package Roguelike.DungeonGeneration.RoomGenerators; import java.util.Random; import Roguelike.Global; import Roguelike.Global.Direction; import Roguelike.DungeonGeneration.DungeonFileParser; import Roguelike.DungeonGeneration.Symbol; import Roguelike.Tiles.Point; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.XmlReader.Element; /* * Builds a 'burrow' - that is the organic looking patterns * discovered by Kusigrosz and documented in this thread * */ /* Arguments: * ngb_min, ngb_max: the minimum and maximum number of neighbouring * floor cells that a wall cell must have to become a floor cell. * 1 <= ngb_min <= 3; ngb_min <= ngb_max <= 8; * connchance: the chance (in percent) that a new connection is * allowed; for ngb_max == 1 this has no effect as any * connecting cell must have 2 neighbours anyway. * cellnum: the maximum number of floor cells that will be generated. * The default values of the arguments are defined below. * * Algorithm description: * The algorithm operates on a rectangular grid. Each cell can be 'wall' * or 'floor'. A (non-border) cell has 8 neigbours - diagonals count. * There is also a cell store with two operations: store a given cell on * top, and pull a cell from the store. The cell to be pulled is selected * randomly from the store if N_cells_in_store < 125, and from the top * 25 * cube_root(N_cells_in_store) otherwise. There is no check for * repetitions, so a given cell can be stored multiple times. * * The algorithm starts with most of the map filled with 'wall', with a * "seed" of some floor cells; their neigbouring wall cells are in store. * The main loop in delveon() is repeated until the desired number of * floor cells is achieved, or there is nothing in store: * 1) Get a cell from the store; * Check the conditions: * a) the cell has between ngb_min and ngb_max floor neighbours, * b) making it a floor cell won't open new connections, * or the RNG allows it with connchance/100 chance. * if a) and b) are met, the cell becomes floor, and its wall * neighbours are put in store in random order. * There are many variants possible, for example: * 1) picking the cell in rndpull() always from the whole store makes * compact patterns; * 2) storing the neighbours in digcell() clockwise starting from * a random one, and picking the bottom cell in rndpull() creates * meandering or spiral patterns. */ public class Burrow extends AbstractRoomGenerator { private float floorCoverage; private float connectionChance; private Array<Point> tempArray = new Array<Point>(); private boolean canPlace( Symbol[][] grid, Symbol floor, Symbol wall, Random ran, Point p ) { return true; } private Point getCellFromStore( Array<Point> cellStore, Random ran ) { int range = cellStore.size; if ( cellStore.size > 125 ) { range = (int) ( 25 * Math.pow( cellStore.size, 1.0f / 3.0f ) ); } int index = ran.nextInt( range ); Point p = cellStore.removeIndex( cellStore.size - index - 1 ); return p; } private void addNeighboursToCellStore( Symbol[][] grid, Symbol wall, Point point, Array<Point> cellStore ) { for ( Direction dir : Direction.values() ) { int nx = point.x + dir.getX(); int ny = point.y + dir.getY(); if ( nx < 0 || ny < 0 || nx >= grid.length || ny >= grid[0].length ) { continue; } if ( grid[nx][ny] == wall ) { cellStore.add( Global.PointPool.obtain().set( nx, ny ) ); } } } private Point placeNewSeed( Symbol[][] grid, Symbol floor, Symbol wall, Random ran ) { int width = grid.length; int height = grid[0].length; for ( int x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { for ( int y = 0; y < height; y++ ) { if ( grid[x][y] == wall ) { Point pos = Global.PointPool.obtain().set( x, y ); tempArray.add( pos ); } } } Point chosen = tempArray.get( ran.nextInt( tempArray.size ) ).copy(); grid[chosen.x][chosen.y] = floor; Global.PointPool.freeAll( tempArray ); tempArray.clear(); return chosen; } @Override public void process( Symbol[][] grid, Symbol floor, Symbol wall, Random ran, DungeonFileParser dfp ) { Array<Point> cellStore = new Array<Point>( false, 16 ); int placedCount = 0; int width = grid.length; int height = grid[0].length; int targetTileCount = (int) ( width * height * floorCoverage ); // Place seed tiles for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { Point seed = placeNewSeed( grid, floor, wall, ran ); placedCount++; addNeighboursToCellStore( grid, wall, seed, cellStore );; } // place tiles while ( placedCount < targetTileCount ) { if ( cellStore.size == 0 ) { Point seed = placeNewSeed( grid, floor, wall, ran ); placedCount++; addNeighboursToCellStore( grid, wall, seed, cellStore );; } else { Point p = getCellFromStore( cellStore, ran ); if ( canPlace( grid, floor, wall, ran, p ) ) { grid[p.x][p.y] = floor; placedCount++; addNeighboursToCellStore( grid, wall, p, cellStore );; } } } } @Override public void parse( Element xml ) { floorCoverage = xml.getFloat( "FloorCoverage", 0.6f ); connectionChance = xml.getFloat( "ConnectionChance", 0.2f ); } }