package Roguelike; import Roguelike.Entity.Entity; import Roguelike.Entity.GameEntity; import Roguelike.GameEvent.Damage.DamageObject; import Roguelike.GameEvent.GameEventHandler; import Roguelike.Levels.Level; import Roguelike.Levels.LevelManager; import Roguelike.Lights.Light; import Roguelike.Quests.QuestManager; import Roguelike.RoguelikeGame.ScreenEnum; import Roguelike.Save.SaveFile; import Roguelike.Save.SaveLevel; import Roguelike.Screens.GameScreen; import Roguelike.Screens.LoadingScreen; import Roguelike.Sound.Mixer; import Roguelike.Sound.RepeatingSoundEffect; import Roguelike.Tiles.GameTile; import Roguelike.Tiles.GameTile.LightData; import Roguelike.Tiles.Point; import Roguelike.UI.ClassList; import Roguelike.UI.LayeredDrawable; import Roguelike.UI.Seperator; import Roguelike.UI.TabPanel; import Roguelike.UI.Tooltip.TooltipStyle; import Roguelike.Util.Controls; import Roguelike.Util.EnumBitflag; import Roguelike.Util.FastEnumMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.CheckBox.CheckBoxStyle; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label.LabelStyle; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ProgressBar.ProgressBarStyle; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextField.TextFieldStyle; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.NinePatchDrawable; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.TextureRegionDrawable; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.XmlReader.Element; import exp4j.Helpers.EquationHelper; import net.objecthunter.exp4j.Expression; import net.objecthunter.exp4j.ExpressionBuilder; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; public class Global { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static final boolean CanMoveDiagonal = false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static final int NUM_ABILITY_SLOTS = 5; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static boolean MovementTypePathfind = false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static float MusicVolume = 1; public static float AmbientVolume = 1; public static float EffectVolume = 1; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static RoguelikeGame Game; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static Controls Controls = new Controls(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static AbstractApplicationChanger ApplicationChanger; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static boolean ANDROID = false; public static boolean RELEASE = false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static GameEntity CurrentDialogue = null; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static float AnimationSpeed = 1; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static int FPS = 0; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static int[] ScreenSize = { 600, 400 }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static int[] Resolution = { 600, 400 }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static int[] TargetResolution = { 600, 400 }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static int TileSize = 32; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static LevelManager LevelManager; public static QuestManager QuestManager; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static Level CurrentLevel; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static ObjectMap<String, String> WorldFlags = new ObjectMap<String, String>(); public static ObjectMap<String, String> RunFlags = new ObjectMap<String, String>(); public static ObjectMap<String, String> WorldFlagsCopy = new ObjectMap<String, String>( ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static boolean CharGenMode = false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static Mixer BGM; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static float AUT = 0; public static int lives; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static float DayNightFactor = 1; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static Pool<Point> PointPool = Pools.get( Point.class, Integer.MAX_VALUE ); public static Pool<Light> LightPool = Pools.get( Light.class, Integer.MAX_VALUE ); public static Pool<LightData> LightDataPool = Pools.get( LightData.class, Integer.MAX_VALUE ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- static { Colors.put( "Name", Color.GREEN ); Colors.put( "Place", Color.CYAN ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void updateVolume() { if (BGM != null) { BGM.updateVolume(); } if (CurrentLevel != null) { for (RepeatingSoundEffect rse : CurrentLevel.ambientSounds) { rse.updateVolume(); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static SaveFile load() { SaveFile save = null; try { save = new SaveFile(); save.load(); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } Global.QuestManager = new QuestManager(); Global.QuestManager.usedQuests = save.usedQuests; Global.QuestManager.deferredFlags = save.deferredFlags; Global.WorldFlags = save.worldFlags; Global.WorldFlagsCopy = save.worldFlagsCopy; Global.RunFlags = save.runFlags; Global.lives = save.lives; LevelManager = save.levelManager; return save; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void save() { SaveFile save = new SaveFile(); save.levelManager = LevelManager; save.usedQuests = QuestManager.usedQuests; save.worldFlags = WorldFlags; save.worldFlagsCopy = WorldFlagsCopy; save.runFlags = RunFlags; save.deferredFlags = QuestManager.deferredFlags; save.lives = lives; if ( CurrentLevel != null && LevelManager.current != null && LevelManager.current.currentLevel != null ) { Global.CurrentLevel ); save.isDead = CurrentLevel.player.HP <= 0; } else { save.isDead = true; }; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void newWorld() { lives = 0; LevelManager = new LevelManager(); QuestManager = new QuestManager(); AUT = 0; WorldFlags.clear(); WorldFlagsCopy.clear(); RunFlags.clear(); Global.WorldFlags.put( "tavern", "1" ); Global.WorldFlags.put( "startingfunds", "50" ); GameScreen.Instance.queueMessage( "Welcome to A Skin of Others", "For as long as anyone in your village can remember creatures have been attacking out from beneath Melet mountain." + "At night they spring from the darkness and snatch the unwary and unvigilant, dragging them away to who knows where. " + "The imperial capital has been unwilling to send aid, despite numerous requests, so the task of saving the village falls to you. " + "Strike out into the forest, save those within, and fight your way down into the depths of the mountain to seal the portal the creatures" + " are coming from."); GameScreen.Instance.queueMessage( "Controls", "Click in a direction to move there (or use the arrow keys)." + " Click on your character to pass a turn (or press space). " + "Move into an enemy to attack them, or into an NPC to talk to them." + " Click an ability on the left to ready it, then on a blue target to use it."); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void testWorld() { LevelManager = new LevelManager(); LevelManager.current = LevelManager.root.getLabelledLevel( "EnchantedForest" ); QuestManager = new QuestManager(); AUT = 0; WorldFlags.clear(); WorldFlagsCopy.clear(); RunFlags.clear(); Global.WorldFlags.put( "tavern", "1" ); Global.WorldFlags.put( "startingfunds", "50" ); SaveLevel firstLevel = new SaveLevel( "EnchantedForest", 1, LevelManager.current.getExtraRooms( "Forest", 1, new Random() ), MathUtils.random( Long.MAX_VALUE - 1 ) ); LevelManager.current.currentLevel = firstLevel; Array<ClassList.ClassDesc> classes = ClassList.parse(); GameEntity player = classes.get( 0 ).male; for (Statistic stat : Statistic.BaseValues) { player.statistics.put( stat, 100 ); } player.isVariableMapDirty = true; LoadingScreen.Instance.set( firstLevel, player, "PlayerSpawn", null ); RoguelikeGame.Instance.switchScreen( ScreenEnum.LOADING ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void newGame( GameEntity player ) { LevelManager = new LevelManager(); QuestManager = new QuestManager(); AUT = 0; DayNightFactor = (float) ( 0.1f + ( ( ( Math.sin( AUT / 100.0f ) + 1.0f ) / 2.0f ) * 0.9f ) ); RunFlags.clear(); SaveLevel firstLevel = new