package org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.commands; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.command.CommandBase; import net.minecraft.command.ICommand; import net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender; import net.minecraft.command.WrongUsageException; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation; import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting; import; import org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.ircbot.SCIRCBot; import org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.main.HelpfulMethods; import org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.main.mod_SecurityCraft; import org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.tileentity.TileEntityKeypad; import org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.tileentity.TileEntityKeypadChest; import org.jibble.pircbot.User; public class CommandSCHelp extends CommandBase implements ICommand{ private Map<String, String[]> recipes = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); private Map<String, String> helpInfo = new HashMap<String, String>(); private List nicknames; private final String usage = "Usage: /sc connect OR /sc disconnect OR /sc bug <bug to report> OR /sc contact <message> OR /sc <help:recipe> <SecurityCraft block/item name without spaces> OR /sc changePasscode <keypad/chest X> <keypad/chest Y> <keypad/chest Z> <keypad/chest old code> <keypad/chest new code>"; public CommandSCHelp(){ this.nicknames = new ArrayList(); this.nicknames.add("sc");"keypad", new String[]{"The keypad requires: 9 stone buttons.", "XXX", "XXX", "XXX", "X = stone button"});"laserblock", new String[]{"The laser block requires: 7 stone, 1 block of redstone, 1 glass pane", "XXX", "XYX", "XZX", "X = stone, Y = block of redstone, Z = glass pane"});"mine", new String[]{"The mine requires: 3 iron ingots, 1 gunpowder", " X ", "XYX", " ", "X = iron ingot, Y = gunpowder"});"reinforcedirondoor", new String[]{"The reinforced iron door requires: 8 iron ingots, 1 iron door", "XXX", "XYX", "XXX", "X = iron ingot, Y = iron door"});"universalblockremover", new String[]{"The universal block remover requires: 2 iron ingots, 1 shears", "XYY", " ", " ", "X = shears, Y = iron ingot"});"irontrapdoor", new String[]{"The iron trapdoor requires: 8 iron ingots, 1 trapdoor", "XXX", "XYX", "XXX", "X = iron ingot, Y = trapdoor"});"keycardreader", new String[]{"The keycard reader requires: 8 stone, 1 hopper", "XXX", "XYX", "XXX", "X = stone, Y = hopper"});"bouncingbetty", new String[]{"The bouncing betty requires: 2 iron ingots, 1 gunpowder, 1 weighted pressure plate (heavy)", " X ", "YZY", " ", "X = weighted pressure plate (heavy), Y = iron ingot, Z = gunpowder"});"codebreaker", new String[]{"The codebreaker requires: 2 diamonds, 2 gold ingots, 2 redstone, 1 nether star, 1 emerald, 1 redstone torch", "UVU", "WXW", "YZY", "U = diamond, V = redstone torch, W = gold ingot, X = nether star, Y = redstone, Z = emerald"});"level1keycard", new String[]{"The level 1 keycard requires: 3 iron ingots, 3 gold ingots", "XXX", "YYY", " ", "X = iron ingot, Y = gold ingot"});"level2keycard", new String[]{"The level 2 keycard requires: 3 iron ingots, 3 bricks", "XXX", "YYY", " ", "X = iron ingot, Y = brick"});"level3keycard", new String[]{"The level 3 keycard requires: 3 iron ingots, 3 nether bricks", "XXX", "YYY", " ", "X = iron ingot, Y = nether brick"});"railmine", new String[]{"The rail mine requires: 6 iron ingots, 1 stick, 1 gunpowder", "X X", "XYX", "XZX", "X = iron ingot, Y = stick, Z = gunpowder"});"reinforcedironbars", new String[]{"The reinforced iron bars requires: 4 iron ingots, 1 iron bars", " X ", "XYX", " X ", "X = iron ingot, Y = iron bars"});"portableradar", new String[]{"The portable radar requires: 7 iron ingots, 1 redstone torch, 1 redstone", "XXX", "XYX", "XZX", "X = iron ingot, Y = redstone torch, Z = redstone"});"mineremoteaccesstool", new String[]{"The mine remote access tool requires: 1 redstone torch, 1 diamond, 1 gold ingot, 1 stick", " R ", " DG", "S ", "R = redstone torch, D = diamond, G = gold ingot, S = stick"});"retinalscanner", new String[]{"The retinal scanner requires: 8 stone, 1 eye of ender", "XXX", "XYX", "XXX", "X = stone, Y = eye of ender"});"inventoryscanner", new String[]{"The inventory scanner requires: 7 stone, 1 laser block, 1 ender chest", "XXX", "XYX", "XZX", "X = stone, Y = laser block, Z = ender chest"});"cagetrap", new String[]{"The cage trap requires: 3 reinforced iron bars, 2 gold ingots, 1 redstone, 3 iron blocks", "WWW", "XYX", "ZZZ", "W = reinforced iron bars, X = gold ingot, Y = redstone, Z = iron block"});"reinforcedglasspane", new String[]{"The reinforced glass pane requires: 4 glass, 1 glass pane", " X ", "XYX", " X ", "X = glass, Y = glass pane"});"alarm", new String[]{"The alarm requires: 7 glass, 1 note block, 1 redstone", "XXX", "XYX", "XZX", "X = glass, Y = note block, Z = redstone"});"reinforcedstone", new String[]{"The reinforced stone requires: 4 cobblestone, 1 stone", " X ", "XYX", " X ", "X = cobblestone, Y = stone"});"dirtmine", new String[]{"The dirt mine requires: 1 dirt, 1 mine. This is a shapeless recipe."