package Roguelike.Screens; import Roguelike.Ability.AbilityTree; import Roguelike.Ability.ActiveAbility.ActiveAbility; import Roguelike.AssetManager; import Roguelike.Entity.ActivationAction.ActivationActionGroup; import Roguelike.Entity.Entity; import Roguelike.Entity.EnvironmentEntity; import Roguelike.Entity.GameEntity; import Roguelike.Entity.Tasks.TaskAttack; import Roguelike.Entity.Tasks.TaskUseAbility; import Roguelike.Entity.Tasks.TaskWait; import Roguelike.Fields.Field; import Roguelike.Fields.Field.FieldLayer; import Roguelike.GameEvent.AdditionalSprite; import Roguelike.Global; import Roguelike.Global.Direction; import Roguelike.Items.Item; import Roguelike.Levels.Level; import Roguelike.Levels.TownCreator; import Roguelike.RoguelikeGame; import Roguelike.RoguelikeGame.ScreenEnum; import Roguelike.Sound.SoundInstance; import Roguelike.Sprite.Sprite; import Roguelike.Sprite.SpriteAnimation.MoveAnimation; import Roguelike.Sprite.SpriteEffect; import Roguelike.Sprite.TilingSprite; import Roguelike.Tiles.GameTile; import Roguelike.Tiles.Point; import Roguelike.UI.*; import Roguelike.UI.Tooltip; import Roguelike.Util.Controls; import Roguelike.Util.EnumBitflag; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Buttons; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputMultiplexer; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor; import com.badlogic.gdx.Screen; import; import; import; import*; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.input.GestureDetector; import com.badlogic.gdx.input.GestureDetector.GestureListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputEvent; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.Actions; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.ParallelAction; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.SequenceAction; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ClickListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.ScreenViewport; import java.util.EnumMap; public class GameScreen implements Screen, InputProcessor, GestureListener { // ####################################################################// // region Constructor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public GameScreen() { Instance = this; } // endregion Constructor // ####################################################################// // region Create // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void show() { if ( !created ) { create(); created = true; } Gdx.input.setInputProcessor( inputMultiplexer ); resize( Global.ScreenSize[ 0 ], Global.ScreenSize[ 1 ] ); relayoutUI(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void create() { batch = new SpriteBatch(); font = AssetManager.loadFont( "Sprites/Unpacked/font.ttf", 12, new Color( 1f, 0.9f, 0.8f, 1 ), 1, Color.BLACK, false ); hightlightfont = AssetManager.loadFont( "Sprites/Unpacked/font.ttf", 12, new Color( 1f, 1f, 0.9f, 1 ), 1, Color.BLACK, false ); blank = AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/blank.png" ); white = AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/white.png" ); bag = AssetManager.loadSprite( "Oryx/uf_split/uf_items/satchel" ); bag.drawActualSize = true; border = AssetManager.loadSprite( "GUI/frame" ); speechBubbleArrow = AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/SpeechBubbleArrow.png" ); speechBubbleBackground = new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/SpeechBubble.png" ), 10, 10, 10, 10 ); fogSprite = new TilingSprite( "fog", "Masks/fog", "Masks/fog" ); gestureDetector = new GestureDetector( this ); gestureDetector.setLongPressSeconds( 0.5f ); inputMultiplexer = new InputMultiplexer(); LoadUI(); InputProcessor inputProcessorOne = this; InputProcessor inputProcessorTwo = stage; inputMultiplexer.addProcessor( inputProcessorTwo ); inputMultiplexer.addProcessor( gestureDetector ); inputMultiplexer.addProcessor( inputProcessorOne ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void LoadUI() { skin = Global.loadSkin(); stage = new Stage( new ScreenViewport() ); abilityPanel = new AbilityPanel( skin, stage ); equipmentPanel = new EquipmentPanel( skin, stage ); buttonsPanel = new ButtonsPanel( skin, stage ); stage.addActor( abilityPanel ); stage.addActor( equipmentPanel ); stage.addActor( abilityPanel ); stage.addActor( buttonsPanel ); relayoutUI(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void relayoutUI() { abilityPanel.setX( 5 ); abilityPanel.setY( stage.getHeight() / 2 - abilityPanel.getHeight() / 2 ); abilityPanel.setWidth( abilityPanel.getMinWidth() ); abilityPanel.setHeight( abilityPanel.getMinHeight() ); equipmentPanel.setX( stage.getWidth() - equipmentPanel.getWidth() - 5 ); equipmentPanel.setY( stage.getHeight() / 2 - abilityPanel.getHeight() / 2 ); equipmentPanel.setWidth( equipmentPanel.getMinWidth() ); equipmentPanel.setHeight( equipmentPanel.getMinHeight() ); buttonsPanel.setX( stage.getWidth() / 2 - buttonsPanel.getWidth() / 2 ); buttonsPanel.setY( stage.getHeight() - buttonsPanel.getHeight() - 5 ); buttonsPanel.setWidth( buttonsPanel.getMinWidth() ); buttonsPanel.setHeight( buttonsPanel.getMinHeight() ); if (contextMenu != null) { boolean lock = lockContextMenu; lockContextMenu = false; contextMenu.remove(); displayContextMenu( contextMenu.Content, lock, keyboardHelper ); } } // endregion Create // ####################################################################// // region InputProcessor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void render( float delta ) { frametime = ( frametime + delta ) / 2.0f; fpsAccumulator += delta; if ( fpsAccumulator > 0.5f ) { storedFrametime = frametime; fps = (int) ( 1.0f / frametime ); fpsAccumulator = 0; } if (Global.CurrentDialogue != null) { if (Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.popupText != null) { Global.CurrentDialogue.setPopupText( Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.popupText, 2 ); Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.popupText = null; } if (Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.soundToBePlayed != null) { Global.CurrentDialogue.tile[0][0] ); Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.soundToBePlayed = null; } } if (Global.CharGenMode) { for (int i = 0; i < Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.size; i++) { AbilityTree tree = Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.get( i ); if (tree != null) { if (tree.current.current instanceof ActiveAbility) { ((ActiveAbility)tree.current.current).hasValidTargets = true; } } } } Global.BGM.update( delta ); if ( !examineMode && !lockContextMenu ) { Level level = Global.CurrentLevel; if (Global.CurrentDialogue == null && !Global.CharGenMode) { if ( !level.isInTurn() && level.canStartTurn() ) { level.startTurn(); } if ( level.isInTurn() ) { // advance whilst time allows it long milliDelta = lastSleep; long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while ( true ) { level.doTurnWork(); long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTime; milliDelta -= diff; if ( milliDelta <= 0 || !level.isInTurn() ) { break; } } } } level.advance( delta ); processPickupQueue(); if (contextMenu == null) { for (AbilityTree tree : Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities) { if (tree != null && tree.current.level == 10 && tree.current.branch1 != null) { tree.current.mutate( skin, Global.CurrentLevel.player, stage ); break; } } } } int offsetx = Global.Resolution[ 0 ] / 2 - Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].x * Global.TileSize - Global.TileSize / 2; int offsety = Global.Resolution[ 1 ] / 2 - Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].y * Global.TileSize - Global.TileSize / 2; if ( Global.CurrentLevel.player.sprite.spriteAnimation instanceof MoveAnimation ) { int[] offset = Global.CurrentLevel.player.sprite.spriteAnimation.getRenderOffset(); offsetx -= offset[ 0 ]; offsety -= offset[ 1 ]; } // do screen shake if ( screenShakeRadius > 2 ) { screenShakeAccumulator += delta; while ( screenShakeAccumulator >= ScreenShakeSpeed ) { screenShakeAccumulator -= ScreenShakeSpeed; screenShakeAngle += ( 150 + MathUtils.random() * 60 ); screenShakeRadius *= 0.9f; } offsetx += Math.sin( screenShakeAngle ) * screenShakeRadius; offsety += Math.cos( screenShakeAngle ) * screenShakeRadius; } int mousex = ( mousePosX - offsetx ) / Global.TileSize; int mousey = ( mousePosY - offsety ) / Global.TileSize; int tileSize3 = Global.TileSize / 3; 0, 0, 0, 1 ); GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ); if ( examineMode || lockContextMenu ) { batch.setShader( GrayscaleShader.Instance ); } RenderSprite.setBlockSize( Global.CurrentLevel.width, Global.CurrentLevel.height ); batch.begin(); hasStatus.clear(); entitiesWithSpeech.clear(); renderBackground( offsetx, offsety ); renderVisibleTiles( offsetx, offsety, tileSize3 ); if ( !Global.ANDROID && Global.CurrentDialogue == null && Global.MovementTypePathfind ) { renderCursor( offsetx, offsety, mousex, mousey, delta ); } renderActiveAbilities( offsetx, offsety ); renderSpriteEffects( offsetx, offsety, tileSize3 ); flush( batch ); if ( examineMode || lockContextMenu ) { batch.setShader( null ); } renderStatus( offsetx, offsety ); renderSpeechBubbles( offsetx, offsety, delta ); if ( Global.CurrentDialogue == null ) { if ( preparedAbility != null ) { batch.setColor( 0.3f, 0.6f, 0.8f, 0.5f ); for ( Point tile : abilityTiles ) { batch.draw( white, tile.x * Global.TileSize + offsetx, tile.y * Global.TileSize + offsety, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize ); } batch.setColor( 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.4f, 0.5f ); if (selectedAbilityTile != null) { batch.draw( white, selectedAbilityTile.x * Global.TileSize + offsetx - 5, selectedAbilityTile.y * Global.TileSize + offsety - 5, Global.TileSize + 10, Global.TileSize + 10 ); } } if ( weaponTiles != null ) { batch.setColor( 0.8f, 0.3f, 0.5f, 0.5f ); for ( Point tile : weaponTiles ) { batch.draw( white, tile.x * Global.TileSize + offsetx, tile.y * Global.TileSize + offsety, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize ); } } } batch.end(); stage.act( delta ); stage.draw(); batch.begin(); if ( dragDropPayload != null && dragDropPayload.shouldDraw() ) { dragDropPayload.sprite.render( batch, (int) dragDropPayload.x, (int) dragDropPayload.y, 32, 32 ); } if ( !Global.RELEASE ) { font.draw( batch, "FPS: " + fps, 20, Global.Resolution[ 1 ] - 20 ); } batch.end(); // limit fps sleep( Global.FPS ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void resize( int width, int height ) { Global.ScreenSize[ 0 ] = width; Global.ScreenSize[ 1 ] = height; float w = Global.TargetResolution[ 0 ]; float h = Global.TargetResolution[ 1 ]; if ( width < height ) { h = w * ( (float) height / (float) width ); } else { w = h * ( (float) width / (float) height ); } Global.Resolution[ 0 ] = (int) w; Global.Resolution[ 1 ] = (int) h; camera = new OrthographicCamera( Global.Resolution[ 0 ], Global.Resolution[ 1 ] ); camera.translate( Global.Resolution[ 0 ] / 2, Global.Resolution[ 1 ] / 2 ); camera.setToOrtho( false, Global.Resolution[ 0 ], Global.Resolution[ 1 ] ); camera.update(); batch.setProjectionMatrix( camera.combined ); stage.getViewport().setCamera( camera ); stage.getViewport().setWorldWidth( Global.Resolution[ 0 ] ); stage.getViewport().setWorldHeight( Global.Resolution[ 1 ] ); stage.getViewport().setScreenWidth( Global.ScreenSize[ 0 ] ); stage.getViewport().setScreenHeight( Global.ScreenSize[ 1 ] ); relayoutUI(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void pause() {; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void resume() { relayoutUI(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void hide() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void dispose() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void renderBackground( int offsetx, int offsety ) { if ( Global.CurrentLevel.background != null ) { Sprite sprite = Global.CurrentLevel.background; temp.set( Global.CurrentLevel.Ambient ).mul( Global.DayNightFactor ); temp.a = 1; batch.setColor( temp ); if ( Global.CurrentLevel.isVisionRestricted ) { for ( Point pos : Global.CurrentLevel.visibilityData.getCurrentShadowCast() ) { if ( pos.x < 0 || pos.y < 0 || pos.x >= Global.CurrentLevel.width || pos.y >= Global.CurrentLevel.height ) { int x = pos.x; int y = pos.y; int cx = x * Global.TileSize + offsetx; int cy = y * Global.TileSize + offsety; sprite.render( batch, cx, cy, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize ); } } } else { int px = Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].x * Global.TileSize + offsetx; int py = Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].y * Global.TileSize + offsety; int sx = px - ( (int) roundTo( px, Global.TileSize ) ) - Global.TileSize; int sy = py - ( (int) roundTo( py, Global.TileSize ) ) - Global.TileSize; for ( int cx = sx; cx < Global.Resolution[ 0 ]; cx += Global.TileSize ) { for ( int cy = sy; cy < Global.Resolution[ 1 ]; cy += Global.TileSize ) { sprite.render( batch, cx, cy, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize ); } } } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void renderVisibleTiles( int offsetx, int offsety, int tileSize3 ) { for ( int x = 0; x < Global.CurrentLevel.width; x++ ) { int drawX = x * Global.TileSize + offsetx; if (drawX + Global.TileSize < 0 || drawX > Global.Resolution[0]) { continue; } for ( int y = 0; y < Global.CurrentLevel.height; y++ ) { int drawY = y * Global.TileSize + offsety; if (drawY + Global.TileSize < 0 || drawY > Global.Resolution[1]) { continue; } GameTile gtile = Global.CurrentLevel.getGameTile( x, y ); if (gtile != null) { // skip if not visible if (gtile.unseenBitflag.getBitFlag() == 0) { // if below was visible, then draw GameTile btile = Global.CurrentLevel.getGameTile( x, y-1 ); if (btile != null && btile.unseenBitflag.getBitFlag() != 0) { //queueSprite( fogSprite.getSprite( gtile.unseenBitflag ), unseenFogCol, drawX, drawY, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.UNSEENFOG, 0 ); } continue; } Color notVisibleCol = gtile.light.cpy(); if (!gtile.visible) { notVisibleCol.mul(seenCol); } if (!gtile.seen) { notVisibleCol.mul(unseenFogCol); } for ( int i = 0; i < gtile.getSprites().size; i++ ) { Sprite sprite = gtile.getSprites().get(i); Color col = gtile.light; if (sprite.drawActualSize) { col = notVisibleCol; } queueSprite( sprite, col, drawX, drawY, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, sprite.drawActualSize ? RenderLayer.OBJECT : RenderLayer.GROUNDTILE, i ); } if ( gtile.getTilingSprite() != null ) { Global.CurrentLevel.buildTilingBitflag(directionBitflag, x, y, gtile.getTilingSprite().checkID); Sprite sprite = gtile.getTilingSprite().getSprite( directionBitflag ); Color col = gtile.light; if (sprite.drawActualSize) { col = notVisibleCol; } queueSprite( sprite, col, drawX, drawY, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, sprite.drawActualSize ? RenderLayer.OBJECT : RenderLayer.GROUNDTILE, gtile.getSprites().size ); if (gtile.getTilingSprite().overhangSprite != null && directionBitflag.contains( Direction.NORTH )) { queueSprite( gtile.getTilingSprite().overhangSprite, notVisibleCol, drawX, drawY + Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.OVERHEAD, 5 ); } } if ( gtile.hasFields ) { for ( FieldLayer layer : FieldLayer.values() ) { Field field = gtile.fields.get( layer ); if ( field != null ) { Field.SpriteGroup group = field.getSpriteGroup(); Sprite sprite = group.sprite; if ( group.tilingSprite != null ) { Global.CurrentLevel.buildTilingBitflag(directionBitflag, x, y, group.tilingSprite.checkID); sprite = group.tilingSprite.getSprite( directionBitflag ); if (group.tilingSprite.overhangSprite != null && directionBitflag.contains( Direction.NORTH )) { queueSprite( group.tilingSprite.overhangSprite, notVisibleCol, drawX, drawY + Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.OVERHEAD, 4 ); } } if ( field.layer == FieldLayer.GROUND ) { queueSprite( sprite, gtile.light, drawX, drawY, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.GROUNDFIELD, 1 ); } else { queueSprite( sprite, notVisibleCol, drawX, drawY, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.OVERHEAD, 1 ); } } } } if ( gtile.environmentEntity != null && gtile.environmentEntity.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ] == gtile ) { EnvironmentEntity entity = gtile.environmentEntity; int cx = x * Global.TileSize + offsetx; int cy = y * Global.TileSize + offsety; int width = Global.TileSize; int height = Global.TileSize; Sprite sprite = entity.sprite; if ( entity.replacementSprite != null ) { sprite = entity.replacementSprite; } else if ( entity.tilingSprite != null ) { Global.CurrentLevel.buildTilingBitflag(directionBitflag, x, y, entity.tilingSprite.checkID); sprite = entity.tilingSprite.getSprite( directionBitflag ); if (entity.tilingSprite.overhangSprite != null && directionBitflag.contains( Direction.NORTH )) { queueSprite( entity.tilingSprite.overhangSprite, notVisibleCol, drawX, drawY + Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.OVERHEAD, 3 ); } } if ( entity.location != Direction.CENTER ) { if ( entity.location == Direction.EAST || entity.location == Direction.WEST ) { cx += -entity.location.getX() * ( Global.TileSize / 2 ); } else if ( entity.location == Direction.SOUTH ) { cy += Global.TileSize; } } if ( entity.canTakeDamage && entity.HP < entity.getMaxHP() ) { hasStatus.add( entity ); } if ( entity.overHead ) { queueSprite( sprite, notVisibleCol, cx, cy, width, height, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.OVERHEAD, 2 ); for (AdditionalSprite s : entity.additionalSprites) { queueSprite( s.sprite, notVisibleCol, cx, cy, width, height, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.OVERHEAD, 2 + s.priorityDiff ); } } else { queueSprite( sprite, notVisibleCol, cx, cy, width, height, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.OBJECT, 2 ); for (AdditionalSprite s : entity.additionalSprites) { queueSprite( s.sprite, notVisibleCol, cx, cy, width, height, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.OBJECT, 2 + s.priorityDiff ); } } if ( entity.