SaveLevel( LevelManager.current.levelName, 1, LevelManager.current.getExtraRooms( "NewGame", 1, new Random() ), MathUtils.random( Long.MAX_VALUE - 1 ) ); LevelManager.current.currentLevel = firstLevel; GameScreen.Instance.displayLevelEntryMessage( LevelManager.current.levelTitle, LevelManager.current.levelDescription ); LoadingScreen.Instance.set( firstLevel, player, "PlayerSpawn", null ); RoguelikeGame.Instance.switchScreen( ScreenEnum.LOADING ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void changeBGM(String bgmName) { if ( BGM != null ) { BGM.mix( bgmName, 1 ); } else { BGM = new Mixer( bgmName, 1f ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void changeLevel( Level level, GameEntity player, Object travelData ) { if ( CurrentLevel != null ) { for ( RepeatingSoundEffect sound : CurrentLevel.ambientSounds ) { sound.stop(); } CurrentLevel.player.tile[0][0].entity = CurrentLevel.player; } CurrentLevel = level; changeBGM(level.bgmName); if ( player != null ) { boolean placed = false; level.player = player; if ( travelData instanceof String ) { String travelKey = (String) travelData; outer: for ( int x = 0; x < level.width; x++ ) { for ( int y = 0; y < level.height; y++ ) { GameTile tile = level.getGameTile( x, y ); if ( tile.metaValue != null ) { if ( tile.metaValue.equals( travelKey ) ) { tile.addGameEntity( player ); placed = true; break outer; } } } } } else if ( travelData instanceof Point ) { GameTile tile = level.getGameTile( (Point) travelData ); tile.addGameEntity( player ); placed = true; } if (!placed) { while (!placed) { int x = MathUtils.random( level.width ); int y = MathUtils.random( level.height ); GameTile tile = level.getGameTile( x, y ); if (tile.getPassable( player.getTravelType(), player )) { tile.addGameEntity( player ); placed = true; } } } } CurrentLevel.advance( 0 ); save(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void calculateDamage( Entity attacker, Entity defender, int atk, int def, int pen, boolean doEvents ) { if ( atk <= 0 ) { return; } // attack range atk += atk * MathUtils.random( -0.1f, 0.1f ); int applicableDef = Math.max( 0, def - pen ); float reduction = applicableDef / 100.0f; int damage = atk - (int)Math.ceil((float)atk * reduction); if ( damage <= 0 ) { damage = 1; } DamageObject damObj = new DamageObject(damage); if ( doEvents ) { for ( GameEventHandler handler : attacker.getAllHandlers() ) { handler.onDealDamage( defender, damObj ); } for ( GameEventHandler handler : defender.getAllHandlers() ) { handler.onReceiveDamage( defender, damObj ); } } defender.applyDamage( damObj.damage, attacker ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static int calculateScaledAttack( HashMap<String, Integer> attackVariableMap, HashMap<String, Integer> attackerVariableMap ) { int baseAtk = attackVariableMap.get( Statistic.ATTACK.toString().toLowerCase() ); int totalAtk = baseAtk; for ( Statistic stat : Statistic.ModifierValues ) { int atkStat = attackVariableMap.get( stat.toString().toLowerCase() ); if (atkStat == 0) { continue; } float atkerStat = attackerVariableMap.get( stat.toString().toLowerCase() ) / 5.0f; float sclVal = atkerStat * atkStat; float falloff = (float)Math.sqrt( sclVal ); float modifier = falloff / 10.0f; int dam = (int) ( baseAtk * modifier ); totalAtk += dam; } return totalAtk; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static int getQuality() { int quality = Math.max( 1, Global.LevelManager.totalDepth / 5 + Math.max( 0, (int)(MathUtils.random.nextFloat() * MathUtils.random.nextFloat() * MathUtils.random.nextFloat() * 2.0f) ) ); return quality; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static boolean isNumber( String string ) { if ( string == null || string.isEmpty() ) { return false; } int i = 0; if ( string.charAt( 0 ) == '-' ) { if ( string.length() > 1 ) { i++; } else { return false; } } for ( ; i < string.length(); i++ ) { if ( !Character.isDigit( string.charAt( i ) ) ) { return false; } } return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static String expandNames( String input ) { String[] split = input.split( "\\$" ); boolean skip = !input.startsWith( "\\$" ); String output = ""; for ( int i = 0; i < split.length; i++ ) { if ( skip ) { output += split[i]; } else if ( WorldFlags.containsKey( split[i].toLowerCase() ) ) { output += WorldFlags.get( split[i].toLowerCase() ); } else if ( RunFlags.containsKey( split[i].toLowerCase() ) ) { output += RunFlags.get( split[i].toLowerCase() ); } skip = !skip; } return output; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static String capitalizeString( String s ) { String[] parts = s.split( "_" ); String output = ""; for (String part : parts) { output += part.substring( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + part.substring( 1 ).toLowerCase() + " "; } return output.trim(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static int TaxiDist(Point p1, Point p2) { return TaxiDist( p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static int TaxiDist(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { int xdiff = Math.abs( x1 - x2 ); int ydiff = Math.abs( y1 - y2 ); return Math.max( xdiff, ydiff ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static String join( String seperator, Iterable<String> strings ) { Iterator<String> itr = strings.iterator(); String out =; while (itr.hasNext()) { out += seperator +; } return out; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private static Skin skin = null; public static Skin loadSkin() { if (skin != null) { return skin; } skin = new Skin(); BitmapFont font = AssetManager.loadFont( "Sprites/Unpacked/font.ttf", 12, new Color( 0.97f, 0.87f, 0.7f, 1 ), 1, Color.BLACK, false ); skin.add( "default", font ); BitmapFont titlefont = AssetManager.loadFont( "Sprites/Unpacked/font.ttf", 20, new Color( 1f, 0.9f, 0.8f, 1 ), 1, Color.BLACK, true ); skin.add( "title", titlefont ); Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap( 1, 1, Format.RGBA8888 ); pixmap.setColor( Color.WHITE ); pixmap.fill(); skin.add( "white", new Texture( pixmap ) ); TextFieldStyle textField = new TextFieldStyle(); textField.fontColor = Color.WHITE; textField.font = skin.getFont( "default" ); textField.background = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/TextField.png" ), 6, 6, 6, 6 ) ); textField.focusedBackground = ((NinePatchDrawable)textField.background).tint( new Color( 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f ) ); textField.cursor = skin.newDrawable( "white", Color.WHITE ); textField.selection = skin.newDrawable( "white", Color.LIGHT_GRAY ); skin.add( "default", textField ); LabelStyle label = new LabelStyle(); label.font = skin.getFont( "default" ); skin.add( "default", label ); LabelStyle titleLabel = new LabelStyle(); titleLabel.font = skin.getFont( "title" ); skin.add( "title", titleLabel ); CheckBoxStyle checkButton = new CheckBoxStyle(); checkButton.checkboxOff = new TextureRegionDrawable( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Unchecked.png" ) ); checkButton.checkboxOn = new TextureRegionDrawable( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Checked.png" ) ); checkButton.font = skin.getFont( "default" ); checkButton.fontColor = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; checkButton.overFontColor = Color.WHITE; skin.add( "default", checkButton ); TextButton.TextButtonStyle textButton = new TextButton.TextButtonStyle(); textButton.up = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Button.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ); textButton.font = skin.getFont( "default" ); textButton.fontColor = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; textButton.overFontColor = Color.WHITE; //textButton.checked = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/ButtonDown.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ); textButton.over = ((NinePatchDrawable)textButton.up).tint( new Color( 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f ) ); skin.add( "default", textButton ); TextButton.TextButtonStyle bigTextButton = new TextButton.TextButtonStyle(); bigTextButton.up = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Button.