package Roguelike; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.HashMap; import Roguelike.Sound.SoundInstance; import Roguelike.Sprite.Sprite; import Roguelike.Sprite.Sprite.AnimationMode; import Roguelike.Sprite.SpriteAnimation.AbstractSpriteAnimation; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.BufferUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.XmlReader.Element; public class AssetManager { private static HashMap<String, BitmapFont> loadedFonts = new HashMap<String, BitmapFont>(); public static BitmapFont loadFont( String name, int size ) { return loadFont( name, size, Color.WHITE, 1, Color.BLACK, false ); } public static BitmapFont loadFont( String name, int size, Color colour, int borderWidth, Color borderColour, boolean shadow ) { String key = name + size + colour.toString() + borderWidth + borderColour.toString(); if ( loadedFonts.containsKey( key ) ) { return loadedFonts.get( key ); } FreeTypeFontGenerator fgenerator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator( Gdx.files.internal( name ) ); FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontParameter(); parameter.size = size; parameter.borderWidth = borderWidth; parameter.kerning = true; parameter.borderColor = borderColour; parameter.borderStraight = true; parameter.color = colour; if ( shadow ) { parameter.shadowOffsetX = -1; parameter.shadowOffsetY = 1; } BitmapFont font = fgenerator.generateFont( parameter ); font.getData().markupEnabled = true; fgenerator.dispose(); // don't forget to dispose to avoid memory leaks! loadedFonts.put( key, font ); return font; } private static HashMap<String, Sound> loadedSounds = new HashMap<String, Sound>(); public static Sound loadSound( String path ) { if ( loadedSounds.containsKey( path ) ) { return loadedSounds.get( path ); } FileHandle file = Gdx.files.internal( "Sound/" + path + ".mp3" ); if ( !file.exists() ) { file = Gdx.files.internal( "Sound/" + path + ".ogg" ); if ( !file.exists() ) { loadedSounds.put( path, null ); return null; } } Sound sound = file ); loadedSounds.put( path, sound ); return sound; } private static final TextureAtlas prepackedAtlas = new TextureAtlas( Gdx.files.internal( "Atlases/SpriteAtlas.atlas" ) ); private static HashMap<String, TextureRegion> loadedTextureRegions = new HashMap<String, TextureRegion>(); public static TextureRegion loadTextureRegion( String path ) { if ( loadedTextureRegions.containsKey( path ) ) { return loadedTextureRegions.get( path ); } String atlasName = path; atlasName = atlasName.replaceFirst( "Sprites/", "" ); atlasName = atlasName.replace( ".png", "" ); TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion region = prepackedAtlas.findRegion( atlasName ); if ( region != null ) { TextureRegion textureRegion = new TextureRegion( region ); loadedTextureRegions.put( path, textureRegion ); return textureRegion; } else { loadedTextureRegions.put( path, null ); return null; } } private static HashMap<String, Texture> loadedTextures = new HashMap<String, Texture>(); public static Texture loadTexture( String path ) { if ( loadedTextures.containsKey( path ) ) { return loadedTextures.get( path ); } FileHandle file = Gdx.files.internal( path ); if ( !file.exists() ) { loadedTextures.put( path, null ); return null; } Texture region = new Texture( path ); region.setFilter( TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear ); loadedTextures.put( path, region ); return region; } public static Sprite loadSprite( String name ) { return loadSprite( name, 0.5f, Color.WHITE, AnimationMode.TEXTURE, null, false ); } public static Sprite loadSprite( String name, boolean drawActualSize ) { return loadSprite( name, 0.5f, Color.WHITE, AnimationMode.TEXTURE, null, drawActualSize ); } public static Sprite loadSprite( String name, float updateTime ) { return loadSprite( name, updateTime, Color.WHITE, AnimationMode.TEXTURE, null, false ); } public static Sprite loadSprite( String name, float updateTime, String sound ) { return loadSprite( name, updateTime, Color.WHITE, AnimationMode.TEXTURE, SoundInstance.getSound( sound ), false ); } public static Sprite loadSprite( String name, float updateTime, Color