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].visible && entity.popup != null ) { entitiesWithSpeech.add( entity ); } } if ( gtile.visible || ( gtile.seen && gtile.seenBitflag.getBitFlag() != 0 ) ) { GameEntity entity = gtile.entity; if ( entity != null && entity.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ] == gtile ) { int cx = x * Global.TileSize + offsetx; int cy = y * Global.TileSize + offsety; int width = Global.TileSize; int height = Global.TileSize; Sprite sprite = entity.sprite; if ( entity.replacementSprite != null ) { sprite = entity.replacementSprite; } else if ( entity.tilingSprite != null ) { Global.CurrentLevel.buildTilingBitflag(directionBitflag, x, y, gtile.getTilingSprite().checkID); sprite = gtile.getTilingSprite().getSprite( directionBitflag ); if (entity.tilingSprite.overhangSprite != null && directionBitflag.contains( Direction.NORTH )) { queueSprite( entity.tilingSprite.overhangSprite, notVisibleCol, drawX, drawY + Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.OVERHEAD, 0 ); } } if ( entity.location != Direction.CENTER ) { Direction dir = entity.location; cx = cx + tileSize3 * ( dir.getX() * -1 + 1 ); cy = cy + tileSize3 * ( dir.getY() * -1 + 1 ); width = tileSize3; height = tileSize3; } if ( entity.canTakeDamage && gtile.visible ) { hasStatus.add( entity ); } queueSprite( sprite, notVisibleCol, cx, cy, width, height, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.OBJECT, 4 ); for (AdditionalSprite s : entity.additionalSprites) { queueSprite( s.sprite, notVisibleCol, cx, cy, width, height, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.OBJECT, 4 + s.priorityDiff ); } if ( entity.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].visible && entity.popup != null ) { entitiesWithSpeech.add( entity ); } } if ( gtile.items.size > 0 ) { if ( gtile.items.size == 1 ) { queueSprite( gtile.items.get( 0 ).getIcon(), gtile.light, drawX, drawY, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.ITEM, 0 ); } else { Sprite sprite = bag; queueSprite( sprite, gtile.light, drawX, drawY, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.ITEM, 0 ); for ( Item item : gtile.items ) { if ( item.getIcon().spriteAnimation != null ) { queueSprite( item.getIcon(), gtile.light, drawX, drawY, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.ITEM, 0 ); } } } queueSprite( border, Color.GOLD, drawX, drawY, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.ITEM, 1 ); } if ( gtile.orbs.size > 0 && gtile.spriteEffects.size == 0 ) { int index = 0; for ( GameTile.OrbType type : GameTile.OrbType.values() ) { if ( gtile.orbs.containsKey( type ) ) { int val = gtile.orbs.get( type ); int cx = x * Global.TileSize + offsetx; int cy = y * Global.TileSize + offsety; float scale = 0.5f + 0.5f * ( MathUtils.clamp( val, 10.0f, 1000.0f ) / 1000.0f ); float size = Global.TileSize * scale; cx = (int) (( cx + Global.TileSize / 2 ) - size / 2); cy = (int) (( cy + Global.TileSize / 2 ) - size / 2); Direction dir = Direction.values()[index++]; cx += dir.getX() * (size/2); cy += dir.getY() * (size/2); Sprite sprite = orbs.get( type ); if (sprite == null) { sprite = AssetManager.loadSprite( type.spriteName ); orbs.put( type, sprite ); } queueSprite( sprite, gtile.light, cx, cy, (int) size, (int) size, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.ESSENCE, 0 ); } } } } } if (!gtile.visible) { // not visible, so draw fog Sprite sprite = fogSprite.getSprite( gtile.seenBitflag ); queueSprite( sprite, seenFogCol, drawX, drawY, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.SEENFOG, 0 ); if (!gtile.seen) { sprite = fogSprite.getSprite( gtile.unseenBitflag ); queueSprite( sprite, unseenFogCol, drawX, drawY, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.UNSEENFOG, 0 ); } } } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void renderCursor( int offsetx, int offsety, int mousex, int mousey, float delta ) { if ( !mouseOverUI ) { Color colour = Color.GREEN; if ( mousex < 0 || mousex >= Global.CurrentLevel.width || mousey < 0 || mousey >= Global.CurrentLevel.height || !Global.CurrentLevel.getGameTile( mousex, mousey ).seen ) { colour = Color.RED; } else { GameTile mouseTile = Global.CurrentLevel.getGameTile( mousex, mousey ); if ( mouseTile.tileData.passableBy.intersect( Global.CurrentLevel.player.getTravelType() ) ) { colour = Color.GREEN; } else { colour = Color.RED; } } border.update( delta ); queueSprite( border, colour, mousex * Global.TileSize + offsetx, mousey * Global.TileSize + offsety, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.CURSOR, 0 ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void renderStatus( int offsetx, int offsety ) { batch.setColor( Color.WHITE ); for ( Entity e : hasStatus ) { if (!e.tile[0][0].visible) { continue; } int x = e.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].x; int y = e.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].y; int cx = x * Global.TileSize + offsetx; int cy = y * Global.TileSize + offsety; if ( e.sprite.spriteAnimation != null ) { int[] offset = e.sprite.spriteAnimation.getRenderOffset(); cx += offset[ 0 ]; cy += offset[ 1 ]; } Color colour = null; if (e instanceof GameEntity) { GameEntity ge = (GameEntity)e; if (ge.isAllies( Global.CurrentLevel.player )) { if (ge.getVariableMap().containsKey( "summon" )) { colour = Color.CYAN; } else { colour = Color.GREEN; } } else { colour = Color.RED; } } else { colour = Color.CYAN; } EntityStatusRenderer.draw( e, batch, cx, cy, Global.TileSize * e.size, Global.TileSize, 1.0f / 12.0f, colour ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void renderActiveAbilities( int offsetx, int offsety ) { if ( Global.CurrentLevel.ActiveAbilities.size > 0 ) { for ( ActiveAbility aa : Global.CurrentLevel.ActiveAbilities ) { for ( GameTile tile : aa.AffectedTiles ) { if ( tile.visible ) { queueSprite( aa.getSprite(), Color.WHITE, tile.x * Global.TileSize + offsetx, tile.y * Global.TileSize + offsety, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.EFFECT, 0 ); } } } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void renderSpriteEffects( int offsetx, int offsety, int tileSize3 ) { for ( int x = 0; x < Global.CurrentLevel.width; x++ ) { for ( int y = 0; y < Global.CurrentLevel.height; y++ ) { GameTile gtile = Global.CurrentLevel.Grid[ x ][ y ]; if ( gtile.visible && gtile.spriteEffects.size > 0 ) { for ( SpriteEffect e : gtile.spriteEffects ) { if ( e.Corner == Direction.CENTER ) { queueSprite( e.Sprite, Color.WHITE, x * Global.TileSize + offsetx, y * Global.TileSize + offsety, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.EFFECT, 0 ); } else { queueSprite( e.Sprite, Color.WHITE, x * Global.TileSize + offsetx + tileSize3 * ( e.Corner.getX() * -1 + 1 ), y * Global.TileSize + offsety + tileSize3 * ( e.Corner.getY() * -1 + 1 ), tileSize3, tileSize3, offsetx, offsety, RenderLayer.EFFECT, 0 ); } } } } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void renderSpeechBubbles( int offsetx, int offsety, float delta ) { for ( Entity entity : entitiesWithSpeech ) { if (Global.CurrentDialogue != null && entity != Global.CurrentDialogue) { continue; } if ( entity.popupDuration <= 0 && entity.displayedPopup.length() == entity.popup.length() ) { entity.popupFade -= delta; if ( entity.popupFade <= 0 ) { entity.popup = null; continue; } } float alpha = 1; if ( entity.popupDuration <= 0 && entity.displayedPopup.length() == entity.popup.length() ) { alpha *= entity.popupFade; if ( alpha < 0 ) { alpha = 0; } } tempColour.set( 1, 1, 1, alpha ); int x = entity.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].x; int y = entity.