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ); bigTextButton.font = skin.getFont( "title" ); bigTextButton.fontColor = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; bigTextButton.overFontColor = Color.WHITE; //bigTextButton.checked = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/ButtonDown.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ); bigTextButton.over = ((NinePatchDrawable)bigTextButton.up).tint( new Color( 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f ) ); skin.add( "big", bigTextButton ); TextButton.TextButtonStyle keyBindingButton = new TextButton.TextButtonStyle(); keyBindingButton.up = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/TextField.png" ), 6, 6, 6, 6 ) ); keyBindingButton.font = skin.getFont( "default" ); keyBindingButton.fontColor = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; keyBindingButton.overFontColor = Color.WHITE; //textButton.checked = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/ButtonDown.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ); keyBindingButton.over = ((NinePatchDrawable)keyBindingButton.up).tint( new Color( 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f ) ); skin.add( "keybinding", keyBindingButton ); TooltipStyle toolTip = new TooltipStyle(); toolTip.background = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Tooltip.png" ), 21, 21, 21, 21 ) ); skin.add( "default", toolTip ); ProgressBarStyle progressBar = new ProgressBarStyle(); progressBar.background = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/TextField.png" ), 6, 6, 6, 6 ) ); progressBar.knobBefore = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/ProgressIndicator.png" ), 8, 8, 8, 8 ) ); skin.add( "default-horizontal", progressBar ); Button.ButtonStyle buttonStyle = new Button.ButtonStyle( ); buttonStyle.up = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Button.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ); buttonStyle.over = ((NinePatchDrawable)buttonStyle.up).tint( new Color( 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f ) ); skin.add( "default", buttonStyle ); Button.ButtonStyle sheathButton = new Button.ButtonStyle( ); sheathButton.up = new LayeredDrawable( new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Button.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ), new TextureRegionDrawable( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Unsheathed.png" ) ) ); sheathButton.checked = new LayeredDrawable( new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Button.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ), new TextureRegionDrawable( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Sheathed.png" ) ) ); skin.add( "sheath", sheathButton ); Button.ButtonStyle examineButton = new Button.ButtonStyle( ); examineButton.up = new LayeredDrawable( new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Button.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ), new TextureRegionDrawable( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/QuestionMark.png" ) ) ); examineButton.checked = new LayeredDrawable( new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Button.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ), new TextureRegionDrawable( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Eye.png" ) ) ); skin.add( "examine", examineButton ); Button.ButtonStyle menuButton = new Button.ButtonStyle( ); menuButton.up = new LayeredDrawable( new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Button.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ), new TextureRegionDrawable( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Cog.png" ) ) ); skin.add( "menu", menuButton ); Seperator.SeperatorStyle horiSeperatorStyle = new Seperator.SeperatorStyle( ); horiSeperatorStyle.vertical = false; horiSeperatorStyle.thickness = 6; horiSeperatorStyle.background = new TextureRegionDrawable( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/SeperatorHorizontal.png" ) ); skin.add( "horizontal", horiSeperatorStyle ); Seperator.SeperatorStyle vertSeperatorStyle = new Seperator.SeperatorStyle( ); vertSeperatorStyle.vertical = true; vertSeperatorStyle.thickness = 6; vertSeperatorStyle.background = new TextureRegionDrawable( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/SeperatorVertical.png" ) ); skin.add( "vertical", vertSeperatorStyle ); ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle scrollPaneStyle = new ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle( ); scrollPaneStyle.vScroll = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/TextField.png" ), 6, 6, 6, 6 ) ); scrollPaneStyle.vScrollKnob = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Button.