package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import xapi.annotation.ui.UiTemplate; import xapi.annotation.ui.UiTemplate.EmbedStrategy; import xapi.annotation.ui.UiTemplate.Location; import xapi.collect.api.Fifo; import xapi.collect.impl.LazyList; import; import; import; import xapi.file.X_File; import xapi.inject.X_Inject; import; import xapi.log.X_Log; import xapi.util.X_Util; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class UiTemplateGenerator { protected static interface WrapElements{ GwtcUnitType type(); boolean wrapsAll(); } protected static class WrapsElements implements WrapElements { private final GwtcUnitType type; public WrapsElements(final GwtcUnitType type) { this.type = type; } @Override public GwtcUnitType type() { return type; } @Override public boolean wrapsAll() { return false; } } protected static class WrapsAllElements extends WrapsElements { public WrapsAllElements(final GwtcUnitType type) { super(type); } @Override public boolean wrapsAll() { return true; } } protected static class WrapsAllPackages extends WrapsAllElements { public WrapsAllPackages() { super(GwtcUnitType.Package); } } protected static class WrapsAllClasses extends WrapsAllElements { public WrapsAllClasses() { super(GwtcUnitType.Class); } } protected static class WrapsAllMethods extends WrapsAllElements { public WrapsAllMethods() { super(GwtcUnitType.Class); } } protected static class WrapsPackages extends WrapsElements { public WrapsPackages() { super(GwtcUnitType.Package); } } protected static class WrapsClasses extends WrapsElements { public WrapsClasses() { super(GwtcUnitType.Class); } } protected static class WrapsMethods extends WrapsElements { public WrapsMethods() { super(GwtcUnitType.Class); } } protected class UiContext { private final EmbedStrategy strategy; WrapsAllElements all; WrapsElements each; public UiContext(final EmbedStrategy strategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } private final StringBuilder before = new StringBuilder(); private final StringBuilder after = new StringBuilder(); private final List<UiContext> children = new ArrayList<UiContext>(); protected void addBefore(final String txt) { before.append(txt); } protected UiContext wrap(final UiTemplateGenerator generator) { final UiContext ctx = UiContext(strategy); if (matchesStrategy(generator)) { // When our UiContext matches for a supplied child, // we should return a new UiContext which wraps this child. ctx.addBefore(before.toString()); ctx.addAfter(after.toString()); children.add(ctx); } return ctx; } private boolean matchesStrategy(final UiTemplateGenerator generator) { switch (strategy) { case Insert: return false; case WrapAllClasses: return generator.type == GwtcUnitType.Class && (generator.parent == null || generator.parent.type == GwtcUnitType.Package); case WrapAllPackages: if (parent != null) { return false; } case WrapEachPackage: return generator.type == GwtcUnitType.Package; case WrapEachClass: return generator.type == GwtcUnitType.Class; case WrapEachMethod: return generator.type == GwtcUnitType.Method; } return false; } protected void addAfter(final String txt) { after.append(txt); } @Override public String toString() { if (children.isEmpty()) { return before + after.toString(); } else { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (final UiContext child : children) { b.append(child.toString()); } return b.toString(); } } } protected UiTemplateGenerator parent; private final Fifo<UiTemplateGenerator> children = X_Inject.instance(Fifo.class); // Rather than null-check all six insertion points, we just use lazy providers // which will create collections only on demand. LazyList<UiTemplate> htmlBodyBefore = newList(), htmlBody = newList(), htmlBodyAfter = newList(), htmlHeadBefore = newList(), htmlHead = newList(), htmlHeadAfter = newList(); protected final GwtcUnitType type; private final WrapsAllPackages allPackages = new WrapsAllPackages(); private final WrapsAllClasses allClasses = new WrapsAllClasses(); private final WrapsAllMethods allMethods = new WrapsAllMethods(); private final WrapsPackages packages = new WrapsPackages(); private final WrapsClasses classes = new WrapsClasses(); private final WrapsMethods methods = new WrapsMethods(); public UiTemplateGenerator(final GwtcUnit root) { this.type = root.getType(); for (final UiTemplate template : root.gwtc.includeHostHtml()) { switch (template.location()) { case Body_Prefix: case Body_Insert: case Body_Suffix: case Head_Prefix: case Head_Insert: case Head_Suffix: } addTemplate(template); } for (final GwtcUnit child : root.getChildren()) { addChild(new UiTemplateGenerator(child)); } } private final LazyList<UiTemplate> newList() { return new LazyList<UiTemplate>(); } public