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].y; y += 1; int cx = x * Global.TileSize + offsetx + Global.TileSize / 2; int cy = y * Global.TileSize + offsety; if ( entity.sprite.spriteAnimation != null ) { int[] offset = entity.sprite.spriteAnimation.getRenderOffset(); cx += offset[ 0 ]; cy += offset[ 1 ]; } layout.setText( font, entity.popup, tempColour, stage.getWidth() / 2, Align.left, true ); float left = cx - ( layout.width / 2 ) - 10; if ( left < 0 ) { left = 0; } float right = left + layout.width + 20; if ( right >= stage.getWidth() ) { left -= right - stage.getWidth(); } float width = layout.width; float height = layout.height; layout.setText( font, entity.displayedPopup, tempColour, stage.getWidth() / 2, Align.left, true ); batch.setColor( tempColour ); speechBubbleBackground.draw( batch, left, cy, width + 20, height + 20 ); batch.draw( speechBubbleArrow, cx - 4, cy - 6, 8, 8 ); font.draw( batch, layout, left + 10, cy + layout.height + 10 ); } if ( Global.CurrentDialogue != null && Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput != null ) { int padding = Global.ANDROID ? 20 : 10; int x = Global.CurrentDialogue.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].x; int y = Global.CurrentDialogue.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].y; int cx = x * Global.TileSize + offsetx + Global.TileSize / 2; int cy = y * Global.TileSize + offsety; float layoutwidth = 0; float layoutheight = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.choices.size; i++ ) { String message = ( i + 1 ) + ": " + Global.expandNames( Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.choices.get( i ) ); layout.setText( font, message, tempColour, stage.getWidth() / 2, Align.left, true ); if ( layout.width > layoutwidth ) { layoutwidth = layout.width; } layoutheight += layout.height + padding; } cy -= layoutheight + 20; float left = cx - ( layoutwidth / 2 ) - 10; if ( left < 0 ) { left = 0; } float right = left + layoutwidth + 20; if ( right >= stage.getWidth() ) { left -= right - stage.getWidth(); } speechBubbleBackground.draw( batch, left, cy, layoutwidth + 20, layoutheight + 20 ); float voffset = padding / 2; for ( int i = Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.choices.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { String message = ( i + 1 ) + ": " + Global.expandNames( Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.choices.get( i ) ); BitmapFont font = this.font; if ( Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput == i ) { font = hightlightfont; } layout.setText( font, message, tempColour, stage.getWidth() / 2, Align.left, true ); font.draw( batch, layout, left + 10, cy + layout.height + 10 + voffset ); voffset += layout.height + padding; } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void queueSprite( Sprite sprite, Color colour, int x, int y, int width, int height, int offsetx, int offsety, RenderLayer layer, int index ) { if ( sprite != null && sprite.spriteAnimation != null ) { int[] offset = sprite.spriteAnimation.getRenderOffset(); x += offset[ 0 ]; y += offset[ 1 ]; } if ( x + width < 0 || y + height < 0 || x > Global.Resolution[ 0 ] || y > Global.Resolution[ 1 ] ) { return; } RenderSprite rs = renderSpritePool.obtain().set( sprite, colour, x, y, width, height, offsetx, offsety, layer, index ); queuedSprites.add( rs, rs.comparisonVal ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void flush( Batch batch ) { Color col = batch.getColor(); while (queuedSprites.size > 0) { RenderSprite rs = queuedSprites.pop(); temp.set( rs.colour ); if ( !temp.equals( col ) ) { batch.setColor( temp ); col.set( temp ); } rs.sprite.render( batch, rs.x, rs.y, rs.width, rs.height ); rs ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void processPickupQueue() { if ( pickupQueue.size > 0 ) { final Item item = pickupQueue.removeIndex( 0 ); if ( item.slots.size > 0 ) { // Is Equipment Table comparison = item.createTable( skin, Global.CurrentLevel.player ); Table table = new Table(); table.add( comparison ).expand().fill(); table.row(); table.add( new Seperator( skin, false ) ).expandX().fillX().pad( 10 ); table.row(); TextButton equipButton = new TextButton( "Equip", skin ); equipButton.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { clearContextMenu( true ); for ( Item.EquipmentSlot slot : item.slots) { Item currentItem = Global.CurrentLevel.player.inventory.getEquip( slot ); if (currentItem != null) { Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[0][0].items.add( currentItem ); } } Global.CurrentLevel.player.getInventory().equip( item ); Global.CurrentLevel.player.isVariableMapDirty = true; for ( int i = 0; i < Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.size; i++ ) { AbilityTree tree = Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.get( i ); if (tree != null) { tree.current.current.setCaster( Global.CurrentLevel.player ); } } } } ); TextButton dropButton = new TextButton( "Drop", skin ); dropButton.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { clearContextMenu( true ); Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].items.add( item ); } } ); TextButton sellButton = new TextButton( "Sell", skin ); sellButton.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { clearContextMenu( true ); Global.CurrentLevel.player.inventory.upgradeStones += item.quality; Global.CurrentLevel.player.pendingMessages.add(new Message( "Gained " + item.quality + " Upgrade Stones", Color.GOLD )); } } ); Table buttons = new Table(); buttons.defaults().pad( 10 ); buttons.add( equipButton ); buttons.add( dropButton ); buttons.add( sellButton ); table.add( buttons ); table.pack(); ButtonKeyboardHelper keyboardHelper = new ButtonKeyboardHelper( ); keyboardHelper.add( equipButton, dropButton, sellButton ); queueContextMenu( table, keyboardHelper ); } else if ( item.ability != null ) { if ( item.ability.current.current instanceof ActiveAbility ) { item.ability.current.current.setCaster( Global.CurrentLevel.player ); } // Is ability Table table = new Table(); table.add( item.ability.current.current.createTable( skin, Global.CurrentLevel.player ) ).expand().fill(); table.row(); table.add( new Seperator( skin, false ) ).expandX().fillX().pad( 10 ); table.row(); table.add( new Label( "Pick a slot to equip into", skin ) ).expandX().center(); table.row(); ButtonKeyboardHelper keyboardHelper = new ButtonKeyboardHelper( ); Table buttonTable = new Table( ); for (int i = 0; i < Global.NUM_ABILITY_SLOTS; i++) { Button button = new Button(skin); final int index = i; final AbilityTree current = index < Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.size ? Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.removeIndex( index ) : null; button.addListener( new ClickListener( ) { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { if (i < Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.size-1) { Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.add( null ); } } Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.insert( index, item.ability ); if (current != null) { Item item = new Item(); item.ability = current; Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].items.add( item ); } clearContextMenu( true ); } } ); AbilityTree abilityTree = i < Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.size ? Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.get( i ) : null; if (abilityTree != null) { SpriteWidget sprite = new SpriteWidget( abilityTree.current.current.getIcon(), 32, 32 ); button.add( sprite ); } else { button.add( new Table() ).width( 32 ).height( 32 ); } buttonTable.add( button ).expandX(); keyboardHelper.add( button, 0, 0 ); } table.add( buttonTable ).expand().fill(); table.row(); table.add( new Label( "Or", skin ) ).expandX().center(); table.row(); TextButton dropButton = new TextButton( "Drop", skin ); dropButton.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { clearContextMenu( true ); Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].items.add( item ); } } ); table.add( dropButton ); table.pack(); keyboardHelper.add( dropButton ); queueContextMenu( table, keyboardHelper ); } else { // is misc Table comparison = item.createTable( skin, Global.CurrentLevel.player ); Table table = new Table(); table.defaults().pad( 10 ); table.add( comparison ).expand().fill(); table.row(); table.add( new Seperator( skin, false ) ).expandX().fillX().pad( 10 ); table.row(); TextButton equipButton = new TextButton( "Take", skin ); equipButton.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { clearContextMenu( true ); Global.CurrentLevel.player.getInventory().addItem( item ); Global.CurrentLevel.player.isVariableMapDirty = true; } } ); TextButton dropButton = new TextButton( "Drop", skin ); dropButton.