});"stonemine", new String[]{"The stone mine requires: 1 stone, 1 mine. This is a shapeless recipe."});"cobblestonemine", new String[]{"The cobblestone mine requires: 1 cobblestone, 1 mine. This is a shapeless recipe."});"diamondoremine", new String[]{"The diamond ore mine requires: 1 diamond ore (use a Silk Touch-enchanted pickaxe), 1 mine. This is a shapeless recipe."});"sandmine", new String[]{"The sand mine requires: 1 sand, 1 mine. This is a shapeless recipe."});"furnacemine", new String[]{"The furnace mine requires: 1 furnace, 1 mine. This is a shapeless recipe."}); this.helpInfo.put("keypad", "The keypad is used by placing the keypad, right-clicking it, and setting a numerical passcode. Once the keycode is set, right-clicking the keypad will allow you to enter the code. If it's correct, the keypad will emit redstone power for three seconds."); this.helpInfo.put("laserblock", "The laser block is used by putting two of them within five blocks of each other. When the blocks are placed correctly, a laser should form between them. Whenever a player walks through the laser, both the laser blocks will emit a 15-block redstone signal."); this.helpInfo.put("mine", "The mine explodes when stepped on by any entity other then creepers, cats, and ocelots. Right-clicking the mine while holding shears will defuse the mine and allow you to break it. Alternatively, right-clicking with flint and steel equipped will re-enable it."); this.helpInfo.put("reinforcedirondoor", "The reinforced iron door is the same as the vanilla iron door, except it is unbreakable. The owner of the door can use a door remover to break it down."); this.helpInfo.put("universalblockremover", "The universal block remover serves no other purpose except to break down alarms, retinal scanners, keypads, keycard readers, and any other 'reinforced' block. Right-click the block to remove it."); this.helpInfo.put("irontrapdoor", "The iron trapdoor is the same as a vanilla trapdoor, except it can only be opened using a redstone signal."); this.helpInfo.put("keycardreader", "The keycard reader emits a 15-block redstone redstone signal if you insert a keycard with a security level equal to or higher then the level selected in the reader's GUI."); this.helpInfo.put("bouncingbetty", "The bouncing betty will launch up into the air and explode when touched."); this.helpInfo.put("codebreaker", "The codebreaker will crack any keypad's code by right-clicking on it."); this.helpInfo.put("level1keycard", "The lowest security level keycard. Used in conjunction with the Keycard Reader."); this.helpInfo.put("level2keycard", "The medium security level keycard. Used in conjunction with the Keycard Reader."); this.helpInfo.put("level3keycard", "The highest security level keycard. Used in conjunction with the Keycard Reader."); this.helpInfo.put("trackmine", "The track mine explodes when a minecart passes on top of it."); this.helpInfo.put("reinforcedironbars", "The reinforced iron bars act the same as vanilla iron bars, except it is unbreakable."); this.helpInfo.put("portableradar", "The portable radar will send the owner a chat message whenever a player is inside of the radar's detection radius (modifiable in the config file). You can name the portable radar by right-clicking on it with a named name-tag."); this.helpInfo.put("dirtmine", "The dirt mine explodes when touched."); this.helpInfo.put("stonemine", "The stone mine explodes when touched."); this.helpInfo.put("cobblestonemine", "The cobblestone mine explodes when touched."); this.helpInfo.put("diamondoremine", "The diamond ore mine explodes when touched."); this.helpInfo.put("sandmine", "The sand mine explodes when touched."); this.helpInfo.put("furnacemine", "The furnace mine explodes when touched."); this.helpInfo.put("retinalscanner", "The retinal scanner emits a 15-block redstone signal when the owner of the block stands directly in front of it."); this.helpInfo.put("inventoryscanner", "The inventory scanner is used by placing two scanners a block apart, facing each other. When placed correctly, a laser field should spawn between them. If a player walks through the field, any blocks or items banned (entered by typing 'minecraft:<block/item name>' in the scanners GUI) in the player's inventory will be