package Roguelike.DungeonGeneration; import; import java.util.Random; import Roguelike.Util.FastEnumMap; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.XmlReader; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.XmlReader.Element; public class FactionParser { public enum FeaturePlacementType { FURTHEST, WALL, CENTRE, ANY } public String name; public Array<DungeonFileParser.DFPRoom> rooms = new Array<DungeonFileParser.DFPRoom>( ); public Array<Creature> creatures = new Array<Creature>(); public Array<String> bosses = new Array<String>(); public Array<String> minibosses = new Array<String>( ); public FastEnumMap<FeaturePlacementType, Array<Feature>> features = new FastEnumMap<FeaturePlacementType, Array<Feature>>( FeaturePlacementType.class ); private FactionParser() { for ( FeaturePlacementType type : FeaturePlacementType.values() ) { features.put( type, new Array<Feature>() ); } } public Array<Creature> getCreatures( Random ran, float difficulty, int influence ) { Array<Creature> validCreatures = new Array<Creature>(); for ( Creature creature : creatures ) { if ( creature.minInfluence <= influence && creature.maxInfluence >= influence ) { validCreatures.add( creature ); } } Array<Creature> chosen = new Array<Creature>(); float maxCost = difficulty; if ( maxCost < 1 ) { maxCost = 1; } while ( maxCost >= 0 && validCreatures.size > 0 ) { int index = ran.nextInt( validCreatures.size ); Creature creature = validCreatures.get( index ); if ( maxCost < creature.cost ) { validCreatures.removeIndex( index ); } else { maxCost -= creature.cost; chosen.add( creature ); } } System.out.println( "Difficulty: " + difficulty + " Num Spawned: " + chosen.size ); return chosen; } private void internalLoad( String faction, String path ) { name = faction; XmlReader xml = new XmlReader(); Element xmlElement = null; try { xmlElement = xml.parse( Gdx.files.internal( "Entities/" + path + "/" + faction + ".xml" ) ); } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } Element featuresElement = xmlElement.getChildByName( "Features" ); if ( featuresElement != null ) { for ( Element featureElement : featuresElement.getChildrenByName( "Feature" ) ) { Feature feature = Feature.load( featureElement ); features.get( feature.type ).add( feature ); } } Element creaturesElement = xmlElement.getChildByName( "Creatures" ); if ( creaturesElement != null ) { for ( int i = 0; i < creaturesElement.getChildCount(); i++ ) { Element creatureElement = creaturesElement.getChild( i ); creatures.add( Creature.load( creatureElement, path ) ); } } Element bossesElement = xmlElement.getChildByName( "Bosses" ); if ( bossesElement != null ) { for ( int i = 0; i < bossesElement.getChildCount(); i++ ) { Element bossElement = bossesElement.getChild( i ); bosses.add( path + "/" + bossElement.getName() ); } } Element miniBossesElement = xmlElement.getChildByName( "MiniBosses" ); if ( miniBossesElement != null ) { for ( int i = 0; i < miniBossesElement.getChildCount(); i++ ) { Element miniBossElement = miniBossesElement.getChild( i ); minibosses.add( path + "/" + miniBossElement.getName() ); } } Element roomsElement = xmlElement.getChildByName( "Rooms" ); if (roomsElement != null) { for (int i = 0; i < roomsElement.getChildCount(); i++) { Element roomElement = roomsElement.getChild( i ); DungeonFileParser.DFPRoom room = DungeonFileParser.DFPRoom.parse( roomElement ); // Fill in full creature paths for ( Symbol s : room.symbolMap.values() ) { if (s.entityData != null) { // Attempt to find the creature String creaturePath = path + "/" + s.entityData; boolean found = false; if (!found) { for (Creature c : creatures) { if (c.entityName.equals( creaturePath )) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { for (String c : minibosses) { if (c.equals( creaturePath )) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { for (String c : bosses) { if (c.equals( creaturePath )) { found = true; break; } } } if (found) { s.entityData = creaturePath; } } } rooms.add(room); } } } public static FactionParser load( String faction ) { String path = "Enemies/" + faction; if ( !Gdx.files.internal( "Entities/" + path + "/" + faction + ".xml" ).exists() ) { path = "NPC/" + faction; if ( !Gdx.files.internal( "Entities/" + path + "/" + faction + ".xml" ).exists() ) { return null; } } FactionParser fp = new FactionParser(); fp.internalLoad( faction, path ); return fp; } public static class Creature { public String entityName; public float cost; public int minInfluence; public int maxInfluence; public static Creature load( Element xml, String path ) { Creature creature = new Creature(); creature.entityName = path + "/" + xml.getName(); creature.cost = xml.getFloat( "Cost", 1 ); creature.minInfluence = xml.getInt( "MinInfluence", 0 ); creature.maxInfluence = xml.getInt( "MaxInfluence", 100 ); return creature; } } public static class Feature { public Element tileData; public Element environmentData; public Element fieldData; public int minRange; public int maxRange; public int coverage; public float minCoverage = 0; public float maxCoverage = 100; public FeaturePlacementType type; public static Feature load( Element xml ) { Feature feature = new Feature(); feature.minRange = xml.getInt( "RangeMin", 0 ); feature.maxRange = xml.getInt( "RangeMax", 100 ); Element coverageElement = xml.getChildByName( "Coverage" ); if ( coverageElement != null ) { feature.coverage = Integer.parseInt( coverageElement.getText() ); feature.minCoverage = coverageElement.getFloatAttribute( "Min", feature.minCoverage ); feature.maxCoverage = coverageElement.getFloatAttribute( "Max", feature.maxCoverage ); } else { feature.coverage = 50; } feature.tileData = xml.getChildByName( "TileData" ); feature.environmentData = xml.getChildByName( "EnvironmentData" ); feature.fieldData = xml.getChildByName( "FieldData" ); feature.type = FeaturePlacementType.valueOf( xml.get( "Placement" ).toUpperCase() ); return feature; } public Symbol getAsSymbol( Symbol current ) { Symbol symbol = current.copy(); symbol.character = 'F'; symbol.tileData = tileData != null ? tileData : current.tileData; symbol.environmentData = environmentData != null ? environmentData : current.environmentData; symbol.fieldData = fieldData != null ? fieldData : current.fieldData; return symbol; } public int getNumTilesToPlace( int influence, int numValidTiles ) { float currentInfluence = (float) ( influence - minRange ) / (float) ( maxRange - minRange ); float currentCoverage = ( coverage * currentInfluence ) / 100; currentCoverage = MathUtils.clamp( currentCoverage, minCoverage, maxCoverage ); int numTilesToPlace = (int) Math.floor( numValidTiles * currentCoverage ); return numTilesToPlace; } } }