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { clearContextMenu( true ); Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].items.add( item ); } } ); Table buttons = new Table(); buttons.defaults().pad( 10 ); buttons.add( equipButton ); buttons.add( dropButton ); table.add( buttons ); table.pack(); ButtonKeyboardHelper keyboardHelper = new ButtonKeyboardHelper( ); keyboardHelper.add( equipButton, dropButton ); queueContextMenu( table, keyboardHelper ); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void processMessageQueue( Entity entity, float delta ) { if (stage == null || skin == null) { return; } if ( entity.messageAccumulator > 0 ) { entity.messageAccumulator -= delta; } if ( entity.messageAccumulator <= 0 && entity.pendingMessages.size > 0 ) { Message message = entity.pendingMessages.pop(); entity.messageAccumulator = Entity.MESSAGE_DELAY; message.add( stage, skin, entity ); } } // endregion InputProcessor // ####################################################################// // region GestureListener // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean keyDown( int keycode ) { if (keyboardHelper != null) { return keyboardHelper.keyDown( keycode ); } if ( weaponTiles != null ) { Global.PointPool.freeAll( weaponTiles ); weaponTiles.clear(); weaponTiles = null; } if ( Global.CurrentDialogue != null ) { if ( Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput != null ) { if (Global.Controls.isKey( Controls.Keys.ACCEPT, keycode )) { Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.answer = Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput+1; } else if (Global.Controls.isKey( Controls.Keys.UP, keycode )) { Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput--; if (Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput < 0) { Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput = 0; } } else if (Global.Controls.isKey( Controls.Keys.DOWN, keycode )) { Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput++; if (Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput >= Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.choices.size) { Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput = Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.choices.size-1; } } else if (keycode >= Keys.NUM_1 && keycode <= Keys.NUM_9) { int val = keycode - Keys.NUM_0; if ( val <= Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.choices.size ) { Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.answer = val; } } } if ( Global.CurrentDialogue.popup.length() == Global.CurrentDialogue.displayedPopup.length() ) { Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.advance( Global.CurrentDialogue ); } else { Global.CurrentDialogue.displayedPopup = Global.CurrentDialogue.popup; } } else if ( Global.Controls.toAbilityKey( keycode ) >= 0 ) { int i = Global.Controls.toAbilityKey( keycode ); AbilityTree a = Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.size > i ? Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.get( i ) : null; if ( a != null && a.current.current instanceof ActiveAbility && ( (ActiveAbility) a.current.current ).isAvailable() ) { if (preparedAbility == a.current.current ) { prepareAbility( null ); } else { prepareAbility( (ActiveAbility) a.current.current ); } } } else if ( Global.Controls.isKey( Controls.Keys.LEFT, keycode ) ) { if (preparedAbility != null) { selectedAbilityTileIndex--; if (selectedAbilityTileIndex < 0) { selectedAbilityTileIndex = abilityTiles.size - 1; } selectedAbilityTile = abilityTiles.get( selectedAbilityTileIndex ); } } else if ( Global.Controls.isKey( Controls.Keys.UPGRADE, keycode )) { displayUpgradeMenu(); } else if ( Global.Controls.isKey( Controls.Keys.WEAPON_RANGE, keycode )) { displayWeaponHitPattern(); } else if ( Global.Controls.isKey( Controls.Keys.TOGGLE_AUTOATTACK, keycode )) { Global.CurrentLevel.player.weaponSheathed = !Global.CurrentLevel.player.weaponSheathed; } else if ( Global.Controls.isKey( Controls.Keys.RIGHT, keycode ) ) { if (preparedAbility != null) { selectedAbilityTileIndex++; if (selectedAbilityTileIndex >= abilityTiles.size) { selectedAbilityTileIndex = 0; } selectedAbilityTile = abilityTiles.get( selectedAbilityTileIndex ); } } else if ( Global.Controls.isKey( Controls.Keys.ACCEPT, keycode ) ) { if (preparedAbility != null) { if ( Global.CurrentLevel.player.tasks.size == 0 && selectedAbilityTile != null ) { Global.CurrentLevel.player.tasks.add( new TaskUseAbility( Global.PointPool.obtain().set( selectedAbilityTile ), preparedAbility ) ); preparedAbility = null; } } else { if ( Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].environmentEntity != null ) { for ( ActivationActionGroup action : Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].environmentEntity.onActivateActions ) { if ( action.enabled ) { action.activate( Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].environmentEntity, Global.CurrentLevel.player, 1 ); Global.CurrentLevel.player.tasks.add( new TaskWait() ); break; } } } } } else if ( Global.Controls.isKey( Controls.Keys.CANCEL, keycode ) ) { displayGameMenu(); } return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean keyUp( int keycode ) { return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean keyTyped( char character ) { return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean touchDown( int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int TextButton ) { if ( pointOverUI( screenX, screenY ) ) { return false; } addTouchAction( screenX, Global.ScreenSize[1] - screenY ); if ( Tooltip.openTooltip != null ) { Tooltip.openTooltip.setVisible( false ); Tooltip.openTooltip.remove(); Tooltip.openTooltip = null; } clearContextMenu( false ); return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean touchUp( int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int TextButton ) { if ( pointOverUI( screenX, screenY ) ) { return false; } if ( longPressed || dragged ) { return false; } if ( Tooltip.openTooltip != null ) { Tooltip.openTooltip.setVisible( false ); Tooltip.openTooltip.remove(); Tooltip.openTooltip = null; } if ( weaponTiles != null ) { Global.PointPool.freeAll( weaponTiles ); weaponTiles.clear(); weaponTiles = null; } if (Global.ANDROID && examineMode) { mouseMoved( screenX, screenY ); } clearContextMenu( false ); if ( contextMenu != null || examineMode ) { return true; } if ( Global.CurrentDialogue != null ) { if ( Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput != null ) { if ( Global.ANDROID ) { int mouseOver = getMouseOverDialogueOption( screenX, screenY ); Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput = mouseOver; } if ( Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput != -1 ) { Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.answer = Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput + 1; Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput = -1; } } if ( Global.CurrentDialogue.popup.length() == Global.CurrentDialogue.displayedPopup.length() ) { Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.advance( Global.CurrentDialogue ); } else { Global.CurrentDialogue.displayedPopup = Global.CurrentDialogue.popup; } } else { Vector3 mousePos = camera.unproject( new Vector3( screenX, screenY, 0 ) ); int mousePosX = (int) mousePos.x; int mousePosY = (int) mousePos.y; int offsetx = Global.Resolution[ 0 ] / 2 - Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].x * Global.TileSize - Global.TileSize / 2; int offsety = Global.Resolution[ 1 ] / 2 - Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].y * Global.TileSize - Global.TileSize / 2; int x = ( mousePosX - offsetx ) / Global.TileSize; int y = ( mousePosY - offsety ) / Global.TileSize; if ( preparedAbility != null ) { if ( TextButton == Buttons.LEFT ) { if ( x >= 0 && x < Global.CurrentLevel.width && y >= 0 && y < Global.CurrentLevel.height ) { GameTile tile = Global.CurrentLevel.getGameTile( x, y ); if ( preparedAbility.isTargetValid( tile, abilityTiles ) && Global.CurrentLevel.player.tasks.size == 0 ) { Global.CurrentLevel.player.tasks.add( new TaskUseAbility( Global.PointPool.obtain().set( x, y ), preparedAbility ) ); preparedAbility = null; } } } } else if ( Global.MovementTypePathfind ) { if ( x >= 0 && x < Global.CurrentLevel.width && y >= 0 && y < Global.CurrentLevel.height && Global.CurrentLevel.getGameTile( x, y ).seen ) { Global.CurrentLevel.player.AI.setData( "ClickPos", Global.PointPool.obtain().set( x, y ) ); } else { x = MathUtils.clamp( x, -1, 1 ); y = MathUtils.clamp( y, -1, 1 ); x += Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].x; y += Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].y; Global.CurrentLevel.player.AI.setData( "ClickPos", Global.PointPool.obtain().set( x, y ) ); } } } return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean touchDragged( int screenX, int screenY, int pointer ) { if ( dragDropPayload != null ) { dragDropPayload.x = screenX - 16; dragDropPayload.y = Global.Resolution[ 1 ] - screenY - 16; } if ( Math.abs( screenX - startX ) > 10 || Math.abs( screenY - startY ) > 10 ) { dragged = true; } return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean mouseMoved( int screenX, int screenY ) { if (keyboardHelper != null) { keyboardHelper.clear(); } if ( Tooltip.openTooltip != null ) { Tooltip.openTooltip.setVisible( false ); Tooltip.openTooltip.remove(); Tooltip.openTooltip = null; } if ( Global.CurrentDialogue != null ) { if ( Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput != null ) { int mouseOver = getMouseOverDialogueOption( screenX, screenY ); Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput = mouseOver; } } else { Vector3 mousePos = camera.unproject( new Vector3( screenX, screenY, 0 ) ); mousePosX = (int) mousePos.x; mousePosY = (int) mousePos.y; stage.setScrollFocus( null ); int offsetx = Global.Resolution[ 0 ] / 2 - Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].x * Global.TileSize - Global.TileSize / 2; int offsety = Global.Resolution[ 1 ] / 2 - Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].y * Global.TileSize - Global.TileSize / 2; mouseOverUI = false; int x = ( mousePosX - offsetx ) / Global.TileSize; int y = ( mousePosY - offsety ) / Global.TileSize; if ( x >= 0 && x < Global.CurrentLevel.width && y >= 0 && y < Global.CurrentLevel.height ) { GameTile tile = Global.CurrentLevel.getGameTile( x, y ); if ( tile.entity != null ) { Table table = EntityStatusRenderer.getMouseOverTable( tile.entity, x * Global.TileSize + offsetx, y * Global.TileSize + offsety, Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize, 1.0f / 8.0f, mousePosX, mousePosY, skin ); if ( table != null ) { Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip( table, skin, stage ); mousePosX, mousePosY, false ); } } if (preparedAbility != null) { selectedAbilityTile = null; for ( Point p : abilityTiles ) { if ( p.x == x && p.y == y ) { selectedAbilityTile = p; break; } } } } { Table table = EntityStatusRenderer.getMouseOverTable( Global.CurrentLevel.player, 20, Global.Resolution[ 1 ] - 120, Global.Resolution[ 0 ] / 4, 100, 1.0f / 4.0f, mousePosX, mousePosY, skin ); if ( table != null ) { Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip( table, skin, stage ); mousePosX, mousePosY, false ); } } } return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean scrolled( int amount ) { if ( !mouseOverUI && contextMenu == null ) { Global.TileSize -= amount * 5; if ( Global.TileSize < 2 ) { Global.TileSize = 2; } } return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private int getMouseOverDialogueOption( float screenX, float screenY ) { int padding = Global.ANDROID ? 20 : 10; Vector3 mousePos = camera.unproject( new Vector3( screenX, screenY, 0 ) ); mousePosX = (int) mousePos.x; mousePosY = (int) mousePos.y; int offsetx = Global.Resolution[ 0 ] / 2 - Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].x * Global.TileSize - Global.TileSize / 2; int offsety = Global.Resolution[ 1 ] / 2 - Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].y * Global.TileSize - Global.TileSize / 2; int x = Global.CurrentDialogue.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].x; int y = Global.CurrentDialogue.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].y; int cx = x * Global.TileSize + offsetx + Global.TileSize / 2; int cy = y * Global.TileSize + offsety; float layoutwidth = 0; float layoutheight = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.choices.size; i++ ) { String message = ( i + 1 ) + ": " + Global.expandNames( Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.choices.get( i ) ); layout.setText( font, message, tempColour, ( stage.getWidth() / 3 ) * 2, Align.left, true ); if ( layout.width > layoutwidth ) { layoutwidth = layout.width; } layoutheight += layout.height + padding; } cy -= layoutheight + 20; float left = cx - ( layoutwidth / 2 ) - 10; if ( left < 0 ) { left = 0; } float right = left + layoutwidth + 20; if ( right >= stage.getWidth() ) { left -= right - stage.getWidth(); } Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.mouseOverInput = -1; float voffset = padding / 2; for ( int i = Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.choices.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { String message = ( i + 1 ) + ": " + Global.expandNames( Global.CurrentDialogue.dialogue.currentInput.choices.get( i ) ); layout.setText( font, message, tempColour, ( stage.getWidth() / 3 ) * 2, Align.left, true ); if ( mousePosX >= left && mousePosX <= right && mousePosY <= cy + layout.height + 10 + voffset && mousePosY >= cy + 10 + voffset ) { return i; } voffset += layout.height + padding; } return -1; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void clearContextMenu( boolean releaseLock ) { if (releaseLock) { lockContextMenu = false; } if ( lockContextMenu ) { return; } if (keyboardHelper != null) { keyboardHelper.clear(); keyboardHelper = null; } if ( contextMenu != null ) { contextMenu.addAction( new SequenceAction( Actions.fadeOut( 0.25f ), Actions.removeActor() ) ); contextMenu = null; if (contextMenuQueue.size > 0) { ContextMenuData data = contextMenuQueue.removeIndex(0); displayContextMenu( data.content, true, data.keyboardHelper ); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void prepareAbility( ActiveAbility aa ) { if (Global.CharGenMode) { return; } preparedAbility = aa; if (preparedAbility == null) { if ( abilityTiles != null ) { Global.PointPool.freeAll( abilityTiles ); abilityTiles = null; selectedAbilityTile = null; } Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[0][0] ); return; } preparedAbility.setCaster( Global.CurrentLevel.player ); preparedAbility.source = Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ]; if ( abilityTiles != null ) { Global.PointPool.freeAll( abilityTiles ); } abilityTiles = preparedAbility.getValidTargets(); selectedAbilityTile = null; selectedAbilityTileIndex = -1; Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[0][0] ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean touchDown( float x, float y, int pointer, int TextButton ) { longPressed = false; dragged = false; lastZoom = 0; startX = x; startY = y; return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean tap( float x, float y, int count, int TextButton ) { return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean longPress( float x, float y ) { longPressed = true; return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean fling( float velocityX, float velocityY, int TextButton ) { return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean pan( float x, float y, float deltaX, float deltaY ) { return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean panStop( float x, float y, int pointer, int TextButton ) { return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean zoom( float initialDistance, float distance ) { float dist = initialDistance - distance; float amount = dist - lastZoom; lastZoom = dist; int change = (int)Math.ceil( ( amount * (float)Global.TileSize ) / 500.0f ); if ( change == 0 ) { if ( amount < 0 ) { change = -1; } else { change = 1; } } Global.TileSize -= change; if ( Global.TileSize < 2 ) { Global.TileSize = 2; } return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean pinch( Vector2 initialPointer1, Vector2 initialPointer2, Vector2 pointer1, Vector2 pointer2 ) { return false; } // endregion GestureListener // ####################################################################// // region Private Methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private float roundTo( float val, float multiple ) { return (float) ( multiple * Math.floor( val / multiple ) ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void sleep( int fps ) { if ( fps > 0 ) { diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; long targetDelay = 1000 / fps; lastSleep = targetDelay - diff; if ( lastSleep > 0 ) { try { Thread.sleep( lastSleep ); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { } } start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } // endregion Private Methods // ####################################################################// // region Public Methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public boolean pointOverUI( int x, int y ) { if ( equipmentPanel.isPointInThis( x, y ) || abilityPanel.isPointInThis( x, y ) || buttonsPanel.isPointInThis( x, y ) ) { return true; } return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void queueContextMenu(Table table, ButtonKeyboardHelper keyboardHelper) { if (contextMenu == null) { displayContextMenu( table, true, keyboardHelper ); } else { contextMenuQueue.add( new ContextMenuData( table, keyboardHelper ) ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void queueMessage(String titleString, String messageString) { Skin skin = Global.loadSkin(); Table