package; import com.github.javaparser.JavaParser; import com.github.javaparser.ParseException; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.UiContainerExpr; import; import; import; import xapi.fu.In1Out1; import xapi.inject.X_Inject; import; import xapi.log.X_Log; import xapi.ui.api.PhaseMap; import xapi.ui.api.PhaseMap.PhaseNode; import xapi.ui.api.Ui; import xapi.ui.api.UiElement; import xapi.ui.api.UiPhase; import xapi.util.X_Debug; import xapi.util.X_String; import static xapi.source.X_Source.removePackage; import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor; import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment; import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment; import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes; import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVersion; import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType; import javax.lang.model.util.Elements; import javax.lang.model.util.Types; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Created by james on 6/6/16. */ @SupportedAnnotationTypes({"xapi.ui.api.*"}) @SupportedSourceVersion(SourceVersion.RELEASE_8) public class UiAnnotationProcessor extends AbstractProcessor { private JavacService service; private PhaseMap<String> phaseMap; @Override public synchronized void init(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv) { service = JavacService.instanceFor(processingEnv); super.init(processingEnv); } @Override public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) { if (!roundEnv.processingOver()) { final Types typeOracle = service.getTypes(); final Elements elements = service.getElements(); final In1Out1<Class<?>, DeclaredType> lookup = c->{ final TypeElement cls = elements.getTypeElement(c.getCanonicalName()); return typeOracle.getDeclaredType(cls); }; final DeclaredType uiPhase =; Set<TypeElement> types = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set<UiPhase> phases = new LinkedHashSet<>(); annotations.forEach(anno->{ final Set<? extends Element> annotated = roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(anno); annotated.forEach(ele->{ UiPhase phase = ele.getAnnotation(UiPhase.class); if (phase != null) { phases.add(phase); } if (ele instanceof TypeElement) { types.add((TypeElement) ele); } else { Element parent = ele; while (!(parent instanceof TypeElement)) { parent = parent.getEnclosingElement(); } types.add((TypeElement) parent); } }); }); for (Class<?> phase : UiPhase.CORE_PHASES) { phases.add(phase.getAnnotation(UiPhase.class)); } // compute phases to run phaseMap = PhaseMap.toMap(phases, UiPhase::id, UiPhase::priority, UiPhase::prerequisite, UiPhase::block); types.forEach(this::generateControllers); } return true; } private void generateControllers(TypeElement element) { UiAnnotatedElements elements = findAnnotations(element); // Now that we have our type / method @Uis, lets create some controllers for them. assert elements.hasAnyAnnotations() : "Type element " + element + " has an annotation type in " + "xapi.ui.api package that was not handled by UiAnnotationProcessor..."; boolean needsBinder = elements.hasBoundAnnotations(); if (elements.hasUiAnnotations()) { // Anything with @Ui annotations is producing UIs if(generateUiFactory(element, elements)) { needsBinder = true; } } if (needsBinder) { // Anything with @UiField annotations is being bound to existing UIs generateUiBinder(element, elements); } } private boolean generateUiFactory(TypeElement element, UiAnnotatedElements elements) { String simpleName = element.getSimpleName().toString(); String fqcn = element.getQualifiedName().toString(); SourceBuilder builder = new SourceBuilder("public class " + simpleName + "UiFactory"); final ClassBuffer out = builder.getClassBuffer(); builder.setPackage(fqcn.replace("." + simpleName, "")); String ele = builder.addImport(UiElement.class); if (!elements.uiTypes.isEmpty()) {, "Examining ui types for ", element, elements); elements.uiTypes.forEach((type, ui)->{ final String typeName = type.getQualifiedName().toString(); final String pkgName = builder.getPackage(); String enclosedName = removePackage(pkgName, typeName).replace('.', '_'); String source = X_String.join("\n", ui.value()); UiContainerExpr container; try { container= JavaParser.parseUiContainer(source); } catch (ParseException e) { throw X_Debug.rethrow(e); } MethodBuffer factory = out.createMethod("public " + ele + " create"+enclosedName); factory.addParameter(simpleName, "from"); generateUiImplementations(builder, factory, type, ui, container); }); } if (!elements.uiMethods.isEmpty()) { } System.out.println(builder); return false; } private void generateUiImplementations(SourceBuilder<?> out, MethodBuffer factory, TypeElement type, Ui ui, UiContainerExpr container) { // Generate an abstract, base class that is fully generic. // Then, for every known type provider on the classpath, // also generate a platform-specific implementation of that abstract class, // optionally with a number of configurable interfaces added. // generate generic base class. UiGeneratorService generator = getSuperclassGenerator(); ComponentBuffer component = generator.initialize(service, type, ui, container); // Run each phase, potentially including custom phases injected by third parties // Note, we need to use forthcoming support to record annotations // which are annotated with @UiPhase, so a library can be compiled with a record // of the UiPhase added. Currently, we do not use any custom phases. for (PhaseNode<String> phase : phaseMap.forEachNode()) { component = generator.runPhase(phase.getId(), component); } generator.finish(); // for (UiGeneratorService uiGeneratorService : services) { // // final String pkg = getClass().getPackage().getName(); // final String simpleName = classToEnclosedSourceName(getClass()); // final ContainerMetadata generated = uiGeneratorService.generateComponent( // pkg, simpleName, container); // // final SourceBuilder<?> builder = generated.getSourceBuilder(); // System.out.println(builder); // String impl = factory.addImport(builder.getQualifiedName()); // factory.returnValue("new " + impl+"().io(from);"); // } } protected UiGeneratorService getSuperclassGenerator() { return X_Inject.instance(UiGeneratorService.class); } private void generateUiBinder(TypeElement element, UiAnnotatedElements elements) { } private UiAnnotatedElements findAnnotations(TypeElement element) { final UiAnnotatedElements elements = new UiAnnotatedElements(); elements.maybeAddType(element); Map<ExecutableElement, Ui> methodUis = new LinkedHashMap<>(); element.getEnclosedElements().forEach(ele -> { if (ele instanceof TypeElement) { // we already extracted these.. } else if (ele instanceof ExecutableElement){ ExecutableElement exe = (ExecutableElement) ele; elements.maybeAddExecutable(exe); } else if (ele instanceof VariableElement) { VariableElement var = (VariableElement) ele; elements.maybeAddVariable(var); } else { X_Log.warn(getClass(), "Unsupported enclosed type ", ele.getClass(), ele, "Ignoring..."); } }); return elements; } }