package xapi.test.server; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler; import xapi.bytecode.ClassFile; import xapi.bytecode.annotation.Annotation; import xapi.bytecode.annotation.StringMemberValue; import; import; import xapi.inject.X_Inject; import xapi.log.X_Log; import xapi.log.api.LogLevel; import xapi.server.annotation.XapiServlet; import xapi.time.X_Time; import xapi.time.api.Moment; import xapi.util.X_Namespace; import xapi.util.X_Properties; import xapi.util.X_Runtime; import xapi.util.X_Util; public class TestServer { Server server; public static final int TEST_PORT = 13113; private final int port = TEST_PORT; public TestServer() { X_Properties.setProperty(X_Namespace.PROPERTY_SERVER_PORT, Integer.toString(getPort())); server = new Server(getPort()); // When testing, we don't want to setup configuration files, // we want to write code and run-it-right-now. // So, we scan the classpath for instances of HttpServlet, // and we mount everything we find. scanForServlets(); } /** * Performs runtime scan for servlets. For integration tests, you * probably don't want your tests to load resources they can't load in production. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void scanForServlets() { if (X_Runtime.isRuntimeInjection()) { final ClassLoader cl = getClassloader(); final ClasspathResourceMap resources = X_Inject.instance(ClasspathScanner.class) .scanAnnotation(XapiServlet.class) .matchClassFile(".*") .scan(cl); final boolean debug = X_Runtime.isDebug(); final ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS); context.setContextPath("/xapi"); context.setClassLoader(cl); final Moment start =; for (final ClassFile cls : resources.findClassAnnotatedWith(XapiServlet.class)) { final Annotation a = cls.getAnnotation(XapiServlet.class.getName()); final StringMemberValue prefix = (StringMemberValue)a.getMemberValue("prefix"); if (debug) {"Found XapiServlet "+cls.getName()+" mounted at /xapi/"+prefix.getValue()); } String fragment = prefix.getValue(); if (fragment.length() == 0 || fragment.charAt(0) != '/') { fragment = "/"+fragment; } // TODO: run injection on the servlet types // TODO check if this servlet is registered in xapi.xml or not. try { context.addServlet(cls.getName(), fragment); } catch (final Throwable e) { X_Log.error("Error starting servlet "+cls.getName()+" @ "+fragment); } } final ContextHandlerCollection all = new ContextHandlerCollection(); all.addHandler(context); all.addHandler(new DefaultHandler()); server.setHandler(all); if (X_Log.loggable(LogLevel.DEBUG)) { X_Log.trace("Scanned XApiServlet annotations in "+X_Time.difference(start)+" "); } } } protected ClassLoader getClassloader() { return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } protected int getPort() { return port; } /** * Called when the server is ready. */ protected void onReady() { } public void start() { if (server.isStarted()) { return; } try { server.start(); } catch (final Exception e) { X_Log.error("Test server could not start", e); throw X_Util.rethrow(e); } } public void finish() { try { server.stop(); } catch (final Exception e) { X_Log.warn("Failure stopping server: ", e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } finally { server.destroy(); } } }