message = new Table(); message.defaults().pad( 10 ); Label title = new Label(titleString, skin, "title"); message.add( title ).expandX().left(); message.row(); message.add( new Seperator( skin ) ).expandX().fillX(); message.row(); Table messageBody = new Table(); Label messageText = new Label( messageString, skin); messageText.setWrap( true ); messageBody.add( messageText ).expand().fillX(); messageBody.row(); message.add( messageBody ).expand().fill(); message.row(); message.add( new Seperator( skin ) ).expandX().fillX(); message.row(); TextButton continueButton = new TextButton( "Continue", skin ); continueButton.addListener( new ClickListener( ) { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { GameScreen.Instance.clearContextMenu( true ); } } ); message.add( continueButton ).colspan( 2 ).expandX().fillX(); message.row(); GameScreen.Instance.queueContextMenu( message, new ButtonKeyboardHelper( continueButton ) ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void displayContextMenu(Table content, boolean lock, ButtonKeyboardHelper keyboardHelper) { if (lockContextMenu) { return; } lockContextMenu = lock; if ( !created ) { create(); created = true; } contextMenu = new Tooltip( content, skin, stage ); contextMenu.setWidth( stage.getWidth() - ( abilityPanel.getWidth() + equipmentPanel.getWidth() + 40 ) ); contextMenu.setHeight( stage.getHeight() - ( buttonsPanel.getHeight() + 40 ) ); stage.getWidth() / 2 - contextMenu.getWidth() / 2 - 10, stage.getHeight() / 2 - contextMenu.getHeight() / 2 - 30, lock ); ParallelAction parallelAction = new ParallelAction( new SequenceAction( Actions.alpha( 0 ), Actions.fadeIn( 0.25f ) ), new SequenceAction( Actions.scaleTo( 0, 0 ), Actions.scaleTo( 1, 1, 0.25f ) ) ); contextMenu.addAction( new SequenceAction( parallelAction, Actions.removeAction( parallelAction ) ) ); this.keyboardHelper = keyboardHelper; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void displayGameOverMessage() { Global.lives++; Global.LevelManager.evaluateQuestOutput(); for (ObjectMap.Entry<String, String> entry : Global.QuestManager.deferredFlags.entries()) { Global.WorldFlags.put( entry.key, entry.value ); } Global.QuestManager.deferredFlags.clear(); // Sell treasure for (Item item : Global.CurrentLevel.player.inventory.m_items) { if ( item.category == Item.ItemCategory.TREASURE) { if (item.value > 0) { Global.RunFlags.put( "SoldTreasure", "" ); int current = Integer.parseInt( Global.WorldFlags.get( "startingfunds" ) ); current += item.value; Global.WorldFlags.put( "startingfunds", ""+current ); } } }; Table table = new Table(); table.defaults().pad( 5 ); Label titleLabel = new Label( "Game Over", skin, "title" ); table.add( titleLabel ).expandX().left(); table.row(); table.add( new Seperator( skin ) ).expandX().fillX().padBottom( 20 ); table.row(); Label messageLabel = new Label("You've kicked the bucket." + " Shuffled off the mortal coil." + " Became permanently deceased." + " Bit the dust." + " Met your maker." + " Unfortunately perished." + " Your adventure has gone completely belly up.\n\n" + "Your body is left where it dropped, slowly rotting away, providing a nice pile of loot for the next adventurer to stumble this way.\n\n" + "Oh well, better luck in your next life.", skin); ScrollPane scrollPane = new ScrollPane( messageLabel ); messageLabel.setWrap( true ); table.add( scrollPane ).expand().fill(); table.row(); table.add( new Seperator(skin) ).expandX().fillX(); table.row(); TextButton button = new TextButton( "Begin Life Anew", skin ); button.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { clearContextMenu( true ); TownCreator townCreator = new TownCreator(); townCreator.create(); } } ); table.add( button ).expandX().center(); displayContextMenu( table, true, new ButtonKeyboardHelper( button ) ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void displayUpgradeMenu() { int stones = Global.CurrentLevel.player.inventory.upgradeStones; ButtonKeyboardHelper keyboardHelper = new ButtonKeyboardHelper( ); Table table = new Table(); table.defaults().pad( 5 ); table.add( new Label("You have " + stones + " upgrade stones.", skin) ).colspan( 2 ); table.row(); table.add( new Seperator( skin ) ).colspan( 2 ).expandX().fillX(); table.row(); for ( Item.EquipmentSlot slot : Item.EquipmentSlot.values() ) { final Item equip = Global.CurrentLevel.player.inventory.getEquip( slot ); if ( equip != null ) { final int required = 2 * equip.upgradeCount; if (required <= stones) { TextButton button = new TextButton(equip.getName(), skin); button.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { GameScreen.Instance.clearContextMenu( true ); Global.CurrentLevel.player.inventory.upgradeStones -= required; equip.upgrade(); Global.CurrentLevel.player.isVariableMapDirty = true; for ( int i = 0; i < Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.size; i++ ) { AbilityTree tree = Global.CurrentLevel.player.slottedAbilities.get( i ); if (tree != null) { tree.current.current.setCaster( Global.CurrentLevel.player ); } } } } ); table.add( button ).expandX().left(); keyboardHelper.add( button ); } else { table.add( new Label(equip.getName(), skin) ).expandX().left(); } table.add( new Label( "Requires " + required + " stones", skin ) ).expandX().left(); table.row(); } } table.add( new Seperator( skin ) ).colspan( 2 ).expandX().fillX(); table.row(); TextButton cancel = new TextButton( "Cancel", skin ); cancel.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { GameScreen.Instance.clearContextMenu( true ); } } ); table.add( cancel ).colspan( 2 ); table.row(); keyboardHelper.add( cancel ); keyboardHelper.cancel = cancel; queueContextMenu( table, keyboardHelper ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void displayWeaponHitPattern() { weaponTiles = TaskAttack.buildAllDirectionHitTiles( Global.CurrentLevel.player ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void displayGameMenu() {; Table table = new Table(); table.defaults().pad( 10 ); Label titleLabel = new Label( "Menu", skin, "title" ); table.add( titleLabel ).expandX().left(); table.row(); table.add( new Seperator(skin) ).expandX().fillX(); table.row(); TextButton resumeButton = new TextButton( "Resume", skin ); resumeButton.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { clearContextMenu( true ); } } ); table.add( resumeButton ).expandX().width( 200 ).center(); table.row(); TextButton optionsButton = new TextButton( "Options", skin ); optionsButton.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { OptionsScreen.Instance.screen = ScreenEnum.GAME; RoguelikeGame.Instance.switchScreen( ScreenEnum.OPTIONS ); } } ); table.add( optionsButton ).expandX().width( 200 ).center(); table.row(); TextButton quitButton = new TextButton( "Save and Quit", skin ); quitButton.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) {; } } ); table.add( quitButton ).expandX().width( 200 ).center(); table.row(); ButtonKeyboardHelper keyboardHelper = new ButtonKeyboardHelper( resumeButton ); keyboardHelper.add( optionsButton ); keyboardHelper.add( quitButton ); displayContextMenu( table, true, keyboardHelper ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void displayLevelEntryMessage(String title, String message) { if ( !created ) { create(); created = true; } Table table = new Table(); table.defaults().pad( 5 ); Label titleLabel = new Label( title, skin, "title" ); table.add( titleLabel ).expandX().left(); table.row(); table.add( new Seperator(skin) ).expandX().fillX(); table.row(); Label messageLabel = new Label(message, skin); messageLabel.setWrap( true ); table.add( messageLabel ).expand().fill().left().top(); table.row(); table.add( new Seperator(skin) ).expandX().fillX(); table.row(); TextButton button = new TextButton( "Continue", skin ); button.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { clearContextMenu( true ); } } ); table.add( button ).expandX().center(); displayContextMenu( table, true, new ButtonKeyboardHelper( button ) ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void displayActionOptions(Array<ActivationActionGroup> actions, final EnvironmentEntity parent) { Table table = new Table(); table.defaults().pad( 5 ); Label title = new Label("Action", skin, "title"); table.add( title ).expandX().left(); table.row(); table.add( new Seperator( skin ) ).expandX().fillX(); table.row(); Table actionTable = new Table( ); actionTable.defaults().pad( 10 ); ButtonKeyboardHelper keyboardHelper = new ButtonKeyboardHelper( ); for (final ActivationActionGroup action : actions) { TextButton button = new TextButton(, skin ); button.