObj, pos.getX() + 0.5D, pos.getY() + (((launchHeight - 1) / 3) + 0.5D), pos.getZ() + 0.5D, entity.posX, entity.posY + entity.getEyeHeight(), entity.posZ)){ continue; } if(hasModule(EnumCustomModules.WHITELIST) && ModuleUtils.getPlayersFromModule(worldObj, pos, EnumCustomModules.WHITELIST).contains(entity.getName().toLowerCase())){ continue; } double d5 = entity.posX - (pos.getX() + 0.5D); double d6 = entity.getEntityBoundingBox().minY + entity.height / 2.0F - (pos.getY() + 1.25D); double d7 = entity.posZ - (pos.getZ() + 0.5D); this.spawnMine(entity, d5, d6, d7, launchHeight); if(worldObj.isRemote){ PacketCPlaySoundAtPos(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), "random.bow", 1.0F)); } this.bombsRemaining--; if(bombsRemaining == 0){ worldObj.scheduleUpdate(pos, BlockUtils.getBlock(worldObj, pos), 140); } launchedMine = true; updateBombCount = true; break; } while(!launchedMine && iterator1.hasNext()){ EntityPlayer entity = (EntityPlayer); int launchHeight = this.getLaunchHeight(); if(entity != null && getOwner().isOwner((entity))){ continue; } if(WorldUtils.isPathObstructed(worldObj, pos.getX() + 0.5D, pos.getY() + (((launchHeight - 1) / 3) + 0.5D), pos.getZ() + 0.5D, entity.posX, entity.posY + entity.getEyeHeight(), entity.posZ)){ continue; } if(hasModule(EnumCustomModules.WHITELIST) && ModuleUtils.getPlayersFromModule(worldObj, pos, EnumCustomModules.WHITELIST).contains(entity.getName())){ continue; } double d5 = entity.posX - (pos.getX() + 0.5D); double d6 = entity.getEntityBoundingBox().minY + entity.height / 2.0F - (pos.getY() + 1.25D); double d7 = entity.posZ - (pos.getZ() + 0.5D); this.spawnMine(entity, d5, d6, d7, launchHeight); if(worldObj.isRemote){ PacketCPlaySoundAtPos(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), "random.bow", 1.0F)); } this.bombsRemaining--; if(bombsRemaining == 0){ worldObj.scheduleUpdate(pos, BlockUtils.getBlock(worldObj, pos), 140); } updateBombCount = true; break; } } } /** * Spawn a mine at the correct position on the IMS model. */ private void spawnMine(EntityPlayer target, double x, double y, double z, int launchHeight){ if(bombsRemaining == 4){ EntityIMSBomb entitylargefireball = new EntityIMSBomb(worldObj, target, pos.getX() + 1.2D, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 1.2D, x, y, z, launchHeight); worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entitylargefireball); }else if(bombsRemaining == 3){ EntityIMSBomb entitylargefireball = new EntityIMSBomb(worldObj, target, pos.getX() + 1.2D, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 0.6D, x, y, z, launchHeight); worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entitylargefireball); }else if(bombsRemaining == 2){ EntityIMSBomb entitylargefireball = new EntityIMSBomb(worldObj, target, pos.getX() + 0.55D, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 1.2D, x, y, z, launchHeight); worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entitylargefireball); }else if(bombsRemaining == 1){ EntityIMSBomb entitylargefireball = new EntityIMSBomb(worldObj, target, pos.getX() + 0.55D, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 0.6D, x, y, z, launchHeight); worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entitylargefireball); } } /** * Spawn a mine at the correct position on the IMS model. */ private void spawnMine(EntityLivingBase target, double x, double y, double z, int launchHeight){ if(bombsRemaining == 4){ EntityIMSBomb entitylargefireball = new EntityIMSBomb(worldObj, target, pos.getX() + 1.2D, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 1.2D, x, y, z, launchHeight); worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entitylargefireball); }else if(bombsRemaining == 3){ EntityIMSBomb entitylargefireball = new EntityIMSBomb(worldObj, target, pos.getX() + 1.2D, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 0.6D, x, y, z, launchHeight); worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entitylargefireball); }else if(bombsRemaining == 2){ EntityIMSBomb entitylargefireball = new EntityIMSBomb(worldObj, target, pos.getX() + 0.55D, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 1.2D, x, y, z, launchHeight); worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entitylargefireball); }else if(bombsRemaining == 1){ EntityIMSBomb entitylargefireball = new EntityIMSBomb(worldObj, target, pos.getX() + 0.55D, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 0.6D, x, y, z, launchHeight); worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entitylargefireball); } } /** * Returns the amount of ticks the {@link EntityIMSBomb} should float in the air before firing at an entity. */ private int getLaunchHeight() { int height; for(height = 1; height <= 9; height++){ if(BlockUtils.getBlock(getWorld(), getPos().up(height)) == null || BlockUtils.getBlock(getWorld(), getPos().up(height)) == Blocks.AIR){ continue; }else{ break; } } return height * 3; } /** * Writes a tile entity to NBT. * @return */ @Override public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound){ super.writeToNBT(par1NBTTagCompound); par1NBTTagCompound.setInteger("bombsRemaining", bombsRemaining); par1NBTTagCompound.setInteger("targetingOption", targetingOption.modeIndex); par1NBTTagCompound.setBoolean("updateBombCount", updateBombCount); return par1NBTTagCompound; } /** * Reads a tile entity from NBT. */ @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound){ super.readFromNBT(par1NBTTagCompound); if (par1NBTTagCompound.hasKey("bombsRemaining")) { this.bombsRemaining = par1NBTTagCompound.getInteger("bombsRemaining"); } if (par1NBTTagCompound.hasKey("targetingOption")) { this.targetingOption = EnumIMSTargetingMode.values()[par1NBTTagCompound.getInteger("targetingOption")]; } if (par1NBTTagCompound.hasKey("updateBombCount")) { this.updateBombCount = par1NBTTagCompound.getBoolean("updateBombCount"); } } public int getBombsRemaining() { return bombsRemaining; } public void setBombsRemaining(int bombsRemaining) { this.bombsRemaining = bombsRemaining; } public EnumIMSTargetingMode getTargetingOption() { return targetingOption; } public void setTargetingOption(EnumIMSTargetingMode targetingOption) { this.targetingOption = targetingOption; } @Override public EnumCustomModules[] acceptedModules() { return new EnumCustomModules[]{EnumCustomModules.WHITELIST}; } @Override public Option<?>[] customOptions() { return null; } public static enum EnumIMSTargetingMode { PLAYERS(0), PLAYERS_AND_MOBS(1); public final int modeIndex; private EnumIMSTargetingMode(int index){ this.modeIndex = index; } } }