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ); skin.add( "default", scrollPaneStyle ); List.ListStyle listStyle = new List.ListStyle( ); listStyle.background = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Tooltip.png" ), 21, 21, 21, 21 ) ); listStyle.font = skin.getFont( "default" ); listStyle.selection = skin.newDrawable( "white", Color.LIGHT_GRAY ); skin.add( "default", listStyle ); SelectBox.SelectBoxStyle selectBoxStyle = new SelectBox.SelectBoxStyle( ); selectBoxStyle.fontColor = Color.WHITE; selectBoxStyle.font = skin.getFont( "default" ); selectBoxStyle.background = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/TextField.png" ), 6, 6, 6, 6 ) ); selectBoxStyle.scrollStyle = scrollPaneStyle; selectBoxStyle.listStyle = listStyle; selectBoxStyle.backgroundOver = ((NinePatchDrawable)selectBoxStyle.background).tint( new Color( 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f ) ); skin.add( "default", selectBoxStyle ); Slider.SliderStyle sliderStyle = new Slider.SliderStyle( ); sliderStyle.background = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/TextField.png" ), 6, 6, 6, 6 ) ); sliderStyle.knob = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Button.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ); sliderStyle.knobOver = ((NinePatchDrawable)sliderStyle.knob).tint( new Color( 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f ) ); sliderStyle.knobDown = ((NinePatchDrawable)sliderStyle.knob).tint( Color.LIGHT_GRAY ); skin.add( "default-horizontal", sliderStyle ); TabPanel.TabPanelStyle tabPanelStyle = new TabPanel.TabPanelStyle( ); tabPanelStyle.font = skin.getFont( "default" ); tabPanelStyle.fontColor = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; tabPanelStyle.overFontColor = Color.WHITE; tabPanelStyle.bodyBackground = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/TextField.png" ), 6, 6, 6, 6 ) ).tint( new Color( 1, 1, 1, 0.2f ) ); tabPanelStyle.titleButtonUnselected = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( AssetManager.loadTextureRegion( "Sprites/GUI/Button.png" ), 12, 12, 12, 12 ) ); tabPanelStyle.titleButtonSelected = ((NinePatchDrawable)tabPanelStyle.titleButtonUnselected).tint( new Color( 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f ) ); skin.add( "default", tabPanelStyle ); return skin; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public enum Rarity { VERYCOMMON, COMMON, UNCOMMON, RARE, LEGENDARY, MYTHICAL } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public enum ScaleLevel { F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public enum Direction { CENTER( 0, 0, "C" ), NORTH( 0, 1, "N" ), SOUTH( 0, -1, "S" ), EAST( 1, 0, "E" ), WEST( -1, 0, "W" ), NORTHEAST( 1, 1, "NE" ), NORTHWEST( -1, 1, "NW" ), SOUTHEAST( 1, -1, "SE" ), SOUTHWEST(-1, -1, "SW" ); static { // Setup neighbours Direction.CENTER.clockwise = Direction.CENTER; Direction.CENTER.anticlockwise = Direction.CENTER; Direction.NORTH.anticlockwise = Direction.NORTHWEST; Direction.NORTH.clockwise = Direction.NORTHEAST; Direction.NORTHEAST.anticlockwise = Direction.NORTH; Direction.NORTHEAST.clockwise = Direction.EAST; Direction.EAST.anticlockwise = Direction.NORTHEAST; Direction.EAST.clockwise = Direction.SOUTHEAST; Direction.SOUTHEAST.anticlockwise = Direction.EAST; Direction.SOUTHEAST.clockwise = Direction.SOUTH; Direction.SOUTH.anticlockwise = Direction.SOUTHEAST; Direction.SOUTH.clockwise = Direction.SOUTHWEST; Direction.SOUTHWEST.anticlockwise = Direction.SOUTH; Direction.SOUTHWEST.clockwise = Direction.WEST; Direction.WEST.anticlockwise = Direction.SOUTHWEST; Direction.WEST.clockwise = Direction.NORTHWEST; Direction.NORTHWEST.anticlockwise = Direction.WEST; Direction.NORTHWEST.clockwise = Direction.NORTH; // Setup is cardinal Direction.NORTH.isCardinal = true; Direction.SOUTH.isCardinal = true; Direction.EAST.isCardinal = true; Direction.WEST.isCardinal = true; } public final String identifier; private final int x; private final int y; private final float angle; // In degrees private Direction clockwise; private Direction anticlockwise; private boolean isCardinal = false; Direction( int x, int y, String identifier ) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.identifier = identifier; // basis vector = 0, 1 double dot = 0 * x + 1 * y; // dot product double det = 0 * y - 1 * x; // determinant angle = (float) Math.atan2( det, dot ) * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees; } public static Direction getDirection( int[] dir ) { return getDirection( dir[0], dir[1] ); } public static Direction getDirection( int dx, int dy ) { dx = MathUtils.clamp( dx, -1, 1 ); dy = MathUtils.clamp( dy, -1, 1 ); Direction d = Direction.CENTER; for ( Direction dir : Direction.values() ) { if ( dir.getX() == dx && dir.getY() == dy ) { d = dir; break; } } return d; } public static Direction getCardinalDirection( int dx, int dy ) { if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) { return Direction.CENTER; } if (Math.abs( dx ) > Math.abs( dy )) { if (dx < 0) { return Direction.WEST; } else { return Direction.EAST; } } else { if (dy < 0) { return Direction.SOUTH; } else { return Direction.NORTH; } } } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } public static Direction getDirection( GameTile t1, GameTile t2 ) { return getDirection( t2.x - t1.x, t2.y - t1.y ); } public static Array<Point> buildCone( Direction dir, Point start, int range ) { Array<Point> hitTiles = new Array<Point>(); Direction anticlockwise = dir.getAnticlockwise(); Direction clockwise = dir.getClockwise(); Point acwOffset = PointPool.obtain().set( dir.getX() - anticlockwise.getX(), dir.getY() - anticlockwise.getY() ); Point cwOffset = PointPool.obtain().set( dir.getX() - clockwise.getX(), dir.getY() - clockwise.getY() ); hitTiles.add( PointPool.obtain().set( start.x + anticlockwise.getX(), start.y + anticlockwise.getY() ) ); hitTiles.add( PointPool.obtain().set( start.x + dir.getX(), start.y + dir.getY() ) ); hitTiles.add( PointPool.obtain().set( start.x + clockwise.getX(), start.y + clockwise.getY() ) ); for ( int i = 2; i <= range; i++ ) { int acx = start.x + anticlockwise.getX() * i; int acy = start.y + anticlockwise.getY() * i; int nx = start.x + dir.getX() * i; int ny = start.y + dir.getY() * i; int cx = start.x + clockwise.getX() * i; int cy = start.y + clockwise.getY() * i; // add base tiles hitTiles.add( PointPool.obtain().set( acx, acy ) ); hitTiles.add( PointPool.obtain().set( nx, ny ) ); hitTiles.add( PointPool.obtain().set( cx, cy ) ); // add anticlockwise - mid for ( int ii = 1; ii <= range; ii++ ) { int px = acx + acwOffset.x * ii; int py = acy + acwOffset.y * ii; hitTiles.add( PointPool.obtain().set( px, py ) ); } // add mid - clockwise for ( int ii = 1; ii <= range; ii++ ) { int px = cx + cwOffset.x * ii; int py = cy + cwOffset.y * ii; hitTiles.add( PointPool.obtain().set( px, py ) ); } } acwOffset ); cwOffset ); return hitTiles; } public Direction getClockwise() { return clockwise; } public Direction getAnticlockwise() { return anticlockwise; } public boolean isCardinal() { return isCardinal; } public float getAngle() { return angle; } public Direction getOpposite() { return getDirection( x * -1, y * -1 ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public enum Passability { WALK( Statistic.WALK ), LEVITATE( Statistic.LEVITATE ), LIGHT( Statistic.LIGHT ), ENTITY( Statistic.ENTITY ); public final Statistic stat; Passability( Statistic stat ) { this.stat = stat; } public static EnumBitflag<Passability> variableMapToTravelType( HashMap<String, Integer> stats ) { EnumBitflag<Passability> travelType = new EnumBitflag<Passability>(); for ( Passability p : Passability.values() ) { String checkString = p.stat.toString().toLowerCase(); if ( stats.containsKey( checkString ) ) { int val = stats.get( checkString ); if ( val > 0 ) { travelType.setBit( p ); } } } return travelType; } public static EnumBitflag<Passability> parse( String passable ) { EnumBitflag<Passability> passableBy = new EnumBitflag<Passability>(); if ( passable != null ) { if ( passable.