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { clearContextMenu( true ); action.activate( parent, Global.CurrentLevel.player, 1 ); Global.CurrentLevel.player.tasks.add( new TaskWait() ); } } ); actionTable.add( button ).expandX().width( 200 ).center(); actionTable.row(); keyboardHelper.add( button ); } table.add( actionTable ).expand().fill(); table.row(); table.add( new Seperator( skin ) ).expandX().fillX(); table.row(); TextButton qbutton = new TextButton( "Cancel", skin ); qbutton.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked( InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { clearContextMenu( true ); } } ); table.add( qbutton ).expandX().width( 200 ).center(); table.row(); keyboardHelper.add( qbutton ); keyboardHelper.cancel = qbutton; displayContextMenu( table, true, keyboardHelper ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void addTouchAction( float x, float y ) { if (skin == null) { return; } Widget widget = new Label("O", skin); widget.setColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); widget.addAction( new SequenceAction( Actions.delay( 2 ), Actions.removeActor() ) ); widget.setPosition( x - widget.getWidth()/2, y - widget.getHeight()/2 ); stage.addActor( widget ); widget.setVisible( true ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void addSpriteAction(Sprite sprite, int x, int y, int width, int height) { float duration = sprite.getLifetime(); Table table = new Table(); table.add( new SpriteWidget( sprite, width, height ) ); table.addAction( Actions.delay( duration, Actions.removeActor() ) ); table.setPosition( x, y ); stage.addActor( table ); table.setVisible( true ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void addFullScreenMessage( String message ) { Label label = new Label( message, skin, "title" ); label.setColor( Color.WHITE ); int cx = 50; int cy = Global.Resolution[ 1 ] - 50; label.addAction( new SequenceAction( Actions.moveTo( cx + 25, cy, 2.5f ), Actions.removeActor() ) ); label.setPosition( cx, cy ); stage.addActor( label ); label.setVisible( true ); } // endregion Public Methods // ####################################################################// // region Data // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public Array<ContextMenuData> contextMenuQueue = new Array<ContextMenuData>( ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public enum RenderLayer { GROUNDTILE, GROUNDFIELD, ITEM, ESSENCE, CURSOR, SEENFOG, OBJECT, EFFECT, OVERHEAD, UNSEENFOG } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public boolean examineMode = false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private static final float ScreenShakeSpeed = 0.02f; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private long lastSleep; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static GameScreen Instance; private final GlyphLayout layout = new GlyphLayout(); private final Color temp = new Color(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public GestureDetector gestureDetector; public ButtonKeyboardHelper keyboardHelper; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public OrthographicCamera camera; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private Tooltip contextMenu; public boolean lockContextMenu; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public DragDropPayload dragDropPayload; public float screenShakeRadius; public float screenShakeAngle; public InputMultiplexer inputMultiplexer; public boolean mouseOverUI; public Array<Item> pickupQueue = new Array<Item>( false, 16 ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public ActiveAbility preparedAbility; private Array<Point> abilityTiles; private Point selectedAbilityTile; private int selectedAbilityTileIndex; public Array<Point> weaponTiles; private Color tempColour = new Color(); //private Tooltip tooltip; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private BinaryHeap<RenderSprite> queuedSprites = new BinaryHeap<RenderSprite>( ); private Array<Entity> hasStatus = new Array<Entity>(); private Array<Entity> entitiesWithSpeech = new Array<Entity>(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private Pool<RenderSprite> renderSpritePool = Pools.get( RenderSprite.class, Integer.MAX_VALUE ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private Sprite border; private int mousePosX; private int mousePosY; public Stage stage; private SpriteBatch batch; private TextureRegion blank; private TextureRegion white; private Sprite bag; private EnumMap<GameTile.OrbType, Sprite> orbs = new EnumMap<GameTile.OrbType, Sprite>( GameTile.OrbType.class ); private TextureRegion speechBubbleArrow; private NinePatch speechBubbleBackground; private float frametime; private BitmapFont font; private BitmapFont hightlightfont; private float screenShakeAccumulator; private TilingSprite fogSprite; private static final Color seenFogCol = new Color( 0, 0, 0, 0.5f ); private static final Color seenCol = new Color( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f ); private static final Color unseenFogCol = new Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private AbilityPanel abilityPanel; private EquipmentPanel equipmentPanel; private ButtonsPanel buttonsPanel; private Skin skin; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private long diff, start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private float lastZoom; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private boolean created; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private boolean longPressed; private boolean dragged; private float startX; private float startY; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private int fps; private float storedFrametime; private float fpsAccumulator; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private static final SoundInstance prepareAbilitySound = SoundInstance.getSound( "PrepareAbility" ); private static final SoundInstance unprepareAbilitySound = SoundInstance.getSound( "UnprepareAbility" ); private final EnumBitflag<Direction> directionBitflag = new EnumBitflag<Direction>( ); // endregion Data // ####################################################################// // region Classes public static class RenderSprite extends BinaryHeap.Node { public final Color colour = new Color(); public Sprite sprite; public RenderLayer layer; public int x; public int y; public int width; public int height; public int index; public int comparisonVal; public RenderSprite() { super(0); } public RenderSprite set( Sprite sprite, Color colour, int x, int y, int width, int height, int offsetx, int offsety, RenderLayer layer, int index ) { this.sprite = sprite; this.colour.set( colour ); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.layer = layer; this.index = index; float bx = (float)(x - offsetx) / (float)Global.TileSize; float by = (float)(y - offsety) / (float)Global.TileSize; int sx = (int)bx; int sy = (int)by; if (layer == RenderLayer.OVERHEAD) { sy--; } comparisonVal = ( MAX_Y_BLOCK_SIZE - ( sy * Y_BLOCK_SIZE ) ) + ( MAX_X_BLOCK_SIZE - ( sx * X_BLOCK_SIZE ) ) + layer.ordinal() * LAYER_BLOCK_SIZE + index; return this; } private static final int LAYER_BLOCK_SIZE = 10; private static final int X_BLOCK_SIZE = RenderLayer.values().length * LAYER_BLOCK_SIZE; public static int Y_BLOCK_SIZE = 0; public static int MAX_Y_BLOCK_SIZE = 0; public static int MAX_X_BLOCK_SIZE = 0; public static void setBlockSize( int width, int height ) { Y_BLOCK_SIZE = X_BLOCK_SIZE * width; MAX_Y_BLOCK_SIZE = Y_BLOCK_SIZE * height; MAX_X_BLOCK_SIZE = X_BLOCK_SIZE * width; } } public static class GrayscaleShader { static String vertexShader = "attribute vec4 a_position;\n" + "attribute vec4 a_color;\n" + "attribute vec2 a_texCoord0;\n" + "\n" + "uniform mat4 u_projTrans;\n" + "\n" + "varying vec4 v_color;\n" + "varying vec2 v_texCoords;\n" + "\n" + "void main() {\n" + " v_color = a_color;\n" + " v_texCoords = a_texCoord0;\n" + " gl_Position = u_projTrans * a_position;\n" + "}"; static String fragmentShader = "#ifdef GL_ES\n" + " precision mediump float;\n" + "#endif\n" + "\n" + "varying vec4 v_color;\n" + "varying vec2 v_texCoords;\n" + "uniform sampler2D u_texture;\n" + "\n" + "void main() {\n" + " vec4 c = v_color * texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoords);\n" + " float grey = (c.r + c.g + c.b) / 3.0;\n" + " gl_FragColor = vec4(grey, grey, grey, c.a);\n" + "}"; public static ShaderProgram Instance = new ShaderProgram( vertexShader, fragmentShader ); } public static class ContextMenuData { public final Table content; public final ButtonKeyboardHelper keyboardHelper; public ContextMenuData(Table content, ButtonKeyboardHelper keyboardHelper) { this.content = content; this.keyboardHelper = keyboardHelper; } } // endregion Classes // ####################################################################// }