colour, AnimationMode mode, SoundInstance sound, boolean drawActualSize ) { Array<TextureRegion> textures = new Array<TextureRegion>( false, 1, TextureRegion.class ); // Try 0 indexed sprite int i = 0; while ( true ) { TextureRegion tex = loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/" + name + "_" + i + ".png" ); if ( tex == null ) { break; } else { textures.add( tex ); } i++; } // Try 1 indexed sprite if ( textures.size == 0 ) { i = 1; while ( true ) { TextureRegion tex = loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/" + name + "_" + i + ".png" ); if ( tex == null ) { break; } else { textures.add( tex ); } i++; } } // Try sprite without indexes if ( textures.size == 0 ) { TextureRegion tex = loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/" + name + ".png" ); if ( tex != null ) { textures.add( tex ); } } if ( textures.size == 0 ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cant find any textures for " + name + "!" ); } if ( updateTime <= 0 ) { if ( mode == AnimationMode.SINE ) { updateTime = 4; } else { updateTime = 0.5f; } } Sprite sprite = new Sprite( name, updateTime, textures, colour, mode, sound, drawActualSize ); return sprite; } public static Sprite loadSprite( Element xml ) { Element colourElement = xml.getChildByName( "Colour" ); Color colour = new Color(Color.WHITE); if ( colourElement != null ) { colour = new Color(); colour.a = 1; String rgb = colourElement.get( "RGB", null ); if ( rgb != null ) { String[] cols = rgb.split( "," ); colour.r = Float.parseFloat( cols[0] ) / 255.0f; colour.g = Float.parseFloat( cols[1] ) / 255.0f; colour.b = Float.parseFloat( cols[2] ) / 255.0f; } colour.r = colourElement.getFloat( "Red", colour.r ); colour.g = colourElement.getFloat( "Green", colour.g ); colour.b = colourElement.getFloat( "Blue", colour.b ); colour.a = colourElement.getFloat( "Alpha", colour.a ); } Element soundElement = xml.getChildByName( "Sound" ); SoundInstance sound = null; if ( soundElement != null ) { sound = SoundInstance.load( soundElement ); } Sprite sprite = loadSprite( xml.get( "Name" ), xml.getFloat( "UpdateRate", 0 ), colour, AnimationMode.valueOf( xml.get( "AnimationMode", "Texture" ).toUpperCase() ), sound, xml.getBoolean( "DrawActualSize", false ) ); sprite.repeatDelay = xml.getFloat( "RepeatDelay", 0 ); Element animationElement = xml.getChildByName( "Animation" ); if ( animationElement != null ) { sprite.spriteAnimation = AbstractSpriteAnimation.load( animationElement.getChild( 0 ) ); } return sprite; } public static Sprite loadSprite( Element xml, TextureRegion texture ) { Element colourElement = xml.getChildByName( "Colour" ); Color colour = Color.WHITE; if ( colourElement != null ) { colour = new Color(); colour.a = 1; String rgb = colourElement.get( "RGB", null ); if ( rgb != null ) { String[] cols = rgb.split( "," ); colour.r = Float.parseFloat( cols[0] ) / 255.0f; colour.g = Float.parseFloat( cols[1] ) / 255.0f; colour.b = Float.parseFloat( cols[2] ) / 255.0f; } colour.r = colourElement.getFloat( "Red", colour.r ); colour.g = colourElement.getFloat( "Green", colour.g ); colour.b = colourElement.getFloat( "Blue", colour.b ); colour.a = colourElement.getFloat( "Alpha", colour.a ); } Element soundElement = xml.getChildByName( "Sound" ); SoundInstance sound = null; if ( soundElement != null ) { sound = SoundInstance.load( soundElement ); } Array<TextureRegion> textures = new Array<TextureRegion>( false, 1, TextureRegion.class ); textures.add( texture ); float updateTime = xml.getFloat( "UpdateRate", 0 ); AnimationMode mode = AnimationMode.valueOf( xml.get( "AnimationMode", "Texture" ).toUpperCase() ) ; if ( updateTime <= 0 ) { if ( mode == AnimationMode.SINE ) { updateTime = 4; } else { updateTime = 0.5f; } } Sprite sprite = new Sprite( xml.get( "Name", null ), updateTime, textures, colour, mode, sound, xml.getBoolean( "DrawActualSize", false ) ); sprite.repeatDelay = xml.getFloat( "RepeatDelay", 0 ); Element animationElement = xml.getChildByName( "Animation" ); if ( animationElement != null ) { sprite.spriteAnimation = AbstractSpriteAnimation.load( animationElement.getChild( 0 ) ); } return sprite; } }