package com.coding.basic; public class LinkedList implements List { protected Node head = null; protected Node tail = null; protected int size = 0; public void add(Object o){ if(head == null){ head = new Node(o); tail = head; }else{ = new Node(o); tail =; } size ++; } /** * Add to index from 0 to size * Add to index at 0 is equivalent to addFirst * Add to index at size is equivalent to add and addLast * */ public void add(int index , Object o){ if(index < 0 || index >size+1) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(index + ": Invalid Index"); Node newNode = new Node(o); //manage head node if(index == 0){ if(head == null){ this.add(o); } else{ = head; head = newNode; size++; } } else if (index == size){ this.add(o); } else{ Node prevNode = getNodeAt(index-1); =; = newNode; size ++; } } public Object get(int index){ Node c = getNodeAt(index); if(c == null ) return null; return; } private Node getNodeAt(int index){ if(index < 0 || index >size-1) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(index + ": Invalid Index"); Node c = head; while(index-- > 0 ){ if(c != null) c =; else return null; } return c; } public Object remove(int index){ if(index<0 || index >size-1) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(index + ": Invalid Index"); Node ret = null; if(index == 0){ ret = head; head =; size --; }else if(index == size -1){ Node nodeBeforeTail = getNodeAt(index -1); ret = tail; = null; size --; }else{ Node nodeBeforeTarget = getNodeAt(index -1); Node target =; ret = target; =; size --; } return; } public int size(){ return size; } public void addFirst(Object o){ this.add(0, o); } public void addLast(Object o){ this.add(o); } public Object removeFirst(){ return remove(0); } public Object removeLast(){ return remove(size-1); } public Iterator iterator(){ return new LinkedListIterator(this); } protected class Node{ public Object data = null; public Node next = null; public Node(Object o){ data = o; } } private static class LinkedListIterator implements Iterator{ Object[] oArray = null; int cursor = 0; public LinkedListIterator(LinkedList ll){ if(ll == null) throw new NullPointerException("Linkedlist Object is NULL"); oArray = new Object[ll.size()]; for(int i = 0; i< ll.size(); i++){ oArray[i] = ll.get(i); } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { if(cursor < oArray.length){ return true; } return false; } @Override public Object next() { Object o = oArray[cursor]; cursor ++; return o; } } }