UiTemplateGenerator addTemplate(final UiTemplate template) { final ArrayList<UiTemplate> list; switch (template.location()) { case Body_Insert: list = htmlBody.get(); break; case Body_Prefix: list = htmlBodyBefore.get(); break; case Body_Suffix: list = htmlBodyAfter.get(); break; case Head_Insert: list = htmlHeadBefore.get(); break; case Head_Prefix: list = htmlHead.get(); break; case Head_Suffix: list = htmlHeadAfter.get(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unhanded location type "+template.location());//impossible } list.add(template); return this; } protected void addChild(final UiTemplateGenerator child) { children.give(child); } public void generate(final XmlBuffer head, final XmlBuffer body) { final PrintBuffer headBefore = new PrintBuffer(); final PrintBuffer headInsert = new PrintBuffer(); final PrintBuffer headAfter = new PrintBuffer(); final PrintBuffer bodyBefore = new PrintBuffer(); final PrintBuffer bodyInsert = new PrintBuffer(); final PrintBuffer bodyAfter = new PrintBuffer(); doGenerate(new HashSet<UiTemplateGenerator>(), headBefore, headInsert, headAfter, bodyBefore, bodyInsert, bodyAfter); if (!headBefore.isEmpty()) { head.addToBeginning(headBefore); } if (!headInsert.isEmpty()) { head.addToEnd(headInsert); } if (!headAfter.isEmpty()) { head.addToEnd(headAfter); } if (!bodyBefore.isEmpty()) { body.addToBeginning(headBefore); } if (!bodyInsert.isEmpty()) { body.addToEnd(bodyInsert); } if (!bodyAfter.isEmpty()) { body.addToEnd(headAfter); } } public void doGenerate(final HashSet<UiTemplateGenerator> finished, final PrintBuffer headBefore, final PrintBuffer head, final PrintBuffer headAfter, final PrintBuffer bodyBefore, final PrintBuffer body, final PrintBuffer bodyAfter) { if (htmlHeadBefore.isSet()) { for (final UiTemplate headResource : htmlHeadBefore.get()) { printResource(headBefore, headResource); } } if (htmlHead.isSet()) { for (final UiTemplate headResource : htmlHead.get()) { printResource(head, headResource); } } if (htmlBodyBefore.isSet()) { for (final UiTemplate headResource : htmlBodyBefore.get()) { printResource(bodyBefore, headResource); } } if (htmlBody.isSet()) { for (final UiTemplate headResource : htmlBody.get()) { printResource(body, headResource); } } for (final UiTemplateGenerator child : children.forEach()) { if (finished.add(child)) { child.doGenerate(finished, headBefore, head, headAfter, bodyBefore, body, bodyAfter); } } if (htmlHeadAfter.isSet()) { for (final UiTemplate headResource : htmlHeadAfter.get()) { printResource(headAfter, headResource); } } if (htmlBodyAfter.isSet()) { for (final UiTemplate headResource : htmlBodyAfter.get()) { printResource(bodyAfter, headResource); } } } protected String getResource(final UiTemplate body) { final String value = body.value(); final String contents; try { InputStream resource; switch (body.type()) { case Literal: contents = body.value(); break; case File: resource = X_File.unzipFile(value); contents = X_IO.toStringUtf8(resource); break; case Resource: resource = X_File.unzipResource(value, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); contents = X_IO.toStringUtf8(resource); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass()+" does not support "+body.type()); } return contents; } catch (final Exception e) { X_Log.warn(getClass(), e, "failure while loading resource",body); if (body.required()) { throw X_Util.rethrow(e); } return value; } } @SuppressWarnings("incomplete-switch") public void printResource(final PrintBuffer el, final UiTemplate body) {// TODO final String contents = resolveTemplate(getResource(body), body); switch(body.embedStrategy()) { case Insert: break; } // UiContext ctx = new UiContext(body.embedStrategy()); // Template t = new Template(contents, body.keys()); // Object[] values = getValues(ctx, body.location(), body.keys()); // X_Log.error(getClass(), "Test render\n\n",t.apply(values)); el.println(contents); } private Object[] getValues(final UiContext ctx, final Location location, final String[] keys) { int i = keys.length; final Object[] values = new Object[i]; while (i-->0) { values[i] = keys[i]; switch (keys[i]) { case UiTemplate.$child: // The value to use is the resolved children case UiTemplate.$class: case UiTemplate.$id: case UiTemplate.$method: case UiTemplate.$package: } } return values; } /** * A hook used to allow subclasses to perform custom manipulations on a given template. * * @param contents - The resolved plaintext UTF-8 encoded text content of the supplied {@link UiTemplate} * @param body - The {@link UiTemplate} from which the contents were resolved * @return - A manipulated form of the contents */ protected String resolveTemplate(final String contents, final UiTemplate body) { return contents; } }