deleted."); this.helpInfo.put("bucketoffakelava", "The fake lava acts the same as lava, except it heals you instead of hurting you."); this.helpInfo.put("bucketoffakewater", "The fake water acts the same as water, expect it hurts you when touched."); this.helpInfo.put("cagetrap", "The cage trap will spawn a 'cage' around any player who walks on top of it. (*needs textures & recipe*)"); this.helpInfo.put("usernamelogger", "The username logger will log any player's name within 3 blocks when it is powered by redstone."); this.helpInfo.put("passwordprotectedchest", "The password-protected chest is equipped with a password locking system. Whenever the password is entered correctly, the chest's inventory will open."); this.helpInfo.put("mineremoteaccesstool", "The mine remote access tool will allow you to access mines remotely. Right-click on a mine to 'bind' it to the tool. Right-click in the air (with the tool equipped) to open the tool's GUI, which will allow you to activate, deactivate, or detonate any bound mines."); this.helpInfo.put("reinforcedglasspane", "The reinforced glass panes act the same as vanilla glass panes, except it is unbreakable."); this.helpInfo.put("reinforcedstone", "Reinforced stone act the same as vanilla stone blocks, except it is unbreakable."); this.helpInfo.put("alarm", "The alarm will emit a siren sound effect whenever it is powered by redstone, and in 2-second intervals after that (modifiable in the config file)."); this.helpInfo.put("reinforcedironfencegate", "The reinforced iron fence gate acts the same as a vanilla fence gate, except it is unbreakable, and can only be opened with redstone power."); } /** * Return the required permission level for this command. */ public int getRequiredPermissionLevel() { return 0; } public String getCommandName() { return "sc"; } public List getCommandAliases() { return this.nicknames; } public String getCommandUsage(ICommandSender icommandsender) { return usage; } public boolean canCommandSenderUseCommand(ICommandSender icommandsender) { return true; } public void processCommand(ICommandSender icommandsender, String[] par1String) { if(par1String.length == 0){ throw new WrongUsageException(usage); } if((par1String[0].matches("connect") || par1String[0].matches("disconnect") || par1String[0].matches("contact") || par1String[0].matches("bug")) && !mod_SecurityCraft.instance.configHandler.isIrcBotEnabled){ sendMessageToPlayer("The SecurityCraft IRC bot is disabled from the config file. Please enable to it to use this feature.", icommandsender); return; } if(par1String[0].matches("changePasscode") && par1String.length == 6){ int[] positions = {Integer.parseInt(par1String[1]), Integer.parseInt(par1String[2]), Integer.parseInt(par1String[3])}; World world = icommandsender.getEntityWorld(); if(world.getBlock(positions[0], positions[1], positions[2]) == mod_SecurityCraft.Keypad && ((TileEntityKeypad)world.getTileEntity(positions[0], positions[1], positions[2])).getKeypadCode().matches(par1String[4])){ ((TileEntityKeypad)world.getTileEntity(positions[0], positions[1], positions[2])).setKeypadCode(par1String[5]); HelpfulMethods.sendMessage(icommandsender, "Changed keypad's (at X:" + positions[0] + " Y:" + positions[1] + " Z:" + positions[2] + ") code from " + Integer.parseInt(par1String[4]) + " to " + Integer.parseInt(par1String[5]) + ".", EnumChatFormatting.GREEN); } else if((world.getBlock(positions[0], positions[1], positions[2]) == mod_SecurityCraft.Keypad && !((TileEntityKeypad)world.getTileEntity(positions[0], positions[1], positions[2])).getKeypadCode().matches(par1String[4])) || (world.getBlock(positions[0], positions[1], positions[2]) == mod_SecurityCraft.keypadChest && !((TileEntityKeypadChest)world.getTileEntity(positions[0], positions[1], positions[2])).getKeypadCode().matches(par1String[4]))){ HelpfulMethods.sendMessage(icommandsender, par1String[3] + " is not the passcode for this block.", EnumChatFormatting.RED); } else if(world.getBlock(positions[0], positions[1], positions[2]) != mod_SecurityCraft.Keypad && world.getBlock(positions[0], positions[1], positions[2]) != mod_SecurityCraft.keypadChest){ HelpfulMethods.sendMessage(icommandsender, "There is no accessable block at the specifed coordinates!", EnumChatFormatting.RED); } return; } if(par1String.length == 1){ if(par1String[0].matches("connect")){ mod_SecurityCraft.instance.setIrcBot(new SCIRCBot("SCUser_" + icommandsender.getCommandSenderName())); try{ mod_SecurityCraft.instance.getIrcBot().connectToChannel(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); sendMessageToPlayer("Error occurred when connecting to IRC. Do you have internet access, and access to the IRC server ''?", icommandsender); return; } sendMessageToPlayer("Bot connected