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ) ) { // all for ( Passability p : Passability.values() ) { passableBy.setBit( p ); } } else if ( passable.equalsIgnoreCase( "false" ) ) { // none } else { String[] split = passable.split( "," ); for ( String p : split ) { passableBy.setBit( Passability.valueOf( p.toUpperCase() ) ); } } } return passableBy; } public static EnumBitflag<Passability> parseArray( String passable ) { EnumBitflag<Passability> passableBy = new EnumBitflag<Passability>(); if ( passable != null ) { if ( passable.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ) ) { // all for ( Passability p : Passability.values() ) { passableBy.setBit( p ); } } else if ( passable.equalsIgnoreCase( "false" ) ) { // none } else { String[] split = passable.split( "," ); for ( String p : split ) { passableBy.setBit( Passability.valueOf( p.toUpperCase() ) ); } } } return passableBy; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public enum Statistic { // Passability WALK, LEVITATE, LIGHT, ENTITY, // Base stats ATTACK, // Base Damage DEFENSE, // Defense PENETRATION, // Penetration // Modifier stats STRENGTH, // Melee dam PERCEPTION, // Sight range + range dam WILLPOWER, // magic dam CONSTITUTION, // Health + Blood dam SPEED; // Speed public static Statistic[] PassabilityValues = { Statistic.WALK, Statistic.LEVITATE, Statistic.LIGHT, Statistic.ENTITY }; public static Statistic[] BaseValues = { Statistic.ATTACK, Statistic.DEFENSE }; public static Statistic[] ModifierValues = { Statistic.STRENGTH, Statistic.PERCEPTION, Statistic.WILLPOWER, Statistic.CONSTITUTION, Statistic.SPEED }; public static HashMap<String, Integer> emptyMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); static { for ( Statistic s : Statistic.values() ) { emptyMap.put( s.toString().toLowerCase(), 0 ); } } public static HashMap<String, Integer> statsBlockToVariableBlock( FastEnumMap<Statistic, Integer> stats ) { HashMap<String, Integer> variableMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for ( Statistic key : Statistic.values() ) { Integer val = stats.get( key ); if ( val != null ) { variableMap.put( key.toString().toLowerCase(), val ); } } return variableMap; } public static FastEnumMap<Statistic, Integer> getStatisticsBlock() { FastEnumMap<Statistic, Integer> stats = new FastEnumMap<Statistic, Integer>( Statistic.class ); for ( Statistic stat : Statistic.values() ) { stats.put( stat, 0 ); } return stats; } public static FastEnumMap<Statistic, Integer> load( Element xml, FastEnumMap<Statistic, Integer> values ) { for ( int i = 0; i < xml.getChildCount(); i++ ) { Element el = xml.getChild( i ); Statistic stat = Statistic.valueOf( el.getName().toUpperCase() ); String eqn = el.getText().toLowerCase(); int newVal = values.get( stat ); if ( Global.isNumber( eqn ) ) { newVal = Integer.parseInt( eqn ); } else { ExpressionBuilder expB = EquationHelper.createEquationBuilder( eqn ); expB.variable( "value" ); expB.variable( "val" ); Expression exp = EquationHelper.tryBuild( expB ); if ( exp != null ) { exp.setVariable( "value", newVal ); exp.setVariable( "val", newVal ); newVal = (int) exp.evaluate(); } } values.put( stat, newVal ); } return values; } public static FastEnumMap<Statistic, Integer> copy( FastEnumMap<Statistic, Integer> map ) { FastEnumMap<Statistic, Integer> newMap = new FastEnumMap<Statistic, Integer>( Statistic.class ); for ( Statistic e : Statistic.values() ) { newMap.put( e, map.get( e ) ); } return newMap; } public static String formatString( String input ) { String[] words = input.split( "_" ); String output = ""; for ( String word : words ) { word = word.toLowerCase(); output += word + " "; } return output.trim(); } } }