package xapi.process; import static xapi.process.X_Process.flush; import static xapi.process.X_Process.kill; import static xapi.process.X_Process.newThread; import static; import static xapi.process.X_Process.runFinally; import static xapi.process.X_Process.trySleep; import org.junit.Test; import xapi.log.X_Log; import xapi.log.api.LogLevel; import xapi.test.Benchmark; import xapi.test.Benchmark.Report; import xapi.test.Benchmark.Timing; import xapi.util.X_Namespace; import xapi.util.api.Pointer; import xapi.util.api.ReceivesValue; public class ConcurrencyBenchmark { static void runBenchmark(final Runnable job, final int iterations, final int maxTime,final Runnable onDone) { final double start = now(); ReceivesValue<Timing> timer = new ReceivesValue<Timing>() { @Override public void set(final Timing value) { //start our threads all at once. We want to overload the system. runFinally(new Runnable() { Thread t = newThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; kill(Thread.currentThread(), maxTime); value.finish(); } }); @Override public void run() { t.start(); } }); } }; final Pointer<Boolean> block = new Pointer<Boolean>(true); new Benchmark(iterations, timer, new Report(System.out)) { @Override protected void onComplete() { super.onComplete();; block.set(false); } @Override protected void onStarted() { flush(100000); System.out.println("Started " + iterations+ " threads in "+(now()-start)+" millis"); System.out.println(Thread.activeCount()+" threads active."); } }; int delay = 1; System.out.println("Benchmark launched in "+(int)((now()-start)/1000) +" seconds. Active Threads: "+Thread.activeCount()); while(block.get()) { trySleep(delay); if (delay < 512) { delay <<= 1; }else if (delay++%10==0){ System.out.println("Benchmark has ran for "+(int)((now()-start)/1000) +"seconds. Active Threads: "+Thread.activeCount()); } } } @Test public void benchmarkSynchronizedUnbounded() { final double start = now(); System.setProperty(X_Namespace.PROPERTY_MULTITHREADED, Integer.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); final Pointer<Integer> maxThreads = new Pointer<Integer>(0); final Pointer<Integer> threadsRan = new Pointer<Integer>(0); final int limit = 24000; X_Log.logLevel(LogLevel.WARN); runBenchmark(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int active = Thread.activeCount(); if (active > maxThreads.get()); maxThreads.set(active); synchronized (threadsRan) { threadsRan.set(threadsRan.get()+1); } // for (int i = 10000000;i-->0;); } }, limit, 1000, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.print("Ran " +threadsRan.get()+" threads in "+(now()-start)+" millis; max threads: "+maxThreads.get()); } }); } }