successfully. You may now report bugs using '/sc bug <bug to report>' or contact me using '/sc contact <message>", icommandsender); }else if(par1String[0].matches("disconnect")){ if(mod_SecurityCraft.instance.getIrcBot() != null){ mod_SecurityCraft.instance.getIrcBot().disconnect(); } mod_SecurityCraft.instance.setIrcBot(null); sendMessageToPlayer("Bot disconnected from EsperNet successfully.", icommandsender); } }else if(par1String.length >= 2){ if(par1String[0].matches("bug")){ if(mod_SecurityCraft.instance.getIrcBot() != null){ mod_SecurityCraft.instance.getIrcBot().sendMessage("#GeforceMods", "[SecurityCraft " + mod_SecurityCraft.getVersion() + " bug] Geforce: " + getMessageFromArray(par1String, 1)); sendMessageToPlayer(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "<" + icommandsender.getCommandSenderName() + " --> IRC> " + getMessageFromArray(par1String, 1) + ".", icommandsender); }else{ sendMessageToPlayer("Bot is not connected to EsperNet. Use '/sc connect' to connect to IRC.", icommandsender); } }else if(par1String[0].matches("contact")){ if(mod_SecurityCraft.instance.getIrcBot() != null){ mod_SecurityCraft.instance.getIrcBot().sendMessage("#GeforceMods", "[SecurityCraft " + mod_SecurityCraft.getVersion() + "] Geforce: " + getMessageFromArray(par1String, 1)); sendMessageToPlayer(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "<" + icommandsender.getCommandSenderName() + " --> IRC> " + getMessageFromArray(par1String, 1) + ".", icommandsender); }else{ sendMessageToPlayer("Bot is not connected to EsperNet. Use '/sc connect' to connect to IRC.", icommandsender); } }else if(par1String[0].matches("help")){ if(par1String[1] == null || par1String[1].isEmpty()){ throw new WrongUsageException(usage); } String par1 = getHelpInfo(par1String[1]); if(!par1.isEmpty()){ sendMessageToPlayer("[SCHelp] " + par1, icommandsender); } }else if(par1String[0].matches("recipe")){ String itemname = par1String[1].toLowerCase(); if(itemname.matches("level1keycard") && !mod_SecurityCraft.configHandler.ableToCraftKeycard1){ sendMessageToPlayer("[Recipe currently disabled in config file] " + getRecipe(itemname)[0], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(itemname)[1], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(itemname)[2], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(itemname)[3], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(itemname)[4], icommandsender); }else if(itemname.matches("level2keycard") && !mod_SecurityCraft.configHandler.ableToCraftKeycard2){ sendMessageToPlayer("[Recipe currently disabled in config file] " + getRecipe(itemname)[0], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(itemname)[1], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(itemname)[2], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(itemname)[3], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(itemname)[4], icommandsender); }else if(itemname.matches("level3keycard") && !mod_SecurityCraft.configHandler.ableToCraftKeycard3){ sendMessageToPlayer("[Recipe currently disabled in config file] " + getRecipe(itemname)[0], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(par1String[1])[1], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(par1String[1])[2], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(par1String[1])[3], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(par1String[1])[4], icommandsender); }else{ sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(par1String[1])[0], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(par1String[1])[1], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(par1String[1])[2], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(par1String[1])[3], icommandsender); sendMessageToPlayer(getRecipe(par1String[1])[4], icommandsender); } } }else{ throw new WrongUsageException(usage); } } private static String getMessageFromArray(String[] par1String, int index) { String startingString = ""; for(int i = index; i < par1String.length; i++){ startingString += (i == index ? "" : " ") + par1String[i]; } return startingString; } private String getHelpInfo(String string) { if(this.helpInfo.containsKey(string)){ return this.helpInfo.get(string); }else{ return ("There is no info for " + string); } } private String[] getRecipe(String string) { if({ return; }else{ return new String[]{"There is no recipe for " + string}; } } private void sendMessageToPlayer(String par1, ICommandSender par2){ ChatComponentTranslation chatcomponenttranslation = new ChatComponentTranslation(par1, new Object[0]); ((EntityPlayerMP) getPlayer(par2, par2.getCommandSenderName())).addChatComponentMessage(chatcomponenttranslation); } public int compareTo(Object par1Obj) { return this.compareTo((ICommand)par1Obj); } }